The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 195 **I’m normal! Everyone else is Strange!**

“Oh! Will you stop!?”  

Nether looked up towards the voice and didn’t see the person behind the ‘guard’ that was supposedly protecting her.

“Get outta the way!”

The person moved and Nether saw the female, who was looking at her…

Why did she ask me to stop!? I wasn’t doing anything!

Sahara sighed, “I’m trying to concentrate but your life is flashing before my eyes…”

Nether frowned but said nothing. The female was talking like…Was she pouting? Why did she feel like she should apologize!?

A small cry was heard, and she looked up at the man, only to once again see him staring at her.

“I know he’s getting hungry, he’ll just have to wait! I’m…Looking…”

Nether frowned again as she looked back to the female to see her frowning too.

“Just let me focus for now, yes!?” Sahara said, staring right at Nether.

Nether looked at Steven to her, then behind her…

Was she really talking to me!?

“Yes! I’m talking to you!”

Nether shrunk her head a bit and then bowed it, “Sorry.”

She had no idea why she said that! None whatsoever!


This was weird! Nether was completely sure that she had done nothing wrong! It was almost like she was back in the orphanage again!

What was it about her that made people wanna treat her terribly!? She wasn’t murdering anyone! She wasn’t stealing!

Why did everyone want to make her life harder to endure!?

“Quite a chip you have on the shoulder…”

Nether looked at the woman once again and looked away.

This woman must be talking to someone else, maybe she was just crazy…That would make more sense!

“I’m not crazy! I’m normal! Everyone else is strange!”

Once again, Nether stared blankly at her…Not sure on what to do…

“You know how to meditate, yes? Meditate, focus on breathing or something! Can you do that? Please!?”

I’m being quiet…What more do you want?

Nether really had no idea upon why this woman wanted to monopolize her entire being, that included thoughts! What she can’t…


Nether looked at the woman and perhaps suddenly understood upon what was going on…

What would make the most sense is that this woman was able to hear her thoughts…

That had to be it…

“She’s figured it out…I’m going to meditate…”

Looking up to the noise of a slight sound that may have been a small chuckle, Nether saw the man once again go indifferent.

Another noise from the child made the man change and he cooed at the child.

When had she ever seen a man so focused on holding a child like this before?

The males she had seen, that had families, weren’t so…Dedicated…

Why doesn’t the mother carry her own child? Or perhaps she’s not the mother?

“This isn’t working. Looks like I have to deal with you first…”

A sigh got Nether’s attention again as she turned serious to the woman who was coming closer to her.


“Wait, I’m…I’m…” Nether wanted to save her life, but what could she bargain with? What if they really didn’t read thoughts and she gave away too much? What does she do!?

Seeing the woman touch her, Nether flinched.

“What are you doing!?” What was going on!?

Looking at the man, unknowingly to her she looked like she was begging him for help, Nether took a deep breath in and felt like this might be the end…

She hadn’t been able to start her adult life properly yet! This can’t be the end!

Do I fight till the end? How will they end this?


Yet, after hunching into herself, in some kind of hope that she made herself small, Nether felt nothing happen after a minute…Then two minutes…

They were the longest five minutes of her life!

“Steven…She’s from Blue Haven…”

Blinking at the woman who seemed to know about her, even when she hadn’t told her anything, Nether swallowed.

They must know that she’s from the enemy forces!

Having trouble breathing, Nether was all but certain her days had come to an end…

Grabbing her top, she opened her mouth, almost like she wasn’t taking enough air in through her nose and focused on breathing in and out.

She was a physician, so she knew she was having a panic attack. It wasn’t the first time either…But it might be the last…


“Stop it! Look, we aren’t killing you, there is no knife to your throat, so calm the fuck down!”

Nether shook her head, she heard the words, but it was too late…She couldn’t stop it!


Sahara frowned, “Alright, knock her out…”

In an instant a Band did just that…Quite ruthlessly.

“Remind me to knock you out like that when it’s your turn!”

The Band disappeared, quite mortified at the threat. They all knew that she was their master’s wife so…Yes, that could have been a real threat!

Looking over the fainted woman, Sahara took a moment to think, only to hear her son once again cry.

“It’ just one of those days…Give him to me.”

Sahara was still on the floor, so Steven knelt down and after all the trouble to get Kin out, finally gave the child to his mother.

Sahara, after a few moments, looked at Steven, “Did you hear me? She’s from Blue Haven…Like you!”

Steven quietly nodded, while watching the woman.

Is that supposed to mean anything?


