The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 76 **Happy Family**

Sighing, Sahara looked around, to see the place was being well looked after.

Finding another hand hold mirror on the dresser table, she gave a little chuckle. Her Father bought a new one, even though she didn’t live here anymore.

Smiling, Sahara picked it up and looked at how pretty it was.

Matthew put his arms around her from behind, and said, “What are you thinking?”

“I stole my own mirror, and he bought another one, even though I don’t live here. I really like Talon.” Sahara said honestly.

Matthew kissed her neck and said, “He was really worried about you when you left, I thought he was going to hurt himself…I told him to stay here, for when you get back.”

Sahara looked up and kissed him quickly, “Thank you.”

Matthew smiled at her, then kissed her back. “You’re welcome…I…I am really glad that you are you.”


Honestly, he didn’t know how to tell her that he seemed to like everything about her. Especially the way she was willingly touching him and letting him touch her.

He didn’t know how much he was someone like this, someone that always wanted to hold some part of her!

Sahara let out a small laugh, “I don’t wanna be anyone else. Tried that, and you know what?”

Kissing her neck, he stopped to say, “What?”

“I wasn’t me.” Sahara said.

The chuckling near her neck tickled her, and she put her hand to his head and put back her head against his broad chest.

Suckling on her neck, he saw that it seemed to affect her, and he said her name in need.

He put his hands to the opening of her clothes and put his hand in, while finding her lips again.

Wanting and needing her so much, he was sure that he was going to go crazy…


Sahara kissed him back and moaned, as his hand lightly touched her ancient bra and then stopped. “Sahara…”

Turning her around, he picked her up. She put her legs around him, a natural action, as he walked to the bed.

Putting her down gently, he found himself even more uncontrollable as he began to kiss her down her neck and opened her clothes more, to finally see her ancient bra.

His curiosity stopped him, as he touched it, then slowly put his fingers over the top of the material…

“Ah! Who…Who are you?”

Oh…That’s right…

Matthew covered Sahara up, then turned to the maidservant. He was about to say something, when Sahara yelled out, “This is my room! Get out!”


Looking back at Sahara in astonishment, he couldn’t help but laugh and fall into her body.

Sahara laughed as well, as she put a hand through his hair and kissed the side of his hiding head. Honestly, she was mad! She had totally forgotten where she was and then to be interrupted…Dammit!

Having him lose himself like this only made her feel really good. She felt his want for her, and she hadn’t wanted him to stop!

But it was probably a good idea that they waited…The ways of the ancient era and all...

Sighing, Sahara said, “We should stop.”

Matthew agreed, he really wanted to be the gentleman and wait until they are married!

She was just so…Ah, it was like I had been waiting and waiting all this time, and now she was beside me, how could I keep my hands to myself!?

Pushing himself more into her, he still felt so good! There were obviously clothes between them, but Matthew didn’t want to move!

He could not imagine what it will be like to…Especially when he already felt a huge amount of satisfaction just being like this…

My dear, you will be the death of me!


“Ah! Matthew! We should just wait, right?” Sahara said, “We…We came here to see Talon!”


Looking at the voice, she saw him!

Speak of the devil. “Hey…Father…”

Matthew was so embarrassed that he didn’t know what to do, he got up and fixed himself, but was turned away from Talon.

Sahara looked up at Matthew seductively, yet this look from her didn’t help him at all! She wanted to laugh at the complete desire in his eyes and the evident bulge…

“I will come back…In a moment.” Matthew said, running off.

Breathing heavily, Matthew stopped near a small amount of running water and leaned against a tree.

“Your Highness?” Band One had finally caught up. He had literally come, to see Matthew run to here by himself. What was going on?

“Ah! Band One…Go tell the emperor…That I want to get married as soon as possible…That even a week is too long!”

Having seen his Master just been bending over, Band One just acted as normal as he could, and said, “This one will do as Your Highness says…”

All Matthew could do…Was try to think about something else, but it proved to be very difficult.

He had not taken a woman since Isabella, and hadn’t ever had any kind of trouble like this…

With Sahara, it was unbelievably troubling to stop and not be able to…

…A week was way too long to wait!



“Sahara? Was that…His Highness, the Second Prince?” Talon asked, quite upset to have found them this way. His daughter was unmarried, how dare someone come and do that kind of…If it were anyone else!

Could he possibly discipline a prince because of this!?

“Yes, we have permission from Grandfather and the Emperor to marry. I think Matthew wanted to come and ask you too, we just got…A little too carried away…” Sahara suddenly found herself a little strange, not able to look at Talon in the eyes and scratching her head.

I mean...I wasn't a virgin, uh, I mean in my last life, wait...I've had sex, yet...But then, Talon was a very important person...


Sahara tried to snap out of it and finally looked at Talon courageously.

Talon went silent…Permission to marry, my daughter is getting married…

“I…” Talon put a hand up to his forehead, he was really happy. She was growing up so quickly!

Ah, it must have been true, His Highness had liked Sahara, even back then, all that time ago…

Sahara interrupted him, “Speak to both of us about it, Father.”

