The King’s Return

Chapter 254 - Daily transition

Lin Shuangcheng originally planned to stay in Changsha for two days. After playing the game, he returned to the hotel for a night’s rest. The next morning, he took his teammates to eat. As for the lobster, the address of the restaurant was naturally asked about Xiao Han.

After lunch, he took Song Changdong to taxi to Longyin Club because he promised to “lend” Xiao Song to Xiao Han for meatballs.

The two bought lean meat and radishes from the supermarket, and Lin Shuangcheng called Qin Mo after going downstairs at Longyin Club. Qin Mo went downstairs and picked them up in his dormitory. Xiao Han went out to buy something just by the way. Lin Shuangcheng turned around in the dormitory and praised: “Your dormitory is in good condition and you’re quite clean.”

“There is an aunt to help with cleaning.” Qin Mo said, “Because many of the male players in the club do not like cleaning, if the dormitory is too dirty, it will affect the mood. The boss asked the aunt to work on a regular basis and cleaned it every week … Han is usually busy taking everyone to train, and auntie is helping to clean the floor. “

“No wonder it’s so clean.” Lin Shuangcheng said with a smile when he saw that there were two bedrooms in the dormitory. “You live with Xiao Han, and it’s easy to do things.”

“…” Knowing what he called “doing things” was definitely not simple. Qin Mo’s face turned red slightly, and he immediately looked away and was too lazy to care about Lin Shuangcheng.

However, Song Changdong was unknown, so when he heard this, he echoed, “Yeah, it’s really convenient to discuss tactics.”

Lin Shuangcheng laughed: “Xiao Song, if you don’t understand, don’t interrupt and go to the kitchen to make meatballs.”

Song Changdong said “Oh” and turned into the kitchen carrying the ingredients. He used to live in the dormitory of Longyin Club, and is familiar with the kitchen.

Qin Mo followed Song Changdong into the kitchen and said, “Xiao Song, it’s really bothering you. Xiao Han likes to eat the **** you made, and he doesn’t even look at them in restaurants.”

Song Changdong smiled and scratched his head, and said seriously: “You do n’t need to be polite. Anyway, our plane will only return to the team at night, and it ’s okay to stay in the hotel. If God likes to eat, I will make more in the refrigerator. He said, rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands, put on an apron and started chopping the meat.

Song Changdong’s cooking skills are really good. The action of chopping meat is very neat. Lin Shuangcheng came over and leaned against the kitchen door, watching Xiao Song busy and chatting casually with Qin Mo: “Today, there is no need to organize Mo Ju’s team members training ?”

Qin Mo said: “I’ve arranged everything, and it’s not bad for these hours.”

Lin Shuangcheng asked: “Yulou Chunxiao will be your opponent next week, should you be quite sure?”

Qin Mo said very simply: “In fact, I am not completely sure.”

This answer was unexpected by Lin Shuangcheng, and he couldn’t help but look back to Qin Mo: “Oh? Yulou Chunxiao’s score is far worse than Mo’s now. How can you not be sure?”

Qin Modao said: “Su Cheng is Ye Chenxi’s close disciple and has a strong sense of tactics. Yulou Chunxiao’s score is not high because this team has fewer great players. In the previous three-player stage, Su Cheng was repeatedly Banned, Su Xie’s cooperation failed to fight, and the points could not catch up. But the stage of the large group battle is different, Su Xie and the two will definitely play. Their characteristic long-distance ensemble ensemble tactics, play a team battle, powerful No worse than the dynasties and Lihuo. “

Lin Shuangcheng touched his chin and said in approval: “You are right. Su Xie, this pair of masters, I am more familiar than you. Su Cheng is a deep man in the city. I have never understood what he was thinking. During the internal beta, I met Xie Changming and became friends. Once Xie Changming went to Hangzhou to do business, I happened to be in Hangzhou and asked him to meet. At that time, Su Cheng was also there, and Xie Changming introduced to me that this was his The senior of the university, who is also a student of musical instruments, is going to build a team together. We talked for a long time, but I did not detect Su Cheng’s tone, but he himself, he used a rhetoric and revealed his hole cards. “

Thinking of the first time he met, Su Cheng smiled and calmly laid out Lin Shuangcheng’s hole card. Lin Shuangcheng shrugged helplessly and said, “Su Cheng, a person who looks pure and harmless, is actually the most capable. Give people a set. Do you remember the individual stage? Xiao Han lost only one inning, that is, the group stage lost to Su Cheng. Although Ye Chenxi happened to be in Beijing and instructed his apprentice, Su Cheng ’s understanding It really can’t be underestimated. “

Qin Mo nodded and said, “That’s why I said, I’m not sure of victory.”

Lin Shuangcheng said: “In fact, Mo Ju’s overall strength is much stronger than Yulou Chunxiao. However, your captain has never been above the top. Instead, he is serious about preparing to lose before the game. I really admire this.”

Qin Mo said: “Don’t wear a high hat for me … In other words, Xie Changming is also your friend. How can I listen to you and seem to want me to win more?”

Lin Shuangcheng laughed: “Because Xiao Song is more partial to you.”

