The King’s Return

Chapter 1 - First entry

Charming team, the site of a press conference.

The flashing magnesium light was dazzling. Qin Mo stood alone on the stage, closed his eyes slightly, closed the microphone, and whispered, “I decided to officially withdraw from the style club and leave the professional league from today. I’m sorry I like me , Support my friends, let you down. “

The boy’s voice was marked with a choked throat, and his complexion looked pale.

The reporters on the stage heard this and immediately swarmed up, rushing to hand the microphone to him: “Qin Mo, you chose to retire before you were eighteen years old, is it because of too much psychological pressure?” ” Have you lost confidence in losing a few games recently? “” Your master handed the team into your hands and you just left. How can you justify your master’s cultivation? “” Should you support you? ” Fans just explain ?! “

The reporters asked questions sharply, just like a sharp knife, piercing the heart unceremoniously, coldly and bonelessly.

Qin Mo took a deep breath and bowed deeply to everyone: “I’m sorry.”

Then he straightened his back and resolutely turned around and walked out of the conference site.

“Qin Mo, what the **** is going on?” In the background of the press conference, a young boy with blond hair and black eyes caught up with him in a big stride, stopped in front of him, and asked in confusion, “You want to leave the team? Why?”

“I don’t want to be an e-sports player anymore.” Qin Mo glanced at him and said softly, “while still young, it’s too late to change careers.”

“Then you forgot our agreement?” The boy put his hand on Qin Mo’s shoulder and stared at his eyes seriously. “You lost to me this season, you said, you will definitely win me next season.”

Qin Mo did not speak, but his face was paler.

The teenager couldn’t help worrying: “Your face is so ugly, isn’t you sick?” He reached out to look at the other person’s forehead, but the other person stiffly avoided.

“Xiao Han.” Qin Mo raised his head and interrupted him, looking directly at his eyes, and said calmly, “I made this decision for my own reasons, so don’t ask any more … hit you hard Let’s go, goodbye. “He said, then turned and left quickly, it seems that he doesn’t want to stay here for another second.

“I heard that goodbye has another meaning in Chinese-never see again.” Xiao Han turned around and stared at his back tightly. “What do you mean bye bye? You don’t plan to come back Anymore? “

“…” Qin Mo’s spine was stiff, but he didn’t answer this question, and continued to move forward quickly.

“I’ll wait for you to come back!” Xiao Hanlang said, “You will beat me when we see you one day!”

“It won’t be that day.” Qin Mo’s footsteps didn’t stop. He fled through the long corridor as if escaping.

The golden sunlight of the evening stretched the lonely figure of the teenager, and the thin back seemed thin but proud.

——He only left the proud back to the youngest best friend and opponent, but did not let the other party see the tears in his eyes.

Xiao Han stood in place, watching his back disappear at the end of the light.

“There will be that day,” Xiao Han said firmly, “I am waiting for you.”

The talented young man Qin Mo of the clan team announced that he would withdraw from the club due to the rapid decline of his status, ending his short e-sports career with a simple apology.

Qin Mo, who once represented the national team in the World Series and won the championship, is the most promising rising star for many people. Everyone is looking forward to the day when he can grow into a new generation of e-sports gods and become the backbone of the team like his master. .

However, this boy, just like a meteor slipping into the night sky, fell and died ahead of time without real glow.


Three years later

“The Confederation of Guilds prepares for a new step in the Jianghu Summer Holiday New District, and is stationed in Xijiangyue, a telecommunication area. Welcome to join us!”

“Hao Ran Guild has settled in the first area of ​​Dubujianghu Netcom, and welcomes the brothers who speak with sincerity!”


The news of the “only step” is about to open to public beta, and it blew up the major game forums like a thunder for a while, making the quiet forum for a long time become active.

Unlike other online games in China, “Duobu Jianghu” is connected to the latest Vr vision system.

The so-called Vr, which is the abbreviation of Virtualreality, means “virtual reality”. This is a high-tech means of using a computer to simulate a three-dimensional virtual world, allowing people to be immersed in the real world and have real-time interaction in the virtual world. Experience. This technology was initially applied to the medical and tourism industries. Later, with the development of technology, VR games gradually entered the public’s field of vision. However, in recent years, VR games have been small stand-alone games, and the large online game market is still blank. .

The large-scale online game “Lone Step Jianghu” with a real 3D perspective developed by Teana Game Company has attracted widespread attention in the game circle since the project was initiated. It is said that “Single Steps” uses the latest Vr system to connect the terminals, so that players can truly feel the environment of the game. The screen in front of the players will become alive, as if they have personally crossed the world of the game.

Today is the day when “one step alone” started a comprehensive public beta.

The game uses a time charging model. Players need to purchase an identity card to register an account and recharge the game time. This identity card is the identity card of the player in the game world.

Due to the good early publicity effect of the lone step, the identity cards on the official website are almost sold out before the public test. The express delivery brother often finds this exquisite carton during delivery. The front side is printed with four chic and elegant characters such as “Only Rivers and Lakes.” There is a transparent film in the lower left corner. Through this film, you can clearly see See a card inside.

This is much faster, even the express brother knows-this is the identity card of the game “Single Steps”.

“Hello Mr. Qin, I am sending a courier. Please take the time to pick up your shipment at the south gate of the community.”

Less than ten minutes after the text message was sent, a young man appeared at the gate of the community.

The young man is about one and a half meters tall, wearing white short-sleeved shirts and light coffee-colored slim trousers. His straight and long legs are very attractive when walking from a distance. His hair is trimmed neatly, and it feels particularly refreshing. The outline of his face is almost comparable to the big stars in the movie. His facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and he has a pair of slightly peach eyes that are impressive. However, although the youth’s eyes are beautiful, the eyes are extraordinarily indifferent, there is no expression on his face, and it looks extremely difficult to access.