“She’s a physician. She’s really in the wrong place at the wrong time but…Felix had already seen to her, as she broke something on the way in. She had to chance to do harm, but never did so. Do you think they will…”

In mid-sentence, Sahara stopped.

Having the end of the world always in sight and mind, and that she already knew about wars and how the little men at the front sometimes didn’t want to be there for one man’s selfish desire for more land or power, Sahara couldn’t help but want to try and save the woman.

Being a doctor, then that of also haven’t officially attacking herself, Sahara felt like perhaps she might have a chance…

Looking over at the Emperor, Sahara wondered if she could ask the Emperor to see if he would let this woman, who seems to be known as Nether, off…

Just like it was meant to be, the Emperor looked at her and she openly stared back at him. It was disrespectful to stare at the Emperor like this, which she may already know, but she was contemplating, so…

The Emperor could only go to her, as she was obviously busy…But he knew she wanted to say something…


“What is it?”

Sahara looked at Nether and shrugged. “She is from the army. She came with a few other physicians. She hadn’t attacked anyone, it was already too late…”

“Take her to the prison!”

Sahara took a deep breath in, wishing that she had more freedom to speak properly to the Emperor, only she had a child attached to her at this moment…

“Your…Your Majesty…” Sahara blinked to using words she still rarely uses, “Father, uh, she isn’t all that bad. You must remember that the army consists of many people, they are just under one leader. It doesn’t mean they are all bad…”

The Emperor narrowed his eyes at her, “You want me to save someone that was here to take my life?”

Sahara rolled her eyes, “She was under orders and she’s a physician! She…”

Well, Sahara still wasn’t certain how much of a threat Nether still was, as she hadn’t the time to see her ability yet...But do they have to kill her before the chance to find out!?


"If I question the life of one, do I, this King, have to question them all?”

Sahara frowned, yes, that was a problem but really…That was it right? It wasn’t like everyone in the army was full of murderous thoughts of Green Haven. They were just in the army that was…

“As a favor to me then, at least give me time to try and see if she can let the past go and start a fresh here.”

The Emperor shook his head in anger, “The amount of favors that this King has already done for you, Sahara, is quite the number already!”

Bringing out white pills, that was slowly dwindling down to nothing, Sahara put them up to her father-in-law.

There was about four there and she could tell that he was very interested!

Taking the pills and putting them away, the Emperor then cleared his throat, “She is not to be in the Haven, she is exiled and if she is to return she will once again become a prisoner!”
It’s the way of the world…Give and take…

Except…Sahara was really running out of white pills!

I need a holiday…




It wasn’t like something couldn’t be done, as Nether was transported to Golden Haven, where Christian was already. Hector had also been placed there simply because his begging was just irritating and well…Sahara wanted to go back herself, but they were still at war!

It was terribly annoying that it was easier to watch the army from Green Haven, then at Golden Haven, especially when she felt like she still needed to keep an eye out for Nether…

Sahara’s life was messy right now, and she wanted to clean it up! It wasn’t like she wasn’t busy though, as she had many ears to heal it was just the problems where…Everywhere!

The army, well, she can’t seem to find any better idea then to just teleport them all away! But would that stop them from coming back again!? Not only that but a headache would surely follow after that action!

She had not gotten the command to just kill them all either, as the army had stopped attacking…

It was just a big waste of time! No one was doing anything, and she was not comfortable!


The Emperor had his own problems, as it wasn’t like Green Haven would stop having problems while the war was on, and so it was still long days for him!

He was in the middle of several things already before the war, as he still needed to obtain a new Empress, as the ministers suggested. There was Felix’s marriage to take place, and that too of his ceremony to officially become the Crowned Prince…Then added to that were just ordinary problems that may occur, like that of thieves or shortage of Sum in a particular area, perhaps too of a corrupt government official here or there…

What sucked, was Sahara could see all of this…She could see all of the worries and how much pressure everyone there was on…But, on top of all of that, she also saw the enemy army’s people too.

They too were also on eggshells, and some were truly frightened. Some, seen with their own eyes, had lost their friend. They saw how scary it was to suddenly be attacked and…

Well, you could safely say that quite a number of them would choose to leave and go back home if they could…

They really weren’t used to this at all! Civil wars could happen in their Haven, but that was still a bit different to this…War…

Not only were they not home, where it was familiar and more comfortable, but they also could only place the deaths of those that they saw as something that just happens when one goes to war…

Yes, it was scary to many who haven’t really known about wars before this as…The Havens were never really at war!

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