Song Changdong, who was chopping meat, turned around and smiled slyly, “I really hope Moshen wins …”

Lin Shuangcheng smiled slightly and said, “Although there is Su Cheng and Xie Changming in Yulou Chunxiao, it is not possible to win this season. They now have too many points difference, and the league has not only decided a strong team, it is difficult to chase I feel that Su Cheng is not too enthusiastic about winning prizes this season. His vision is very long-term. His ultimate current goal should be to inherit his master ’s teleportation tactics and to recreate the glory of the last year.

Speaking of the former narrative of falling flowers, Qin Mo was also very emotional: “It is said that at that time, there was a curse that even the strongest teams would follow, Liu Chuan suffered a lot. Yuchun Chunxiao had been in the first three weeks. In the game, there were two weeks at home in Yangzhou, and all of them were tied at 1: 1 … Is there a magic spell at Yulou’s home court called a draw? “

Lin Shuangcheng laughed: “When did you start to believe in this kind of superstition?”

Qin Mo said: “Talk casually, otherwise, I don’t know what to talk to you, the cold field will be very embarrassing.”

Lin Shuangcheng: “…”

Such a direct statement must be learned from Xiao Han!

In the kitchen, Xiao Song had chopped the meat, and when he saw that he began to put seasoning, Qin Mo went in and said, “I’ll learn how to do it.”

Song Changdong opened his eyes in surprise: “Mo Shen wants to learn this?”

Qin Mo nodded: “Well.”

Lin Shuangcheng sighed helplessly at the kitchen door: “You must learn this for Xiao Han, right? You will spoil Xiao Han …”

Qin Mo stared back at him: “I want to eat myself, can’t I?”

Lin Shuangcheng laughed: “You can do it, you can do it. Who dares to oppose it?”

Qin Mo ignored him and continued to look at Song Changdong: “Teach me what seasonings to put, you teach me.”

Song Changdong was flattered, and while putting the seasonings, he explained to Qin Mo carefully: “It is more troublesome to chop the meat stuffing. In fact, you can buy it directly in the supermarket. Then, chop the onion and radish and mix it with the meat stuffing. In this large bowl of meat filling, usually three spoons of salt and some starch … “

He explained it to Qin Mo as Qin Mo listened carefully and recorded the steps in his mind.

As Lin Shuangcheng said, he really learned this for Xiao Han. Since Xiao Han loves Xiao Song’s meatballs so much, he can’t always ask Song Changdong to come and help him? If you have learned the process of making radish meatballs since Xiao Song, you can cook with Xiao Han yourself.

Thinking of the picture of pinching the meatballs in the kitchen with Xiao Han, Qin Mo’s lips could not help but raise his lips slightly, wash his hands, and learn the actions of Song Changdong, and knead the meat mixture into round balls. Go down to the pot.

At this moment, the sound of a key opening the door suddenly came from outside the house. Xiao Han came in with a large bag of fruit and greeted Lin Shuangcheng when he saw it. Immediately after, he saw Qin Mo in the kitchen, standing next to Song Changdong, and earnestly learning to pinch the balls.

Xiao Han froze and understood Qin Mo ’s reason for doing so. He felt a little warm, walked over and hugged Qin Mo from behind, and said, “Dear, how are you so kind to me …”

Song Changdong was pinching the meatballs. Seeing this scene, his chin almost fell off, and the meatballs in his hands were pinched into a flat meatloaf.

Hugged by Xiao Han from behind, Qin Mo’s ears turned red, and he gave him a hard elbow and said, “What are you doing!”

Xiao Han shrugged: “Isn’t the Lin team already aware of your relationship with me, what can be covered up?”

Lin Shuangcheng helplessly help: “I did guess, but I did not expect that you would admit it so frankly.”

Xiao Han let go of Qin Mo and smiled and said, “Because, Xiao Mo said that you are his good friend, and I think it doesn’t matter to admit it in front of his friend …”

What does it mean to acknowledge? Are you obviously announcing ownership?

Lin Shuangcheng shrugged, “I have a more open mind and respect free love. If you truly love each other, I will naturally bless you. If you want to get married in the future, as a friend, I will definitely give you a big red envelope. . “

Xiao Han said happily: “There will be one day, I thanked in advance.”

Qin Mo’s face was still a little awkward, Song Changdong was shocked by the thunder, and stood blankly with his mouth open, watching Qin Mo, until the water in the pot was boiling, he suddenly returned to his senses. Turned to turn off the fire, but the sound was shaking slightly: “Mo, Mo God, Han, Han God, you … you …?”

Xiao Han said: “Well, we are together.”

Song Changdong: “…”

Lin Shuangcheng felt that Xiao Song’s stagnation after being hit was particularly cute, and he couldn’t help walking over and rubbing his head, saying, “Is it shocking?”

Song Changdong nodded forcefully: “I … I thought Hanmo was just … just a very good friend.”

Lin Shuangcheng said: “When you don’t know, they have changed from being very good friends to being particularly loving husbands.”

Song Changdong’s face was bitter, and he couldn’t believe it.

