The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 204 **Justice, Voting and Bullshit**

Joshua was finally able to talk properly, without having to stop almost after every sentence and finally…Finally…The meeting was on the way!

“Then we must now call in Nate, who is currently the leader of the army. So, if you could just wait a moment, he will be here shortly.” Joshua looked briefly at Sahara and nodded, then took in a deep breath.

Taking a moment in the silence, there were some brief whispers and stares going on. The Purple Haven Emperor had not really spoken to anyone, and someone was interested upon how he came to even know about anything here.

“You are the Purple Haven’s Emperor then?” The Blue Haven Emperor asked.

Just a boy hardly off his mother’s tit…

Emperor Seth nodded his head and bowed slightly himself to the other Emperor, “Yes, Your Majesty. I was able to be crowned a little while ago due to Green Haven helping us.”

“I was told briefly that Purple Haven wouldn’t be hard to take over, what happened to you?” Without caring to the fact that he had made his initial first reaction known to this Emperor in front of him, the Blue Haven Emperor looked at Emperor Seth in interest.


On the other hand, Emperor Seth stared at the other Emperor, not sure on what to do or say. The other man seemed more intimidating just because he was indeed stating basic and known truths. He was also obviously much older, and bigger, than Emperor Seth…

“My Haven had a civil war, we were unable to work through it until recently.” Emperor Seth did not want to elaborate at all to this embarrassing news but…How could he be rude to someone who had their army heading in his Haven’s direction?

“What kind of help did Green Haven give you?” The Blue Haven Emperor asked, almost like he wasn’t asking something somewhat personal…Really, he had no right to ask, as it hadn’t anything to do with him but…Again, Emperor Seth felt somewhat obligated to say something, even if it was quite vague.

“Green Haven had been able to help stop the civil war.”


The Blue Haven Emperor smiled at Emperor Seth and put his arms behind his back, “I see.” 

It was obvious that Green Haven had done such a task, he could see it with how the Green Haven and Purple Haven Emperor’s act.

Wishing that he could ask the Blue Haven Emperor upon why he was so obvious about his questions, when Emperor Seth felt like he should be detained, Emperor Seth kept his mouth shut instead.

In that moment Nate appeared into the cage that was in the middle of the room and the Blue Haven Emperor sat down, along with that as Emperor Seth.

“What…What’s going on?”

Joshua started to talk, “If you haven’t met this man, his name is Nate. He is a Golden Heir and is the current leader of the army that has tried to attack Green Haven.”

Nate looked around and saw that not only was the Blue Haven Emperor there, but also the Red Haven King…

…Was he possibly dreaming!?


“I’d like to start with how Nate had gotten both Emperor’s involved in this attack.” Joshua stated.

“Oh, I thought we were here to try and end the war?” The Blue Haven Emperor stated openly.

“…End the war?” Nate asked, frowning.

Joshua looked at the Blue Haven Emperor and bowed formally, “We are here to do that, but we also have grievances and wish to spend a small amount of time to understand how this all came about.”

Sahara narrowed her eyes at Joshua and could see a past conversation in her head from him…

It seems that they did plan out to bring this up on purpose!

Getting up and hearing straight away voices and even someone trying to stop her, Sahara looked back at the Green Haven Emperor.

“Sahara! Don’t do anything!” He hissed at her, giving her an equally narrowed eyed stare back at her.

The Blue Haven Emperor saw this and chuckled. It seems that Green Haven wanted to make the best of it…He already could see that they would probably demand some type of trade to ‘make it up to them’...

Moving her arm away from a Band, as Matthew didn’t like it there in the first place, he then held onto her hand. “Sahara?”

Turning, without another word, she made herself to the middle of the room where Joshua was and he did not introduce her, “Please sit back down, Your Highness. So that we can continue the meeting.”

“For someone so smart, right now you seem to act so dumb!” Sahara stated.

There were at least two people that laughed lightly to this, one being was right near them, inside a cage.

“That’s right, you are all dumb! Do you think what I am doing is going to stop, just because you think you can teleport!?” Nate started.

The Blue Haven Emperor suddenly stood up and yelled out, “Be quiet! You are not here because we are afraid of you!”


Nate looked at the Blue Haven Emperor and frowned, “Did my brother get to you?”

He already had an idea that Keith had indeed gotten the ‘approval’ of the Blue Haven Emperor, but to state it this way…


To be told repeatedly to be silent, Nate only got more angry, “Did you not understand what I am doing!? I will become the Golden Haven Emperor! What do you want me to do with you when that time comes!?”

“We have all lost. I am not here to hear about grievances.” Sahara started, finalizing the conversation between Nate and the Blue Haven Emperor. “We both lost.”

The Green Haven Emperor sighed and shook his head, “This King’s Haven was attacked!”

Sahara looked at him squarely, “They lost more than we did.”

“This wasn’t at all our fault, how is it wrong to ask for justice!?” He spoke back fiercely. It was obvious that he was getting angry but trying to keep himself in check. He had really wanted to try to take advantage of this meeting!

