The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 85 **The Cycle of Hatred**

Prince Liam stuttered, as he could see that she was absolutely serious, but…Wasn’t this a dream? “…Wha…What! I’m a Prince! You can’t harm me!” He yelled. "G…Guards! Guards!"

Sahara was stopped short…A Prince…Pathetic…

Her instincts felt like they wanted to escape free and do this man themselves!

How could anyone harm their Master!?

Putting her spiritual essence into the whip, she whipped him that way, instead of using her arms or hands...At first, the ‘Prince’ didn’t turn, whether it was because of shock or what, Sahara didn’t know, so he was whipped on his front a few times, before he turned in attempt to protect himself.

Her way of the whip…Well, it was slower, and probably looked amateur, but she inflicted more pain…Because it dug deeper into the skin…Basically she was doing what she did with a piece of hair, just with a whip and probably slower. So, once again, it was Bending Space Meditation that was controlling the whip…It was…Her way…


Sahara saw his skin, from being the eyes of the whip, and marked the flesh, dragging the tip of the whip slowly and deeply over it.

Hearing his cries, she found herself feeling a bit more gratified and took a nice refreshing breath.

When she stopped, Sahara brought the whip back to her, while he was panting and bending over like he was losing strength.

She hadn’t tied him up…Perhaps she should have…

Frowning, Sahara took the whip and practiced the normal way…On him. He was her target, her red dot, her aim.

After the third real whipping that she attempted, the ‘Prince’ staggered for a moment, then suddenly ran at her. His glare was full of rage, but his steps weren’t as strong as his eyes. It felt like slow motion to Sahara, though, as she could see him put extra effort in putting one step in front of the other, most likely because of the pain.

Bout time that he felt something like I did…


Putting spiritual essence into the whip, she slammed it into him, slashing a huge gash across the front of his body. It wasn’t hard to make the whip hit him harder…She controlled it after all…

He suddenly stopped and touched his new wound, blood flowing free from it and looked at her incredulously. “Who…Who are you!”

Prince Liam was in total shock, the red eyed woman wasn’t hardly showing that she was whipping him and the whip…It hurt him so much! How is this possible! A blunt knife didn’t even do this much damage!

This was the most pain that he’d felt in his entire life! How could someone dare to hurt him this much! He was a prince! Yet, she looked like she didn’t care about his status whatsoever, making him wonder if he had any chance of survival at all! Worry started to enter his thoughts, was he going to die! His life, that he strived so hard for, would it end just like this!?


Sahara looked at him coldly, “I was someone you took, that wanted to force sex on me and harm me with a whip.”

He frowned and shook his head, “No…I meant…Who are you!?”

Trying to come across as though he didn’t mean any harm to her, because he wanted to keep his life, he had asked this softly and calmly, putting up a hand in surrender. Once she would stop…He could think of a way to get back at her, but until then, he had nothing to defend himself with!

Sahara narrowed her eyes and made the whip go over him once again, this time, it was at his lower region.

He fell down in shudders, letting out a huge kind of grunted scream, as pain overwhelmed him, and blood dripped to the floor from not just the bottom of his pants but the middle of his pants.

She saw him go deathly pale and shut his eyes, still trembling. He went limp and showed no signs of reawakening when he hit the ground.

Not going closer to him, Sahara transferred her spiritual essence from the whip and into his body. She had directly, harshly and ruthlessly chopped…It off…

‘Stitching’ him up, so that he wouldn’t die from blood loss, she stared at him for a moment.


It looked like she had already waited too long and become harsh once again. The bad part of her was indeed somewhat scary…

In her previous life, she hadn’t had to worry much about it, sometimes she had flashes, but it was not something that she would act upon. But, in this life, in this era…If she didn’t become strong and protect herself, wouldn’t she just be eaten up and spat out like a defenceless little animal?

That’s right, Sahara wanted to be strong, she needed to be strong! Things like this…She had to accept as part of herself, no matter how scary it could feel.

It would be a lot better if people didn’t give her these feelings, then there would be nothing to act upon…


For a moment, Sahara thought of a different path, a path where she had never been kidnapped. In that path, she had not grown this kind of rage and would not feel like she needed to justify it.

Wasn’t this what it was like for everyone? They wanted to get revenge for something that hurt them, and because of that, a cycle is being born. He hurt her, so she hurt him, he hurts someone precious to her, then someone on her side hurts someone on his…Then a fight is born, a war is born…

Then, how is peace procured?

Sahara had to think of a better strategy, one that doesn’t continue a cycle of revenge…Perhaps, instead, a cycle of something else, something else that makes one feel justified and able to not continue someone else’s path of revenge in return. Yet, how was she going to do that, when she herself have just come here in revenge? There must be a better way!


Do I feel better now?

Sahara thought about this for a moment.

She sees the whip marks showing blood all over the clothes that he was wearing, and the small pool of blood near to him on the floor.

Mmm, well, if I’m not satisfied…I’ll just come back.

Now knowing that he is a Prince, Sahara knew that she could hurt him enough till he begged to die. A lot of Prince’s had a weakness…

Widening her eyes, Sahara realized that she had just, straight away, gone back to wanting to act out her rage. She had just thought about how to stop the cycle and here she was happy to continue it!


She needed to remember this! She needed to remember that she wanted to find a better way…

Sahara let out a small laugh at herself, as she came up with an idea and shook her head.

I’m such an idiot!

