The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 208 **The Pin Cushion**


Matthew’s voice interrupted Sahara’s thoughts and she opened her eyes.

“Oh…It’s daytime…”

She had been on the floor, crossed legs and…

Watching Matthew coo at Kin, who was crying quite loudly, Sahara put her bottom lip in between her teeth…

“What were you doing that you couldn’t even hear your own son!?” Matthew asked, obvious anger showing in his voice and face!

Lifting her hands, so that Kin could come down for a feed, Matthew narrowed his eyes at her.

A silence dragged on as Matthew’s anger slowly turned into a pout and he gave Kin to his beloved. “I guess you still haven’t found a way yet?”

It was obvious upon what Sahara was doing, because there was another person laying on the ground in front of her…And that was the real Red Haven’s King…Except he was fake because he wasn’t the first one that was still brain damaged…

“Not any other besides something that I’ve already done…” Sahara stated, placing Kin in a more comfortable position.

“What do you mean, my dear?” Matthew asked, going in behind her and letting her rest on him.

After a few seconds of a crying Kin, turning into a sucking Kin, Sahara looked back up at Matthew and smiled. “This one can be ready pretty quick…I just gotta finish it.”

Matthew didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The way that Sahara talked a lot of the time really did make him feel strange…Almost like she came from another place entirely!

Laughing to his thoughts, Sahara turned back to Kin and said, “There’s now two of them. I couldn’t really fix what was wrong with him, the other one…I didn’t get it! I tried to find the problem but even when I found the problem, I felt like there was not only a time problem, but that of how it occurred…So…I just did a whole new one! Don’t worry, it’s the same blood and all…If they do a test, I’m pretty sure that it’ll work…Mostly sure…”


Matthew…With what she was saying, could only see that what was wrong with the ‘real’ one, was something that she couldn’t heal…So she had…Just like her father…

Of course!

Smiling, Matthew kissed her…Kissed her neck, kissed the back of her head and brought up her hand to kiss that too.

He knew it! He knew that she’d find a way!

God, he loved her!

Kissing her neck again and pulling her closer into his embrace, Sahara blinked to the intimacy. Clearly Matthew was getting carried away…She could feel it!

“Matthew…Ah…Probably not the best of times to do this…” Sahara stated.

Matthew groaned into her neck and just stayed there.

The only noise heard in the room then was Kin…




“So then, why, to this extent, is she trapped in there?”

Nether asked, for the second time…

Steven scratched his head, “Well I don’t know. If Sahara doesn’t know then how would I know? She…Is just there…”

Nether shook her head and looked back at the small cage that held a female in it.

“I think there’s something wrong with her.”

“She wants release.” Sahara said suddenly, making both Nether and Steven turn to her.

Wouldn’t that be obvious?

Nether lost her courage to once again ask the question that she had already asked twice…

Sahara looked at Nether and raised her eyebrows to the confusing thoughts in Nether’s mind and wondered if Nether realized that she did indeed put Steven into another category where she was able to talk to him without worrying too much.

Sahara then looked at Gabriella, who was sitting there like she was dazed. She looked almost similar to the Red Haven King that she had tried to heal earlier…

“She’s here for a reason, don’t worry, we’ve stopped using her as a pin cushion.” Sahara bent down and put in some food, to which she was starting to think that Gabriella had indeed lost her survival instincts, with the food from before still there and going bad.


Having been used over and over again for her apprentice to learn how to heal, Sahara had had enough and put Gabriella in there to wait it out until she was to bring back Talon, Samuel and Zeus. She had just not gotten around to that yet!

It may also seem that she may have to do the work, of feeding Gabriella internally, in the way of keeping her alive…

It wasn’t like Gabriella had just given up with no fight…She had indeed gotten away, but she had always been brought back! She had gone through pain time and time again and it had become too much!

She had nearly gotten close enough to kill that little prince Felix, but it seemed that he had learnt his lesson with her and had stayed vigilant!

But now, after all this and that, Gabriella just couldn’t take it anymore!

Having already been told before that she was there to indeed see Talon, Samuel and Zeus, Gabriella didn’t think that they’d be brought back, but instead felt like she had been waiting for some type of sign from them, to welcome her to death…But nothing like that had ever happened…At least not yet…


Sahara knew that revenge can only take you so far. Yet, at the same time, if she were unable to bring back those who were dear to her, would she still want to take vengeance upon this human being. It wasn’t normal to be able to bring people back, so she hadn’t told Gabriella that that indeed was the ‘sign’ that she was ‘waiting’ for. Instead, Sahara had felt a little ill at ease upon how she had treated her.

Perhaps revenge wasn’t for her after all…Or perhaps, since she was going to bring them back, she was just over it…

Whatever it was, Sahara didn’t want to hurt Gabriella with knifes anymore…

Sahara was indeed someone that disliked pain and so putting herself into Gabriella’s shoes, where pain had been quite constant, she felt like the unintended torture through teaching was still too much.

