The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 205 **Threats are Raining Down!**

Joshua sighed quietly and took a few steps towards the retreating King, “Your Majesty, King of Red Haven, please reconsider! If we can possibly take the threat away that the army gives us, Green Haven may even be interested in what we could do to perhaps strengthen these new ties.”

The Red Haven King stopped and frowned, yet still not turning around.

His close by minister went to his side and did his thinking for him, whispering into his head, as everyone else watched on.

Sahara disliked that they were currently so invested in such a person…Why worry so much about this arsehole?

He had no manners, he was almost like a kid, yet they were trying to be so peaceful…

She did not get it at all!

“You say…Strengthen? Perhaps trade? This King…Would like to see what you have to offer!”

Matthew saw the Red Haven King look at Sahara and he had a bad feeling…

“I will only stay if that woman will do as I say!”

Many turned to Sahara, some of them extremely angry!


The offer wasn’t for Sahara to leave with them, it wasn’t for Sahara to just leave the meeting either, it was to do as he says…Almost like a slave!

The Red Haven King wanted this meeting on his terms, or it almost felt like he was going to have no part in it!

Just as Matthew went to stand out and say something, Joshua stopped him and looking from him, to the Red Haven King, Joshua said, “What is it that you mean, Your Majesty?”

Joshua wanted the Red Haven King to say it properly himself, to not only add to his disrespect but his reputation. Did he really have the guts to try out all other Haven Emperors there?

“I mean what I say, little imp! If she were to do as I say, I will gladly stay and take the meeting, I may also even recall my army.”

Nate smiled as he looked down. The Red Haven King might not be the smartest of men, but what he wanted was power and he knew damned well that that was what the red eyed woman was!


Joshua turned to Sahara and knew that this was something that they could not let happen.

God only knows what would happen to this strange woman if they were to even contemplate that! Not only would they be at the mercy of the Red Haven King, but Sahara was almost an explosion herself!

It can’t be done…

Turning to look at the Green Haven Emperor, Joshua gave a small shake of his head.

As much as the Green Haven Emperor wanted complete attention of the Red Haven King, this was going too far and he nodded to Joshua, agreeing with him.

He couldn’t do it!

Just like Joshua, the Green Haven Emperor not only thought of how absurd it would be to be at the mercy of the Red Haven King but Sahara? She was more of the problem! What the hell would she do if they were to just ‘sell’ her like that!?

…It can’t be done…


“My wife is not something you can order around like a slave! I take great offense to what you have just said!” Matthew spat out, going to walk towards the Red Haven King, only to be stopped by Sahara.

“Offense? What of my offense when she took my tongue away!?” He spat back to Matthew.

Sahara looked at the Red Haven King and smirked, “I would like to react to your threat by making a threat of my own.”

In an instant, both the Green Haven Emperor and Joshua harshly said her name…But Sahara did not heed to their hushed warning of being quiet. “I won’t investigate the way you have obtained the throne…I won’t remove you from the place that isn’t yours…So, just stay and be civil. You must…
The Red Haven King was going red in anger! For years now, no one had the guts to bring up the past like this! This woman! “You! Kill her!”

In a quick moment, the Red Haven’s guards, only two of them, went to leave to kill Sahara, only to stop when others went to intercede. The one that had a small talk to Sahara earlier frowned. Again, he didn’t quite understand what was going on right now but…The person he’s supposed to kill had talked to him in a friendly way. Normally he was a shadow, and everyone treated him as such…


A standoff was placed, and you could see that the Red Haven King was more infuriated now then he was before!

The meeting was getting more and more out of hand as the time went on!

“Let it be known that my daughter in law, Sahara, is not something Green Haven is willing to trade with! In fact, I think it will benefit us all if she no longer joined us here in this meeting!”

The Green Haven’s Emperor’s voice was loud, being heard by a few, but for those who did hear it, did stop talking, which helped slowly bring a silence to the room.

“Sahara, my dear, this King believes that you should leave, only to come back when the meeting is over.” The Green Haven Emperor looked at her with stern eyes and showed that he was not taking no as an answer!

Sahara swallowed, a little put back. She wasn’t…Needed?

For a moment, she felt like she was depressingly sad over what was just said.

Was it because she took away the tongue of the Red Haven King? Are they blaming her for what was going on right now?

“Sahara…” Matthew took her hand and kissed it.

Not focused upon thoughts of others, Sahara was silent as she turned to Matthew.

Matthew looked upon his beloved with gentle eyes and smiled. He lowered himself a bit, so that he could whisper into her ears, “You are an opened book my dear, stop showing everyone that you obviously feel like you are unneeded, or I will take you away from here and show you how needed you are by myself alone!”


Blinking to the whispered words that Matthew had just said, Sahara somewhat snapped out of her sudden depressive state and looked up at him.

Matthew smiled at her again and put a hand to her head, caressing her cheek, “Be good now and look after Kin for a while, mmm?”

Sahara felt like she was suddenly reminded upon why she loved this man. How did he know what words to say? How did he know that being gentle like that only made her feel all mushy inside?

