The King’s Return

Chapter 2 - Hanhua Sword

Most of the tasks in Xinshoucun are to familiarize players with basic operations. It is a piece of cake for veterans of online games. However, because “Single Steps” is the first domestic game with a VR perspective, The sense of the scene is too real. Many novices cannot adapt to the immersive 3D scene after entering the game. The lens will be dizzy as soon as the lens is turned, and the map channel keeps jumping out of various complaints-

“I almost hit the tree just now, and I touched my head subconsciously. It hurts!”

“Who told me what to do about fear of heights? I heard that the introductory school can learn light work, and I will cry if I fly to the sky!”

“Skills can’t be locked. The mobs are running around.

“The task of finding Mother-in-law Xu at level 3 is so difficult! Where is Mother-in-law Xu? Lu Chi asks for guidance!”

A large number of novices are bitter, and even Qin Mo, who was once an e-sports player, has encountered some difficulties when doing novice tasks.

Compared with the simple keyboard and mouse mode, although the touch screen mode looks tall, it requires more flexibility on the fingers.

Qin Mo slid a little angle with your finger in the sliding area, the visual field of the character in the game will change accordingly, the response of the touch screen is extremely sensitive, which also requires the player’s finger to be quite accurate. Even if it is a slight difference in the angle, the visual field in the game will change accordingly. It can be imagined that in the future, it will become a very powerful tactical method to calculate the attack range of the opponent’s visual field. And the professional players’ precise grasp of the 3D field of vision will also become the top priority in the basic skills.

Qin Mo took a deep breath and let himself calm down to observe the interface of the game carefully.

There is a compass icon and a translucent small map in the upper right corner of the field of vision. This design is very intimate and has helped Qin Mo a lot. He walked through Xinshou Village in the direction of the compass-the scenery here is beautiful, like the paradise of no dispute, the shadows of houses in the village, the figure of the player, and even the reflection of the scenery in the water are very clear in front of his eyes.

A more realistic sensory experience is the biggest advantage of VR games and the biggest difficulty in operation.

The more in-depth research, the more Qin Mo loves this game.

Unlike most players around him, he only cares about watching the beautiful scenery of the VR world. His goal is very clear-next year’s professional league.

So his observation point is also more refined and professional.

When others see a forest, they may only think that this forest is very beautiful, but Qin Mo will pay attention to more professional details such as the density of the forest, the shadow of the trees, and the viewing angle behind the trees, because he knows that he will enter the competition in the later stage After the game, even a small difference in vision may reverse the game.

He is no longer the sharp young man he was.

From now on, he will lay the foundation in this brand new game world and start over from scratch.


It took Qin Mo almost two hours to finish the novice task slowly. Before leaving Xinshoucun, he has initially mastered the new touch screen operation mode, and can skillfully make the lens rotate with his heart.

The village chief asked him to return to the school to meet the head of the team, and sent him directly back to Kunlun Mountain using the teleportation array.

The Hanhua Sword School, located on the top of Kunlun, is famous for its spectacular snow scenes.

The snow falls here all year round, all the solemn buildings are covered by white snow, and three snow peaks standing side by side soar into the clouds, looking magnificent and magnificent in the distance.

It seems to be for the occasion. The costumes worn by Hanhua swordsmen’s disciples are mainly white. There are many white swordsmen with swords practicing sword flat dances on the mountainside. Qin Mo stopped and looked for a while, and found that The poses of the npcs are pretty good, and the sword moves are very smooth. From these details, we can see that the game developers are very attentive.

Then, he found that there was another major innovation in the game-the effect of the comprehensive scene composed of weather, light and vegetation on people.

Snow, rain, night, early morning, dusk …

Different scenes have different effects on the player’s vision.

When I was in Xinshou Village just now, the scene happened to be dusk, and Qin Mo could clearly see the scenery within 50 feet in front of him. But on the snow-capped mountains, because Bai Xue was very dazzling after refracting the sunlight, his sight distance was shortened to about 30 feet, and when he turned the lens away from the sun, the sight distance increased again.

——It almost completely simulates the setting of the real world!

——Qin Mo also did not expect that today’s VR games can actually do this!

In this way, in future games, not only must you consider the fixed field of vision of yourself and your opponents, but also take into account the effects of external factors such as weather, light, vegetation, etc. This will undoubtedly make the arena more complicated. Of course, More rich and interesting.

Qin Mo carefully observed the spectacular snow scene on Kunlun Mountain, and then walked along the mountain road to the main hall of the Hanhua Sword School to meet the head.