She had been caged ever since…There were no more surprise attacks and no more attempts at running, no…Gabriella had given up and was waiting to be released…Not by the cage but by life…

It was a quote from her last life, but Sahara remembered it, that living was harder than dying…


With time not quite right to just be doing whatever she wanted to do, Sahara turned to Steven and Nether, “We are going back to Green Haven.”

Steven nodded, like usual, accepting whatever was thrown at him like a little puppy waging his tail…Nether on the other hand still looked uncertain but didn’t say anything.

There was indeed an extra this time, that accompanied them to Green Haven, and that was the new Red Haven King. This one indeed was now awake and aware.

Now this new and improved Red Haven King, with attached memories, was with a hard stare.

He had been informed of very small things, as they hadn’t had all that much time…So this ‘hard stare’ wasn’t because of this time or place…It was his memories…

Sahara could see straight away that this new Red Haven King was ‘working’ just fine and was just caught up with what has happened to him in the past…

It was quite upsetting actually…

Just imagine a life that you’ve apparently lived but had not been able to do anything with…And in that life you were used and abused. It was not living for a start but then, how do you feel about all that when you took a backseat to it all. Can you say it was indeed your life and that you had all rights to obtain any kind of retribution and get your position back?


Sahara could see many blurred memories to what had happened to his crippled state. They had taken so much of his blood and just left him like some prisoner, even though he had done nothing wrong!

All the time that he couldn’t do anything to state he was thirsty or hungry, that his survival was on the line…

But it wasn’t time to divulge into this as Matthew ran towards her, having been caught up into a…Strange conversation with his old man.

“This prince is ready!”

Oh, so since you are ready, it’s time to go, is it?

Sahara rolled her eyes and made sure everyone was ready and then teleported them all straight to the common main room in Green Haven, where they thought the Green Haven Emperor was waiting for them…To which he was…

In fact…They were late!


“Imperial Father! Did I not tell you to trust in my beloved Princess! Look, here is an answer!”

Matthew opened his hand towards the Red Haven King and slightly bowed to him in politeness, “I present to you, The Red Haven King!”

In silence, the Red Haven King came forward and looked over the few people that were there. He was indeed in his forties, but it felt like he had lost twenty years, as indeed he did…

He completely forgot how to act his position!


There was no happiness to it, nor that of sadness…Nothing…Just a word that seemed to sum this poor man up. He was not ready yet to take upon the world, that much was for sure…

Sahara narrowed her eyes at the Green Haven Emperor and sighed, she had this feeling that he was going to pressure this little chick into something, she just knew it!


…There was something that did indeed surprise Sahara though, and that was that the Green Emperor suddenly looked at her instead!

“We can take it from here, my dear. I will have you return in before sunset to take these people back home.”

Oh, ordering me around are we!? I see…

Once again, Sahara was forced out of the process of the meeting. Her job was to bring everyone together and to take everyone back…

Where’s the thanks uh!? You couldn’t even do this without me! Where’s the love!? My taxi services should cost everyone sum! Haha, imagine teaching people to teleport just to start a ‘taxi service’…

Sahara humphed and turned her head away. It wasn’t like she hadn’t accepted this ‘order’ but it was more like feeling like she was being taken for granted!

Matthew sighed to his beloved and walked over to her.

“Here, my dear, take Kin.” Matthew said quietly to Sahara.

She took Kin away from Matthew and looked back up at him.

Matthew smiled, “Thank you! We will use this to our advantage and try to finish the meeting…Just don’t get your hopes up…Nonetheless, stay out of trouble!”

Touching her nose, he looked at her, stopping himself from giving her a kiss. They were indeed in front of so many people but…

Sahara cheekily smiled back and did as he wanted, and gave him a quick kiss, before turning back to Steven and Nether. It was once again time to bugger off!

That is just what they did, they disappeared, leaving the new Red Haven King to the Green Haven King.


It wasn’t time for the meeting to start, so they had time, with Joshua coming not long after to help make plans!

Oh, these plans involved a lot, and it would have been boring if Sahara were to stay! They knew that blood was indeed evidence of the Red Haven’s claim to the throne, they also needed to have evidence that the Red Haven King was in his right might and got some doctors. The Red Haven King didn’t say much but he was starting to show signs of thinking of the now, instead of the past, which was progress…

But they only had an hour to get things organized and so…They weren’t quite ready for the meeting to start…

What they never thought would happen though, was that the confined and proposedly watched Nate had indeed escaped!

But what soon came to be seen was that he did not run away, he had indeed just gone to be with the current and annoying Red Haven King!

They too wanted to make plans but did not have much time to do so…

The meeting was then started but started with a hitch. Nate wanted to claim that he was not a prisoner and that he should be treated like a guest. The annoying Red Haven King also wanted to concur with Nate and stated his obvious plan to back Nate up.

The mess in the meeting room started straight away and…Well the mess really did just grow and grow!



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