The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 196 **To Be Informally Formal**

Sahara contemplated the enemy army, knowing that some people would prefer to leave, and wondered if she could use that knowledge to end this war…

Could she talk to…Whatever his name is? Would he listen, would he try to attack her?

Would it be worth it, to go out there and talk to him…Or would it be another waste of time!?

But, with so many other things in life, you just don’t know unless you try.

“I’m going to talk to Dad…” Sahara stated, somewhat absentminded.

“Dad?” Matthew asked, holding her to him as they were laying down in there temporary dwelling at the edge of Green Haven.

“…Yeah, the enemy army are full of people that don’t wanna be there…They are scared and have lost people...It makes me wonder, if given the chance, if they will accept to leave.”

Sahara then turned towards Matthew and hugged him tighter, hiding her face into his chest.

“Perhaps it would be worth asking their King if he’d accept it first, otherwise there would be no point.”

Looking up at Matthew, Sahara narrowed her eyes, “Why? If they want to go home, why should they have to ask the King!?”


Matthew sighed and spoke after a moment, “What would happen if they just suddenly returned? What do you think will happen?”

Probing his princess, Matthew watched her slightly angry look change to that of thought, only to go back to anger again.

“So stupid! I just want to save their lives, yet it’d be putting their lives in danger…So stupid! It’s fucked up!”

Silence followed for a short time, until Sahara suddenly let out a sound, “Ah! What if I brought their families here!? What if…”

Matthew waited for her to continue but Sahara didn’t, “…What?”

Sahara had the sudden idea upon where to get the next lot of Golden Haven population from…

“What if they agree to leave the army peacefully, with their family, and become part of Golden Haven?”

Matthew frowned, “…What if they don’t want to?”

Sahara looked away and suddenly shrugged, “We could offer, but I wouldn’t force it. But, come on! Who wouldn’t wanna be part of the first lot of people to populate Golden Haven!? It’s like the main Haven! They would probably become rich…Or something!”

Matthew did see a point in that and went into thought…


The idea of taking people to Golden Haven had appeal, that was certain, but…Matthew was more of a realist and could see a dilemma that may very well happen because of it. People are bound, for one. So, not only would they be called a ‘coward’ or that of the like, for leaving the war, but they were also betraying their home Haven by leaving it…

As much as he thought the idea of populating Golden Haven was good, Matthew was sure that this wasn’t the best way to go about it!

If the people to populate Golden Haven was from people from an enemy army, perhaps they would then fight for power…

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Sahara looked up to him and sighed. “I want to go home.”

Kissing her on the forehead and holding her closer to him, Matthew let out a small huff, “Then this Prince will come up with something to end the war for you, so that you can go home!”

Sahara smiled into his chest and closed her eyes.

Trusting Matthew felt like she was one step closer to this ‘home’.

Well, it didn’t mean their home was anywhere specifically…After all, Green Haven held bad memories for her, and she had obtained a headache and fainted due to saving this place…

So, if it were back to where she was putting up the anti-beast barrier or Golden Haven, there was one thing that was for sure, and that was that ‘home’ was not where they currently were!




Matthew wanted to be true to his word and went to his Emperor Father to talk about ideas upon ending this war. Sadly, he and Joshua put everything on the table, even though Matthew preferred not to.

That meant Sahara and her abilities were there, and quite frankly, it was probably the best way to go about anything to help end this war!

They had choices…One was to annihilate the army, hoping that it won’t hinder anything in the future in the way of reputation or what not. It wasn’t the best idea since the enemy army had stopped attacking now for days. If they were to suddenly kill the army, who were just sitting there, they might be seen as tyrannical or ruthless people, that even might scare the people in their own Haven.

The other choice was to attempt to talk to the ones in charge, and no that isn’t talking about Nate, that was talking about both the Emperors, or Kings, of both Blue and Red Haven.

That was the two ideas that seemed to stick out and…They kept the first one because it could be used as a threat, if the need arrives, to help end the war!

So, Sahara was indeed called into meeting, and the start of the end of the war was now in phase!



“It doesn’t matter which one goes to which?” Sahara asked, looking at both of the pretty scroll looking parchments in front of her.

“No, my dear. They both say the same things.” The Emperor easily stated. He wasn’t stupid, if he was nice to her then his Haven might be spared and well, she really was the only one who could do this!

Sahara shrugged and took both of them and placed them into her storage, “Okie dokie, I’ll do this now then?”

She could tell that this was important, as they all looked at each other and took turns to breath in and out as they waited for the Emperor to finally state, “Yes. This King hopes it is not too much to ask for you to do this now for us.”

Nodding, Sahara sat where she was and closed her eyes.

“You will not teleport without this Prince now, will you!?” Matthew’s words came into her hearing, and she smiled.

“No, I just don’t know where to teleport yet is all. Don’t worry!” After stating these words Sahara went back into sending a star across the wilderness into the direction of the Red and Blue Haven’s. She needed to find a safe place to teleport herself and Matthew so that they could safely become somewhat of ‘diplomats’ or ‘embassy’s’ or whatever to the other Haven.

This was better than teleporting an entire army!

All she was doing was sending two written parchments to both the Kings of the enemy Haven’s. Easy pessy!

Then, hopefully, they will agree to a meeting and well, bob’s ya uncle!


Perhaps it was the fact that they were doing something, and it may bring her somewhat closer to going ‘home’ that Sahara was in a good mood.

