The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 82 **Part of the Crew**

Rose, having heard about a miss that had just been granted approval to marry the Second Prince, was extremely angry!

How had this happened? Who was this miss? Can it really be the Thirteenth Young Miss…Or someone else!?

Thinking of the woman that she had seen on the bed quite a number of days ago, Rose wondered if it were her. The news that she had heard, had never stated her as the enchanter over the Second Prince, nor stated that she had laid on the bed with him…How did news of her sound so good!? It has to be someone else!

That girl had red eyes and wasn’t known within the inner circle of people that she knew! She’s the ‘enchanter’!

Yet, this miss that seems to be a ‘Divine Healer’…

The ‘enchanter’ was there, and the General had become better…Perhaps the ‘miss’ and ‘enchanter’ know of each other? But…The very confused Rose didn’t want to fight two girls for the Second Prince!

It was all too strange! Could they…Could they be the same person? Enchanter…Young Miss…Divine Healer.

It really seemed to Rose that all those weren’t one person and started to picture the red eyed girl and another, that wanted to cling to her man’s arms!


Thinking that she now had two adversaries, Rose could not tolerate it and grabbed the paper that held the ownership of the ‘Spirit Convert Association’ and left for the palace. For days now, she has had this piece of paper with her, whenever she was with the Empress. But, since marriage had not been approved, Rose had not been able to give it to them. Her father made specific orders to only give it to them when the marriage was approved! They weren’t going to give it to the royals for free!

Rose agreed with her father…It was her biggest asset at the moment! Even though the Empress and her were getting along very well, she still was unable to hand over her biggest asset! She needed that confirmation first!

Then…Once she was inside the Second Prince’s Estate, she will make it hers…And hers alone! No ‘enchanter’ and no ‘Divine Healer miss’!

She will not give her man to anybody else!




After Sahara had left Matthew’s estate, she went back to the General’s, remembering that she still had a present for him.

She didn’t have to look far, as soon as she had returned previously, the General had wanted to see her, but she had run off with ‘the boy’ so he could only play with ‘Golden eyes’.

Now that Sahara had returned, Steven looked at her grievously, as he blocked an attack from the ever so serious General, who was puffing and panting like a dog.

The time of the emperor being attacked seemed to not have reached this far, making it hardly believable now…

Sahara sighed to this and said, “Big man, come here!”

The General didn’t hear her, and Steven had to block yet another attack…

“Oi!” Sahara yelled.


Stopping and looking around, sweat dripping from his face, the General smiled at her, “Little…Little woman…Is back!”

His breathing was so heavy that it was so obvious that he needed a break! Through this, Sahara assumed how he had gotten up to fifth rank…It must have been through pure perseverance...

“Yeah, and I have a present for you!” Sahara said.

Running up to her, he staggered when he stopped, and she shook her head to his one-track mind.

How does his wife handle him!? Hang on, he’s friends with Matthew! How has Matthew handled him all this time!?

Sahara was really flabbergasted to see him act so much like a kid that would be obsessed with a tv or computer.

What she hadn’t known, is that Matthew can bring out the mature side of the General easily. Whereas…Everyone else seemed to have trouble…And his wife…Well, she seemed to bring out the lust in him and she used that to keep him in check!


“Little woman!” The General said, wiping his sweat away and smiling at Sahara.

Sighing…Again…She took out three pure white pills, “I have a present for the General.”

Nodding, the General looked down at the pills, then back at her. “Right! Where is it!?”

Frowning, Sahara held out the pills, “They will help you level up!”

The General widened his eyes.

Steven didn’t quite understand her words, but somehow, the General did…Actually, Sahara totally noticed this, and she was ecstatic! Could that mean that she could talk normally with this strange guy!?

He took the pills and went to put them all into his mouth, but Sahara rapidly stopped him. “Oi! One at a time you fool!”

Deciding immediately to only give him one at a time, she put two in ‘storage’ and gave him back only one.

Greedy man!


Seeing him sit down and take the pill straight away, Sahara, again, shook her head in amazement.

Won’t he be too exhausted to do this?

Steven came over to her and looked a little skittish, “He…I didn’t know how to make him stop…”

Sahara looked at him and patted him on the shoulder, “Got to have the firm authority voice that makes kids stop and be quiet!”

Steven stared at her for a moment, “Kids? You have said that word a few times now. Why do you always refer to an animal?”

Blinking, Sahara forgot that the word ‘kid’ was a meaning to something else, other than a child. Is that why Matthew looked at her funny before…

“Oh, when I say kid…I was meaning ‘young’ or, in his case, ‘immature’.” She pointed to the General, who was now breathing better and smiling. His eyes looked like…They were wide closed…It was strange, but she felt like if he opened his eyes, they’d be wide opened in some kind of surprise. Sahara guessed that the pill might have started to work already.


The time was getting late, so there was no reason to try and give the fox beasts to the other kids and so Sahara wondered if she should take back the sign, now that she understood more of the currency on this planet…

Taking it out, reminded her that it was battered…

Sahara sighed and sat down.

