The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 74 **The Man, The bomb!**

“I know a good first date!” Sahara said, not letting him go.

“Date?” Matthew asked.

“Mmm, where we go out, just the two of us.” She said, already smiling. Surely, it could be done in this place! She read about it!

“Go out? Where do you want to go?” Matthew asked, kissing her on the head.

“Auction house!”

Matthew stopped and pulled back, “Auction House? I thought…”

Just finding out now, how much he was looking forward to being alone with his Princess, he was a little shocked to her choice of place.

Looking up at him, Sahara sighed, “Ok, we’ll go somewhere else.”

Matthew put his hands to her face and smiled, “We can go to the Auction House.”

After that, he claimed her mouth, bringing her body closer to his.


The kiss was sweet and slow. Matthew caressed her cheeks, and she happily put her head back to invite him closer. It wasn’t their first kiss, yet it felt like it. They seemed to both savour the touch and taste of the other and waited until they believed it wasn’t a dream. That they had the other person in their arms and finally, hoping, that a relationship could start.

As the kiss went deeper, Sahara put her hands from around his waist, to around his neck and he picked her up, to have her at equal height to him. But even though she was shorter than he was, they fit perfectly together…

Pulling slightly away, and putting his forehead against hers, Matthew opened his eyes and then closed them again.

It’s not a dream!

Taking her lips once again, this kiss was more demanding.

Feeling this way…To what her instincts had said, Sahara believed it now. It seemed that both of them, even though they hardly knew each other, longed for each other like they had been together once before. Had they waited for this day to come? Is that why they had felt something was amiss, but didn’t understand and didn’t know how to question it?

Perhaps they were the reincarnations of the Golden Emperor and Empress. Or perhaps when someone loves another, it doesn’t matter who they are, it’s how you feel when you’re with them.

Whatever it was, and now that Sahara wasn’t fighting it anymore, she felt like she had just gained the world. A happiness hard to describe, a fate out of her hands and desperate wants for the simplest of things...


When they stopped kissing, they were both breathless, but stayed close.

“The person who kidnapped me, I…”

Matthew interrupted Sahara, “He’s…”

She interrupted him, “Shh, I want to see him, after I learn how to use a whip!”

Matthew smiled hopelessly, “I will show you how to use a whip then.”

Giving him a big smile in response, Matthew chuckled, “You have to have a strong arm to use a whip.”

She pulled back from him, “Hey! I’m strong!”

“Oh?” Matthew said, putting her up in the air, “Strong like this?”

“Uh…” Sahara wondered if she really could pick up herself and put herself in the air like this.


Chuckling again, Matthew brought her back down and held her tight, “Are you saying you’re weak then?”

“No! I’m just…”

Matthew interrupted her, “I will teach you, little weakling.”


Matthew laughed and sighed.

Sahara pouted…

When you teach me…I’m ganna make it difficult for you!

“I have things to tell you, my dear.” Matthew said seriously. He had always been honest with her. Perhaps he had kept information from her, but he really didn’t lie…

Sahara looked at him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I doubt it’s as big of a secret then mine! Haha

Matthew took a deep breath in and said, “I’m known as…The Second Prince.”


Sahara blinked…

Then blinked again…

“Eh?” She said.

Matthew tightened his arm around her, a little scared that she’ll want to run away. “I…”

They were silent for a moment and Matthew waited, because he was sure that she had heard him, and he had enough trouble as it was saying it the first time…

After a full minute of silence, Sahara suddenly remembered a few times where she had heard of the Second Prince, or ‘His Highness’. She supposed that she never really put it together…Especially with the voices inside her head…

Remembering Talon coming to her when she…Was in her ‘room’…He had said something then…

That’s right! I saw him at the cliff! And Talon had said the Second Prince was there! Haha!

Sahara started to lightly laugh, as she remembered meeting him at the Tavern then fell asleep.

Haha, he saw me…Ahh! I was drunk! And I fell asleep…Omigod, I’ve never bowed…

Sahara stopped laughing and blinked at him with widened eyes.

Matthew had just watched his Princess slowly figure it all out. His eyes were gentle and full of indulgence, as she had suddenly stopped laughing.

“I never bowed…To a Prince!” She blurted out.


Matthew laughed and said, “When we are alone, I prefer you to be yourself as much as possible…And I don’t want you to bow to me, my Princess.”

Sahara felt nervous again when he had called her Princess. How often had a girl dreamt of this moment!

Omigod, I’m so lucky! Haha, I really got Prince Charming!

Strangely, she didn’t feel as dismayed as she thought she would be, at finding out that he was a prince. Sahara had originally never wanted to be with royalty because of the mess that they created…But, for some reason, the potential mess that could happen didn’t seem to faze her…It wasn’t big enough to destroy this…It wasn’t worth the worry…

So strange…


“Will my Princess be ready now to meet…To meet the Emperor of Green Haven?” Matthew asked. It was still hard to ask and talk about this, because he also wanted to tell her that the emperor wasn’t even his real father. Yet, he didn’t want to lie to her either…

Sahara went still and remembered about all the stories that had to do with Emperor’s and their harems. “Is he nasty?”

