The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 75 **He has my Permission!**

“No, my dear, Divine Healers are rare. You appearing in Green Haven, was nearly a cause for a celebration!” Matthew said.

Sahara nodded then smiled, “Great, cool! I’m special then!”

There's no point on being bothered about it, they know and there's no one else, so I'm freakin awesome right!?

The emperor took a moment to look at Matthew and could not quite understand how he was so besotted with her…

“Oh, Emperor, I come with a gift. Here.” Sahara put a white pill in her hand and brought her hand out to him, scaring him a bit.

She was still getting used to having her cultivation base hiding and coming out upon needing her spiritual essence. It really was quite remarkable on how synced the voice inside her head and she were, as she rarely had to worry anymore about her cultivation base not coming back, hiding it again though, was what was strange still…Only because she had to remember to do it…

Matthew picked the pill up from her hand, and said, “Did you learn ‘Dispersion’ meditation?”

“Yeah, but that pill isn’t made with ‘Dispersion’.” Sahara said, sighing.

Looking at his Princess, Matthew asked, “Then what did you make it with?”

She shrugged, “I had made it with ‘Dispersion’ but it didn’t come out as good as the white ones made with ‘Bending Space’. The grey pill does about one fifth of a white one…I think. It’s a give or take…”


Her lazy talk of not even adding ‘meditation’ after the names of the meditation really made the emperor take a little extra time to take her words in…

But then, The Emperor widened his eyes and looked upon the pill. He hadn’t seen a white pill in his whole life, but he has seen a grey one!

Having talked about a grey pill, the emperor finally understood what the white pill was! It was the most purest of pills!

“Many thanks, this King happily receives the gift from the honored Divine Healer.”

Sahara raised her eyebrows, “Would it be too much to ask the emperor to call me Sahara?”

I really hate titles, why is it always titles! Wait...Did I just take things too far? Seriously, Sahara, he's not just a normal man, he's an Emperor! An Emperor!


A strange silence entered the room, Sahara had more than just two people staring at her in shock, as the bowing eunuchs and maidservants gabbed at her…

“…Or perhaps…” Sahara’s stuttering came to halt, perhaps she asked for the impossible…

The emperor laughed and nodded, “My son, this girl is an iridescent pearl! Sahara it is, this King shall call you Sahara!”

She smiled, hiding the relief that she had, “Great!”

Having no idea that if she was anyone else, who wasn’t someone that the emperor wanted to please, Sahara probably would have made him very angry! But she was quite lucky…And strangely accepted…

The emperor hardly ever even called his own children by their names, yet he could not help but want to indulge someone who could give him…A white pure pill! If he were to continue to call her by her name…Would she give him another white pill?


Matthew gave the pill to the Emperor and the Emperor looked at it very closely, treating it very well. “Ah! It looks the purest white that this King has ever seen…”

Sahara nodded and then looked at Matthew, who was looking at her. Smiling at him freely, he smiled back and tightened his hand that was around hers.

Guess I'm doing alright. My head will remain intact!

“Your Majesty, I have been able to gain Min…”

Turning, Sahara sees a couple of old men come and enter the room, to stop and look at her…One was the Right Minister. “Sa…Sahara?”

“Mmm, I’m alive.” These words were more of a clarification, as she heard that he knew that she was alive, but thought she was dead…And that’s all she had to say to him!



The Right Minister, even having heard that she was alive previously, now walked up to her, surprised. Seeing the two holding hands, the Right Minister looked back up at Sahara, totally shocked at how beautiful she was. Her beauty reminded him briefly of her mother, which was the reason why he took her in as another wife…

Matthew had stepped out to the side, to make it easier for Sahara to see the Right Minister and watched him. “As you see, Right Minister, she has returned.”

Smiling, the Right Minister nodded his head, “Yes, she has indeed. This old man is very grateful that…”

Stopping to clear his throat, a tear escaped his eye, making Sahara slightly shocked, “Grandfather? Why are you crying!?”

