The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

Volume 5, CHAPTER 80 **Another Secret**

While Matthew thought he had time to torture his golden eyed cousin, he simply didn’t.

Ministers were quick witted and demanded his attention to court, as they sincerely wanted him to lead them, while the emperor was being tended to and hopefully lives. Their intentions weren’t unrealistic, as far as they were aware, the emperor was stabbed near the heart and that kind of condition would take time to recover from…That's if he were to live…

Unable to continue with a much deserved torture towards his cousin, Matthew inwardly sighed but didn’t show this on his face.

Having complete faith in his Princess, Matthew went to court and told them that the emperor will most likely be fine and that they had no need to fret…To him, this all seemed rather pointless…

The Ministers were unwilling to trust the Second Prince’s words and started to talk about naming him the Crowned Prince. They talked, yelled, pointed and spread their own thoughts and opinions...A few things had come out, like that of Band One being named to have attacked the emperor, then afterwards he was named as being Matthew's man. But others would state that they are true believers in their Second Prince and said that Band One attacking the emperor has nothing to do with him...One Minister even had the gull to bring up Prince Liam to come out of the cold palace and become the Crowned Prince once again for this ‘dire situation’...It was...A mess...

Then, Matthew had suddenly stood up…Having been silent for most of this time, his sudden action had made the room go into silence.


Matthew walked from the high court chair and down towards the Ministers. He didn't hold his head up high, as to look above everyone arrogantly, nor did he have his head lowered, in cowardice. Instead, he seemed to look from one person to another, showing signs of impatience and anger, yet showing that he acknowledged them. His glare only made them all lower their heads, even more then required…His steps were determined, his attire was grand, he owned the room of its complete attention. He was unavoidable, unreachable and making each remark of him to become the 'Crowned Prince' ever so much more important. He was caring to the people, one that could hold power and yield it properly. Yet...

They continued to bow their heads, feeling the oppressive type of aura surrounding them.

Having gotten used to the emperor being someone that wasn’t strong in cultivation, they shivered now, to Matthew’s cultivation base and cold look. It was damned near impossible not to sweat…

“I did not want to explain myself.” These words lingered out to all the ears in the court room.

With such words, the Ministers bowed more, feeling their legs starting to turn to jelly. They already loved the idea of him being here as the leader, the one in charge, the one that will lead their people...But, did he have to use his cultivation...


“For the safety of my Princess, I did not want to explain myself!” Matthew said again.

The Ministers squeezed their eyes shut and found that this young man, this Second Prince was right.

They had tried to shut his words down, about the emperor and his condition, not trusting him at all! Well, they had hardly let him speak at all! And, even though anger wasn’t used as much in the words that His Highness, the Second Prince, had said, they felt it chilling their bones. It was like an extra message in a message. The first was, he was mad that they had not listened, then the second was that he was mad because he shouldn’t go as far as to explain himself…

Many holes were wanted to pop up and make them disappear, but they were stuck. This…Person held them stock still, even though their legs already wanted to buckle beneath them!

And all Matthew was thinking…Was that he shouldn’t have to let them all know that the Divine Healer had been tending to the emperor before his arrival here, that he wanted her identity to be kept as big of a secret as possible. But he knew that he would protect her, and that the news would get out anyway…The next thing was…These old men would not leave unless he set them straight!

He had not even wanted this court session to have come to pass, and now they wouldn’t listen!


Matthew retracted his cultivation base and sighed, “My Princess is currently tending to His Majesty, she is the Divine Healer. I will put my faith in her…And, what will you say?”

The Ministers all fell to the floor, kowtowing, “Long life His Majesty! Long live Your Highness!”

Turning back to the highest chair in the room, Matthew sat on it, thinking that their behavior now, was much better, then said, “You may rise.”

The Ministers had all changed to show deep respect towards this Second Prince…Even if they still weren’t sure if their Emperor was in good hands or not. News that the Divine Healer was currently tending to the emperor was good news, but a stab close to the heart…They really did want to trust in his words, but how!?



Only a short time later court was easily dismissed, and Matthew was free again.

Going to see his Princess, he found the emperor laughing in his bed chamber.

Frowning, because he had just fought with the Ministers and here His Majesty was laughing, Matthew saw that Sahara was concentrating.

What was His Majesty laughing at?

“My son! This King is alive! I can also feel a difference in my cultivation base already! This…Sahara is…” The emperor just let out a hearty laugh, expressing his happiness.

Sighing, Matthew felt like it should be fine if he stole her back again now but could only watch as she continued.

He knew one of these emotions, his possessiveness over his Princess was really quite astounding.

Gently looking at her, Matthew sighed to his emotions and finally said to the emperor, “This Prince knows how special she is, Your Majesty.”


Smiling from ear to ear, the emperor hadn’t felt better in years! “Very good, your man suddenly changed in the middle of asking this King about the marriage. It was strange indeed.”

Becoming serious, the emperor remembered Band One suddenly changing in his face and breathing, he’d strangely moved, and his eyes seemed to have lost their light. “This King has been mind controlled before, but had never seen someone else go through it.”

“This Prince is glad that you have come to that conclusion already.” Matthew slightly smiled, relief flowing through him.

The emperor looked at his son, then slowly shook his head, “And how will that save your man, my son?”

“The mind controller has already been captured, I was going to start torturing him for confession, but had to attend court, instead.” Matthew said.

The emperor raised his eyebrows, “Oh? You attended court?”


Frowning to the Emperor having thought that as more important than his man, Matthew said, “Yes, but it has been dismissed…May this subject go and get the confession, Your Majesty?”

