The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 81 **Looking into the past**

Sahara would make Matthew trip, teleporting something in front of his feet…Then he would make her trip! She’d go to block his way, by putting something big into his path of choice, but he’d jump over it!

He would then look down and smile cheekily at her…

Grumbling, Sahara through food at him from ‘storage’, dirtying him…Then he threw dirt at her…They ran around, ran away, ran towards…It was a trip, maze, dirt and food fight…

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, Sahara stamped up to him and put her hands over her chest, “You think you’re so good uh!?”

Matthew cheekily smiled and said, “Yes!”

Taking his Princess into his arms, he jumped across two roofs and fell into a pool of warm water.

Splashing about, Sahara got her head out of the water to breath…

That was a surprise!


Moving her hair out of her eyes, Matthew put his hand around her waist tightly, “You’re dirty!’

Smirking, Sahara looked at some of the food still on him and said, “So are you!”

“Mmm…” Matthew leaned in and kissed her.

With the warm water and strong arms around her, Sahara felt relaxed and free. She might be wet and dirty, and in a place that she’s never been to before, but yet, quite happy. She felt secure and no want to be anywhere else.

Feeling herself being lifted up a bit and then pushed towards him, Sahara put her hands around his neck and kissed him back with the same amount of greediness and cheekiness.

It was their world, as they explored each other’s mouths and wet, clothed bodies.

And it seemed to flow so steadily towards something even more demanding…


The wall of the warm, rock pool, at some point, was now against Sahara’s back and some clothing had been removed.

Matthew inwardly sighed to himself, before he pulled back away from the temptress, “My dear, you are putting oil on the fire again.”

She let out a small laugh and then put herself under the water.

Matthew followed her under the water, and she pulled out his arm, pointing out a finger to his wrist, to show some food that was nearly all gone now. Then he put a finger to her neck, wiping at it, making her guess there was dirt there.

She cleaned the food on his wrist and then his neck as well. But she then had to come up for air, so Matthew followed her up as well.


Moving her annoyingly long hair out of her face again, he smiled at her, “You are nearly all clean again.”

“Mmm.” Sahara quickly checked him as well, seeing a small piece of food in his hair, then tried to clean it for him.

As her hand tried to clean his hair, Matthew kissed her arm, looking at her, his eyes…Staring at her so intently…Sahara forgot what she was doing, as she stared back.

She watched him sigh, then speak, “I have been married once before.”

Sahara stopped and blinked…Uh?

Does that mean he is still married to someone that lives here?

Not sure how to act or what to say, Sahara didn’t do anything…


Matthew gathered her up in his arms and sighed, “When I was thirteen, I was decreed to marry Isabella and move out of the palace. Back then it was a normal thing to do to a prince that wasn’t the Crowned Prince to move outside of the palace and be married at such an early age. Then…A couple of years later, she became pregnant and was used by her own family against me. She died…”

Matthew had not been able to look Sahara in the eyes, while he had spoken this, and could only hope that she isn’t showing a really bad face that would suggest that she wouldn’t like him anymore. But he had to tell her, no, he wanted to tell her. He wanted her to know that he won’t keep secrets from her…


“Oh.” Actually, Sahara had no idea on what to say. It was…Sad…Also, Matthew hadn’t really indulged her with much information, it was like it all just came out, like that of not being the emperor’s child…

She had no right to be jealous, nor did she have a right to judge. Well, she’s already lived a life with sex and other men. …Having his…Late wife killed like that was just ridiculous and she wondered what kind of girl she was. And…A child?

He knows the loss of a child too?

Sahara looked at Matthew and put a hand to his face, making him look back at her, “Does it still hurt? That you lost her? And…The child?”

Sahara had troubles bringing up this unborn child, honestly, if she had lost her daughter before she was born, how would she have felt?

Matthew gently looked at his Princess and said, “Yes, I was right there beside her…I was the father of that child, husband to her and what did I do!? How could I forgive myself for not protecting her? She was my friend.”

She slowly kissed him on the forehead, while she tried to understand his guilt.


Remembering a very tough, difficult time for herself, Sahara wanted to put it into words, “…There was a time when I received a note, a very important note…A note that I didn’t take literally, I guess I was myself and laid back about it...But…That note was all I had left of that person. Afterwards…They killed themselves and I was left…With this note…The note was saying to go and see them. Later, I saw it as a beg or a plea! They were yearning for help, someone to talk too! What if? If I had gone to see them, would they still be alive!? Would their lives be better? Meaningful? What if…”

“Sahara…” Matthew said, defeated. He hated that his beloved woman felt this way.

“Is it much different to your guilt? Unable to…Do something…” Sahara asked quietly. She just wanted him to know that she understood. She didn’t know how to make him feel better…It wasn’t something that could be changed, what was done is done…


Flashes of memories invaded Sahara, and she didn’t know a tear went down her face. This was most definitely a regret in her last life. If only she had spoken to him! But she didn’t! And it was the last time!