Nodding, Talon cleared his throat, unable to think of any other subject. After all, his little, sweet girl was now at marriageable age and she still looked like his cute and loveable girl, that blinks and puts her head to the side.

Talon, even though knowing that she didn’t particularly live there at the moment, still felt like he was going to miss her like crazy. It wasn’t enough time! Talon found himself upset that she was growing older too quickly!

Sahara laughed and got up from the bed. “Let’s go and eat or drink…Let’s drink!”

Perfect! I even have a reason to celebrate!

“Very well. Let us celebrate! Samuel will return soon, and we will all celebrate!” Talon said walking ahead of her, towards the dining eating area. He wiped at his eyes and sniffed, readying himself…



Sahara had at least two hours, before she had to go back and meet the emperor, and in that two hours, She was…Getting drunk…Well, she wanted to…

Matthew, having come back, had been unable to come up with the conversation of marriage. He had no trouble sitting close to Sahara and taking her hand in his, but the conversation was a completely different problem…He was nervous. More nervous than he had been with the Emperor and the Right Minister!

Talon had brought it up instead, and that gave Matthew enough courage to continue further.

Knowing that Talon was very special to Sahara, Matthew really wanted his acknowledgment.

Waiting for Talon’s answer was like raging waters for Matthew, yet, when Talon happily agreed, it was like an untouched lake of clear water…

Of course, Talon had asked if Matthew made his daughter happy, but it was a very quick answer of ‘yes’ that Matthew was a little put out. He had been so nervous and fidgety to have everything be over and done with, like this?

Nonetheless, the overall objective was complete, as the marriage was approved, and his Sahara was next to him, with her hand in his. He couldn’t help but look at her in happiness, unable to wait to continue their future together.


After that, Samuel had returned, and everything was indeed quite merry. They didn’t just celebrate the engagement between Matthew and Sahara, but she was also able to give them three pills each. She told them not to be scared and that they should tell her how it goes after they take one. She wanted to check their bodies on the fourth pill, to see if I could understand why the pills stop working. To a certain regard, both Talon and Samuel were lab rats to her…But, to another regard, they were her closest ever family members, one's that showed that they cared.

Sahara also wanted them to become stronger as well, as she wouldn’t have to worry about them so much if they were…

Both Talon and Samuel were crying out their thanks and congratulations, making her not understand them at all. Weren’t they men?

But they were very sentimental men, who were just happy to see her happy…Sahara guessed.

Honestly, she was really happy to know them and gave them each a hug in a quick sentimental moment of her own. This was so different to her life on Earth…It really did make her wonder what they saw in her to be so happy like this...It’s not like she had low self-confidence, it was more so curiosity, as she just didn’t understand…



One thing that they didn’t see, while we were celebrating, was a man leaving the Rolland Estate, to return to the Empress’s side. He told the Empress that he had seen the Thirteenth Young Miss. Yet, the Empress didn’t know what to do…Marriage news…Was traveling around, and first, she wanted to know if it were true or not…

When two hours was almost up, Matthew had reminded Sahara, and she quickly sobered herself up.

Teleporting, bringing along her new attachment of Matthew, she arrived at a strange circumstance…

People were running around, and she frowned.

Matthew also frowned and pulled at someone to find out what was going on.

Apparently, there was an attempt on the emperor’s life and the person who attempted to do it…Was none other than Band One…




The golden eyed person had spent quite a number of days looking for Sahara but had never found her! Not only did he have no idea upon where he should start to look for her, but no one seemed to know much about a red eyed, beautiful girl.

She seemed to have a dark quality about her that made him check the black market and the depths of dark sections that aren’t known to many people but could not find her. She looked young, so he had tried to check out places a girl her age would go but found other young miss’s that did not strike him in the smallest measurements as the red eyed girl did. He had wanted to talk to the Crowned Prince but got mad to see him inside of the cold palace and didn’t bother to question him at all.

So…Finally having found her, and at the palace where he was, was quite a coincidence. He honestly thought that it must have been fate!

Having stopped looking for her for a day, he had come here for his next plans…

After hearing about the Crowned Prince becoming banished and his title taken away from him, the golden eyed person had gone into deep thought about what he should do.

He was sure that trying to gain favor of this Emperor would take a longer period of time, and that was just too long.

The ex-Crowned Prince, now known as Prince Liam, was still the best and fastest road to take, before he could continue to carry on his wishes to take the whole world.

Having quite a few Haven’s to get the favor of, the golden eyed person had wanted to move on. Once all the Haven’s were loyal to him, then he would become the first Golden Emperor in over a hundred years. His dreams may be big, but it was something that he had strived to do since he had become sixteen. He wanted to be the one with the ultimate power and loyalty, he wanted them to bow down to him and acknowledge him!

He had killed others that could be a threat, fought for favor to get this power, that no doubt would take years, so he didn’t think it would be asking too much for many to think of him as the ultimate being, the Emperor of all Haven’s!

So…His next step was to bring back Prince Liam and put him on the throne!

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