She had slept well, had a nice breakfast, was being pampered upon in the palace and…Even though she knew they were using her and her talents, she felt pretty good about it all!

Now, well, she’d never really gone too far into Red or Blue Haven, so…What if they were like alien type of Havens? Would she be able to know where the Emperor is!?

But…Really, it was pretty similar to that of Green Haven. Of course, there was a higher and bigger area that held the most important person! No alien stuff whatsoever!

To her, she felt like leaders should live among the people, but that was just her opinion. It seems like a natural thing that they all live on their high perches. Who was behind that, uh!?

Whatever, the Emperor…A safe place to…Land…



Finally, Sahara smiled and opened her eyes. “They are having a meeting at this moment, do you want me too…Drop in on them?”

She saw them frown and then the Emperor sighed, “It will be rude at any rate.”

Joshua went into thought as Matthew stated, “We’d be safer. Don’t forget that the Blue Haven’s Emperor is behind Nate and might want to just kill us.”

Sahara just stood there, waiting for them to make up their minds. She wasn’t some smarty pants, nor did she feel like her instincts were telling her anything…

“…Just make sure she isn’t…Her usual self!”

Looking up at the group, to see them all looking at her, Sahara looked away.

What? Am I really too much for Emperor’s or something? Why can’t I be me?

“…Greatest treasure, Emperor Father, surely you must know that!”

That’s right! I’m a treasure! All should bow down before me! Haha

“…Don’t think it’s trust, I think it’s more…”

Sahara looked at the Emperor while he was looking at her and contemplating a particular word.

Having silence overcome the room made things look bleak and so Sahara frowned.


“I believe it is better to do this with what seems like ministers are there too. It would also make it official, so that the Emperor isn’t doing something on his own. Remember Matthew, they will be on their own grounds, they could be presumptuous or overbearing…Or…”

Matthew interrupted him, “This Prince is sure they will be, but I have already taken that into account. Don’t worry yourself too much and leave this to us!”

The Emperor almost shuttered as he looked at Sahara, who seemed uninterested in this very important topic, “This King wishes to not worry…”

Matthew chuckled and went to her, taking her arm in his and looked back at the Green Haven Emperor, “We will come back with news.”

With that, Sahara took the initiative to just bugger off, disappearing from their sight without another word.



A small scream entered their hearing, as Matthew and Sahara appeared to the side of the area that didn’t seem as nice as the Green Haven’s meeting room…To Sahara’s opinion…Although, she wasn’t sure if she was biased or not…

“Who…Who are you!?”

Sahara smiled, even though the other was scared, “We have come from the Green Haven Emperor and wish to send a note to the Blue Haven Emperor.”

Matthew raised his eyebrows at Sahara and suddenly understood…Her behavior of going straight to the point could be considered rude. There was no ceremony in her, no bows…Just a quick point that stunned the room.

This was what his Emperor Father had been worried about! How Sahara treats other people!

Matthew took a step further out from her and put his hands out and bowed formally, “Greetings to Blue Haven and it’s Emperor. We have come in peace, hoping to speak with you.”

Sahara hit Matthew lightly with a scroll, and he nearly smiled to her lack of manners.

Taking the scroll from her, Matthew held it out in front of him and said, “This letter is written by the Green Haven Emperor himself. I hope you will have…”

Sahara interrupted him, not only in talking but taking the scroll and walking towards the one who was obviously the Emperor, “Go on, take it. We are in a bit of a hurry…There’s an army at our doorstep.”


Matthew sighed. Perhaps they might have been better to leave her back in Green Haven…It was just so much easier for her if she were here though.

The Emperor looked at the scroll, then up at her and smiled, “…So?”

Sahara frowned, “What, you don’t think that at least reading something is worthy of your time?”

The Emperor waved a hand and turned to the Ministers, “As we were saying…Before being rudely interrupted!”

Sahara opened the scroll and started to speak, “Regards to the Emperor of the Haven, I am the Green Haven ruler in the time of C13 and hope to gain an audience…”

The Emperor then stood up and marched directly to her, to which Matthew stood in between, “I know this is rude of us, I wish we could be a lot more polite, but would you have seen us if we asked for an audience?”

The Emperor smirked, “I would assume not!”

The ministers themselves smirked along with their Emperor.

Matthew looked at all of them, not feeling any type of pressure from them at all. “Then we obviously had no choice but to come here and do exactly what we have done!”

The Emperor continued to stare at Matthew, not liking that he was being spoken too like this, “Kneel, kneel for two days and perhaps I will speak with you.”


Sahara couldn’t take it anymore, she laughed.

The Emperor had turned around, fluttering his sleeves around, only to then to stop mid stride to her laughter.

“If I was part of the populace here, I wouldn’t vote for you!”

Everyone looked at her in confusion…What did that mean?

Putting a finger to absently scratch her head, Sahara stopped. This was ridiculous! “Do you accept a meeting between you, Red Haven’s Emperor, Green Haven’s Emperor and Nate?”

The Emperor was still confused, then even more confused! Not only was she talking about something that didn’t make sense, she was talking about…Something that didn’t make sense!

Matthew held back Sahara, who was just going to touch the Emperor, shaking his head at her.

Sahara let out a smile and shrugged, “He’ll be back soon!”

In an instant, the King of the Blue Haven disappeared, along with that of Matthew and Sahara…

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