The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 198 **Takeaway Stores?**

The Blue Haven ministers had mostly disappeared from their Blue Haven Palace, as it seems they got all worried…

“Eunuch Sole, go and hush the palace, state that it is alright and that nothing is out of place.”

Through that one sentence he would let people know that he had returned and was not hurt. Turning back to Sahara, who was still standing there, she suddenly said, “We have eunuch’s too.”

“Oh?” The Blue Haven’s Emperor took a moment of silence and asked, “Did you think we might have had something else?”

Sahara shrugged, “I thought maybe every Haven might be different, but it seems that they are all the same…So far…”

The Blue Haven Emperor had walked, and now sat on his highchair, “Do you find that kind of information interesting do you?”

Sahara walked lazily, to be in front of him, “Oh, well, it just seems weird that you guys didn’t know of each other but still ended up somewhat similar. It seems to be the way of men to have an Emperor, who has eunuchs…”

“…The way of men…” The Blue Haven Emperor frowned at her, hearing also that some ministers were returning. He hadn’t really been gone that long, but it seemed a few of his ministers fled the palace pretty quick!

Sahara saw that the attention of the Blue Haven’s Emperor had been lost from her, which was fine really…She wasn’t really talking about anything in particular…

Looking around, she sighed, “Your palace is slightly different though, why do you have the ledge coming out from the wall?”

In Green Haven they had the tables but here, in Blue Haven, there were ‘tables’ but they were attached to the wall…It was…Different…

“I actually am not sure, they were like that before my time.” The Blue Haven looked at his room in a new light.

“Do you have takeaway stores?” Sahara asked, with just a tiny, itty bitty bit of hope.


“Takeaway stores? I am unsure what you mean by this?” The Blue Haven Emperor said.

Sahara shrugged, “Ah, well, it’s like a shop where you cook things, but people don’t have to eat there, they can just pick it up and eat it elsewhere. Take…Away…”

The Blue Haven Emperor raised his eyebrows to the idea of it and then said, “Does Green Haven have that?”

Sahara frowned, “No…I was thinking of making one though.”

Silence overcame the room as the Blue Haven Emperor seriously thought about a money making type of restaurant. It was an idea to say the least!

“Would it be presumptuous of me to use this idea for myself here in my own Haven?” The Blue Haven Emperor couldn’t afford to too rude to his new acquaintance just yet, but he did want to see what kind of line there was…

Sahara shrugged, “It’s not my idea to start with so as far as I’m aware it should be fine.”

Not even her idea? Does Green Haven have a lot of wise people then?

Sahara smiled to his thoughts, as it wasn’t an idea from this planet!

“Well, it was…Interesting to meet you but I guess I should go now and…Oh, this is the scroll…I…Should I still give it to you?” Sahara got it out of her storage and contemplated what to do with it.

Should I just keep it? But why? What would I use it for?

The Blue Haven Emperor let out a chuckle and realized that this woman was very different from when he had first met her, “Pass it to me, I will take it.”

Her face was like an opened book, as it was obvious to him that she was probably thinking upon why she should keep the scroll…But where had it suddenly come from!?


Sahara went to him and gave it to him easily, then moved her head to the side, “If you had just taken it the first time, things would have been easier…Why do you talk differently. Emperor father always says ‘This King’ a lot. You sound normal.”

The Blue Haven Emperor had a small whiplash to her sudden change of topic but smiled openly, “…My royal father used to say, ‘This King’ too.”

“Why do they do that?” Sahara asked, hoping for an answer.

The Blue Haven Emperor opened his mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say, except, “…Are you always so inquisitive?”

Shrugging, Sahara then smiled cheekily at him, “I get into a lot of trouble because of my curiosity…So, yeah, I guess so.”

The Blue Haven Emperor smiled, as he watched his ministers stand near the door, waiting for his invitation to come into the room. Compared to them, this woman has no manners but yet, there was an innocence to her that couldn’t seem to stop him from liking her.

“Did you say Emperor Father? Are you his daughter?” It would explain why she was slightly rude, even to an Emperor!

Sahara stood back, also seeing the ministers and shook her head, “I’m married to the golden eyed kid…I mean Prince…Who is a…Well, him! Actually, I was supposed to bring him with me…He’s probably mad at me now…”

Oh…So, she’s not…Royalty by blood?

“I’m…Ganna go now, Your…Majesty. I’ll come fetch you a bit later!” In an instant, the strange woman disappeared, leaving the Blue Haven Emperor shaking his head…

What a day…And so much to do!

“Tell the ministers to enter, we have much to discuss!”




Sahara came back to a grumpy Matthew, but also a bit of an angry Emperor.

“You didn’t make things worse did you!” The Green Haven Emperor asked.

Sinking into herself a bit, Sahara looked away from him, “No! Of course not! I know we need both Kings to be on good terms so that we can end the war! I’m not stupid!”

The Green Haven Emperor let out a deep breath and shook his head, “You worry me!”

Smiling a little at him, Sahara then put her lips between her teeth.

“We still have another Emperor to talk to yet!” The Green Haven Emperor sat in a huff and rolled his eyes to the being that seemed to…Well she did a lot of things to him! She helped him cultivate, she healed him, she irritated him, she made him do more work! She really was the daughters of daughters, and he would vouch for that to anyone!

So many problems!


Sahara breathed in deep and then frowned, “Can I take a break? Do I have to do it right now?”

“Do you need to meditate to obtain more spiritual essence to teleport, my dear?” Matthew asked her.

