The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 86 **Befriending the Eunuch**

The reason why Sahara needed her virginity?

Well, let’s start at when Matthew left the next day for court, and Sahara found herself in front of a eunuch.

“Miss Rolland!”

A few guards came towards her, and the eunuch looked absolutely exhausted. It had only come to him early this morning, that the Young Miss that he had been looking for, was now, already, staying with His Highness, the Second Prince. He really didn’t want this to be delayed, nor become known, so he insisted that she come and follow him most urgently.

He used time and his position and even made the guards surround this Young Miss, so that she knew how urgent he was. But he was also very watchful, feeling the eyes on him from elsewhere…He knew they were others there…And the guards and him, were most likely outnumbered and weaker than those eyes watching them right now...It really put him on edge...He knew of the bands as he had seen them a few times…But this was the worst that he felt about them ever!

It seemed that they were here to protect the one that he wanted to take, he could just feel it!


Sahara looked at the guards surrounding her and then looked back at the eunuch, “Uh…What’s going on?”

Seriously dude, why are you doing this in my house? Weren’t their rights?

She sighed with her lack of patience, and waited for his reply, but it was as it was before…

“Young Miss, you must follow this one to the palace and meet with Her Majesty, the Empress of Green Haven.”


Sahara walked with them outside of the estate and saw a rundown carriage…

“Excuse me, sir, but did you say that you are from the Empress?” Sahara ask, raising her eyebrows at him innocently.

“Yes, Young Miss, please take the carriage, so we can depart.” He stated in a hurry, not looking at her as he continued to walk closer to the carriage.

“Uh…Well…” She put her arms across her chest and stubbornly said, “I don’t believe you.”

Yep, this is just plain old suss to me!


The eunuch was so angry that he felt like he was going to vomit, he didn’t need this! He did not need this at all!

Had she any idea how his life had been lately!?

Having to run around endlessly, not sleeping or eating properly! It was all her fault!

“I have a decree here, Young Miss, to find you and bring you to her.” With clenched teeth and patience that he had to have mastered for his job, the eunuch held in his anger…

Sahara sighed.

So, treating me like shit is ok? Do I smell like shit? Do I look like shit?

She smelled herself and decided…No…

“Show me then.” She said, continuing to be stubborn.

The eunuch gave out a huff and took out his decree and passed it to the Young stubborn Miss, not even bowing his head in the process. But the ‘rude’ behavior wasn’t even seen by Sahara, well…Who bows on Earth? And then here, well, she hadn’t met many who had ever bowed to her, so she never thought of it, so to her he hadn’t done something ‘rude’.


Sahara read the contents, even taking an extra minute or two to annoy the fuck out of him, then hummed. “So, where is the carriage then?”

“Right here, Young Miss.” The Eunuch pointed to the obvious, run-down carriage, right in front of them.

“I don’t see it, perhaps you should move away what’s in front of it.” She said in obvious dislike.

“Young Miss, you are not yet a Princess, you cannot ask for anything more.” The eunuch retorted in the same kind of obvious dislike that she had for him.

Sahara decided then, that he was pretty cool…Putting up with an Empress and having the guts to give her shit, yeah…He looked like he was as tired as hell, running after both of them! Women hey!?


Sahara suddenly remembered that she was never at the Rolland Estate and had recently gone from the General’s Estate to here. Had he gone to the General’s Estate to look for her there too? Poor guy!

She smirked at him and said, “You look tired.”

He stared at her, she could see his eyes blaming her and…Blaming her some more…

Then she couldn’t help it, she took out some food for him and some water. “Eat first.”

The Eunuch was a little stifled…He was, indeed, hungry…But…

He looked at the food and water and then at the Young Miss, unable to understand how the food came out of nowhere and how to treat this…Sudden kindness?

Sahara laughed at herself, knowing that he was questioning things. Ah, he was in such a damned hurry...What a shame that she wasn't!



Sahara watched as the eunuch took the water and even drank some then and there. He gave the small expression of being thankful, and she smiled in return.

She then forced the food into his hands and then touched him, in which he freaked out too but, Sahara didn’t let him get away.

And she found…That he wasn’t in a good way. Well, he wasn’t going to die anytime soon, but he had a two long term poisons in him, and his body seemed that of always being a servant, someone older than what it should be…Sahara was sure of it. And, to her, that’s ‘not in a good way’, hell, on Earth, there’s food poisoning, but she never had any other kind of poison that seemed so normal to find in people’s bodies here. Reading about poisons in all the times in books, sorta made her think, ‘Hey, is it really used that much back then?’ but here she is, seeing it in the eunuch, seeing it herself…Yeah, it’s used a lot more than she thought…Scary.


“Young Miss!” The eunuch finally pulled away, dropping the food that she gave him. Sahara let him go, and glared at his stare, “Why are you poisoned?”

Honestly, did the Empress know? Did she try to prevent it? Did she know he needed an antidote?

“I…I…” The eunuch was stuttering. Not only was he confused because this Young Miss knew of his poison but, she seemed…Mad!

“Sit down!” Sahara yelled!