The head of the Hanhua Sword School is Qi Mufeng. At the age of about thirty, he is wearing a white long gown and holding a sharp sword, standing in the hall. He is tall and erect. He has the reputation of “Sword Immortal” on the rivers and lakes-perhaps also because the swordsman is too handsome. There are so many players joining the Hanhua Sword School in the game, and the surrounding is crowded with people.

Qin Mo stepped forward to talk to him, and chose “Join the Martial Arts”. The “Ink Mark” avatar immediately appeared with the Hanhua Sword Logo, and obtained the basic entry exterior “Cold Moon Set.”

After putting on new equipment, Qin Mo heard the head of the gentle said: “The Hanhua Sword School has two types of martial arts, one is” Autumn Sword Decisive “, the weapon is a long sword, the figure is light, and the sword is elegant, Ghostly and unpredictable, but you need strong talents and skills to learn and succeed; the second is “Invisible Sword Decisive”, the weapon is a dagger, the sword is sharp, steady and steady, and it is extremely dangerous. You are extremely harmful. As soon as you joined the martial arts, let your brother and sister show you the difference between the two cultivation methods of this martial art. “

Qin Mo opened the pop-up video and carefully observed the skills demonstration of his brother and sister. After watching it again, he immediately understood the core setting of the game-combo.

In the game “Single Steps”, players can learn a total of seven basic skills from joining the martial arts to reaching the full level.

Multiple effects of the same skill combo, or different combos of skill combos, will produce different effects.

Unlike the fixed game routines in the previous games, due to the emergence of “combination skills” and “combination skills”, the degree of freedom is quite high. That is to say, if your level is sufficient, you can even create a new set of continuous strokes mode, the typical “Master enters the door, and the practice depends on the individual.”

Each martial art has two practice routes, which also enriches players’ choices.

Taking the Hanhua Sword School as an example, the operation of Qiushui Jiande (Long Sword) requires the combination of different skills, the operation is more complicated, but the control effect is more. The Invisible Sword (Dagger) is a continuous combo of the same skill, the operation is simpler, and the damage is higher.

After watching the video, Qin Mo chose the long sword as his weapon-he prefers skillful control flow gameplay.

With the choice of weapons, Qiushui Jianju’s basic skills, the first skill, “Battle Sword End of the World”, and martial arts, “Piaoruohong” appear in the skill bar. Qin Mo placed the two skills in the upper left corner of the sixteen grid light screen, tried to press, and then continued to do the main line mission according to the instructions of the head.

The main line of martial arts is mainly to introduce players to the background of martial arts and some anecdotes of npc. The story is very strong. Qin Mo also enjoys watching the plot while doing the tasks.

It was not until 2 pm that he finally reached level 15.

The head gave him a set of 15-level equipment, and also taught him the second skill of Qiu Shui Jianjue, “Jianyu Canyang”, and let him go downhill to practice.

Qin Mo came to Mingzhou, the first main city of the game.

As the main city of the game, the number of players in Mingzhou City is naturally several times larger than that of Hanhua Swordsman. The streets are crowded with people, and it is quite lively. However, most of the players are in a hurry. The lower left corner of the communication area keeps popping up team reminders, which is also because team tasks are much faster than single person tasks.

Qin Mo called out the team recruitment panel and just saw a recruitment message just posted: “Level 15 Mingzhou City main line, come here casually!”

Applying to join the team, the request was approved immediately, Qin Mo came to the center of Mingzhou City next to the big ring platform according to the teammate mark on the map, and saw three teammates waiting for him there. Since Qin Mo fully understood the martial arts settings before entering the game, he quickly distinguished the careers of the three teammates.

——The captain’s name is Jinghua Shuiyue. He is wearing a dark green dress with a medicine basket behind him. It should be from the martial arts “Fangcaotang” and kill people with various poisons.

——Hidden sword in his smile, tall and strong, wearing a fiery red dress, a machete in his hand, and a look at the “crazy sword door” from Beimo.

——Feng Qingye, a white man, holding a long sword, is obviously from the “Hanhua Sword School” like Qin Mo.

“Ink marks, are you new or veteran? Have you played this game before?” The small character typed by Captain Jing Huashuiyue appeared in the communication area in the lower left corner.

Qin Mo gently swiped his finger to open the character input mode of the touch screen panel and quickly typed: “I am a novice.”

“Oh, novices don’t run around, remember to follow me tightly, this game is more difficult to play!”


Just then another person came in the team, ID called Xiaoyao Xian, a light green dress, obviously also from Fangcaotang, still a girl.