Of course, if she needed more spiritual essence, he’d preferred her to have a break!

“Not really, I’m still good. If our plan works out and we don’t need the Divine Beast again, I have plenty of essence.”

Sahara looked from Matthew to the Emperor, “I just…Want a break!” She finished, shrugging again.

“No break, take the scroll to the Red Haven King and hopefully, this time, we don’t have to do as much work!”

“Except force him to read a scroll and force him to go to a meeting…Just two things…Fine, let’s go!”

Joshua went wide eyed to the simplicity that Sahara had just stated about this circumstance and then frowned, “Perhaps I should go too.”

This woman could be the end of us!


Joshua didn’t hate or dislike Sahara, but he felt like he couldn’t get on with her thoughts!

“This King agrees! Take Joshua with you and you!” The Green Haven Emperor pointed at Sahara, “Don’t talk at all! Leave it to the men!”

Sahara pouted and looked away, mumbling, “I haven’t done anything wrong, I don’t know why you’re so mad at me!”

Matthew tried to hide his loving smile at his adorable bride but couldn’t and went to hold her hand. Putting his other hand out to Joshua, who took a deep breath and took it…It seemed that he was gearing himself up for the teleportation.

“Oh, wait! I don’t know where to teleport next! Give me a second!” In that moment Sahara sat down and got out a star…She was running out of them too! Stars, pills…Moments to one self…Sex…

Work, work!


Sending a star over the wilderness, Sahara wasn’t even too sure where Red Haven was. She had an idea, by having seen it through the past of Nate, but she had never really been there before herself…This is, of course ,talking about a star, not being there personally…

Having gotten lost once, to which she just zoomed outward, so that she could find the Haven from high in the sky, Sahara then found it a lot easier!

Once again, there was a huge area, with a palace, and like every other time there was indeed a King in that palace!

For someone like her, it would be pretty easy to kill all the Emperor’s in one day! They were all in the same place!

It was almost scary how humans seemed to lead to this type of fate all the time! Was it because a leader needed to always be in charge of the people and so they thought they had to be up high or in a big place?

That was probably it…Not caring if it really was or not Sahara continued to think as she searched the palace…

It would make sense that animals, even ones like us, needed a leader. It just, why is it that leaders need big palaces!?

Having been absentminded, Sahara ‘walked’ her green star straight into a room where she indeed found the Red Haven’s King…But he was currently…Being entertained…

Sahara opened her eyes and tried to blink away her sight of him away.



Looking up at three men eyeing her, perhaps with a bit of impatience, Sahara didn’t know how else to put it. “He’s having sex.”

All the men were silent as they took that knowledge in. They didn’t want to ask her if she were certain of this fact, especially since she was a girl but…Did she really see it?

They had indeed forgotten how this meditation didn’t seem to hide anything! One could even know when one was having sex!

For a moment, the Green Haven Emperor thought of the same circumstance with himself and took another look at her, wondering if she had ever found him like that before?

Sahara smiled at him openly, only making him widen his eyes and look away.

Why is it that this girl was ok with finding someone having sex?

Wouldn’t it be normal for girls to squirm to such a thing?

“Did you see…” Matthew cleared his throat, “Naked?”

Sahara looked at him, telling him with her eyes that she did indeed saw him naked, and that’s why she knew he was having sex…It was indeed a silly question!

“Take a break, we will…We will convene again…Soon.” The Green Haven Emperor wasn’t ready to make plans just yet, he was still wondering if he had ever been seen naked by this daughter in law of his!




“What are you going to do with me?” Nether asked, taking a small bite of the meal in front of her.

They had not talked to her, well because they hadn’t really been to Golden Haven since Nether had been sent there.

Steven had been watching her, while babysitting Kin, but he never told her anything about her pending future.

It had been alright when she was just with Steven, Nether thought, but now that this girl is back…

Reality seeped back into Nether, as she took a short look at the girl who was also eating…Then complaining lightly to the man that had her on his lap.

Looking at Steven, to find him staring at her, Nether looked back at her meal.

She felt like she was on pins and needles, and she just couldn’t eat anymore! She had to know what was going on with her now, or she might just go insane!

“Calm down.”

Nether looked at the girl who already stopped speaking. “…Calm down? You want me to be calm, before you tell me that I’m going to die?”

Sahara nearly laughed, “No, you aren’t going to die. Just fill ya stomach up and don’t worry so much.”

Don’t…Don’t worry so much…

Nether took a breath in but she felt like it wasn’t enough air.

“You really are a bit of a handful aren’t you.” Sahara looked at Steven and nodded at him.


Steven had told Sahara that Nether was a very quiet girl. Not once did she try to escape Golden Haven, even though there was absolutely no cage that she was in.

Nether had been in the open, only going into shelter for sleep, and she had been so quiet that Steven had worried for her.

He found Nether to be quite the thinker, always looking at nothing in particular, and timid.

Having seen so many different types of people and knew she had been part of the enemy army, Steven couldn’t help but find her timid. She shied away from Christian, who looked at her angrily, and it took a while before she could even speak more than two words to Lavender.

It seemed that, over this short time, Nether had only found Steven and Kin’s constant loitering around her comforting.

Sahara stared at Nether and smiled, “Did you know that you guys had met each other years ago?”

…Both Steven and Nether looked at Sahara, one in shock and the other holding another expression...There had not been much enthusiasm in that look at all…

What a let down…

Except it was more so that Nether was still very worried about something else that this type of conversation didn’t seem hold any weight to her…

Yeah, I think I know that look…It’s the look of ‘Doom’…

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