The emperor stared at his son and felt upset. Being so close to death twice recently, he had quite a number of regrets. Over the last couple of weeks, he had tried to change, so that he would not have these regrets, yet, here he was today, feeling as he did when Consort Moon had been taken away.

He still had regrets…

“Why is it that my son doesn’t call this King ‘father’ anymore?”

Matthew was stunned, he had never thought that this conversation was ever going to take place! Yet, it was the worst time for it! And, above that thought, was that the emperor had even brought it up himself!

It was a shock for Matthew, that the emperor had thought of it mostly because he had noticed that Matthew had stopped calling him 'Emperor Father'…

Inside, Matthew was warm and cold at the same time, warm because the emperor had noticed…But cold, because of how long it took him to notice…

Looking over at his beloved woman, Matthew felt peace wash over him and he smiled. “Your Majesty, I…Am not your child…”


Looking down at the Emperor, Matthew watched as his eyes widened and he took deep breathes in. His upper body looked like it was becoming unstable, as he slowly rocked backwards and forwards, making Sahara loss her focus.

“What…What is it…This King…” The emperor muttered.

“My father is a Golden Heir, Your Majesty. I did not know of this, until sixteen years of age.” Matthew admitted, sitting beside his Princess and taking her hands in his. He was very nervous right now, this was his deepest secret…His mother and sister were no longer here, so they would be safe, and they were quite alone, so Matthew had used his strength to say this deep dark secret now, while the conversation had been brought up…It had to be said, now or later, it just had to be said...


The emperor had gone quiet, silence filled the room and anyone else stepped back slowly, to try and vacate the area.

Matthew knew that at one stage he would have to announce his birth right to the entire populace as well. It might as well start right now, if he could get the emperor to accept and stay on his side, the populace should understand...Considering that Matthew was indeed a 'True Golden Heir' and that he had always done his best to safeguard and help his people...Shouldn't they accept and potentially help him, with a Golden Bridge at stake?

Of course, Matthew still wasn’t sure if he was going to take that path, but he could use the idea of it…At the very least…

A growl came out of the emperor, “Blasphemous!”

Nodding his head in agreement, Matthew gently pulled Sahara closer to him and further away from the emperor.


Glaring eyes found Matthew’s and Matthew stared back hopelessly, “This Prince…”

“Get out!” The emperor yelled.

Pulling Sahara with him, Matthew left the room.

He had no idea what will happen now, and he was somewhat saddened to the idea that the emperor may not even talk to him again…Or would he go as far as wanting to behead him?

It was a very hard topic and one that needed to stay a secret, until the emperor had calmed down to make his decision…It was in his plans anyway, to leave Green Haven at some stage…If worst came to worst, he would just leave here a little earlier than expected…

Matthew sighed, kissed his Princess’s hand as he continued to walk…


Sahara was walking a little behind Matthew, when he suddenly picked her up and left the palace, jumping and gliding away.

“You aren’t his son?” She asked, not at all upset that she was getting picked up a hell of a lot lately.

“No, I’m not.” Matthew said.

“Who’s Golden Heir?” Sahara asked.

Golden gun, golden finger…Is this leaning towards Bond…James Bond?

A strange gasp came out of Matthew, and he stopped when he next felt a stable house roof area beneath him, then laughed freely, “My real father is a Golden Heir, but that isn’t his name.”


Then…Is his name James Bond?


Kissing her on her forehead, Matthew jumped a few more times and finally they were at his estate.

“Welcome home.” He said.

Looking out to some unfamiliar, luscious looking little ‘houses’ Sahara wondered where she was.

Wait…He said ‘home’? Is this…His estate? Omigod, that’s right! In the books I read the ‘head wife’ was in charge of the house…Right? I need to put a bulletin board up to say ‘Sahara’s’, haha!

Matthew saw his Princess’s curiosity and put her down, but kept a hand of hers in his, “If His Majesty doesn’t want to kill me or kick me out of Green Haven, this will be our home.”

“Why did you tell him like that?” Sahara asked, remembering how Matthew had blurted out such a large secret.

Matthew sighed, “I had wanted to tell him many, many times, yet had not. Having you there, by my side, gave me the courage. I felt like the time was right and it all came out before I could think!”

Letting out a small laugh, unable to express anything more about it, Matthew looked over at his estate.


Sahara didn’t laugh with Matthew…In fact, she was quite curious if that was really what it was like for him…

I totally understand the ‘It felt right’ feeling!

“Yes, Master, we helped him follow his instincts.” The voice inside her head said.

Frowning, she let out a huff in hearing that voice again.

“What’s wrong, my dear?” Matthew said, taking her into his arms.

“If I tell you, you’ll think I’m crazy.” Sahara bluntly said, scratching the side of her head.

Hell, even I think I’m crazy!

Gently smiling at her, Matthew put his hand up to her face, “You aren’t crazy?”


Matthew ran off before she could hit him. On purpose, he wanted to say that for a distraction, but the reaction he had gotten, ended up being more then what he had expected!

“Oi! Get your ass back here..." Sahara yelled, chasing after him.

Maybe I can show him crazy uh!?


Funnily enough, for a short time, Matthew was in heaven. Being chased by his Princess like this in his estate, was like his life was just beginning. Actually, he had already accepted this estate not being only his anymore, it was theirs. What was his was hers, especially himself. This was exactly what he remembered thinking quite some time ago, that they belonged together, belonged to each other…

Having had just let out his biggest secret to the emperor, and here he was smiling so happily…

This beautiful person was all he ever needed!

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