The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 184 **In the following Days**

What a fight!

Even though she had already thought this exact thought already, Sahara didn’t know and was just expressing her remembrance of it again and again in the same way. If it wasn’t life threatening, she would have thought it fun…But she knew the difference and for once she actually missed Earth…

Her life on Earth didn’t have fights like this…Blood, carnage, innocents running for their lives…Well, there was that last couple of days of her life that she had indeed brought upon blood and carnage but that small percentage of her life to the big percentage of nothing…It was still very different to here!

The history of Earth had things similar, but her life had not had it, she had not seen brawls deeper than a hit or kick, this…This was really a dog eat dog world…

But…Now that she thought about it, Earth did have its deaths, perhaps not exactly like this but just because she didn’t see it, didn’t mean it didn’t happen!


So…Even if I see a lot of death here, it doesn’t mean it is like this everywhere!

Right, Sahara thought, it’s a big world, there should be peace somewhere! But wasn’t it strange how she was seeing one world on Earth, but seeing another one here…It was like opposite day…Perhaps she was just having some huge nightmare and might even wake up back on Earth…

No way! The thought of that felt like something she could almost fret about! If none of this was real…No way!

This was real, she was sure of it!

Again, Sahara was reminded of how she needed to protect what was precious to her, just like those shows she used to watch but…It wasn’t to save the world, it wasn’t to save her village or another village, it was just to help them survive this kind of world…

Remembering at least two different anime’s based on protecting their loved ones, yet forgetting even the name of them by now, Sahara frowned. She still had to make this world better than it is now. She had to! Yet the question upon how to make it better still eluded her completely…


“Will His Majesty be alright?” One of the ministers asked.

Sahara nodded, wiping her face with the back of her hand, “He’s alright for now. I’ll check him again soon though. Just to make sure.”

She was in a battle before, after all, so she might have made a mistake…Of course, she hopes she didn’t, but you never know!

“The people, some of them saw that fight but a lot of them had left in fear.” The General stated, now at the door. “I’m going to go back!”

Matthew nodded at him, “Clean the dead bodies up, we’ll need to show our faces again, so that they know we aren’t dead…”

Sitting down next to Sahara, Matthew put his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.


Sahara leaned onto his shoulder and took a deep breath in, still holding Kin in her arms.

Steven came to the other side of her then and she heard him apologize…Again!

“There’s nothing to apologize for Steven, you did well!” Sahara said, looking back at him, “Thank you again for keeping him safe!”

Steven still felt like he failed though. He had wanted to help the entire time but now he was glad that he didn’t. As it was, he still got hurt and Kin could have gotten into so much more trouble! Even if he had thought before that he would have been fine to fight, with Kin in his arms, now he thought otherwise and made sure he remembered this for any future events!

It simply is not worth getting an ego when a little one could possibly get hurt! It might not be nice to stay out of a fight and watch but…Kin is more important!

“He didn’t get hurt so get over it!” Sahara stated, closing her eyes.


It seemed like everyone was exhausted, as Matthew continued to sit there, like Sahara, with their eyes closed.

Felix did the best he could with healing the minister but both he and the Emperor had not woken up yet.


Matthew didn’t move upon hearing Band One, “Did you get him?”

“Yes, Master. Band Two has him outside.” Band One didn’t sound all that happy, but Matthew didn’t hear any difference like Sahara did.

She couldn’t help it and lazily looked into Band One’s thoughts and memories, to see that the reason why he was unhappy was because he had not been the one to officially catch Prince Liam. He was still on the mend, even though he had done a lot of training since leaving the jail but…It wasn’t enough for Band One yet as right now, he felt like a failure…

Suddenly the whole priority of today, it just didn’t matter. As long as the Prince was caught, they could all feel what they wanna feel…

Sahara was exhausted! Too exhausted to care beyond the safety of her family and friends, everything else didn’t matter…


Looking at the Emperor, who was still sleeping, Matthew nodded at Band One, “It seems he can get out of the cold prison, but we don’t know how yet…Just to be safe put him in this Prince’s prison, at least until His Majesty wakes.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Put at least five on him…Five loyal Bands!”

“Yes, Master.”

With that conversation said and finished, the room went silent…

Sahara sighed, closing her eyes again, she’ll have to talk to Band One later…Well, that’s if Band Two didn’t. She already saw that Band Two had been hiding with the unconscious Prince Liam and listening in. Band Two was also upset with what had happened, making Sahara want to show a smile to how he wants to kick himself for catching Prince Liam when the outcome had come to this! He thinks he should have held back a bit…

Sahara could also see that Band Two wanted to say something but just didn’t know what…All that Band Two knew, was that he didn’t like Band One being unhappy like this!




Quite a lot happened after the big fight at the Auction house, but Sahara decided not to be involved too much in Prince Liam’s matter.

Not being involved for the Haven’s counter measure to what happened didn’t mean that she wasn’t busy though. She could teleport people from place to place, like Matthew to Green Haven from Golden Haven, but she did not stay. Felix was still her ‘student’ so she was still seeing him often and then there was thinking of what she would do to Gabriella, which led to thinking of bringing back Talon, Samuel and Zeus…Perhaps she may not be doing manual labor, but she was indeed quite busy! More pills and stars had to be made, that was a priority…So while doing that, it was also ‘lessons’ for Felix as well, as she told him to make his own pills and to make the star without touching it…

Sahara also still had to worry about giving Purple Haven some more meat, as that was a constant thing that she’d feel bad about forgetting…

There was one Haven Happy event though, and that was the birth of the prince, which seemed to have waited to come out until all the fighting was done! The birth was even done back in her own quarters in Green Haven, having come back when it was safe. Sahara hardly had to be there, as it wasn’t the mother’s first child, but she did offer to fix any kind of small problem afterwards, just to help in a way that not just anyone can do. Actually, Sahara was pretty happy to stand on the sidelines and let someone else do most of the work, as she really wasn’t a one of those type of doctors…Well, actually, she really wasn’t a normal doctor either…

Nonetheless, it was indeed happy news to the entire Green Haven!


