The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 79 **The fall of the Golden Era**

It was a myth, the 'True Golden Heir', but it had come to pass...

True Golden Heirs were naturally more gifted and talented then normal Golden Heirs. The difference could potentially be huge, if compared to a normal person. And...The biggest difference was that the 'Emperor's Golden Sword' was able to be drawn and used…The first time that Marcus had done this...He was bowed too and treated even more so extremely well.

But he had no care for the throne, the biggest thing he cared for, was Mandala. If she wasn't by his side, why the hell would he want the throne!?


At first, he had denied the crown, but his personality and words only led him to it. He may have been spoiled by many, but he was able to understand what the teachers taught him and watch the world from his safety net of the palace. With the help of his beloved Mandala, he showed a potential to become a great leader without even meaning too…

Then he had tried to leave Golden Haven with his beloved, which wouldn’t be as easy for him to be found, as the ‘Golden Heir’ bond wasn’t with him...But his loving brothers had indeed found him and brought both him and his beloved back.

Not all where there to bring him back, as it wasn't odd to see a brother or two jealous and feeling unjust to having a brother being called the Crowned Prince of Golden Haven...Especially since there was never a Golden Haven Crowned Prince previously...

This...Was only a step in towards the future of what happened to Golden Haven. These brothers that did not love their 'True Golden Heir' brother and had started the doubts with their people in their own maternal Haven's.


So, Marcus had no choice but to take the crown and he had named his beloved Mandala the first 'Golden Empress', stating that he will only have one wife in this lifetime.

At first, what was others to do, but to accept this?

He was the Golden Emperor, a True Golden Emperor!

But, over time, Golden Empress Mandala had only given birth to a little Princess in the space of five years...Fair enough, that this Princess was indeed a True Golden Heir, unbelievable and astonishing...But, she was not a male...And the Haven's were getting antsy. As it was, they hardly understood how True Golden Heirs were conceived, it was normal for an Emperor to only have one son to each Haven and that was it…No Princess had been born in Golden Haven in a very, very long time…


It wasn’t like Marcus didn’t want children, but he refused to use the ‘Golden Meditation’ upon his beloved and forcing a ‘Golden Heir’. It wasn’t like his brothers couldn’t take over his position if something were to happen to him, and he just felt like it wasn’t a big problem…Yet it seemed to be a bigger problem than he thought…

They used this as a reason to get the Golden Emperor to expand his harem, but the Golden Emperor had just repeated his words from many years before. And, his words were meant, as he had still been deeply in love with his beautiful Empress, who had gotten her own followers.

Marcus knew that Mandala had worked very hard to prove that she, a maid born from a maid, was one that could be of help to the Golden Emperor...Especially since she had accepted him.

She had seen that he had tried not to become the Golden Emperor, but had no choice, so he had desperately wanted her to join him, in which she had tried to prove herself to be the best Empress that she could be…Most of her work had to do with the people, in fact, even Marcus sometimes demanded her attention to change to him from that of the people!


Honestly, Empress Mandala’s work was recognized, even if one was upset to recognize it, because she had made homes for the orphans and set up ways to help the homeless, then made a strategy to prevent any kind of famine…And, this isn’t just in Golden Haven, she had worked extremely hard to have this happen in all Haven’s…In fact, most sickness was indeed cured because of this one Empress!

Because of the way she thought, she had found a way that no doctor had thought of before and that was how half of the sickness’s got obliterated! Of course, that took a long time to do, and her job had indeed been incomplete, and that is why there is still sickness…Well, another reason is that there was another reason that some of it couldn’t be completely dispelled and that was because of the body itself produced sickness in certain circumstances.