“Ah! I just remembered and now…Thank you for surviving!” The Right Minister grabbed her other hand and just went silent.

Was he acting?

Sahara was confused with what was going on…


Honestly, the Right Minister wasn’t totally acting. He was truly grateful that she had survived, and he did remember what she had gone through. It had been unbelievable that she could be here, and in such a great position. So, he just couldn’t put anything into words right now. On top of that, her beauty really brought back some nostalgic feelings and memories!

Really wanting to take her away and speak with her, the Right Minister just smiled and dropped her hand. “This one would like you to come home!”

Sahara blinked, “I’ll come over sometimes, but I’m not going back to live there.”

The Right Minister pursed his lips, for what was he hoping for anyway, that answer was already very good!

Nodding, the Right Minister looked at Matthew and back at Sahara, “Very well! We will welcome you at any time, Sahara!”


“Minister Rolland! Come, give me those papers!” The emperor finally put the pill away and caught the end of the conversation.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The Right Minister said, rushing forward towards the emperor.

Sahara moved closer to Matthew and whispered, “Can we go now?”

Matthew whispered back, “I want to ask for your hand in marriage.”

“Uh? You’re doing this now?” She asked in a bit of shock.


“Your real father is here and so is the emperor, otherwise we would have to go to the Rolland Estate to see your father at another time.” Matthew whispered.

Sahara blinked and was silent for a moment, “Oh! That’s right…”

She had thought…

I’m such an idiot! How long have I been here!? And I still forgot about this!

“Is this the way you’re going to ask for her hand in marriage, my son?” The emperor cheekily asked. It was so strange to see two people so close, but he had not changed his mind from when he had first seen them together.

Even though she was a little strange, he did still think that they were perfect for each other.

“Ah!” Matthew turned, embarrassed, “I…I was thinking about it, yes.”

Seeing his son show these emotions was very good! “Very well then, ask!”


Clearing his throat, Matthew turned to Sahara, then back to both the Right Minister and the Emperor.

“He has my permission to marry me.” Sahara said smiling.

That’s all that counts right!

“Sahara!” The Right Minister scolded.

The emperor showed wide eyes at the girl who seemed…Very cunning!

Yet, Sahara thought that this was all very natural. If she didn’t want to marry him, he wouldn’t…Well, in her eyes, or life…Or whatever.

And Matthew put his head back then down again, showing a genuine smile, “I would like to ask the Emperor of Green Haven and the Right Minister to grant this loyal subject Matthew and Divine Healer Sahara, to obtain the right to marry and be formally engaged.”


Sahara blinked a few times, seeing everything so formal and then nodded. She supposes that this way was ok too. It’s like she has two daddies or something. She didn’t totally understand it before, that parents always decided upon marriage, but having to ask two males that should care, at least for one of the two people wanting to marry, was like…Two dads…

The Right Minister saw that the emperor wanted him to speak first, so he stepped forward, “This one, father of…”

Looking up, astonished as the news hit him, “Divine Healer?...Grants marriage…”

The emperor smirked, he believed that the Right Minister might have had a few too many surprises today, “This King grants the marriage, Sahara will have the Princess consort status.”

The emperor happily used her name in front of the Right Minister…Who seemed to take on yet another surprise…


…Sahara let out a breath of relief, she hadn’t died.

Omigod, we got permission to do something that I’ve never done before!

Matthew had breathed out a breath of relief as well, he had never thought that he’d had hold his breath, but it was so nerve racking!

…If they had said no!

...He wouldn’t have known what to do!

“Oh! Emperor, I’ll fix your dantian for this!” Sahara yelled out, still not knowing that she should use different words. To her, both of them were titles…So, she had no idea which, which was which and what to use!

“You’ll…Fix?” The emperor was side-tracked, he stopped what he was doing with the paper in his hand. He’d hardly looked at it since it come into his hand some time ago, but again, he forgot about it.

“Yeah, your dantian is more solid is all, but I can put some holes into it. Fix it.” Sahara said, leisurely.