“What are you doing?” Steven asked, sitting next to her.

She took out some food and water for him and then said, “I need to return it, but I got into a fight and now I have to fix it again!”

“What? A fight!?” Steven said, showing complete worry on his face.

When Sahara saw his face, she felt strange. She knew what that kind of look meant, and it just seemed so stupid that she gets more of that face here, then in her previous life!


“Ah, yeah. The other golden eyed dude…”

“What! Where is he!?” Steven said, standing up and looking around. He was put on guard and put his hand on his sword’s hilt, that was back in its scabbard.

“It’s cool, we caught him. He just…Broke this damned plaque!” Sahara said, frowning.

Steven blinked at her in confusion, he’d been running away from that person for a very long time! And now, he was…Caught? “Did you just say he’s been caught?”

“Yeah, oh and I’ll probably be staying at Matthew’s house now. Do you know where that is?” She asked.

“House?” Steven was not quite listening, still in an unbelievable state to the golden eyed man having been captured. Not only that, but Sahara had changed topics a little too quick for him to keep up. He was slowly getting used to it but was still slow in thinking from one subject to another.

“Yeah, I’ll be living there now, are you going to stay here or go over there?” Sahara asked.

Steven finally lost his astonished look and looked at Sahara in a worried look. “You will not be here, anymore?”

She shook her head, “I think it’s an upgrade from being out here and living in a stable, but if you like it here that much you can stay!”

Sahara cheekily smiled at him and looked away. Touching the plaque, she started to fix it up once again.

“I want to go with you…And Naruto…” She heard.

“Sure.” she said in return.



An hour passed, and again, Sahara finished fixing the plaque. Naruto had found her earlier but left her again at some stage. When she opened her eyes, she saw Naruto biting viciously at one of the other little foxes and she yelled, “Oi, little shithead come here!”

Naruto looked at her and stopped growling, Sahara glared at him, “Get your ass here!”

Putting his head down, he walked over slowly and even had a tail between his legs.

Sometimes, she wished that she could speed up time hey, he took forever to get in front of her!

“Be nice!” She said, giving him a little slap. It wouldn’t have hurt but the intention that she had would have been clear!

Afterwards, he licked her a few times, hoping that she would give him a hug no doubt, but Sahara ignored him.

Steven was practicing his Martial Arts not too far away, so she went to join him and do the same. She was really wanting to spar with him again, now that she was rank five, but she thought that since she hadn't trained yet today, she should do that first.



It was another hour after that, that the General came running up to her like a little dog and asking for another pill.

“Calm down, big man.” Sahara said, touching his shoulder.

He tried to say a few words, but she didn’t listen, as she quickly checked his body. He was so exhausted before and just had a pill, and Sahara had never seen someone take one pill and straight away take another. Was she to be worried?

Seeing that the General had advanced into rank four, she was really happy for him. It seems that he was nearly back to where he was before he got cursed. His body was still in good condition, except a few scraps on the skin…Which made her wonder…

Sahara looked at Steven and he was looking worried at the General.

Did you do it!?


Actually, Sahara had the feeling that Steven had tried not to do it! She was pretty sure that if he had put his best into fighting the General, then the General probably wouldn’t be standing here!

Wanting to know the effects herself, she gave the General another white pill, only one, and he ran off with it like he wanted to tell his mum!

“So strange…” Sahara said, shaking her head.

“He idolizes you.” Steven said.

“…Why?” She asked.

“He said he likes fighting you.” Steven said, not sure how to add anymore. All he knew was that the General seemed to adore the ‘little woman’. Perhaps it was like him, where he felt like part of a family, or was it something else that she was good at?

Nonetheless, Steven was unsure on how to continue the conversation, simply because he didn't understand...


“Mmm, we should check out our new house.” Sahara said, looking around.

“Are we leaving now?” Steven asked.

“It’s not like we can’t come back…But…You don’t wanna sleep on a bed?” Man, she really tried not to smile…Honestly, she thinks she had fun teasing this guy…

“Umm, I…”

“Naruto!” Sahara yelled, looking around again. Since doing Martial Arts, the little mutts had disappeared.

“I would…”

“Naruto!” She yelled again…

When the little foxes ran over to them, Sahara bent down and picked the two little ones up and Naruto already claimed her shoulder.


“Sahara!” She heard Steven yell in panic.

She looked over at him and he seemed worried…A different worry, like she was going to leave him behind…He really wasn’t ready for all jokes uh? Ok…

Sahara smiled at him, “Steven, am I at fault to think that you’ll always follow me?”

She saw him breath in but continue to stare at her…After a short while, he shook his head.

Sahara took a step closer to him and said, “Then, don’t think I will abandon you.”

Looking at him with raised eyebrows she smiled, “I’m the kind of person that says ‘Happy Birthday times a thousand, so I don’t have to worry about it anymore…So, I’m just ganna assume you’re like part of my crew or something until you say otherwise alright!? Do you understand?”

He pursed his lips and nodded a few times.

Putting out a hand to him, Sahara teleported them to their new home.

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