The King’s Return

Chapter 34 - then

Three years ago.

The moment the truck hit from the left, Qin Mo’s mind was blank. He could only hear the brakes sharp enough to almost break the eardrum, and his eyes became blood red.

Don’t know how long, he woke up from a coma. In the ambiguity, a young man’s voice came to his ear: “Continue to infusion according to the doctor’s order tonight, and check his blood pressure tomorrow morning.” “Okay.”

A footstep went away. Qin Mo opened his eyes strenuously, his head was a white ceiling, and the light of the incandescent lamp was dazzling. A well-dressed man in a white coat was examining him, and when he opened his eyes, he asked: Alright? How are you feeling? Are you uncomfortable? “

In response, this is the hospital. When seeing the famous brand “President Jiang Shuo” on the chest of the doctor, Qin Mo immediately asked: “Doctor, I … Mom …?”

His throat was very dry and his voice was extremely hoarse.

Dr. Jiang said, “Your mother’s operation was very successful, but she hasn’t woken up yet. You can see her tomorrow.”

Qin Mo relieved his heart, raised his arms, and was surprised to find that his hands were actually covered with thick white gauze.

He tried to move his fingers, but he didn’t feel anything. Realizing what was happening, Qin Mo paused suddenly. He stared at his wrapped hands. It took a long time before he came back and asked carefully: “Doctor, what is going on? My hand , Seems to be unconscious … “

The young man’s voice was trembling with a tremor. Doctor Jiang looked at him almost crying, and he couldn’t bear it. He tried to say politely: “Do you remember? You and your mother drove in a car accident. Your Your hands were stuck in the car, your fingers were broken, and there were some impact injuries on your arms and knees. When you were sent to the hospital, you lost your consciousness. We performed an emergency operation on you to bandage the broken bones of your fingers. The anesthetic effect has not passed yet, so you have no consciousness for the time being. Rest assured, the nerves in your hands are not severely damaged, and the blood circulation is very smooth. As long as you cultivate slowly, you will definitely recover consciousness. “

Hearing this sentence, Qin Mo’s heart suddenly burst into a strong fear.

-Just restoring consciousness? Can’t you return to being as flexible as before?

The speed of e-sports players, even if it is almost a bit, can affect the entire battle situation during the game. Even ordinary people with a hand speed of 200Apm can hardly cope with professional e-sports competitions. Even with the assistance, the minimum hand speed of e-sports players must reach 220 or more. First-rate output players have stable hand speeds above 300. Qin Mo’s previous stable hand speed was 360, and the peak hand speed even reached 540-that is, when the battle was the most intense, he could press the mouse and keyboard 540 times in one minute, an average of one second. 9 times speed.

It is also this natural fast hand that made him an outstanding summoner, and even had the honor to represent the country in the World Series.

But now, looking at the hands wrapped in thick gauze, Qin Mo’s heart suddenly felt a hint of despair.

Is he no longer able to compete? ?

Jiang Shuo was helping him examine the injuries on his body, raised his head, and found that the boy in the hospital bed was crying. His eyes were originally clear and bright, but at this time, tears continued to flow out of it, and he soon became wet with the pillow, but he didn’t seem to notice it, and still looked at those hands with stunnedness. He tried hard to go Holding nothing, but the paralyzed fingers did nothing.

Jiang Shuo touched the teenager’s head with some distress, and said, “Don’t be sad, the recovery process will be more difficult, but you are still young, and the bone recovery speed of young people is faster.”

Qin Mo was silent for a long time before choking and asked, “Which finger was my worst injury?”

Jiang Shuo replied softly: “The right index finger, middle finger, ring finger have comminuted fractures, and the left hand has multiple joint dislocations. The comminuted fracture sounds terrible, but don’t be afraid. In fact, the bones are broken into more than three pieces. It ’s called a comminuted fracture, not to say that your bones have turned into powder. Moreover, whether the fracture can be restored depends on the blood supply and your nerves and blood vessels are not damaged, so it is very promising to recover. “

Qin Mo was silent.

“You take a good rest and sleep.” After the inspection, Jiang Shuo left, and turned off the light for him.

The doctor said euphemistically, but Qin Mo was actually clear that there was hope to recover, but to restore consciousness, and it would not affect daily life. After a fracture, it is impossible for the fingers to return to their previous flexibility.

