The King’s Return

Chapter 253 - Mo Ju VS Sword Song (3)

Mo decided to win the sword song in the first game, which was expected by many people, but most of the audience did not guess before the match, Mo decided Zhu Qingyue will be commanded.

Even Chu Yan who watched the live broadcast online did not expect this.

The moment she saw Zhu Qingyue sitting at the command position, Chu Yan thought she was dazzled. However, after thinking about it, although Qingyue now stays in the Mexican decisive team as a subsidiary, after all, he was the former captain of Qingmu. He has experienced countless big and small matches, his ability to interpret the game situation, and he is flexible in the field. Consciousness is not much worse than Gemini.

As a master, Chu Yan is glad that Qingyue ’s decisive team in Mexico can be recognized and respected.

Lin Shuangcheng brought along the same secrets and wanted to use the suicide attack to step on Liu Hong’s trap while taking away Mo Ju’s treatment. This was seen by Zhu Qingyue. What’s even more rare is that he made arrangements in advance, at the critical moment, he Beiguang helped Li Muran to block the injury, and Xiao Mu’s death replaced Li Muran to survive. From the perspective of the entire team and the characteristics of the dart mode, the effect of treatment is much higher than that of the meat shield. It is also a decision that must be made as a field conductor.

Qingyue made the best decision, which is also the key to Mo’s first game.

Seeing Zhu Qingyue smilingly and calmly directing the game, Chu Yan’s heart rose with a sense of pride, and she could not wait to fly to the big stage immediately to hug her apprentice.

However, this can only be considered. Now, he must be obedient in the VIP seat and watch the game in a low-key manner.

The intermission time passed quickly and the second game officially started.

With the comfort of Lin Shuangcheng, Song Changdong has adjusted his mood and sat happily waiting on the bench, while Lin Shuangcheng returned to the command position again.

This round is the home of the Sword of Songs team, submitted by Lin Shuangcheng.

What surprised Qin Mo was that Lin Shuangcheng chose not to compete for Boss’s secret letter mode, but to use a “treasure hunting mode” that has not been used by the team so far.

According to official rules, the teams ranked in the top four of the standings will be eligible for the playoffs for the trophy. The playoff phase is a three-game two-win system. The first two games each determine the game mode, and the third game is a fixed “treasure hunting mode”. There are only two modes of dart game and secret letter in the online game arena. Treasure hunting mode has not been popularized to online game clients for the time being.

At present, the team match has passed for two weeks, and the regular season has also played ten games with a total of twenty innings. However, no team chooses the “treasure hunting mode”. The most important reason is that this mode is played. Many teams still play In the exploration stage, there is no thorough research, and I dare not choose rashly.

Lin Shuangcheng chose the treasure hunt mode after his decision with Shanghai today, but he has courage—the wayward Lin team is probably the first person to eat crabs.

After the mode was selected, he selected a treasure map from the map gallery.

All the treasure maps in the game have been imported into the treasure hunt mode, and they have been transformed into game maps. What Lin Shuangcheng chose today is a “Youran Villa Treasure Secret” map. This map is not special to many netizens, but it is very meaningful to Qin Mo and Xiao Han.

When Qin Mo opened his trumpet to enter online games and did tasks with netizens such as Jinghua Shuiyue, Feng Qingye, and Xiaoyaxian, he received a two-way mission in a hidden treasure map. Coincidentally, Xiao Han took Xiao Pei, Xiao He, etc. People upgraded in the game and also received this two-way mission. The two teams were teleported to the Youran Villa to compete for treasure. This was also the first time Qin Mo and Xiao Han met in the game. The two played politely. Xiao Han was killed by Qin Mo’s residual blood, which made several new people who followed him startled.

At that time, Xiao Han did not recognize Qin Mo, but it was also from that moment that he began to pay attention to the name “Ink Mark”, from time to time, he almost chatted with Ink Mark, and later in the sword **** valley teamed up to steal the Boss of the Sword Society Xiao Han’s tacit cooperation was finally determined-Mo Hen was Qin Mo who had missed him for three years.

