The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 207 **The Perk of The Day!**

Sahara was angry, she not only had no idea on how to fix the man that blankly looked at something out at yonder, but she couldn’t even get into fixing it because she had to feed Kin.

“Being angry won’t make Kin feel comfortable…”

Sahara looked up at Nether and blinked…

Oh, right…She’s a doctor…

“Take a look at him, will ya?” Sahara muttered, as she held onto Kin better and then finally let loose of her anger as she looked at her child.

Ah, right…It was supposed to be time to spend with him. I haven’t been here for him very much lately.

Taking his small hand into hers, Sahara unconsciously smiled and kissed his head.


Without knowing, time quickly passed and suddenly Nether spoke, reminding Sahara of what she had asked her to do.

“I can’t help him. He is in a state where I do not know the cure.”

Sahara narrowed her eyes, “Any idea on what had happened to him?”

Nether shook her head, “He may pull his hand away, if it’s held too tight, he may even look awake and may even sleep without being told too but it is a state…”

Sahara interrupted, “Vegetable state…”

Nether quietly nodded, “Either a vegetable state or something very similar. I’m sorry that I can’t be of any more use. I am not a top doctor, I’m just an average one.”

Sahara let out a smirk and sighed, looking back down at Kin, “Apparently I’m a divine doctor…But do you know that I don’t know the first thing about taking a pulse?”

“Ex…Excuse me?” Nether asked in astonishment.

Sahara shook her head, “I don’t understand the pulse at all!”

“Then how do you heal!?” Nether asked, still astonished.

Sahara shrugged and then said, “My meditation. It allows me to zoom in and see very small things very closely.”

Nether just stared at Sahara without speaking…

What the…There’s such a thing!? Even if there was such a thing, how does that help someone heal?


“We have to figure out a way to fix him…” Sahara stated, sighing…

Nether shook her head and thought that she had misheard, so she just figured that they weren’t in fact talking about not reading a pulse and healing and talking about something else that she must have missed.

Yeah, it can’t be that. How can someone heal without reading a pulse!

“Actually, there are ways to know what’s wrong with someone without reading a pulse.” Sahara stated, absentmindedly putting a finger in Kin’s hand and rubbing him lightly.

Nether looked at Sahara, narrowing her eyes…Except, “Oh, there’s looking at their face, of course!”

Is that how she does it? Using sight?

Sahara gave a slight laugh and nodded, “I can’t say no, that is a way, I suppose. But there are little…Gadgets and…Gizmo’s a plenty…”

With that, Sahara made an item in her hand that was known to her as a stethoscope? Well, it was something that goes to the ears and then listens. “Here, try this out.”

If that name is right, perhaps my memory isn’t as bad as I thought…But how will I know if it’s right or not…

Sahara shook her head to her own thoughts…

Nether took the item with her hands and looked at Sahara…She had no idea whatsoever on what to do with it.

Sighing, Sahara took it back and put it to her ears with one hand and then put the end on Kins stomach…

“Mmm, put it onto the skin.” Sahara mumbled, putting it onto Kin and seeing him move because of the cold metal.

It seemed that he didn’t like that at all and he started to cry, so Sahara gave Nether the utensil and picked him up to burp him.


“Like this?” Nether asked, holding out the end and having the earpieces in her ears.

Sahara nodded and pulled out the bottom of her shirt, so that Nether could place the cold metal onto her skin.

“Ah!” It was cold…

Was it because she had just made it? Or was she a higher temperature then that of Earth?

It really had been cold!

“Oh, wow! I can hear!”

Sahara smiled at her face and then said, “That is just one way. Another way is testing blood, blood could tell you what you may lack or what you may have too much of…Or whatever.”

Sahara actually didn’t know the particulars, as she was never any kind of doctor, all she knew was that blood did help tell someone what could potentially be wrong with someone.

“Ah, I’ve heard of people using blood for things, I wonder if they already knew about it. What else!?” Nether asked, completely entertained.

Sahara smiled again, it was nice to see her in a different light…She was so grouchy before, now it was like another part of her saw some light and hung tightly onto it…

“Uh, well…” Sahara suddenly stopped…She just couldn’t say stuff like MRI’s and Xray’s…They probably had no idea what they were! So…What else would be there for this world to know if someone was sick?

Shrugging, Sahara lost any interest to continue the conversation, “Well, I guess someone could come up with something, I’m sure of it!”

Nether was completely deflated after that…She felt like she had read up to the climax of a book to see in one sentence that things ended…Just like that…It was gone! Done! Finished! Poof!




“Tell me about yourself boy.”

Felix looked up at the Blue Haven Emperor and blinked. “I am Prince Felix.”

The Blue Haven Emperor put some food into his mouth and bluntly said, “And…”

Looking at his father, Felix saw that he was not going to get any help from him, as he was busy talking to the Purple Haven Emperor, so he turned back and swallowed. “I…Am not the first-born son.”

Why…Why did I say that?

It was quite simple, really, Felix was not only bad at being put on the spot, but he was still learning how to talk to people.

“Oh, really? Who is the first born?” The Blue Haven Emperor asked, still quite interested.

“Prince Liam.” Felix answered easily.

Looking at the Green Haven Emperor at the top of his eyes, the Blue Haven Emperor looked back at Felix, “And why is he not the next heir?”

Felix clenched his hands underneath the table. “He was…Not…”

Felix took a deep breath and tried again, “He was the Crowned Prince…But he is not now.”

The Blue Haven Emperor smirked and let out a slight laugh, it seemed that this one wasn’t that easy to talk to. Without even intending to, Prince Felix made it difficult for the Blue Haven Emperor to figure him out. All it was though, was that Felix had trouble with people and so he was vague…


Trying from another route, the Blue Haven Emperor then asked, “Are you not the Princess Consort’s apprentice?”

