The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 197 **A Threatening Invitation**

“Get your hands off of me! Guards!”  

Sahara let him go easily.

“Sahara? What…What is going on? We were to agree to a meeting, not forcefully bring them here!” Joshua stated, bowing in front of the person, pretty sure upon who it was.

“He was not listening, being a nuisance…” It had been a while since she thought of similar people in the past of Purple Haven but yes, this ‘Emperor’ reminded her of that time while pregnant and looking after the ‘kids’.

“Hush!” Joshua quickly interrupted her.

“Me, a nuisance!?” The Blue Haven Emperor took great attention to her, so that so he still didn’t really know where he was at that moment!

“Yes, you!” Sahara stated back.

Matthew sighed, “My dear, we could have been less rude about it.”

Looking at Matthew, Sahara said, “Do you trust me?”

Matthew gently looked at her, “Of course.”

“Good.” Was all she said, looking back at the Blue Haven’s Emperor.


“Sahara, this King will have no choice but to discipline you for what you have done.” Finally, the Green Haven steps in.

Looking up at her Emperor Father, Sahara sighed and said, “He was not willing in the slightest. He had no want whatsoever to read the scroll, even if he did believe that we were from here.”

“Here? Where is here? Where are my guards!?” The Blue Haven Emperor yelled.

“Are you certain?” The Green Haven Emperor asked.

Sahara sighed, “Yep! He’s all for Nate, it’ll be hard to come to an agreement with his thoughts the way they are. So, I decided to bring him here, so he knew that we mean what we say!”

There was no point in threatening someone when they didn’t believe you or couldn’t see it for themselves…


“I demand to leave this place immediately! I also demand that she is killed for this very act!” With a bit of a porky finger, the Blue Haven’s Emperor pointed at Sahara with obvious anger.

“Should I show him what we can do so that he’ll listen?” Sahara asked, taking no heed to the Blue Haven’s Emperor at all, which only vexed him to walk closer to her in swift movements.

Matthew went in between the Emperor of Blue Haven and his beloved and stared at him.

“Show him your golden eyes, he’d love that!” Sahara stated after a moment. She hadn’t had much time at all into the King’s thoughts, but one thing was noted to her, and that was that the King remembered Nate’s golden eyes. It had been a swift thought to her own eyes being different, but because he had been put into a predicament the thought upon eyes had quickly disappeared.

“Golden eyes? What golden eyes?” The one who was suddenly questioning things wasn’t that of the Blue Haven’s Emperor, but that of the Green Haven’s Emperor!

Mattthew let his spiritual essence be removed from his eyes, to show their natural golden color and he continued to stare at the Blue Haven’s Emperor.

With a stop, the Blue Haven’s Emperor finally lost his anger and stood there.

It seems that he has come to see another now with golden eyes…How many of them were there!?


Silence entered the room but there were many different thoughts…

The Green Haven’s Emperor was absolutely surprised to Matthew’s eyes, having never seen them before. The Blue Haven’s Emperor finally looked around, now having lost his anger, and finally accepted that he may have to listen to what these people here had to say. It didn’t mean that he was ready to give in and just…

Did that woman say something before about what she ‘can do’?

Looking at the woman who seemed…Innocent, even though he thought her completely the opposite right now, he suddenly wondered if it were her that had brought him here.

He wasn’t an Emperor for nothing as he knew of the fact that he wasn’t where he was, at his palace, but somewhere else…And since someone had brought him here, he was already trying to figure out who or what that was!


“Greetings Blue Haven’s Emperor, it is an absolute honor to have you here in Green Haven! This person here is Green Haven’s Emperor and hopes to have a conversation with you regarding the army that has come to our doorstep, will you agree?” Joshua, the level-headed tactician was hoping that they could just start over, even if he has to bow once again.

“What will I have to do to return back to my palace?” The Blue Haven’s Emperor asked harshly.

Obviously, he wasn’t wanting to stay here and wanted to make the best of it by trying to be in charge.

Sahara stayed silent, as the thoughts of the newcomer changed, and watched him.

To her, she couldn’t feel or see anything in him that was changing but…Well, it was now up to the Emperor, Joshua and Matthew to try and make a start of it.

Sitting down, Sahara closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, which seemed to help the Blue Haven’s Emperor arrogance. “Speak!”

Matthew came forward then, with a glare, “I believe you are in no position to give demands, Your Majesty.”

“Oh, I’m not?”

Matthew once again showed his golden eyes and smirked, “Have you not realized that you are in someone else’s Haven?”

The Blue Haven’s Emperor’s face did not change at all as he continued to stare back, “All you have done is given my army more reason to come and defeat you!”

With that, the Green Haven Emperor finally agreed with Sahara and realized that this wasn’t working!

“Sahara, it’s time to show him what he’s dealing with! Send him to the vanguard!”

With that said, Sahara got up and went to touch him, with Matthew going to her too, and they disappeared!



The vanguard was just their main army near the edges of the Green Haven border. They were there to watch over the enemy army that was just out of what normal eyesight can reach.

If one had cultivated their eyesight, they’d be able to see them…Out there in the far yonder…

Actually, at this current moment, a few of the enemy soldiers were fighting a beast, but you’d have to look closely to see it.

This idea, of their threat against the army, was hoping too only be a once off. They were going to be cruel for a short time, but it was in hope that it was only once. If the Blue Haven Emperor couldn’t come around at all, what chances would they have with the Red Haven’s King? But, nonetheless, they wanted the message to sink in that Green Haven could defeat the army with no problems, so they didn’t really need this meeting to end the war! It was for reputations sake…It was to state that Green Haven was being gracious, that they were being good even though the threat had been cast upon them for no reason.

