The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 183 **Forced to grow Up…**

In no time at all, all of them were back-to-back, as the enemies continued to attack them from all sides, pushing them together. Some attacks were ranged, some were from close up and it was hard to keep track and by no means was there time to think of the weather!

A vine here, a whip there, a quick source of sun to make your eyesight go white and a mist floated in the air. It felt like they had moved their fighting to a marshlands, as the mist seems to invade the whole auction house and you couldn’t see from one side to the direct opposite!

There were remnants of left over battles everywhere, as earth may have been knocked away, after defending an attack. Burnt marks were in numerous areas from someone who had learnt lightning…The problem was they weren’t very efficient with it…

With less room to maneuver, Felix though showing Sahara another way to fight in this unfair battle, she also teleported behind the enemies and stabbed two of them. Quickly, she pulled a piece of hair out of someone’s head and then used her spiritual essence to strengthen it and then guide it through numerous bodies close by.

With her quick technique with one piece of hair, the enemies slowly dwindled down, and Sahara found herself in the middle with all the ministers, surrounding them was the Emperor, Matthew and Felix.

Puffing out a breath, Sahara raised her sword with a smile.

Even though she was going to try and stop ending life’s, she couldn’t help it this time and she really did want to fight with a sword some more, before the fight was to end!

That wasn’t the entirety of why she stopped with the hair…It was also because she felt depleted, having shown so many people a memory…Or two…


After another minute, with just six of the enemy left, that seemed to be the time that the Emperor had become somewhat overwhelmed.

It was mainly because he had never really fought in a real battle before, upon the reason why he was suddenly stabbed.

Mock battles and sparing did help him last this long but going against people who want to kill you is something completely different and the Emperor had not dodged a very critical attack.

With a spurt of blood, the Emperor coughed, leaving a line of blood down his face and having it fall to the ground, and then as the sword was pulled out of his chest, the Emperor fell to the ground in a loud thud.

Felix finished the person off from behind, as Sahara bent down and tried to heal the Emperor, leaving only Matthew and now the General looking after them.


The ministers in the middle were fretting over His Majesty getting hurt, but the fighting was not yet complete and so, in the moment of panic, a minister was then also stabbed.

After seeing the minister fall, the General let out a loud roar of anger and went crazy, smashing heavily into his two closest enemies, leaving two left for Matthew to deal with on his own.

“Dammit! That boy!” The General yelled, pushing with so much might against the swords of the enemies that they were pushed back quite a lot and they lost balance! In no time, the General yelled out his attack once again, slashing one down, by cutting them from their neck to their waist.

He really was a monster of a man already, with his huge build and all, then add to that his monstrous strength!

The General really might not be smart, but he did hold a good title for himself…


Felix, now that many of their enemies were no longer able to fight, fell down to his butt and spaced out. His eyes might see all the dead bodies, but his mind seemed to only take it in very slowly. He had never been in such a circumstance before…Well, not one that he remembered…Of course, back then when he was one, something like this happened but he couldn’t possibly remember it now!

Now…They were…

Clenching onto his clothes in a fist, Felix shut his eyes tight and focused on calming himself down.

…He had killed someone…

He knew that if he hadn’t killed that person, his father might be in more trouble now but…He had just done it without even thinking!

Even though he felt like he was calmly thinking, his breathing and hand clenching his clothes did state that he’d gone into a panic…


I’m a killer…

Prince Felix put his hands on either side of his face and shut his eyes tightly.

I’m a murderer!

…What have I done!?

Felix had never wanted to kill anyone, as enough blood has spelt on his behalf already!

How could it come to this!?

His mind was in turmoil simply because he had been so strongly opposed to killing anyone that it really felt like it hurt him a great deal…Almost like he may as well been stabbed with a mortal wound.

“Felix!” Matthew yelled, as he moved his sword so that he was defended with that golden glitter that it left behind.

Once again, Matthew yelled out, “Felix!”

But Felix did not hear anything, like he had blocked it all out and it was so suddenly silent that he opened his eyes to seeing so much, yet not able to hear it at all…


Felix frowned to what he saw as time slowed down, making him wonder if he were really dreaming…

Matthew yelled out to the dazed Felix but again, not a word was heard as Felix looks around.

They were fighting, was this what life was all about?

His brother had always been fighting his eldest brother, the General…Well the General’s job was the fight, the Emperor…In Felix’s mind, the Emperor could fight the ministers nearly every day…

Was this just the life that we are to take? That us people were just…Fighters? That is…Was it just a natural way of life for us?

Then Felix looked at Sahara, his master, and saw that she was trying to heal his father.

We are capable of so much as a species that it’s scary…

Felix, at this time, was probably so much of the out of the box thinker that Sahara would have to applaud him…But this ‘out of the box’ experience was enough to pull him out of his world…As he already started to see things differently from before.

This world…It is full of beings such as this…How is it that we all are doing our best to survive? We are just another form of beast…Aren’t we…

It may have been a law, to not kill another person, but Felix found reasons upon why someone is killed…And not just one side of the story…He felt almost pained to suddenly be a part of such a species that had so many problems…

Greed, pride…Envy…Lust…We are so imperfect that it’s scary!


