The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

Volume 12, CHAPTER 203 **Please Proceed**

Many things had happened in the last few hours.

A meeting place had already been found when they had thought about this earlier, so luckily not everything was having to be done in a flash!

Sahara had organized upon who was coming, even though the Red Haven King did not comply his answer, Sahara still could see in his mind upon at least one of his men that should be there. It may not look like a hard job, picking a few people and dropping them off but…It was…

Not only were people surprised and had a lot of questions, they also didn’t trust her. What she should have just done to begin with was to bring their leaders with her, so that they knew that she was for real. It wasn’t what they were thinking of as important at that current moment, so it was just a small mistake.

There was a resting place set up for not just the King or Emperor but that too for their ministers, to make it formal.

The Red Haven King had been placed inside his resting place to wait out the time before the meeting, with people guarding the doors so that he could not just do as he pleased.

Sahara had really only done what she was told lately, and having brought all of Blue Haven’s men, that their Emperor wanted there for the meeting, she was also waiting for the time of getting Nate here…Knowing that once that happened, that was probably the start of the…Meeting? Intervention? Threat? Whatever?


Nate still had no idea upon any of this, that the Blue Haven Emperor wishes to pull his men out and as long as demands are not too much, will accept defeat. He also doesn’t know that Hector had no more part to play in his schemes to continue to take the Haven’s.

Waiting patiently for the old man to return, Nate had taken this time to accept a short holiday from the pain of unblocking his dantian.

It had been a good time to continue this painful chore, while the army had not done anything, but he had never been able to find that old man! He’d just simply disappeared!


Sahara had also been somewhat detained by the Blue Haven Emperor once too. Which had also delayed her in her own ‘chores’, as she also had to speak with Purple Haven’s Emperor and see if he was able to attend as well…Actually, through Sahara being able to read the Purple Haven Emperor’s mind, she knew that he was having troubles with his Empress, and he was quiet about any other matters besides the ones that she was bringing up.

She had forgotten the last time that they had seen each other that she had told him to give his wife a little more attention…But he hadn’t forgotten…As he somewhat wishes to have listened to her now, as it may have perhaps changed their circumstances from what they are now…


The Blue Haven’s Emperor and Sahara’s talk was quite casual, as the Blue Haven Emperor did not go on about her manners or how she spoke to him, instead he asked her questions…Especially in what had called her ‘Master’…

She, not being worried in any kind of way, elaborated in the story of how she was used by the spiritual essence to be able to start condensing again…But, because she was somewhat creative and felt like they were a being, she was able to obtain an existence with them as they spoke to her.

The Blue Haven Emperor was quite entertained by her story, yet, at the same time still came across as one that was indeed a leader. She wasn’t able to wrap her head around this Emperor, as he was rather quite interesting to her in return…Not in a romantic way, of course, more like a…Perhaps a father figure? She really wasn’t sure what it was that did indeed interest her about him…

Not only had they now spoken of eunuch’s, speech and different surroundings in each Haven, more topics were added to their…Unnecessary conversations…

They spoke of the weather, and how strange it was here and there, and saw that it was similar in each place. They spoke of how she had become the Princess and he too seemed to have a daughter in law that had a strange type of behavior…Perhaps it was his daughter in law that made it easier for him to speak with Sahara…

Nonetheless, the meeting place and its people were now all ready…Including that of a cage in the middle, where Nate was going to be held…




Guards brought in one after the other…First were the three leaders, one in which was hardly following, yet unable to do as he pleased, so he went really slow.

The Red Haven King was reminding Sahara of that one kid at school that just wanted to stop the usual going of things.

He’s a sad, little boy…

Then ministers came, those from other Haven’s and from Green Haven as well, they took their seats, most of which were speechless about the proceedings but haven’t had the courage to speak their thoughts out loud.

Then, after that, there were enough servants to look after them all that the population in the small area could be outrun by them, that’s if you wanted to place people into categories.

It was obviously a formal event…Especially since the servants were bowing continuously the whole time…

Joshua stood into the middle and Sahara had to wait for him to make some type of signal before she would bring Nate here…That was what she was waiting for…

She had already been told to keep quiet and that she probably shouldn’t be there to begin with. It seemed no one had the courage to tell her that this place was no place for her and that she could not attend but…She knew she wasn’t really welcomed…Actually, even the big man wasn’t here! They knew that his status as ‘General’ actually helped to have him there, but…His personality just made it…Difficult…

Having felt all these thoughts and feelings, Sahara could only sigh. She understood that males were probably better at this kind of stuff but…Well whatever…


“I’d like to welcome you to the first meeting to obtain at least four Emperor’s. This kind of meeting has not occurred, I believe, in a long time. With respect, I’d like to introduce…”

The Red Haven King interrupted him, “Oh, you have evidence of that do you? How do you know that there hasn’t been one recently?”

…It was going to be a long meeting…

Joshua took a moment to collect himself, but he stayed calm, “The Red Haven King is correct, to state from when this may have happened. So, instead, this servant would like to state that a meeting here, in Green Haven, that has had more than two Emperor’s, has not happened in a very long time.”

Joshua worked around the Red Haven King almost after every sentence that he said, and they were all getting extremely irritated to the Red Haven King’s behavior! It was just a lot of nagging and impolite speaking!