Putting spiritual essence back into his body, Sahara healed him some more, fixing his wounds and making sure that he would live comfortably. Sahara couldn’t sprout a new one and she didn’t want to reattach, so she made sure that no infection would take place.

Having to heal him more, was her slight change to peace, Sahara don’t know if it was a bad first step towards something different, but it was still something that she wouldn’t have done, because before she would have left without healing him this extra time.


Sahara guessed that she had to work on it…

Sighing, she picked up the whip and put it into ‘storage’, then said, “Perhaps, next time, you won’t just kidnap anyone, uh? Idiot!”

Yeah, it was hard to have any kind of sympathy for him…

Sahara then teleported out to Matthew, and they stared at each other for a moment.

Matthew was worried that she would be emotional, and she was worried that he would be scared of what she did…As, they were both Prince’s, weren’t they somewhat brother’s…Somewhat…

“Feel better?” Matthew asked, his eyes showing a gentle, curious glow. He put a hand to her cheek, gently rubbing her with his thumb.

“Mmm, he won’t be able to even attempt to rape anyone anymore.” Sahara said, as she touched him, then teleported them back ‘home’.


“You…” Matthew asked, yet didn’t ask…

“Yeah, I cut it off!” Sahara said, then smirked. “Then I fixed him back up again, so that he won’t bleed to death. So, now he has to live without it!”

Matthew gasped and took a deep breath, “…Never…”

“Uh?” Sahara asked.

Matthew let out another gasp, “Never, do I want to be on your bad side…”

She laughed at him, and her red eyes seemed to lose its glow. “He’s lucky.”


“How is he lucky?” Matthew asked.

Sahara looked at him and sighed in frustration, “When you die, there’s nothing. Yet, he is still alive, he just has no…Penis.”

“And how is that lucky?” Matthew asked, yet again. He was truly questioning her words!

She frowned, “What? Does your dick tell everyone who you are? Will it be your salvation? Will it be what makes you happy?”


Matthew was silent, he was sure that he knew what she meant, when she used the word ‘dick’, but had never heard it be named that way before. Nonetheless, he sincerely never wished it upon himself. He wanted that part of himself to…

Sahara saw his silence and sighed again, “You wouldn’t be able to live without it?”

She guessed a lot of men couldn't live without it, actually, maybe she did enough torture to that Prince, just because he had lost this part of himself...

Hmm...Will he even want to live now? Dam, perhaps I did too much! Pfft, and here I’m trying out ‘peace’…

Frowning back at Sahara, Matthew sighed as well, “I…”

“Mmm, you and he are different. It’s not like I would do the same to you. You didn’t try to rape me.”

Taking her into his arms, Matthew whispered to her, “I would never hurt you, my dear…If I hurt you, it’s like I’d be hurting myself.”


Sahara breathed in his scent and breathed out with her frustrations, he softened her and her thoughts. “I don’t think you would.”

Matthew kissed her forehead and found that she seemed happier. She was ruthless, yet, to a certain degree, she needed to be…

She was just too good of a mood and put her hands around his neck and moved, so that he was kissing her lips instead.

Matthew put his hands around her waist, and they took the kiss deeper.

They were in her room now, yet, the surroundings even center meters away from them were all but forgotten. She tasted him, and he tasted her. They were indulging themselves like some kind of addictive drug. More…More

As Matthew picked her up and kissed her neck, Sahara moaned and put her legs around him. Seriously, what else was she to do!?

Besides, it was like they belonged there…

This man seemed to have undone all of her locks, seemed to knock down all of her walls and opened all the fuckin doors! She was an opened, aired out house, that anybody could potentially walk through!



Sahara found herself on the bed, when she was able to take her attention away from his mouth and her skin and he was looking at her, with so much desire that it nearly hurt.

Really, it hurt, like they couldn’t wait. Why? Why did they feel like they had to do this right now!?

It really wasn’t fair!


It was unavoidable to find herself being stripped by him and feeling flesh against flesh. Yet, just as he wanted to consummate…Sahara stopped him.

She suddenly felt sober, like she had to stop, yet didn’t know why.

“Sahara.” Matthew whispered to her.

“No. Not right now.” She spoke. She could feel it. Her instincts! It was strange how they suddenly changed their minds, and even she felt like something was suddenly coming…But god knows what it was!

“Master! You need your virginity! Master!” They stated. They were so loud, hence why she became sober…


“Sahara?” Matthew sulked, calming down himself.

Sahara sighed, “Honey, we can’t. I think…I think I will need to prove my innocence. We need to stop.”

Matthew sighed then too. “Okay.”

If she hadn’t stopped, he thought that he was going to stay tranced! But she had, and since she had, and the conversation from earlier…Matthew couldn’t do anything, it was like he had deflated, but if he wasn’t going to deflate, it would end up otherwise. He could only relax himself in the easiest and quickest way possible!

Sahara frowned…

Matthew had put most of his body weight on her…


“Need a moment…” Came his hidden mumbles.

She tried not to smile, but really, all she wanted to do was tease the hell out of him.

Sighing, Sahara got more comfortable, not forgetting to cover herself, and started to fall asleep. What else was she to do? She turned him on, egged him on, teased him, accepted…Only to say no…

Having him on her, even though he was bloody heavy, was a small sum to pay for him to stop.

Plus…He felt really good…She didn’t want him to go…

And so, they spent their second time sleeping in the same bed, in each other’s arms. Granted they may have still been naked, but Sahara had indeed kept her innocence…At least in this life…So far!



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