“I thought you understood what this cycle does, Emperor Father!”


It was indeed something she had said when she had shown both the Green Haven Emperor and the Blue Haven Emperor. Silence overcame the area, and it became obvious to Sahara that yes, they had forgotten…They’d forgotten what she can never forget! She saw how spiritual essence came to her! She saw how the spiritual essence could turn black and hate where it is!

Sahara looked at one, to the other…The leaders of Haven’s where there yet…

Stopping her sight on Nate, Sahara took a deep breath, “To obtain a Golden Haven Emperor, I want to suggest it be done without a war! If lives are lost, let it be in an agreed fight, where it does not include an entire Haven’s population! I also want to suggest that if there is more than one candidate to become a Golden Haven Emperor, then we be able to choose! The people, the ones that the Golden Haven Emperor will be looking after, are the ones that should be able to vote! They should be able to see what their leader is like, if their leader will be good for them or not!”

Once again, she looked at Nate and said, “Do you agree to let the army go back to their families without any repercussions?”

Nate glared at her without saying a word…


“I will not place threats upon my men in the army!” The Blue Haven Emperor stated, standing up once again.

Emperor Seth watched on, looking at the Red Haven Emperor, almost like everyone else.

The Red Haven Emperor also stayed silent, almost like Nate and the Red Haven King had some silent agreement going on.

Sahara sighed, “I have not shown them yet.”

Licking her lips, in thought on how to show Nate and the Red Haven King the spiritual essence story, she had the attention of everyone in the room.

In a quick moment, the cage was gone from around Nate, and she pulled on his arm, towards the Red Haven King.

Matthew got up in quick steps and watched Nate like a hawk!

Nate didn’t know what was going on and couldn’t understand if this were a threat or not.

“What are you doing?” He kept his balance pretty well as his strength to hers wasn’t enough to knock him over completely but…She was so strong! He was a well-built man! He wasn’t some pushover, but he couldn’t believe that he was using his strength just to make sure he didn’t trip over and look like an idiot!

“I’m showing you the bigger picture!” Sahara stated, pulling him over more and the Red Haven Emperor stood up, even looking for a way to escape. Anyone could tell that he was actually afraid of this strange girl…


The Blue Haven Emperor sat back down and chuckled.

As the commotion happened, where Sahara was just trying to show them something, the Blue Haven Emperor looked at the Purple Haven Emperor and suddenly widened his eyes and loudly said, “Ah! My dear, you will want to show this one here too, yes?”

Emperor Seth looked at him, then at Sahara, only to see that she was indeed thinking that was a good idea…Her face showed it all…She was an open book, one that quite a number of people within this little meeting found alluring…

“Yes! Come here! You need to see it too!”

Closing his eyes to the lack of manners, Emperor Seth still got up and walked over to Sahara, not wanting to add to the problems going on here…In fact he was trying to be small so that he would not gain too much attention…The problem is, it doesn’t seem to be working very well!




After a ‘story’ had been told in a strange way to three people, Sahara let go of them and saw them in shocked silence.

“Preposterous!” Was the Red King’s answer, not believing it.

Emperor Seth stayed quiet but searched the eyes of a few around him, to see the Green Emperor nod at him. Not sure what to make of it, he quietly sat back down in his seat, catching a small smirk from the Blue Haven Emperor in the corner of his eye.

Nate stared at the retreating Sahara with narrowed eyes.

Thoughts were a plenty and Sahara could see this, so she opened Nate’s mind to Matthew’s, wanting someone else to know what was going on behind the mask.

Seeing that the Blue Haven Emperor was obviously now against him, Nate sighed in his mind, but what about the Red Haven King?

Will he still be able to continue or was it going to be done…The red eyed woman’s way?

If he was to do it her way, obtaining these so called ‘votes’, then an army wasn’t completely necessary, perhaps just a small lot of troops instead…

But what if this was his only chance to have such a big army? Was there…Some other way to keep the army? Perhaps find another reason?

Could he say…

Feeling eyes on him, Nate looked from the red eyed woman to the man beside her as they stared at him.

What…Why are they staring at me?


“If you need more time to digest this new information please say so, otherwise we’d like to continue the meeting.” Joshua finally said, breaking up the staring contest. Joshua was hardly holding in his anger. This meeting had gone completely out of control!

Nate was suddenly back in the middle of the room and when he finally understood that he may suddenly be back inside a cage again, he went to move, only to be stopped by guards…

He didn’t know where he was, he wouldn’t know how to go about getting away from here! Was this all…Her!?

Looking at the red eyed woman, Nate glared at her, only to find himself back into that same small cell as before a second later.

If he was going to attempt to escape, he missed that chance…

“There are two factors here, one is the army and its mission, then that of what Sahara had just shown you.” Joshua started. “But it doesn’t mean they aren’t conn…”

“It’s all just a trick, I’m not going to listen to any more of this!” The Red Haven King stood up and waved a hand as he went to start walking back the way he had come into the area…

What a load of bullshit!

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