What happened in the online game was obviously last year, but now it looks like a long time ago …

Lin Shuangcheng also leveled up in the telecommunications area. Obviously, he knows the past of Qin Mo and Xiao Han. He chose this map today. Less past memories. The time I spent with Xiao Han in the online game was really rare and comfortable. Now when the competition phase is reached, there is no longer the mood of sitting on the top of the mountain and watching the scenery.

Lin Shuangcheng submitted the lineup and is still a five swordsman.

Qin Mo, however, was slow to move, and seemed to be thinking about her mind.

On the big screen, Qin Mo’s face was magnified exactly, and the audience found that the always calm Qin team was distracted. Although it was only a few seconds of imagination, Qin Mo’s dazed expression was quickly made into an emoticon by the fans. Many fans thought that “Dao’s Damo is much more cute than Gao Leng’s Mo! “Is Mo Mo thinking for a few seconds?” “Isn’t it possible to be scared by Lin Shuangcheng? Or is he not sure about the treasure hunt mode?”

Everyone guessed and guessed, but no one guessed. Qin Mo just suddenly remembered some interesting past events.

After returning to God, Qin Mo calmed down his expression immediately and submitted the roster without hesitation-in the second game, Qin Mo stopped watching and instead went to command. Xiao Han is still the main output, and He Beiguang stays for defense. Liu Hong, Li Muran, and Qing Yue, who were in the game, came to rest and replaced Shen He and Pei Yu to play.

This lineup makes Ye Chao a little difficult to understand: “He Beiguang has a meat shield, four outputs of cold, mo, Shen, and Pei. Without Qing Yue and Mu Ran, the defense is not the strongest, and without Liu Hong, the attack is not the strongest. I do n’t quite understand the routine of Qin Mo. “

Liang Ru whispered: “I never quite understood his routine, I have given up to guess.”

Ye Chaowei smiled and said, “Also, maybe this is a game of Mo Jue’s treasure hunting mode. Let’s talk about it later.”

The next step is the selection of cheats. Unlike the dart game mode, which has clear defense and offensive strategies, the secret letter mode pursues a wave of team battles to grab the boss. The treasure hunt mode currently has no specific gameplay, because the treasures in the treasure hunt mode are scattered. Whether the treasure chests are to be found separately or to act together depends on the arrangement of the command. It is difficult to guess the opponent’s strategy in advance.

Qin Mo couldn’t guess what Lin Shuangcheng sent five swordsmen, but in the early stage of the treasure hunt mode, once the team members spread out on the map, there will likely be more small group battles, and the cheats for large-scale group attacks are forbidden. Priority is not so high, but single output and single control cheats need to be considered.

Lin Shuangcheng’s idea is obviously similar to Qin Mo’s. In the selection of cheats, the two prioritize stealing high-explosive single injury cheats, group confusion, group silence, and other field-control cheats.

Soon, the two sides decided the players and the cheats they brought in, and the game officially started in the cheers of the audience.

The treasure secret of Youran Villa is exactly the same as the map scene in the game, except that the game is daytime, and the game map is made into a night scene. There are dimly lit lanterns hanging in the villa, and the sound of cicadas is heard from time to time. The villa adds a touch of tranquility and mystery.

As the players refreshed, the location of ten treasure chests was displayed on the mini map. Four of them were in the rooms on the east, south, west, and north sides, and two chests were in the pond at the junction of the front and back yards. There are four treasure chests in the rockery, dry well, woods and garden in the backyard.

From the overhead view of God ’s perspective, it can be found that the distribution of ten treasure chests is not uniform. Some treasure chests are very close to each other, while others are very far apart. Which player will pick which chest? consider.