“Hello, I’ll pick up the courier. The recipient is Qin Mo.” The youth said lightly.

“Oh, isn’t this one?” Brother Courier immediately passed the box to him.

“Yes.” The youth bowed his head and checked the receipt information, then took the box and signed off.

Just by looking at his handsome appearance and neat clothes, much like a corporate executive or fashion model, how can he be so passionate about playing games? The little express boy scratched his head in puzzlement, and watched his thin back disappeared in the community with a little doubt.


Qin Mo immediately went to the study to open the game’s official website after returning home, took out the identity card in the envelope to register for activation, and by the way bought a year of game time to recharge this card.

Qin Mo has carefully checked the settings of this game at the official information station.

Teana Game Company obviously took a lot of effort in the production of “Single Steps”. The martial arts settings are very novel. They did not follow the martial arts martial arts such as Wudang, Emei, Tangmen, etc., which were more common in the previous “Wulin”, but were completely original A brand new martial art system.

There are currently eight martial arts schools listed on the official website. Each martial arts has two cultivation routes, and the gameplay is very diverse.

At noon, Qin Mo went to the kitchen and cooked a bowl of dumplings to fill his stomach, followed by opening the downloaded game login account and entering the “Xijiangyue” server in the telecommunications area.

The realistic game cg is played in front of the eyes like a movie-the two top masters are fighting fiercely in the depths of the bamboo forest, the verdant bamboo forest, the white sword light, the snoring sound of weapons, and the rendering of background music, soon Introduces people into this quaint new world.

After the film cg was over, the initial shapes and brief introductions of the eight martial arts appeared, and a prompt window-please select the martial arts to join.

In his youth, in order to match the team’s lineup, Qin Mo used the “Shepherd” player ID to play the summoner for several years. His master was a world-class summoner player. He learned a lot from the master. In addition to the gameplay of summoning, he also has a very deep understanding of common occupations in the game.

Now that I have changed a new game, I can naturally change the gameplay from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo no longer hesitated, choosing a melee swordsman class that is completely different from the previous summoner-Hanhua Sword School.

Press the OK button, the gender is male, and a man wearing a white gown and holding a sharp sword appears immediately. Qin Mo made some simple adjustments to the character’s face, and then pressed to the next step.

——Please enter the role name.

Qin Mo knocked on the next ancient style ID: ink marks.

——Welcome to the “Ink Marks” to join the new world of lonely rivers and lakes, enter the queue of Xinshou Village, please wait, the number of queues is 1756 …

It only took more than ten seconds to create a character just now, and there were more than 1,700 people standing in line. It can be seen that there are very many players entering Xijiang Yue in the telecommunications area at the same time.

Qin Mo turned and made a cup of coffee, drinking slowly while waiting in line.

He never drinks sugar in coffee, and the slightly bitter taste of his tongue makes him more awake.

Coming to the “Lone Step River” game is a brand new start for him and a new opportunity for himself.

Ten minutes later, Qin Mo’s little swordsman finally squeezed into Xinshoucun.

The name here is Luojia Village. At this time, at dusk, under the light of the setting sun, countless golden broken diamonds were sprinkled in the sparkling stream. The sky in the distance was rendered into beautiful gold by the light of the setting sun. The red hues, the thatched houses arranged neatly from south to north in the village make the whole village look orderly, and the screams of sheep on the hillside not far away can be heard clearly.

Under the action of the Vr system, the scenes in front of it look extremely realistic-green mountains, green water, rivers, sheep, all seem to be in front of them, as if they have personally come to this ancient and ancient world.

Such a picture effect is absolutely top-notch in the country. No wonder this game is so popular that the number of followers in the forum exceeded 10 million and even attracted a number of giant e-sports clubs.

Qin Mo gave the 3D virtual system a high praise and squinted his eyes to watch the immersive dusk village scenery.

——Please follow the system prompts to set the game buttons.

A soft female voice sounded in the ear, and a prompt window appeared at the same time. Qin Mo carefully looked at the prompts that popped up on the screen. As he knows before, this game has two modes of operation, one is the keyboard and mouse mode (the same as the traditional keyboard online games), and the other is more novel. Light screen touch mode.

The game operator is equipped with a dedicated light-screen touchpad for Dubujianghu. Players can set custom shortcut keys to release various skills according to their preferences. The forward and backward position operations and lens switching all use a finger to slide the touch screen. Methods.

In the online gaming industry, where keyboards and mice have been the main mode of operation, light-screen touch control is a huge innovation. However, in a high-intensity battle, while sliding the touch screen to control the position of the character, but also to release various skills, it is easy to make people confused and lose sight of each other. Because of this, the sales of light-screen touchpads docked alone are not good, and more than 95% of players are still used to playing this game with a mouse and keyboard.

But at this moment, Qin Mo had a beautifully designed touch screen panel on his hand.

The LCD panel in the connected state, with soft blue luster flashing at the edges, and blue light, which made his fingers very white and slender.

The official setting guide suggests that players are best to set the touch screen to a 3 × 3 9-grid mode key position. However, Qin Mo has set the operation panel to a 4 × 4 grid with a total of 16 key positions.

——Compared to the official nine-key setting, there are seven more keys.

In front of me, a warning popped up: “Too many touch screen buttons may cause the operation to be too complicated. Do you want to confirm this setting?”

Qin Mo calmly pressed “Confirm”.

The LCD screen underneath was immediately divided into small squares of four by four by thin blue lines. The touch-screen panel with a sense of science and technology also began to emit blue light like water ripples.

The youth’s complexion looked a little pale under the blue light, but in those dark and clear eyes, at this moment, a long-lost, bright light suddenly rose.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.