Jinghua Shuiyue: “My sister’s weapon is a silver needle. Does she major in healing?”

Xiaoyao Xian: “Yes. I am a novice, please take care of o (∩_∩) o ~”

Jinghua Shuiyue: “My sister, don’t hesitate. I’m with the hidden knife and Feng Qingye in the smile. We have all played the internal test. If you have any questions, you can ask us later.”

Xiaoyao Xian: “Great, thank you!”

Jinghua Shuiyue: “I’ll pick up the task, you’ll wait for me at the gate of the city.”

The captain was relatively straightforward, and immediately flew to connect the three missions, shared on the team channel, and then convened everyone outside the city of Mingzhou.

First task: Clear 8 honeycombs from the woods outside the city.

There are many players doing quests in the woods, and bees “buzz” from time to time. Jinghua Shuiyue took everyone into the deep woods and found a place with dense honeycombs. As soon as I was typing, I saw the novice Xiao Yaoxian in the team very actively walked in front of the tree to clear the honeycomb. Four people rushed forward, and the dense visual effects made people scary!

Jinghua Shuiyue quickly jumped away after lightly performing his work. As a result, the novice Xiao Yaoxian ran to open a honeycomb again.

“I’m going!” Jing Hua Shuiyue couldn’t help but swear, and typed quickly while avoiding the attack of the bee colony, “Why are you driving so many?”

Xiao Yaoxian replied innocently: “Isn’t the mission to kill 8 groups?”

Jinghua Shuiyue was a little speechless: “There are 8 missions. Do you want to draw 8 groups to kill them together?”

Xiaoyao Xiandao said: “In the past, the missions in the game were caused by killing strangers together. I will add blood to you. You can try o (∩_∩) o ~”

Try a ghost! This is a 3D game! So many bee eyes are going to be blind!

Jinghua Shuiyue had just typed and told her not to be fooled, but she saw that this guy had arrogantly opened two more honeycombs.

Girl, you are too aggressive with honeycomb …

In a moment, bees are everywhere in front, rear, left, and right. The buzzing sound is endless, and people with poor mental quality are scared to see this realistic picture.

The mirror flower water moon surrounded by bee groups is not good for the whole person, and he uttered in the voice channel: “Where is this rookie? Give me all kinds of blame ?!”

In the smile, the hidden knife was chased by the bee swarm, and he couldn’t make any typing. He also said in a voice, “My mother, I’m going to be blind!”

Feng Qingye’s voice was relatively calm: “Calm, I’ll die from the beginning. It won’t hurt to be stung anyway.”

Jinghua Shuiyue frowned: “Xiao Yaoxian can really be in trouble, he is really a novice.”

This is the built-in voice room in the game. Qin Mo did not turn on the free voice system and could not hear the three people talking. At this moment, he was staring intently at the bee colony in front of him.

Since Xiaoyao Xian was the first to blame, all the hatred of the bee swarm was on her, and the bees flying in all directions flew in front of her. The girl was scared and ran away. Qin Mo immediately pressed the light work button that was just set-Pinaru Jinghong.

I saw that the swordsman in white in the game suddenly flew forward five feet like Dapeng’s wings, and then swooped down from the air. The sword in his hand swept forward decisively, drawing out two beautiful arc-shaped ranges, the tip of the sword. Picked it, stabbed straight forward, pulled out a bunch of beautiful sword flowers, and simply released the combo combo skills-fighting the sword of the horizon, Jianyu Canyang!

The snow-white sword light just covered the bee colony, and the second round combo of the sword caused damage to the group, and then followed the effect of the sword rain and the sun. An unexpected scene appeared–

I saw a dense swarm of bees as if cursed, and suddenly stood still!

Jinghua Shuiyue was still voicing on the voice channel: “Inducing so many weirdness, the bee colony is still paralyzed, but it will be dead after being stung … I rely? What is going on?”

The knife hid in the smile and said: “What happened? The bee colony is fixed?”

Feng Qingye, who was calm at first, was also surprised: “Isn’t this ink mark a novice? He can do such high-end operations as” Tianyang Erlian “?!”

The three had just made preparations for returning to the main city. As a result, they cut back to the game and saw that the ink marks set all the bee colony in place.

The swordsman in white was attacking the bee swarm at a dizzying horror speed, and the sharp sword swept across the front quickly, forming an almost impenetrable white light in front of him.

Those bees, just like the collective IQ went offline, were kept in place by him, completely unable to move.

This scene made the old player Jing Huashuiyue who had participated in several rounds of internal testing suddenly feel cold.

——Is this ink mark really a novice?

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