The players have not refreshed the map yet. Ye Chao took advantage of this time to explain: “The online game server does not yet have a treasure hunt mode, but I believe that most viewers have watched this carnival. In fact, the league ’s treasure hunt mode It is close to the carnival. The game is limited to 10 minutes. When the time is up, the treasure chests of the two teams will be settled automatically. Which side has more chests will determine which one wins. There are two ways to get the treasure chests. The first is to refresh the treasure chests on the map. Position to pick; in addition, you can also kill the opponent carrying the treasure chest to get the treasure chest he carried. “

Liang Ru added: “A player carrying a treasure chest will have a treasure chest symbol on his head, and the number of treasure chests can be superimposed. For example, player A holds five treasure chests. Once he dies, the five treasure chests in his hand will be automatically transferred. Into the hands of those who killed him. “

Ye Chao went on to say: “The carnival game was a battle between two groups of great gods. Some people got too many treasure chests in the early days and became the target of criticism. They were quickly killed by the set fire, but there were not many treasure chests in the beginning. People, finally took advantage of the fishermen. However, that was a big dogfight, different from the league. The league is a confrontation between two teams. In order to prevent the treasure box from being stolen, five people can carry the treasure box scattered. Or let one person carry the treasure chest, and other teammates are responsible for protection. “

Liang Rudao: “I heard that when major teams practice the treasure hunt mode in private, they mostly adopt the strategy of dispersing first and then concentrating. Generally, each person takes a treasure chest first, and then finds a way to grab the opposite chest. Rarely What you said is “one person with a treasure chest, other teammates protect it.”

Ye Chao laughed: “I just raised this possibility.”

At this time, the players from both sides finally refreshed in the map, Ye Chao and Liang Ru also stopped discussing and began to concentrate on watching the game.

The start of the treasure hunt mode is different from the team members in the dart and secret mode refreshing together at the resurrection point, but everyone is randomly scattered and refreshed at any position in the treasure map. Maybe your next door is a teammate, or maybe your left and right are both opponent. The beginning has a certain amount of luck, which is also the excitement of the treasure hunt mode.

The place where Qin Mo refreshed was just in the pond where the front and back yards meet.

He quickly opened the small map and glanced at it. Xiao Han was in the east room of the front yard, Shen He was in the south room, and Pei Yu and He Beiguang brushed in the backyard rockery and woods.

Qin Mo said decisively: “Take the treasure chest near you and concentrate here in the pond!”

The location of the pond is exactly the center of five people, and everyone can gather together at the fastest speed.

Qin Mo jumped into the pond and dived into the depth of the pond quickly. From the mark of the small map, there were two treasure chests in the pond. After he dived ten meters underwater, he really saw a glittering chest hidden in the water. Qin Mo Swimming decisively towards the box and taking it down, the golden chest mark appeared on the top of his head.

Qin Mo didn’t rush out of the water after winning a treasure chest. It took a while for the teammates to gather. It might as well take this opportunity to get another treasure chest on the west side of the pond. Thinking of this, he hurried westward.

However, as soon as he reached the treasure box refresh point, he just saw that the treasure box had disappeared.

There is only one explanation. The sword song’s person is nearby and has taken away the treasure chest.

Qin Mo quickly adjusted his field of vision, but before he had time to do this, he saw a sharp blue sword light gliding across his eyes—

Jian Qi Xiao Xin’s immobilization!

The players of the Hanhua Sword School are also familiar with Qin Mo’s skill special effects. The shot was Song Changdong. His Xinghe Sword was ice-blue. When he put his skills on, he also carried a trace of ice-blue sword. He just happened to be standing behind the side that Qin Mo didn’t see, and used Qin Qixiaoxin to hold Qin Mo.

Immediately following, another fiery Jianguang smashed head on-Lin Shuangcheng was also nearby!

Lin Shuangcheng’s weapon Chi Xiao, like the same red flame, the violent play of the short sword stream was played to his fullest.

Xiao Song controlled, Lin Shuangcheng exported, and the two teamed up to actually hit Qin Mo’s blood below 30%.

Lin Shuangcheng whispered: “Xiao Song, Kai broke out and killed Qin Mo.”

Song Changdong nodded excitedly: “Huh!”

He quickly pressed his finger to the keyboard, and decisively released the skill with the highest damage from Chang Jian Liu, which directly sent Qin Mo to the second.

—— [Going to the east of the river] killed [ink mark]!

Seeing this message appear on the screen, Song Changdong was very happy. He could actually kill his most admired idol Qin Mo on the field. This feeling is really proud!

Qin Mo was also helpless. He did not expect that Lin Shuangcheng and Song Changdong of the sword song just refreshed nearby. After the two met, they dived into the pond to find the treasure chest. Qin Mo encountered the siege of Lin Song and Shuangjian, and it was naturally difficult to punch. The enemy has four hands.

