The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 84 **Revenge**

The next couple of days was leisurely going by for Sahara, but for nearly everyone else…It was a different matter…

The Empress had not been able to find the Rolland’s Young Miss, because she had not returned to the Rolland Estate. Talon had even invited the eunuch to stay until she returned, but that hadn’t lasted long, before they found that the Young Miss had been spotted at the General’s estate. This news had been released by none other than Miss Haves, wanting to get this Young Miss audience as soon as possible!

Honestly, she let the rumor run free, in case it was who they were looking for…But, even she wasn’t a hundred percent sure…Nonetheless, a Young Miss not at home and spotted in another estate, surely wouldn’t be good for her reputation!


The reason why Miss Haves was getting more and more desperate, was that news of the marriage between the Second Prince and Rolland’s Young Miss was happening very quickly. When she had last visited the Empress, it became official, that they would marry in five days. Five days! That kind of date is unheard off! Normally, if a wedding happens so quickly, it means that an illicit affair had happened! Wouldn’t that mean…That the Second Prince had already claimed her!?

People had started to spread rumors upon why this marriage was happening so quickly, when the Second Prince himself declared that he just didn’t want to wait…

He didn’t want to wait!?

The emperor has not said one bad word about this Young Miss, yet, he has been very quiet…What was going on!?



The emperor’s personality was normally very simple to understand, you could know when he’s angry or upset…Happy? No, at the moment, that was all the Ministers knew, was that the emperor was not happy! They just couldn’t figure out what else he was…

He was grumpy, but still attended court, he didn’t yell at anyone, just mumbled his opinions…It was impossible to know how to endure through this!

A few times, the emperor had been seen glaring at Matthew, but no one understood why. Then, once or twice, he’d been spotted looking at the Second Prince as though he was contemplating something…

It seemed like the real court session was happening silently between His Highness the Second Prince and the Emperor of Green Haven, instead of with the Ministers…


Matthew only looked calmly at the emperor, not angry at him at all. He thought that the emperor was a better man then his real, biological father. So, Matthew took on all his glares and hoped that the emperor was able to calm down soon. The only conversation that they have had, was that he could marry Sahara within the week. That was it…

Why had he agreed? Why didn’t he make him wait or forgo the marriage all together?

It would have been easier to understand if he did! It would have simply implied that the emperor would be extremely angry…But he hadn’t…He had agreed!

But, as Sahara would say, it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out…Matthew was after all a Golden Heir, even though the emperor didn’t know that he was a True Golden Heir, it was still something to consider to be very important!


Matthew could only think that he has Sahara to thank for the emperor not going completely crazy and most likely killing him right now! Because Matthew mainly wished to be with Sahara, so, having the emperor think as far as Matthew becoming the next Golden Emperor, it had not really entered into his mind…Much…

But, with him this way, Matthew had been able to gain more time for Band One!

The emperor being somewhat indecisive and temperamental, has made him somewhat forget about the golden eyed man that they’d captured, and about the attempted assassination at his life.

That was why Matthew knew on how much the subject of him not being his son had got to him. And that’s why he looked at the emperor like he was hoping for a good result and showing patience…He hoped that the emperor would not change the way he has treated him for so many years…The most dominant father figure in Matthew’s life, will most likely always be this Emperor, that sometimes glares at him now!



And Sahara? Well, she took a trip back to the bank, or should she say, ‘Spirit Convert Association’?

Strangely, when she had returned the plaque, the ‘banker’ had asked her about the nucleus and didn’t understand her when she said what it was.

Sahara pouted, not sure if she should just take it back and exchange it for something else…

She told him that it was needed for a few things, and then when she said something about the pills, he seemed to have a slight understanding then…Finally!

After that, he was very willing to serve her for anything else, and she was able to obtain a Commoner Cache, free of charge…But, Sahara had wanted a Cache Mint instead.

So, after a reminder of everything that she had left behind and did with the plaque, the ‘banker’ finally relented in giving her a Cache Mint and she walked out with a huge smile on her face!


Sahara had obviously spent time making more pills and the other thing that she tried to understand, was the ‘mind controlling’ that the golden eyed man had done.

She remembered a few things from her previous life and got a few different answers from other people from Matthew’s estate and came to a simple understanding.

She can’t and won’t ever be able to do it, so why bother thinking about it!?

Matthew had told her that it was a ‘Golden technique’, that can grow along with the ranks, but he was unable to achieve it yet. Sahara had asked him to try several times on herself, when she had hidden her cultivation base, and he could only get her to move her arm for a short moment. Although, When Sahara had brought out her cultivation base, Matthew was unable to move her arm at all…

Being out of control, even for that small moment, made Sahara feel strange and she was sort of glad that they stopped worrying about it after that because…She just no longer wanted to be a guinea pig! It was like being possessed, no, more like being half possessed…Or something…


It looked like this ‘mind control’ worked better with people without cultivation. But…Band One was at rank five, so Sahara told Matthew that he was far behind that golden eyed man and that he should practice!