Everyone in the room stared at her, the emperor’s dantian being spoken off like that…

Yet, the Emperor hadn’t been worried about how she had spoken of it, that fact that she could do it held his attention. “You have complete confidence that you are able to fix this King’s dantian?”

“Yeah, I can do it right now, and then if you take that pill, you’ll properly ding to rank four.”

Again, everyone stared at Sahara…


Oh, did I say something weird again…

Sahara tried to remember what she just said…

“Then will Sahara say how long it would take?”

She shrugged, “Ah, maybe an hour? Although, cleansing your whole body, I would definitely say two to three hours. I would suggest cleansing, because you ding up faster…”

Matthew sighed, then turned to the emperor, “Will Your Majesty like Sahara to do this now then? If not, I would also like to go see Sahara’s brother.”

The emperor eagerly looked at his work, then the people waiting for him to either complete it or give him more. He dearly just wanted to let it go and say yes!


“This…This King will have Sahara come back another time.” The emperor said, unhappily.

Sahara smiled at him, “When would be a good time…Your…Majesty?”

Haha, I did it, I said, ‘Your Majesty’ It’s a drama!

“Perhaps at sundown, will Sahara be able to return at sundown to this King?”

“Sure, I’ll be over there.” She said pointing to where Matthew had 'landed' when they had come to be here first.

The emperor was full of smiles, he’d been stuck for so long at rank three, and now he will get to cultivate normally! “Good, very good! Sundown, this King will be ready!”

...Not far away, golden eyes flared, “Sundown…”

Sahara looked at Matthew, then said, “We going to see Talon?”

Matthew nodded, then went to speak to say that he was leaving, but…

Everyone in the same room as the emperor widened their eyes in disbelief!

They…They’re gone!

The golden eyed person was even more impressed! This woman was magnificent! And in no way was he going to let her marry this ‘Second Prince’!




Matthew found himself in a courtyard with no people, yet it looked like someone lived there and looked at Sahara with solemn eyes, “It’s very rude not address to the emperor that you are leaving…”

“Ah…Then what of us going there without an invitation?” Sahara asked innocently.

Matthew let out a huff of air and then smiled, “You!”

“Me?” She said, cuddling into him like it was only natural. Well, that’s how it felt. Natural.

Matthew also took her into his arms and said, “You…Are beautiful!”

Kissing her, he felt a bit of weight off his shoulders, having gotten as far as getting approval was something he hadn’t thought he’d get so quickly. It really was quite…Quick! He had a funny suspicion as to why though...Because of what she had said and done...The pill, fixing the emperor’s dantian and being the 'Divine Healer'...

But…Having seen her at the stable, having seen her walk to him. Having connected, it also seemed right!

Just like right now, in this room, kissing her as though there was no tomorrow!

Sahara pushed herself up against him and kissed him back, this was more like it!

Honestly, she knew that she had been strange to come up with a resolution to stay away from men, but having it completely blown away by this man…She already wanted him!


Sighing to her uncontrollable urgency, Sahara needed to step back. Otherwise, she might just go that far with him right here, right now!

Ah, the drama of olden days! I guess I remembered one thing uh!

Sahara remembered reading the stories of ladies losing their innocence before marriage, yet, to her, it wasn’t much of an issue. She had already lived a life of going as far as giving birth to a child without marriage…And well the virginity thing…Honestly, she had checked herself, after she had been kidnapped, because she wasn’t even sure that she was still ‘innocent’, but it was there…That ‘H’ word thing, it looked strange when zoomed in, giving her more the impression upon virginity, so, Sahara really should do the right thing and wait…Right?

Seriously, it wasn’t like they still couldn’t have fun…They could…Play around some other ways, so it shouldn’t be too hard to keep her virginity for the night that they get married…But…Exactly, when was that going to be? No dates had been said earlier, and Sahara had read that people could be engaged to be married for quite some time and preparing it and all…Hell, could she even last that long!?

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