Feeling sorry for the Emperor, Matthew shook his head. “He’s a good Emperor, I want him to be the Emperor of Green Haven for a long time to come.”

She slowly started to smile and then put her hands to her cheeks.

Omigod, am I ganna meet the man! The big man. The omigod, holy shit, big man! Ahh!

“Are you nervous?” Matthew asked.

“Yes! He’s the man! The bomb! If you anger the emperor, you lose your head!” Sahara said, letting everything out.

Honestly, who wouldn’t be scared of someone with that much power!? Especially when I was me and not really good with people!


Matthew laughed heartily, “He won’t harm you, he is looking for you, the ‘Divine Healer’. I promise that you will be safe!”

“Uh? He’s looking for me?” Sahara asked.

Matthew put his forehead against hers again, “My Princess, you are already quite the person in this capital! Even your…Real father is looking for you!” Matthew had nearly said ‘grandfather’ just now instead of ‘real father’…

Blinking and putting her head to the side, she wondered why her ‘stupid grandfather’ would be looking for her. “Doesn’t he think I’m dead?”

“The emperor himself told him that you were alive!” Matthew said, shaking his head against hers.

“I’m…So confused!” Sahara said. “So, I’m alive now? He knows…But how did the emperor know who I was? When did the emperor…Bah! Who cares! I’m alive or dead, I’ll deal with it!”

Matthew pulled back and stared at her, “We’ll deal with it together. Sahara, never think that you are alone anymore. Whatever it may be, let’s do it together.”

Unable to do anything else, because those words were like honey and sounded so special that she wanted to put them in her pocket, Sahara nodded her head and blushed.

Matthew smiled and nodded himself, “Right, let’s go and see him now!”

He picked her up, like a real princess, and kissed her on the forehead, before taking big jumps towards the palace.


Uh? Already…Leaving, this minute…This very second…

But, by the time that Sahara found herself having left the General’s estate, they were already halfway to the palace, “What if he doesn’t like me?”

Nobody likes me, I had no friends on Earth! This is an Emperor for crying out loud…I’m…Me. Omigod, I just know it, I’ll get myself into so much trouble!

“I don’t even know how to bow properly Matthew! Perhaps we should wait! If we go now, he’ll chop off my head!”

Matthew shook his head and chuckled, she was so adorable. He couldn’t wait to marry her!

“Worry less, my dear. I will always take your side! If he really does want to…Chop off your head, then we will run away together!”

…Wow…I really scored the jackpot uh! He’s handsome, sweet and knows how to treat a girl!

Sahara was swimming in honey!

She forgot what they had been talking about and showed a brilliant, very happy smile on her face, while staring at Matthew.

When he saw her, his heart melted, and he nearly tripped over. Stopping, so he didn’t harm her, he took the moment to stare back at her.

She really…

Matthew leaned in, wanting to kiss her, but heard a cough.


Sahara looked away from Matthew and saw that they were on some side area of the palace. When she looked into the ‘room’, she saw a few people bowing at the side…Those people always made her curious…

I mean, don’t they have anything better to do? Is the Emperor that important that he wants people to stand there and do nothing?

…Then, as she looked more around, someone was staring intently at her.

Shrinking her head a little bit, Sahara wondered if that was him!

What she didn’t see though, was another figure, who seemed to be looking with his golden eyes at her eagerly, from another direction. It was indeed someone who had been looking for her for quite a number of days!


Matthew walked straight into the room and smiled, “Your Majesty, I present to you, the Thirteenth Young Miss from the Rolland Estate and…The Divine Healer.”

Omigod, it was him! It’s the Emperor! Matthew…Aren’t I supposed to bow or kowtow or…Why aren’t you putting me down!?

“Divine Healer? So, it was indeed, the Young Miss. This King is very honored to meet you!” The emperor got off his seat in a hurry and happily walked towards her.

“You’re…Honored?” Sahara honestly asked…From the arms of Matthew.

An Emperor is honored to meet me, omigod! That’s right, look how awesome I am now!...Now I feel like an idiot for being so scared!


The emperor gave Matthew a look, and Matthew put her down, still holding her hand.

Then, he said, “Of course, my dear! Not only did the name ‘Divine Healer’ become a big joy in the capital, but all of Green Haven!”

Taking a breath in, Sahara was sort of deflated. Really though, everyone in Green Haven was talking about her?

…Sahara had enough troubles getting the people in her small house on Earth to talk about her!

The emperor…Wouldn’t be lying right?

The emperor was unsure on what to do, normally people are very happy after hearing something like this…

Matthew looked at Sahara and said, “You didn’t know, did you?”

She looked at him, “Know what?”

“Know about the rumors of the Divine Healer.” He said, trying to bring things to the light for the emperor, who was already upset that this young woman hadn’t talked properly to his son…In which his son didn’t seem to mind in the least…

“Just seems unrealistic…I’m not much to talk about really…What about other Divine Healer’s?” She said all this in a very natural way, but the emperor was having a hard time understanding this woman.

It was quite common for geniuses to have eccentric type of personalities, but the emperor hadn’t seen one like this for a very long time…Did she really have absolutely no idea about ‘Divine Healers’?

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