Qin Mo coughed slightly, washed his hands by the pool, looked at Xiao Song and said, “Sorry, maybe Xiao Han and I are not as perfect as you think. Would you feel a little disappointed?”

Xiao Song’s worship and respect for both of them were almost written on his face.

When Qin Mo first came to the Longyin Club, he was not very familiar with Song Changdong. He only knew that he was the oldest of all the newcomers in the training camp. Later, Qin Mo used the method of elimination to select the Mo finalists. Xiao Song was brushed down, but followed closely. Now, in order to let him make his debut as soon as possible to avoid wasteful time, Qin Mo introduced him to the Sword Song Clan, and the teenager looked at him with more gratitude.

Later, this gratitude gradually became worship, and Song Changdong became a loyal fan of Qin Mo.

In his heart, Qin Mo is a perfect person. Not only is his personal strength outstanding, but he is also the leader of the captain, and he is very considerate to the team members. Xiao Han is also a perfect person, with a handsome face of mixed races. , The world-class assassin, enough to make any opponent frightened.

But just now, he suddenly knew that Qin Mo and Xiao Han were together?

To Shang Qin Mo’s still calm eyes, Song Changdong scratched his head in a complicated mood, and said, “I … I’m not disappointed, I just feel … a little surprised.”

Xiao Han suddenly walked in front of Song Changdong and whispered, “You can’t accept it for a while, it’s normal. After all, the concept you accept from a young age is more traditional. In your subconscious, a man should marry a wife and have children. However, Xiao Song, etc. One day when you really like someone, you will understand that like it is a kind of uncontrollable emotion from the heart. This is how I feel about Qin Mo. I have liked him for three years and I will wait for him to return. Only then did I recognize my heart. At the beginning, I was young, ignorant, and missed him, but this time, I would never let go of his hand. “

Song Changdong looked at Xiao Han stunned, but did not expect that Han Shen would suddenly tell him …

Xiao Han said: “In fact Qin Mo cares about you very much. He always feels that you are a very potential player. He has been very sorry that he has not been able to keep you in the Mexican team. But he can send you to the sword song and he is very He is convinced that after he retires in the future, you will become the strongest player in the long sword stream … Xiao Song, even if you can’t understand him with me, don’t say what makes him sad, okay? “

Song Changdong finally understood why Xiao Han told him these reasons.

Because Qin Mo cares about his juniors, Xiao Han hopes that their feelings can be understood by those who care.

What outsiders say, Qin Mo and Xiao Han naturally don’t bother to bother, but what friends think, they can’t care less.

Lin Shuangcheng expressed his understanding and blessings very generously. Song Changdong felt a little entangled in his heart. Hearing Xiao Han’s words, he felt that Hanshen really loves Moshen, right? … During the three years of the Long Yin Club, Xiao Han’s rapid growth was everyone’s eyes, and Song Changdong naturally knew Xiao Han’s change. From the ignorant boy who can’t speak Chinese well, to the captain of Canglan who is stable and responsible, Xiao Han has changed so much. Is it because Qin Mo left?

They have a relationship that has been deposited for many years, no wonder it is so deep.

Thinking of this, Song Changdong raised his head and said seriously: “Although I was surprised, I will bless you … Actually, the cold **** and the strange **** are together, really … so good.”

Hearing Song Changdong’s words, Xiao Han couldn’t help raising his lips slightly, and said, “Yes? I also think that I can be worthy of Qin Mo only in the world.”

Qin Mo was helpless: “You are really wayward, and suddenly told them what to do …”

Lin Shuangcheng laughed: “It doesn’t matter, I already saw it. Xiao Han just admitted it in front of me today. Qin Mo, rest assured, although I love to make jokes, but I’m very important. Song is absolutely tight-lipped, as long as you two don’t make it public, we don’t know anything. “He patted Xiao Song’s shoulder,” Remember to keep it secret, you know? “

Song Changdong nodded immediately: “I understand, I’m absolutely secret!”

The water in the pot was boiled again, and everyone smelled a scent. Song Changdong immediately turned back to turn off the fire, took out all the **** and put them in a large bowl, and said, “Well, I have prepared the balls, Hanshen, you wait When the **** are cold, put them in the refrigerator. If you want to eat them, boil the water and heat it up … “

Xiao Han nodded and smiled: “I see, thank you Chef Song.”


Lin Shuangcheng and Song Changdong stayed at the Longyin Club for two hours. Qin Mo wanted to keep them for dinner. However, Lin Shuangcheng said that he would take the team members to Hunan food at night. The delicious Xiangcai Restaurant called a car to take them back.

When returning to the hotel at around 3 pm, Song Changdong still kept his head down and didn’t speak. Lin Shuangcheng couldn’t help but look at his wry thoughts: “Are you so surprised?”

Song Changdong said awkwardly: “He and they are both men …”

Lin Shuangcheng shrugged and said, “What’s the matter? The two of them are together, one will not break the law, and the other will not affect others. As friends, we should understand and support it.”

Song Changdong tried to convince himself, saying: “I understand, I will try to understand.”

Lin Shuangcheng thought funnyly, if this simple guy, one day, he knew that his captain also liked men, what should he do? The worldview is about to collapse!

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