But it doesn’t matter. The game started only one minute and the teammates will come over soon.

Qin Mo died and returned to the resurrection point. The resurrection point of the treasure hunt mode will be set far away from the treasure. For example, the resurrection point of Youran Villa is just outside the villa backyard.

What makes Qin Mo happy is that after he was resurrected, he drove lightly from the back door and walked into the villa. He just found that the treasure chest at the foot of the backyard rock had not been taken away, and Qin Mo decisively stepped forward and took the treasure chest.

At the same time, after Xiao Han and Shen He searched the treasure chests in the east and west rooms of the front yard, they gathered at the pond in the middle of the yard according to Qin Mo’s instructions.

However, as soon as they stepped out of the room, they saw two men in the Jiange squad brushing in the front yard. Three men were rushing towards the pond. At this time, they were facing away from Xiao Han and Shen He.

Xiao Han immediately marked Shen He with a trailing mark on the map. Shen He knew it, and sneaked behind the God of Han.

In the backyard, Xiao Pei and Xiao He each got a treasure chest, Qin Mo picked up a treasure chest near the rockery, and another treasure chest disappeared on the map, apparently taken away by Jiange’s team members.

The real-time statistics of the playing field show that currently, the five players of the Jiansong team each hold a treasure chest, which means that Lin Shuangcheng originally took a treasure chest in the pond just now. Song Changdong acted with him and did not take the treasure chest. When Qin Mo was killed, Lin Shuangcheng gave up his head to Xiao Song and let Xiao Song take one.

It is safer to take them separately. Otherwise, once a player has too many treasure chests, the loss in the death will be quite heavy.

Mo Ju also holds a treasure chest for everyone. Although Qin Mo lost one, he was lucky enough to pick another one after resurrection. Professional players are moving fast. The game has been running for three minutes. All the treasures of Youran Villa have been searched and exhausted.

There is only one way to get the treasure chest next-kill the opponent!

The team battle was about to start. The players from both sides walked towards the pond where the front and back yards joined, while Lin Shuangcheng and Song Changdong swam up from the bottom.

The two just came out of the pond and saw Jiange’s teammates in the distance. Lin Shuangcheng said immediately: “Faster, focus on the east side of the pond!”

He didn’t want to fight water battles with Mo Jue in the pond. Although he was not afraid of water wars, but objectively speaking, Jian Ge’s ability to fight water wars was much worse than Mo Jue, and Xiao Han, a flexible and invisible man, could play Two newcomers to Death Sword Song, so he wanted to return to the ground as soon as possible.

However, he was a step slower!

At this moment, a crisp sound of flute sounded, and Mo Yu, the farthest attacker, arrived!

A young man in Tsing Yi, holding the “Bihua” jade flute, played the music of the Yingying Valley Control System-Broken Bridge Society!

The sound wave penetrates straight and stuns the opponent in a straight position.

Pei Yu has always been very smart. Although Qin Mo did not speak to let him do it, he can be found from the location of the small map that he and He Beiguang have reached the edge of the pond. Xiao Han and Shen He can reach the pond immediately. Although Qin Mo was slow after resurrection, A few seconds, but if you wait until Qin Mo arrives at the scene, the sword song will be assembled, so you will lose the best mobile phone first.

Although it was a bit daring to do so, Pei Yu still shot-he did not want Lin Shuangcheng and Song Changdong to return to the shore smoothly.

Seeing this, Qin Mo swallowed the words “Pei Yu Kaikong” was about to be exported, and his lips slightly raised, saying, “Don’t wait for me, you fight first, I will come later!”

Xiao Han nodded: “I understand.”

When Qin Mo said this, he always followed Xiao Han, and Xiao Xiao blocked his short stature, called the teacher drunk and drunk the river, suddenly summoned an organ horse, two players who would walk in front of the sword song. Fear is in place! Immediately afterwards, he released the air raid eagle and flew directly above the pond to attack Lin Shuangcheng and Song Changdong!

Pei Yu, who was standing on the opposite bank, also played the flute “Birds in the Shadows” with enthusiasm at this moment. The dense black birds flew towards Lin Song and Song in the middle of the pond like a tide!