Felix gave a curt nod in reply and put something into his mouth. He hadn’t had much chance to eat in the last minute or two…

“Will you show me what you can do?” The Blue Haven Emperor asked.

Felix looked around and back at the Blue Haven Emperor, not sure on how to proceed. “You want me to show you what my master showed me?”

“Yes.” The Blue Haven Emperor said.

Felix blinked, “Ok…”

Getting out a knife, Felix saw the sudden withdrawal from the Blue Haven Emperor, and he put his hand on the table…

I don’t want to do this…

After a couple of breaths, the Blue Haven Emperor frowned, “What is going on boy?”

Frowning himself, Felix slammed the knife into his own hand and let out a cry.

He hadn’t wanted to do that…

“My Prince!”

“What!? What is going on!?”

Felix put his free hand up and softly said, “It is fine.”

It’s not fine! This is very painful!

“Don’t you dare blame this on me boy!” The Blue Haven Emperor stated in a harsh voice. He had even gotten up out of his seat!

Felix looked up at him and tried to forget the pain, “You wanted me to show you, so…I’m…Showing you!”

With that, Prince Felix closed his eyes and before the eyes of those close by, he healed his hand.

“Oh my…”

The Blue Haven Emperor took a deep breath in and then looked upon the young boy who could still be sucking on a nanny’s tit…

Such a power! And there’s not even a scar left behind!


It was the perk of the day…Seeing the Crowned Prince heal himself in front of everyone.

The meeting had not gone very well at all!

Many of them were not very happy with what was going on! Not only had they not agreed to anything whatsoever yet, but they all had grievances with one another now. If there were a tally up to what won with grievances, it would be that of the Red Haven King’s attitude!

Next up with would actually be Green Haven’s wants to take advantage of what was going on!

There had been many interruptions and many people sighing and shaking their heads!

There’s hardly a point to continue about talking about the meeting to be honest, as it was hardly even called that to begin with!

But they all still knew that the meeting must go on! It must continue and there must be a conclusion!

It’s just…How long will it take to finish!?




Sahara woke up and got up in a hurry…

She fell asleep!

Seeing the obvious darkness outside, Sahara knew that it had been at least an hour since she had fallen asleep.

How could…

Unable to believe that she could just be that laid back at a time like this, Sahara wiped her face and immediately got up and went out to look for…

Ah, there they are…

Both Steven and Nether were fusing over the crying Kin.

Oh dear…

“Did you poke him?” Sahara asked, coming up behind them.

“Of course not! He’s just upset!” Nether stated, bopping up and down with her whole body.

Watching Nether coo at Kin, she turned to Steven, who seemed a bit dazed at looking at Nether and she shook her head.

It seems Steven has figured out something that he hasn’t got…

Sahara’s thoughts weren’t too far from the truth…As…For the first time, Steven had suddenly wondered what it would be like to…Have his own family…


Steven had not thought much of a family of his own…He had been happy being brought into one. Within just a few days, Steven has suddenly become aware of the opposite sex…He’d become aware of a want for things that he never thought he may obtain…Was it really something that he could potentially have?

It almost seems too out of reach…

Sahara patted Steven on the shoulder and smiled, they might take a bit to warm up to one another by the looks of it.

Well, I suppose, they really only just met once again. Even on Earth people might not have sex on the first date! It’s just…

Sahara wondered if they will ever get anywhere!?

Thoughts can change though, and Sahara is glad that she only helps to a certain extent, as they simply work shit out on their own…It’s one of those relationships that you wonder how they got close all of a sudden but really, you know dam well that they spend a lot of time together…You just don’t see it yourself.


Kin didn’t want milk, he was indeed crying for another reason and so that took time to figure out.

Finally, Sahara quickly teleported to Matthew, with Kin, to see that the meeting was only going to continue the next day. They had preferred to go home to their own Haven’s but…Sahara had not been there, so they only had the choice of staying in the quarters that was allocated to them before the meeting started.

And so, all Sahara did was spend some time with Matthew before going to bed…Except…She couldn’t sleep…

Why had she napped earlier!? She wasn’t a ‘napper’! Well, she was when she was pregnant but…

In a sudden worry, Sahara searched her womb and then sighed…

Ok, she wasn’t pregnant…

Not having done any kind of prevention for another pregnancy, Sahara breathed out quietly. She wasn’t really ready to have another child yet.

Should she speak to Matthew about that? They hadn’t talked about it at all…


For a short time, Sahara sat there in the dark with Matthew’s arms around her in his sleep.

If she were to say something now, would it be classified under having been said? It just reminded her of another joke that she had heard back in her earth days about…

It was good to see him sleep so soundly.

Kin was also sleeping quite soundly…

Ah, my boys are so cute!

Completely awake, and finally accepting it, Sahara slowly got out of Matthew’s hold and got out of bed.

Having seen some snippets of the meeting, where she hadn’t been there, Sahara knew that there was at least one thing that she could help with…And that was trying to get the real Red Haven’s King’s health better!

Will it work though? I mean, will I waste a load of time and a butt load of spiritual essence doing this!?

It wouldn’t be the first time that Sahara felt like whatever she did was useless. She just felt like it wasn’t concrete…She could bring back this dude, this ‘real’ Red Haven King, but he could be a real asshole! Then if he were, would they be back to square one?

Sighing heavily, Sahara shook her head from side to side and wondered what to do.

She might not be able to fix him anyway…

Well, that’s right, even if it were to burden her healing abilities, she should give it a crack anyway right!?





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