It was hardly fair how much power he had over her, she thought, not thinking of the reverse, where she had power over Matthew as well.

With a small voice, Sahara nodded, “Okay.”

“A good, little wife you have there, little Prince.”

Sahara didn’t have to look to know that the Blue Haven Emperor had stated that.

Now back to her normal self, Sahara looked back at the Blue Haven Emperor and smiled, “Yep! I’m the best!”

The Blue Haven Emperor shook his head and smiled to her answer.

“Modest too!” The Green Haven Emperor stated, but he wasn’t glaring at her anymore.

Turning back to Matthew, clearly very happy now, she kissed him on the cheek and disappeared…Leaving the men to their leisure…




3 Hours later


“Ah, Sahara?”

Sahara looked back at Nether and smiled. “It’s fine!”

“Do you want me to hold Kin?” Steven asked, holding onto Naruto tighter.

Sahara smiled down at her boy and then nodded to herself.

“Slow down Naruto.”

Hitting the bigger neck of Naruto, as she had made him bigger, Naruto looked at her in confusion. “Slow down!”

Steven finally let out a breath of relief as he felt a bit more comfortable.

It wasn’t the first time that he had ridden Naruto, but he couldn’t get used to it. It made him feel weird…

After Sahara unstrapped herself from her lovely baby boy, she kissed him and held him out to Steven.

Steven went to take the child, only to hold onto Naruto again.

“I’ll take him…” Nether took Kin and very carefully held onto him…Not having the first idea on what to do to place the contraption onto herself…It was indeed the first time that she had offered to take him…

“Uh…Maybe I won’t…” She muttered, giving up on what looked like a very technical thing to do.

Steven, holding Naruto with one hand still, went to help Nether, “This here, clips onto…This…”

“…How is one person supposed to do this on their own!?”


Sahara took her attention away from Nether and Steven, to what was in front of her.

Having grumbled slightly upon going back to Golden Haven, Sahara had instead gotten over being kicked out of the meeting quite quickly when she realized that she could spend some quality time with a few beings…

How long had it been since she had been with Kin!? Naruto!? Steven!?

For quite a while, it was actually very pleasing!

Making Naruto big, she told Steven and Nether that they were ‘Ganna go for a ride’ and so the wind had gone by them almost like air conditioning!

With a quick stop here and a laugh there, it was almost like one of those days off on Earth where the weekends were something you looked forward too!

Had she really forgotten what it was like to have some free time to herself!?



Now that they had let their hair down, it was not long ago that Sahara had teleported them to be closer to a specific area on the planet…

There was an army with no leader present at the moment and Sahara was curious.

Of course, she could just let out a green star and just look over it, like she had already once with the ‘meeting’ just an hour beforehand…But…Instead, she wondered what it would be like just ‘rocking’ up and seeing how they were going.

The army was still quite a distance off, and Sahara let Naruto slowly go into that direction…

With a strange yelp like growl, Sahara smiled to Naruto, who had finally smelt or seen what was off in the distance.

“What are we doing here, Sahara?” Steven asked, frowning.

This could be quite dangerous.

“Is that…Is that really the army!? You…You are taking me to them now aren’t you!” Nether started to panic, only for Sahara to frown and turn towards her slightly.

She hadn’t thought what this action would do to Nether…Not once did she consider it…


“Do you want to be dropped off? I didn’t have that in mind upon coming here though.”

Nether held onto Kin slightly tighter, almost like he had become a lifeline for her suddenly. “How do I know that?”

Sahara turned towards Nether more so, even though it was slightly uncomfortable, as she had a leg on each side of Naruto’s neck. “Don’t you dare do a panic attack on me! I’m not dropping you off! Steven might kill me if I do! So don’t be stupid, especially when Kin is in your arms! Understood!?”

Nether swallowed…

She didn’t say anything, not quite trusting Sahara…It was more like hoping that she wasn’t going to be ‘dropped off’ and then attacked for having had ‘abandoned’ the army…She hoped that that wasn’t going to happen.


Sahara stared at the army in the distance and ‘listened’ to them.

She had wondered how they were going, considering that their leader had vanished…She thought that perhaps they might be going crazy or something…

Not ever being in this type of situation before and stupidly curious about it, Sahara had just wanted to come by and check it out…Just to sorta fulfill her curiosity above anything.

But, as Sahara attempted to listen to their thoughts and watched their actions, she sighed to not seeing hysterics and in fact another one that took the reins happily.

The army continued to march towards Purple Haven, still ‘following orders’. This Keith wasn’t someone that Sahara had previously worried about. He hadn’t the ambition that Nate had and so he almost become a shadow, one that you didn’t think of often.

Knowing that Keith wasn’t as smart as Nate also helped underestimate him, but it seems he did know how to make the best of at least this situation…

The army seemed to be under Keith’s command now…

Dropping her head and loudly sighing, Sahara wondered if she should teleport Keith as well to the ‘meeting’…


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