Matthew was a bit shocked to her words, but did see them to be true, he and Nate were both at rank seven cultivation. But, as he read the book, that he didn’t let anyone else touch or see, he could not understand it. The first part of the Cognition Golden Meditation was only the beginning of ‘mind control’! One has to invade on a person’s body, taking it as your own and then use them to act as you wish…Obviously, it just seemed to look harder as you reach a higher rank, so that you can completely control them, their thoughts, judgements and perceptions…It was so in depth, Matthew just did not continue on with it!

Perhaps if Sahara had been able to read the book and do her usual, of putting it in basic and simplistic steps, it may have helped him out a little bit. But all she could have done was say that the first part only had to do with the body, like a system, and the second part was to do with the mind...'Mind control' was obviously very hard to write about, let alone accomplish.

There was a type of Cognition Meditation that Sahara could learn though, and that is what Prince Liam had done to his stealth guard. It didn’t have anything to do with the body, as all one did was reach into someone’s memory and see it for themselves. But many didn’t like it, as you could feel, taste and see everything, as though you yourself go through it…If that person was killed or hurt, then so would you be in return. And it took up a lot of spiritual essence, as Prince Liam had used all his rank three spiritual essence, to only see about five seconds of what his stealth guard had seen.

But Sahara wasn’t told about this, and even if she was, she wasn’t sure if it would help Matthew with his problem, considering that was why she wanted to know about it in the first place…



Hell, there was something even more satisfying to state here, and that was Matthew even rushing back from court and showing Sahara how to whip!

Using a whip, seemed like it made sense when watching somebody else use it…But, no…

It was weird, holding this long thing that she was supposed to control, even though it looked dull and dead. At first, it was too long for her, but Matthew would say, ‘Think of it as an extension of your arm.’

Really? It’s a bloody long extension!

For three days, Sahara only learnt the basic method of using a whip, and it made her upset when she could only scarcely handle that much. Matthew had tried to coax his silly Princess, with saying that she was just too beautiful to worry about a whip, but that didn’t work!

So, he ended up claiming her mouth instead…Yeah…That sorta worked…

Sahara forgot all about making it hard for him to teach her, but in the end that sorta happened that way anyway…

On the third night, Sahara asked where the ‘kidnapper’ was, and decided to go and see him…Already over learning how to use the whip properly and figured that she'd do it her way instead.

Matthew didn’t like it at first, but Sahara gave him a look and he raised his eyebrows and sighed at her…

Great, now he’s sighing, what the hell was he thinking!?




“He’s in there.” Matthew pointed, not putting Sahara down.

She saw the ‘house’ and looked back at Matthew, because it was in the palace…

Is this really the place?

Sahara told him to put her down, then she looked at this ‘place’ and remembered the guy that had given her a nightmare…Luckily, only one nightmare. As she didn’t want that psycho in her dreams…She had not forgiven him for torturing her, and she wasn’t sure if she was going to or not. This guy had treated her very harshly and Sahara had barely known him. How had she deserved to be treated like that? And, because she thought of this, she wouldn’t be able to not do anything, she wanted to see him, even if it was only once, to get some of this bottled-up rage out!

Sahara knew that if it continued to keep it in, and her rage came out when full, she was a lot harsher and a lot more uncaring to her enemies. This guy, she just wanted to give back some of what he gave to her, then the cycle could probably end…Or his cycle at least…But Sahara’s? She just wants let loose a little and feel justified…

Her red, glowing eyes returned, and her voice was hoarse, when she said, “Stay here!”


“No! Stay here!” she said, and then teleported.


Sahara found herself inside a place that looked…Really boring. Honestly, she had no idea what this place was, but she thought it would be better, considering it was in the palace and all…Seriously, it was so dark and gloomy.

Perhaps they should get someone in to redecorate...

The white walls on the outside were a total fantasy to what’s on the inside! There was no candlelight or light pearl, just light from the moon, from a few little holes in the walls, and then there was a one blanket and a tray with some food on it. The place seemed big but wasn’t…Was she in the right place!?

She looked at the food and it looked yucky, even for her! Even the bowl and cup made her feel like she was out in the bush, you know, where they have a hell of a lot less stuff! Did she teleport somewhere else?


Sahara found someone sitting against a wall and she walked closer to them, finding that it was the man that had taken her and hurt her.

Ah, it’s the right place! And what a good place it is for him!

Her red eyes blazed with rage, and she glared at him.

When he finally opened his eyes, showing a bored expression, on his unshaven face, Sahara smirked.

“You! What…What are you doing here!?” He said, wide eyed and starting to get up from the floor. For anyone, it would be scary to see someone smirking and glaring at you as she did, especially with red, glowing eyes, and he even thought that he was dreaming. Who would come all the way here, to the cold palace!? He had to be dreaming! Especially since it was such a fantastically, beautiful woman!

Sahara brought out the whip from ‘storage’, the one that she had asked Matthew for.


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