The sudden air attack caught Lin and Song off guard.

The joint air suppression by Pei Yu and Shen He reduced the blood of Lin Shuangcheng and Song Changdong to half.

At this moment, Xiao Han opened five remnants to decisively cut into the battlefield. Shenlong’s shadowless move made him stealthily, and then broke out. Ice silkworm lore and the flying moon—Xiao Han’s hand was fast. Dizzy, the **** dagger continued to pierce, causing terrible burst damage, and Lin Shuangcheng fell in a wave.

—— [Qianli Frozen] killed [Gentleman Wushuang]!

After Lin Shuangcheng hung up, Song Changdong, who was finally out of the control of Pei Yu Yinbo, hurriedly tried to run lightly, but Xiao Han didn’t give him the opportunity. A trick of “phantom like a dream” put him into a hallucinatory state, while using The long-range hidden weapon skills of “Changhong Guanri” continued to attack Song Changdong!

Xiao Song’s blood volume dropped to about 30%, but the late Qin Mo, at the critical moment, made up a knife-Jianyi Wushuang!

The long white sword “Broken Ice” shining with snow and cold light crossed a straight line in the air, with a sharp sword gas, directly pierced Song Changdong’s chest!

Qin Mo’s timely replenishment of the knife directly pressed Song Changdong’s blood to 5%. Xiao Han followed closely with a stroke of Changhong’s three consecutive strikes, ending Xiao Song’s life.

-[千里 冰封] killed [大 江东 去]!

With Xiao Han’s double kill, on the real-time statistics list of the game, Xiao Han’s treasure chest instantly jumped to the first, the number of Mo Ju’s treasure chests became seven, and only three sword swords remained.

Fans applauded at the scene. The sharpness of Han Shen really made the audience feel bloody!

Jian Ge was killed by both the vice-team and the other team members, and naturally they did not dare to meet with Mo in 3V5, so they had to return to live points to recover under the instructions of Lin Shuangcheng.

Seeing this, Ye Chao couldn’t help analyzing: “With 5 minutes left in the game, Mo will never have to compete for more treasure chests. He only needs to keep his current advantage to win. But Jian Ge will be more difficult to win. A good way, of course, is to kill Xiao Han, who has the most treasure chests! “

As Ye Chao said, the best way is to kill Xiao Han and grab 3 treasure chests from him directly. In this way, the total number of sword song treasure chests will surpass Mo Ju.

Of course, Lin Shuangcheng thought so. When all the members of Jiange came to the middle of the pond, they decisively embraced and killed Xiao Han.

Even if Xiao Han outputs an explosion, he is a crispy assassin after all, and his stealth skills have been handed over, besieged by five people, it is difficult for him to survive.

However, at the moment when all members of the sword song besieged Xiao Han, a golden shield appeared on Xiao Han’s body very promptly …

Prevent all damage for 3 seconds!

This is He Beiguang’s defensive shield to Xiao Han!

It is also this shield that directly makes the strongest first wave of all members of the sword song burst into empty talk!

Only at this moment, Liang Ru understood the significance of Qin Mo’s dispatch of this lineup. She smoothed her long hair and said in a complicated mood: “Originally, the existence of He Beiguang is this role … Mo decided to win, and someone must get The large number of treasure chests has also become the target of the opponent’s set fire. All the opponents will definitely besiege this person, so He Beiguang, a thick skin and high defense meat shield, can protect this key teammate from being killed. dead.”

Ye Chaozan said: “That’s the truth. I just saw Qin Mo running away. I thought he was frightened by the treasure hunt mode suddenly chosen by Lin Shuangcheng. It doesn’t seem to be the case. He already had a plan in his mind. This lineup The arrangement was very good. Xiao Pei cooperated with Xiao He to conduct a long-range air attack to reduce the amount of bleeding and create the best output conditions for Xiao Han. Han Mo teamed up to solve the opponent’s grab of the treasure chest. After occupying the advantage, he Beiguang would protect it. Xiao Han, the teammate with the most treasure chests … When Xiao Song was killed just now, Qin Mo apparently gave people a head to Xiao Han, so that all three treasure chests were focused on Xiao Han. He Beiguang only needed to protect Xiao Han. Qin Mo It’s very comprehensive! “

Xiao Han was originally fast and flexible, and with the protection of He Beiguang as a bodyguard, all members of Jiange did their best. Although he eventually killed He Beiguang, Xiao Han was still alive and well. Gonggong flew to the roof, making the sword song people out of reach of him.