Sahara frowned…

She knew that there were two people here that needed her help, but the Emperor had to be in a stable condition before she could attempt to heal the other!

The problem was, the Emperor had been stabbed right in one of his heart arteries and…With the blood scattering out and having to not only fix the artery but also replace the blood lost and then the tissue in between to help even more…

Even though she was working as fast as she could, so that the Emperor would be able to stay alive, she couldn’t help but get a bad feeling that the minister might be dead by the time she made it to him.


Right…If worst comes to worst, she could probably just bring them back from the dead…

Probably because it was still such a new idea, she hadn’t thought of it while in battle, but now that she had, Sahara focused better on healing the Emperor, which in turn made her do better simply because she wasn’t stressed out so much anymore...


Matthew stayed in his fighting stance, even though it seemed that no enemy was left to kill but…He just couldn’t believe it!

When had those people been put into position!?

Had they known that he would call away Band One and Band Two, having less help at that specific time?

It was all so…Close!

So close!

Only one of the ministers here knew how to fight! The others had put their cultivation into knowledge or whatnot…

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Matthew finally started to relax, still searching the area just in case.

Steven jumped down at that moment and Matthew widened his eyes to see that it wasn’t the end! Not only was there two creeping upon his son and brother, but there was one close to him that was heading straight for his beloved and his father!

“General!” Matthew yelled out at the closest person to Steven and hoped that they would get there as soon as possible, while he rushed towards Sahara!


It wasn’t like these last lot of men had come out of nowhere, these men were ones that had awakened from Felix’s hit and waited for a good opportunity to return to the fight and obtain victory.

Felix may have not hit hard enough, or the cultivation of the person that Felix hit was high and helped prevent being unconscious for a long period of time but…It seemed they had found at least one other that was waking and like them, still able to fight!

Matthew easily took care of the one by himself, but the General was a step to late as Steven did his utmost to avoid Kin getting hurt as he took what was coming towards him. He tried to dodge as much as he could, but his worry for Kin did make his moves slightly erratic and he did groan when a dagger went into his side.

Putting a hand onto the person’s hand, so that he was somewhat stuck now, Steven fiercely glared at the man before head butting him in complete anger!

How dare they!?

The General then took the second man’s attention, while Steven lost his anger on the other!

Matthew raced over upon the death of the one he had gone against and quickly finished off the foe that was being cornered by Steven.


Breathing heavily, Steven put a hand to the dagger that was still in his side and looked up at Matthew, “He’s not hurt.”

Matthew, seeing Steven cringe, immediately helped Steven to lean on him, as he took them towards Sahara.

When Steven was closer, Matthew took away the baby carrier, with Kin inside it, and slowly helped Steven sit down…

Looking over Kin, Matthew was shocked…

Kin’s eyes were opened, as he innocently looked around. They weren’t half opened like they’d seen a lot of, they were wide and showing signs of ‘looking’ like they were indeed being used as eyes…So…Kin was taking in the sight around him…

Kin let out a noise, then what looked like a slight frown, but then leaned forward.

Putting his forehead against his son, Matthew put his sword away and held onto the baby carrier better. “Thank heavens!”

It’s just a shame that what his son sees…Is that of blood!




As soon as the Emperor was in a stable condition, Sahara teleported their small group away, back to the Auction house room that was empty, and then attempted to heal the minister that had gotten hurt.

Since they were no longer among a whole heap of dead bodies, Felix started to feel normal again and took over Sahara’s job, willingly wanting to think or do something to get his mind off what just happened. It wasn’t because he couldn’t accept it, like at first…It was because he has…

With Felix now helping her, Sahara was then able to go to Steven, and help him with his stab wound, finally about to pull out the dagger that was still in his side. Just like normal, a gush of red blood flowed out upon the knife being taken out of his skin, but Sahara was prepared and ready to heal, having already started inside of Steven’s body already. Steven will be just fine…He was also hugged and kissed a few times by Sahara, which was the biggest expressed amount of emotions from her that he’s ever seen, surprising anyone there that knew of her personality.

But she was just so thankful that both he and her son were still alive! That everyone was still alive!

What a fight!


Minister Rolland watched his daughter with hooded eyes, knowing that he had been saved at least twice by her in that fight.

One time it was by a piece of hair, strangely enough, but another time it was through her sword. Adding to that, she was healing not only a witness, but keeping the Emperor alive!

If she had been someone else, he would have wished for her to be either be his child or his wife…But…She was already his child!

Perhaps…Perhaps he could give her another chance…

Sahara was simply too busy, and she missed such a beautiful sight of Kin’s opened eyes because…When she finally was able to take a breather, Kin had closed his eyes once again!

Wanting to laugh to her luck, Sahara grabbed her little man and cuddled him too.

She hadn’t known that she was so dirty until she pulled Kin back away from her, to originally want to coo at him about him growing up, only to see blood on his blanket…

Letting out a grumble, Sahara saw that it wasn’t only her that was dirty…Even Matthew was…

The General, who stunned her because she didn’t even know that she had teleported him too, was also dirty…

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