Yes! I’m angry! The Empress sends someone sick over, what else was it for, besides healing him, right!? She can happily thank me later!

Sahara was sure that this wasn’t the real reason, but she was being sarcastic!

And besides...I just did something bad the day before, it was time now to do something good! Yeah! I'm ganna heal from now on! Pfft…How long is that ganna last!?


The eunuch didn’t know what to do, was he going to die!

“Sit! I will not send you back until you are healed!” Sahara stated, quite determined!

She wanted to look like a man in charge…You know, like those man that like to look tough and all…

The eunuch obediently sat and looked up at her.

Sahara nodded, “Right, just…” She got out more food, “Just eat this, I’ll heal you while you eat.”

Her voice seemed to have lost every inch of dominance and transformed into a physician…No, not a physician, more like a miss in charge of a little kid who had fallen over...

The eunuch just nodded, not wanting this Young Miss to tell the Empress that he had failed to remain as the dominant being…He’d totally lost his face, he was even told that he couldn’t leave until he was healed! This person was…Harder than he had thought…

But…As he slowly ate…He started to…Feel better…




Sahara stood up, wiping her hands, as though saying ‘Hey, I’m done!’

She saw the eunuch look up at her in astonishment and she smiled at him, “Your poison is gone. You should feel heaps better!”

The eunuch could only nod, very slowly, in agreement. He did. He did feel heaps better! He took poison in place of the Empress two years ago and then again two months ago, and since, he had trouble with half of the things that he used to do normally!

Sahara bent down and put out a hand, “Ok, let’s go.”

The eunuch finally remembered his orders again and took her hand, going to get up, but…Found something strange happened…


Looking around in a rush, he found that he was suddenly at the palace!

With widened eyes, he looked around and found no carriage, no land that he was just on, where he had just eaten…

“What is your name?” Sahara asked, seeing him get a bit…Strange.

“Han” He said, not paying her a hundred percent of his attention.

“Which way is it, Han?” She asked.

The eunuch took more time to understand and then finally led her in a particular direction.

“Say, Han, why does the Empress want to see me? Is she poisoned too?” Sahara asked innocently.

Han suddenly turned back to her in surprise.

Uh? So, I’m not here to heal the Empress? Then what?


Sahara took a deep breath in and then sigh, “Ok, it’s fine, just take me to her.”

The eunuch was at odds with himself. He was mad for having spent so much time into finding this Young Miss, because the Empress was so keen to find her, yet, she had easily healed him and even thought innocently of the Empress…Making his annoyance he’d gotten because of her, slowly dissipate into nothing…

For a short moment, he felt incredibly sad for this Young Miss…He knew of a few plans that they had in mind for her, and for some reason…He felt like it was all…Wrong! Especially when the Empress did need healing!

She even had a poison that could be inflicted upon others on contact…He had seen it happen just over a decade ago, when the poison was still active!

For a while, Eunuch Han was wondering what to do...He was loyal to the Empress and his own opinion led him to think that having this Young Miss heal her, would be the best path to take. But...The path he was supposed to take, was to ultimately ruin this person instead!

Having nearly come to the end of their walk, as the Empress's quarters was up ahead, Eunuch Han suddenly stopped walking. What should he do!?


Sahara looked at this eunuch and wondered why he had suddenly stopped walking. He looked like a few things...Scared, afraid, determined...It must be a little crazy, no doubt, inside of his head!

She waited, not wanting to speak, because she had done way too much of that lately...She was still embarrassed about the night that she had moved to her new home...Not that she had much to say anyway...

Looking around, Sahara saw four maids walking together, they had their hands in front of them and bowed heads. Moving her own head to the side, they reminded her of her lady training. Looking back at herself, Sahara had one of her hands on her head, aimlessly, lightly scratching herself, and the other hand hanging down at her side.

Frowning, Sahara really hated how she had to change her whole natural way, that she’s grown used to, just to look ‘respectable'.

What a load of crap!

Honestly, the only reason that she'd think it would be ok, is if it was better for posture or something, but seriously, how can bowing your head all bloody day, help with posture!? It’s like the one who came up with that rule wanted to make people worse…Obviously it wasn’t that, it was probably because the ‘palace’ was to be a place where the ‘king’ stayed and so everyone else had to bow in respect or something…But if you were a good king and cared about your people…How is bowing their heads all day good for them?


Sahara sighed, thinking that if she was meeting with the Empress, it probably was a good time to try and remember what she’s learnt...

Just like the emperor having enough power to chop of her head, the Empress could probably do the same.

Right, she’s the man, the second man! Don’t lose your head!

"You...Young Miss, come...Come, we must see...The Empress." Sahara heard the eunuch finally stutter.

She looked at him and he seemed to be sweating, did he come to some sort of decision then?

Sahara followed behind him and he kept her outside of a chamber, while he spoke of his presence and went inside after he was called.

Right, so, time to see mum...Wait...She's not really my mum, because Matthew's dad isn't...

"Thirteenth Young Miss, please come inside." The eunuch said, looking at her in sympathy.

I have a bad feeling about this! Stay cool, Sahara. Think of a plan!

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