Sahara remembered going to the funeral and she couldn’t even go see his face, as half of the other people there did. She was so dismayed at herself that she didn’t talk to his parents afterwards. She felt like she didn’t have the right too! What if she had just talked to him!?

Actually…They were a big part of her life…And she never really spoke to them again. Of course, they tried to talk to her, but she would just remember what happened and couldn’t forgive herself. ‘What if…What if?’

That is when she would say to herself, not that it works, ‘It’s something that can’t be changed, what’s done is done’…



“How about we go see her and tell her how you’re doing…Maybe?” Sahara didn’t care too much to speaking to dirt or a wall, but some people did…If it made him feel better…

Matthew pulled her tighter to him, breathing out in some kind of release.

What was it that I had been holding in? Why did I feel better now?

Sahara kissed his eyes and cheeks, “One day, I’d like to hear more about her, when you’re ready.”

Matthew gave out a small laugh, he felt so damned lucky to have this beautiful girl. How did he deserve her?

Finally, opening his eyes, he smiled gently and lightly kissed her, his precious little bundle of joy. He kissed her eyes, as she did him, then her cheeks as well. Then suddenly, “You have a birth mark here.”

Sahara looked at his eyes, that were so close to hers and said distractedly, “Uh?”

Putting a hand out and touching the birth mark on her neck, Matthew mumbled, “Right here, a birth mark.”

Then he kissed it, making her put her head back in pleasure. It felt really nice!


Matthew used his other hand then, to pull at a bit of clothing, then reached up to pull the rest of it away.

Sahara started to breath heavier and stood very still.

No…Nope, I’m not shy, not shy…I’m not a virgin…Well, I never used to be…I’m not shy at all…

Matthew put his hand over some of her bare skin and even though the water was warm, goosebumps travelled over her skin and she shivered.



Sahara’s thoughts slowed down to a snail’s pace, as Matthew explored some more, and she couldn’t move an inch.

Her breathing got faster, and her face got redder! But she was grounded, her thoughts were only on his hand traveling over her skin…

Closing her eyes, Sahara sighed.


Matthew got closer, seeing her so adorable. He’d never expected this kind of play!

She was as tempting as a delicious food, she was as shy as a virgin, as beautiful as a goddess…

He knew, that if they didn’t stop now…

Putting his forehead to hers, Matthew couldn’t believe how much he wanted her. How impatient he was!


Saying his name as she did, seemed to have switched something in Matthew, as he brought his mouth to hers and kissed her desperately.

Putting her legs around him, he pushed her into him further and she groaned.

Omigod, what are we doing!?

Feeling a little soberer to thoughts again, Sahara took a deep breath in…

Ahh! This isn’t fair…Waiting is going to be hideous!

“When will we marry?” Sahara asked, showing her impatience.

Matthew took a moment, as he eyes turned from that of desire to indulgence, “I hope, as soon as possible!”

He made her take her legs away and he went away, to the other side of the warm water, “Perhaps it might be a good idea to keep a distance…”

It didn’t seem to matter…Before they exited the warm water pool, their eyes had expressed their continued desires….


Matthew helped dry Sahara and they honestly did not touch any more bare skin of the others. Strangely, they were doing fine, and they finally got mostly dried and dressed again in clean, dry clothes. Of course, Matthew left the immediate area, so that Sahara could change into them, but he returned straight after…As though he knew the very second when she was done…

Having thought about the previous news of what he had told her, Sahara suddenly laughed, “You know how you told me that you were known as the Second Prince?”


Sahara turned and looked at him, stunning him once again to her beauty, “Who do you want me to know you as in front of others? The Golden Heir’s kid or the Second Prince?”

Matthew had never, ever, thought that the Second Prince would sound better…

The Golden Heir’s kid…My Princess…I am not an animal!

Shaking his head and putting his hand to his head, made Sahara laugh again. Perhaps if he knew that she wouldn’t let this topic down, he may have done something different here…


After that, they ate a meal. The ingredients were still rather fresh, as Matthew had only returned to his estate recently. Sahara met a few ‘servants’ that worked there and Matthew then stated that he wanted to go and try save Band One from treason.

She looked up, a little worried, “Was it Band One that hurt him?”

Matthew took one of her hands in his, “He got mind controlled by that other golden eyed man.”

“M…Mind controlled!?” Sahara stuttered.

Omigod, they have that here too! Scary…Mind control, mind control, what do I know about that?

“Mmm.” Matthew moved a strand of her hair out of her eyes and put it behind her ear, “I will come here or the General’s to look for you when I’m finished.”

Nodding seriously, Sahara pursed her lips in knowing that this would be a little bit of a predicament to fix.

Matthew let go of her hand and then kissed her forehead, leaving straight after.

Sahara watched him go, seeing him turn back once further away, to quickly smile at her…



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