“Why am I now here? I am not someone you can just herd around like cattle!” The Blue Haven’s Emperor stated.

Sahara let him go and scoffed, “You are just not listening, and since you aren’t giving us the time of day, you will now lose out!”

With that, Sahara sat down and took a deep breath in.

“What am I looking at then, uh? What is it that you want me to see and think, ‘ohhh no, I’m really in trouble now!?’ Haha! You can’t touch me, and you know it!”

“Just watch out there, can you see part of your army?” Matthew pointed.

The Blue Haven’s Emperor frowned and wished he could see it…But couldn’t…

As far as he was aware, his army probably shouldn’t have been here this quick…Right?

He knew that they took shaman’s, well of course he knew that, but he had been doubtful upon if they would actually control an actual Divine Beast!

Would they really had made it here so quickly with that thing?

Squinting in, the Blue Haven’s Emperor straightened up.

“Don’t worry, he’ll see what’s coming, and what happens because of it.” Sahara stated.


The Blue Haven’s Emperor looked around and suddenly, and for the first time, felt that perhaps being in enemy hands like this was bad. He really needed to get away!

His thoughts went to Sahara, and was sure that she was the one to teleport, if he could just take her hostage…

He didn’t need to carry weapons normally, so he hadn’t one on him at present, but he was able to use his spiritual essence to make a weapon…

Letting out a slight smile to his thoughts, the Blue Haven’s Emperor looked around, to see what other problems that he may have and wondered if taking her hostage would work.

Before more thoughts could enter his head, about obtaining a way back to his own Haven, there was a loud sound in the direction of where they said his army was and the Blue Haven Emperor went wide eyed at the Divine Beast that…Wasn’t there before!

In the next moment, he felt like he was moving forward, closer to the Divine Beast and he let out a yell.

He couldn’t move his sight from seeing more and more of the army that was indeed there, right near the Divine Beast!

“Stop…Stop it!” With his eyesight going closer and closer towards the Divine Beast, even through his might of moving his body to be away from it, nothing made him feel so much terror before!

He was completely out of control! There was nothing that he could do to stop from what he was doing! He closed his eyes, only to still see what was there, simply because what he was seeing wasn’t the back of his eyelids, but that of what Sahara made him see!

“Stop it!” He hated it, this feeling of being completely out of control!

“Do you see it!” Matthew asked loudly, finally seeing that they may have done enough to have a meeting.

Sahara continued the sight though, right towards Nate, the leader, before she released the sight of it.


Without her knowledge, the Blue Haven Emperor had not had too many dealings with Nate, but not far from Nate had been the one he knew more so, and that was Keith.

…The threat had worked like a charm, the Blue Haven Emperor was now silent and standing still as he watched the Divine Beast suddenly disappear and leave the area.

He had seen it, the hell that the army was going through…And how it seemed so easy!

Perhaps…Perhaps he had been…

Swallowing, the Blue Haven Emperor took a rough breath in and slumped a bit. It almost felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted away from him just by going back to the way things were prior to being ‘controlled’.

“We only want a meeting, so, do you agree?” Sahara asked, now standing up once again.

The Blue Haven Emperor looked at her and finally found himself scared of such a good-looking woman…

Who was this woman!?

Not even phased about the fact that they were then teleported back to the palace of Green Haven, the Blue Haven Emperor fell to the floor.



Matthew went to his Emperor Father and told him what happened, and they all nodded. After all, they had already talked about this and now, it was time to make sure that the Blue Haven Emperor knew how much he was needed from now on!

If he wanted his people in the army to live, he was now needed to inform how important it was for the Red Haven King to also agree to a meeting!

It had been talked about, where they would do this to both the Blue and Red Haven’s Emperor’s at once, but it seemed that the message might not be received as well as they’d want it too. Well, it was that and the fact that ultimately, it didn’t really matter. If they have to use this threat twice, then so be it. Just doing one King, or Emperor, at a time was just easier to keep an eye on them, considering that they were indeed a stranger. You just didn’t know what kind of adversary they would be and how strong…Their cultivations could be underestimated and that would be all it took to have everything turn upside down. No, they couldn’t take that risk…

So, as the men did their talking, to get closer to obtaining that much needed meeting and formal times to go back and see this Blue Haven Emperor, Sahara just watched on, as she sighed.

It was stupid that one person needed to be forced to just consider a peaceful meeting, but to be placed into that mindset thirteen people had died and a hundred or so had been hurt.

Was there really no other way to have one man change his mind without anyone getting hurt at all?

But this was war, wasn’t it? You’d think the army had more power, simply because there were so many people in it, but they don’t. They are just doing as they are told…


“Very well, I agree.” The sound of the Blue Haven Emperor’s voice wasn’t that of defeat, it was formal and willing.

Did he perhaps understand now the power they had or was this his manners?

Only Sahara knows the truth as she stared at the Emperor, whom also stared at her.


Turning towards Matthew, she blinked, “Yeah?”

“It’s time to take the Emperor back to his palace.”

Oh, so that’s why they were staring at me!

You’d think that someone who can read minds could figure that out without being told but she had been busy inside of the Blue Haven Emperor’s mind at the time…

“Oh! Ok!” With that she touched the Blue Haven Emperor and teleported back to where he had originally come from.

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