The assassin in black standing on the roof looked cool, and seemed to be saying, “I have so many treasure chests, but unfortunately you can’t grab them.”

Looking at the countdown with only 10 seconds left, Lin Shuangcheng smiled helplessly and said, “Lose.”

At the time of the game, Mo Jue won 6 treasure chests and 4 sword songs. Mo Ju won in this game. Mo Ju 2: 0 Sword Song for the whole game and scored 5 points.

This result is of course very satisfactory for fans who come to watch the game in person, but it is a bit cruel for the swordsong players who come from afar to play the game.

Fortunately, Lin Shuangcheng never cares about the outcome. The team members have been mixing with him for a long time, and the results have long been pessimistic. Everyone only lost a few seconds, and quickly adjusted their emotions.

Qin Mo brought his teammates to shake hands, Lin Shuangcheng greeted him with a smile, and said, “You really have a tacit understanding and admiration.”

Xiao Han asked frankly, “Did you choose this map on purpose?”

Lin Shuangcheng shrugged and said with a smile: “Yeah, I just think about the days in online games.”

Xiao Han said earnestly: “Lin, can I discuss things with you?”

Lin Shuangcheng asked, “What?”

Xiao Han said: “Lent me Xiao Song for a long time. I want to eat the **** he made. I haven’t eaten it for three months.”

Lin Shuangcheng: “…”

Song Changdong: “…”

Qin Mo glanced at him silently, and whispered, “eat.”

Xiao Han’s ears were very good. He heard Qin Mo’s voice and explained carefully: “You have to be considerate. In the ten years when I was eight to eighteen, I ate bread and steak every day. Yes, it’s normal to be uncontrollable. “

He lost his mother in his youth and learned to be self-reliant early. His father was busy at work and was often away from home. He tossed toast and fried beef …

Thinking of the little Xiao Han cooking for himself in the kitchen, Qin Mo couldn’t help but feel a little distressed.

In comparison, his childhood was really too happy. He was spoiled by his parents and his food and clothing were all local tyrants. He never suffered a little.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo smiled and said, “Well then, don’t know if the Lin team can cut love?”

Lin Shuangcheng said generously: “No problem, who told my family Xiao Song has always admired you? Han Shen loves to eat his balls, Xiao Song is too happy to be too late.” In fact, he especially likes “borrowing” Xiao Xiao said. The “cut love” that Qin Mo said, as if they had recognized Xiao Song as his Lin Shuangcheng, which made Lin Shuangcheng feel very comfortable.

Song Changdong smiled wryly and said, “Anyway, we won’t return to the team tomorrow afternoon. I will do it for you in the morning.”

Xiao Han patted Song Changdong’s shoulder happily: “Great, thank you for looking for an opportunity in the future.”

Song Changdong waved his hands: “No need!”

The topics discussed by several people made the other players look at each other, and just after the game was played, there was no mention of the two games, but the meatballs were mentioned, and everyone was hungry.

Seeing the camera moving, Lin Shuangcheng finally got serious, reached out and shook Qin Mo, and said, “Come on, I always believe you can win the championship.”

Qin Mo said: “Thank you. I have always believed that you are very happy to have formed the Sword Song team, even if you can’t win the championship.”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Qin Mo and Lin Shuangcheng are different extremes of the captain. One of them has always been determined and wants to win the championship to realize his long-cherished aspirations; the other is easy-going and does not care about the team’s performance. Whether they are personalities, ideas, goals, they are all different.

But this does not mean that they cannot be friends.

——I respect your point of view, but I will still stick to my own path. Friends don’t have to have the same idea. There is a friend who has completely different ideas from themselves. At least for Qin Mo and Lin Shuangcheng, this friendship is worthy of maintenance.

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