There is more in-depth detail upon these actions and how it was done in the library, but it was indeed the biggest thing that Empress Mandala was known for…

But…The brothers who didn’t like this True Golden Heir had already planted the seeds of doubt, and with the unchanged circumstance with the emperor not taking more wife’s…Things started to change…


So...It came to pass, that the Haven's lost their trust and faith in the Golden Emperor and the golden bridge had disappeared...Through an all-out surprise war, that included nearly every Haven going against the Golden Haven, the Golden Emperor and Empress were killed, like that to many other of the royal golden family…The reason it was a surprise, was because of the people on the inside, namely the Golden Heirs that rejected the Golden Emperor and their people. They used different tactics at different intervals to make sure that they had not been discovered and were able to continue with their plans. Their plans had nearly been destroyed when a 'Bending Space' cultivator had found them out, but they were lucky that the people on the inside had been able to close his mouth for eternity before word had been spread out. It had not been an easy kill, as the ‘Bending Space’ cultivator had been able to teleport, but they used that against him in the end, knowing that he would only go directly to the Golden Emperor with this news…


The Golden Emperor, with the loss of his beloved who had been mercilessly killed, in an attempt to send her daughter away secretly, Marcus secluded himself and an assassin broke through the defense on one lonely night.

It is a saddened fact that Mandala felt like she had to save their daughter, in which worked. If she hadn’t followed her ‘heart’…

It was known to Marcus that it was murder, his beloved, the Empress, had been murdered, yet, his ‘Bending Space’ cultivators had no idea, no one did…So, his depression fell deeper into despair, and he seemed to no longer care about living…That was how it looked though, but he knew that if he was to dig too deep, his daughter would get into trouble. She wasn’t far enough away yet, so he could have only done nothing…And which, brought him to his death…

The loyal brothers of the Golden Emperor had lost their way and had become easy targets…

The doted upon, lovely daughter of Marcus and Mandala had been put into the safety of one of the 'Bending Space' cultivators and had never been seen again...But, to what the Empress had done, and the Golden Emperor acting as he had, the Princess had indeed lived a full life and died at an old age…


Of course, these events happened over years, and there was more too it, but these events started the era of no Golden Emperor and no Golden Haven at all...

Not many knew that The Golden Emperor Marcus would have had preferred never to have become the emperor, and that Empress Mandala had really tried not to become the Empress but loved Marcus too much. They were pressured into those positions and then not accepted and forced to death. Their selfish desire for their daughter to live was their last wish, even though the price seemed to be as tall as the whole of Golden Haven…Yet, if things had been different, would there still be a Golden Haven? Did they ask for too much?

The ruins of Golden Haven where there for a very long time, only recently being changed to that of showing a slight sign of something being rebuilt…




“So…Let me ask you again…Do you really think you’ll become the Golden Emperor!?” Matthew asked, taking the sword once again within himself, making his dantian once again golden.

That was, exactly how the sword came into being...Only that of 'True Golden Heir's' had a golden dantian, and they were the only ones able to summon the 'Golden Emperor's Sword'.

His birth father, having vaguely told him very little, had left him something quite useful upon being sixteen. And that was a book about Golden Haven and the Golden techniques. Both Golden Heirs and True Golden Heirs are able to learn upon the ‘Golden’ Meditation and learn a lot…


It was just as the golden eyed man had thought, Matthew was indeed a True Golden Heir and able to bring out the Emperor’s Golden sword.

Having learnt this technique some years ago now, Matthew had become proficient in wielding it.

That wasn’t all, he knew of his cousin, the one in front of him now. It was a child from his father’s brother.

His name was Nate, and he was quite the ambitious one to think that he had a claim to the Golden throne.

Knowing quite a few things from this book, Matthew had been able to understand a certain better future for all of the Haven’s. It was quite the story indeed!

Seeing the other unable to speak and looking completely deflated, Matthew stared at him in dismay.

This ‘Nate’ had killed at least two of his other cousins and had tried to kill his very own half-brother, Steven.

Not liking that he was killing his family and was trying to act out a unobtainable dream, Matthew wanted to get rid of him…But he needed this man to confess!


End of Volume Four

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