It’s that sad, little boy again…

Really, this Red Haven King was simply acting like a toddler…He wasn’t happy and so he wanted everyone else to be unhappy too! It was selfish and ruined the formal meeting! It made this event to be something political and dreary!


Just as everyone couldn’t handle his constant badgering, the Red Haven King was suddenly making weird noises, putting his hands up to his mouth and urgently looking at those close to him and pointing to his mouth.

Sahara let out a laugh and then cleared her throat as everyone went to look at her.

“Proceed…” She stated easily, as though she had not a care in the world that she had done something to a King of a Haven.

“Sahara!” Someone whispered to her, but everyone could clearly hear it.

“What?” She said, looking at the Green Haven Emperor.

“Take it back!” They whispered back.

Sahara narrowed her eyes and then got up, which was seen as quite rude by a few, and watched her walk over to the Red Haven King.

Whispers grew in the meeting hall about why, still till today, that no females were invited to these sorts of meetings.


“If you come closer, we will have to cut you down!” Said a guard, that she had let come to protect his King.

Out of the goodness of her heart she had wanted him to feel comfortable, to feel like he could be here formally and welcomed but he just…Couldn’t help himself!

“Cut me down? Are you sure you could stop everyone else who have probably cut him down fifty times in their heads? Do you know how hard it is to contain myself when I can feel everyone’s anger towards your King!?”

For those who had worried about Sahara and her antics, they suddenly questioned themselves.

They had felt good, upon what she had done, yet she had just reminded them that she could hear them all!

“I am here to protect His Majesty!” The guard stated through clenched teeth.

“Then you should have told him to shut the fuck up! Do you know what he’s lost through his antics here? Do you understand what he has done to his known title and his Haven by having spent ten minutes by opening his mouth to everything that Joshua is saying?”

The guard looked around and looked back at Sahara, holding his blade harder. He shook his head, obviously not one for politics, and stood his ground.

Sahara didn’t like politics either and sighed, “King’s seem to have prestige, among other things, which helps their voice carry over many others…They are probably the only type of person that respect could indeed be held without asking for it or trying to obtain it…Do you understand?”

Others had no idea upon why Sahara was talking to the ‘lowly’ guard, simply because it shouldn’t matter…


The guard looked at her, then back at the still irritated Red Haven King and still held his ground. Because he didn’t quite understand, he didn’t say a word. He was quite formidable in his job, that was why he had it, but when it came to complex things that he didn’t understand, he remembered why he devoted himself just to being a guard. He had gotten away with it this far, but it seems that his lack of politics can only take him so far.

Sahara smiled at him, surprising him, and said, “I have nothing against you, but I have been told to fix this man up, and it’s just faster if I’m able to touch him, will you allow me to do that?”

She could hear other’s thoughts upon why she would even ask the ‘lowly’ guard that question but she was fixed upon who she was, and she knew that this guard was a person, just like her…

The guard looked at her, almost like she had something deep in her eyes, and finally said, “…If you harm him in any way, I will kill you…”

“I’m sure you will! You…You have skills! You should spar with our General, he’d love that!” Sahara laughed and stood up on the podium where the Red Haven King was, and the guard was a little speechless over her suddenly compliment…Especially when she hadn’t even seen him in action…Sadly though, this guard had indeed seen a quite a bit of action as the Red Haven King had quite a few enemies…


Being watched like a hawk, the whole meeting area was silent as they waited…But it wasn’t really silent…They really were being a hinderance as she was giving the Red Haven King back his tongue…

Really, why couldn’t they just go on with the meeting!? Why was it so bad that the reason why the meeting could hardly be called a meeting in the first place was removed…Which would make the meeting a real meeting!

It took over five minutes to heal him up and it was all thanks to thoughts that not only Sahara had, but everyone else too, that made the healing process take longer!

Leaving the area, pouting, Sahara walked back to her seat and sat down.

“Check with me before you speak or do anything!” The Green Haven Emperor whispered to her.

Sahara looked down and frowned. How was she possibly able to handle this!?

Two chuckles made the situation less dramatic, and everyone looked at either Matthew or the Blue Haven Emperor. “It is in jest, I, this Emperor, found it quite…Entertaining!”

“You! You!” The Red Haven King had not known what to do, even when obtaining back his tongue, now he was almost like an entertaining fool! His ears had indeed heard what Sahara had stated before, about his own prestige and respect, and felt anger rise up all over again! How dare a little girl like her think she can try to teach a King!?


Holding himself from speaking angrily, the Red King narrowed his eyes at Sahara and stared at her so intently that people could see that he was probably thinking of some evil plan on how to kill her.

They didn’t need to read the King’s mind to know what he was thinking, yet, what made other’s chuckle once again was that Sahara paid absolutely no attention to the King that eyed her with daggers!

“Please, proceed…” Sahara stated, almost like if they didn’t start now, would they ever get it done!?

It felt like what had just passed suddenly didn’t happen as…This is what she had stated beforehand. Sahara had actually wanted them to continue before, they remember that with that exact word, ‘proceed’…

It all made perfect sense, she had taken the Red Haven’s King tongue because the meeting was not ‘proceeding’. It was almost the most basic of actions to take to continue with the meeting that it was almost scary to some of them…

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