With Prince Liam locked elsewhere, somewhat a secret to others, they then appeared in front of the people of Green Haven to state that they were obviously alive, all that was left was the minister of Prince Liam’s to admit to what some people had seen back at the Auction house because of Sahara.

The Emperor had told the minister that his family will be safe if he was to confess, and so he did…

The minister was normally a man that wanted power, or to be with the one in power, not caring too much for his own family but now…Now that he had already been caught and knows that his death is imminent, he decided that there was indeed at least one last thing that he could do…One last thing that probably won’t amount to much anyway because after he was gone his family had nothing but…To give himself some solace over everything, he did as he was told and saved the lives of his family…

In the coming days, the minister was publicly beheaded, along with that of Prince Liam, making the people feel more surprised, then discontent. Surprise because of how big of a situation this was to go to such lengths as beheading a son to the throne. But what helped them accept it was because the reasons were all read out, over a long period of time. Each crime that the Prince had committed in his life had been stated to the public, even though he was already condemned earlier for some crimes already.

The Emperor kept his word and did not harm the minister’s family, letting them keep their land yet…They did lose any chance of becoming government officials for fifty years or until Felix’s reign ends…


The timeline was also changed to N:35 C:13, as it was indeed something worth changing the ‘year’ for. The new ‘era’ was to state another fresh start as the late Empress and the first-born Prince have gone. The rebellion, with hope of no more in the future, was stopped with the least amount of casualties and Sahara was once again publicly announced as the ‘Divine Healer’…Except she did not attend any type of ceremony in her name, making the Emperor quite embarrassed yet…What could he do!?

Having to deal with the insolence of such a strange character, all Sahara had to do was give him a few white pills and all was practically good again!

In this new timeline, the Emperor let go of a few people that were imprisoned for simple crimes and welcomed back an old exiled family that had been living on the outskirts of Green Haven for about a hundred years.

He needed more ministers again!


Then, with his revived ministers, the Emperor was back on his throne, with Felix by his side, and the rest felt relieved…

Felix, even though he knew he was safe once again, felt otherwise.

Back in Golden Haven, he knew he was safe, his biggest worry was Christian being mad at him for staying there and eating his food but here…Here in Green Haven, here at Green Haven Royal Palace, he remembers what he went through often, that not just the bloody attack the Auction house but also being chased after…And so he feels like it’s not over yet. What was more worrisome to Sahara was that his thoughts upon people and who they were and how they acted was something that she couldn’t just get rid of…These new problems of Felix’s were something he had to sort through on his own now.

Losing sleep and eating less started showing a few days after the events and it became obvious once again to many on how young this Crowned Prince still was to others. But…This was something he had to overcome!

The Emperor decided that he will not treat his son differently just because he was becoming emotional, and so the Ministers did not treat him differently either. Felix, being the quiet person that he was, did not complain and so, nothing was done but to see this boy slowly get worse…

If one did not believe that a young teenage boy could become depressed, they started to believe it, as it was happening in front of them…Felix had changed, even though he still spoke little, but he had changed as even his aura around him was depressive and made people upset just by being around him…


Sahara teleported Felix to her, seeing him continue to feel this way and had a quick chat to him about it, which seemed to help but…Felix, when he was by himself, he felt scared and hopeless all over again.

And so…In a type of answer, in Sahara’s mind at least, she took Felix out to tea places in Green Haven with a quest in mind.

Felix acted alright now, but she knew that he didn’t like being on his own at the moment so…She thought she could get him a friend!

This went further then she anticipated though…

Upon telling Matthew, then Matthew telling the Emperor, upon Felix having a small chat with a young lady…The concept of his marriage was once again brought up and Felix was suddenly overwhelmed.


Sahara sighed to this small action, that grew to be something big, and never thought that Felix talking to one girl had done this!

Don’t talk about the two young lads that he talked to as well! It was just the fact that Felix had talked to a girl that had gotten to the Emperor, and suddenly, he wanted to know all about the girl!

Not completely approving in Felix getting married, when he was practically only fourteen, Sahara didn’t fill out the Emperor’s information, making him extremely upset!

The Emperor was busy with taking back his throne but who would have thought that a marriage was just the thing that Green Haven would need! Well, that is what he thought!

Adamant, the Emperor decided to hold a banquet, just for this very reason! To find a wife for his Crowned Prince!

…It was then that an unspeakable, obvious agreement was made by everyone as…Felix seemed to slowly get better within just a day or two of marriage being brought up…

And so…Everyone went along with the preparations happily!

Of course, a conversation about a certain Band had been had too and Matthew had a punishment of having to increase the profit in the inner market to make up for it!

In the end, profit had indeed been made…From scratch. Sahara gave Matthew a black Commoner’s cache and said for him to give that to the Emperor.

Finally, Matthew was absolutely certain that his beloved could indeed produce money out of nowhere…

Perhaps she really was a goddess…









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