The room was very dark, Qin Mo opened his eyes wide and did not sleep at all. He looked at the bustling city lights outside the window, and his heart seemed to be filled with a gust of cold wind, and suddenly it was cold.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly turned on, Qin Mo’s hand could not move, and he turned his head to look at the screen of the mobile phone with difficulty-a text message from Xiao Han: “I went with my father to go abroad, probably one I wo n’t be back until after the month. See you next season, you said you would beat me, I can wait! “

“…” Tears burst out suddenly, blurring Qin Mo’s sight instantly, and the characters on the screen of the mobile phone could no longer be seen clearly.

It was the longest night that Qin stranger hit. Every minute and every second seemed like a torture that tore his heart and lungs. He listened to the second hand ticking and ticking on the wall, and his mind kept flashing his short e-sports career from the age of fifteen when he joined the style club.

Night falls and tomorrow will be a new day, but this car accident makes everything different.


The next morning, Jiang Shuo came in to inspect the room and found that Qin Mo actually opened his eyes and apparently did not sleep all night. The boy’s eyes originally looked very good, but now, his eyes are empty, and the bloodshot eyes and the obvious dark circles around his eyelids make him look very emaciated.

Jiang Shuo came to the bed and said softly, “Don’t be too sad. Didn’t I tell you? You are still young and recover quickly. Although your hands will not be as flexible as before, you will take chopsticks. Everyday life such as writing and writing will not be greatly affected. “

Qin Mo was silent for a moment and then switched the subject: “Is my mother injured more severely than me? She is in the driver’s seat, and I remember the car crashed from her side.”

Jiang Shuo nodded: “Her injury is indeed worse than yours, but fortunately, the rescue is timely and nothing is wrong. However, her calf has a fractured tibia and fibula, and she may be temporarily in a wheelchair for the next few years. Whether she can stand up in the future depends on her perseverance. By the way, she has woke up this morning. “

Qin Mo immediately turned over and got out of bed: “I’ll see her.”

Wearing a sick suit and holding his hands wrapped in gauze, the teenager turned pale and stumbled to the ward next door. Dr. Jiang helped him open the door. The woman on the bed was awake. There was a tall man standing next to the bed. They were talking about something. The man had apparently just rushed over. The servants and shirts were all pressed out. Folds.

When Qin Mo saw him, his nose was sour, and he said softly, “Dad …”

When Qin Yu heard the voice, he immediately turned around and strode in front of Qin Mo: “Xiao Mo, I just arrived at the hospital, how are you?”

Qin Mo reluctantly said, “I’m fine … Mommy is awake?”

Zhou Lan smiled slightly on the hospital bed and said, “I woke up in the morning. Your father just flew back from Beijing.”

“Mom …” Qin Mo walked to the bed, watching her legs fixed by the plaster, and suddenly felt like a knife cut: “If I hadn’t proposed driving, I wouldn’t …”

“Well, don’t say these words again.” Zhou Lan gently touched Qin Mo’s hair, and said softly, “In your case, I heard Dr. Jiang say that, my mother knows that you are especially precious to your hands, But … Xiao Mo, now that things have happened, to survive is the greatest concern for us from heaven. We will take care of the wounds on our bodies, do n’t be sad … “

Qin Mo felt heartache when she met her gentle eyes.

——Mom was a dancer before, and later became a professional teacher of the dance academy. When he was a child, he liked watching his mother dance most. He felt that his mother was the most temperamental woman in the world. Now, her legs are crippled, but she in turn comforts her son. How can she feel too sad in front of her?

——She’s right, she is lucky to survive. With only two hands, even if it is obsolete, does he have to think of Qin Mo not committing suicide?

Qin Mo calmed down and looked back at Qin Yu: “Dad, can you do me a favor? In this car accident, I don’t want anyone outside of the hospital to know, especially those in the e-sports circle.”

Qin Yu patted his son’s shoulder: “Rest assured, I will block the news over the media, the real names of you and your mother will not appear in the news.”

Qin Mo gratefully said, “Thank you, Dad.”

Qin Yuwei smiled: “Don’t be afraid, dad can support you even if you don’t play the game.”

Zhou Lan gently touched Qin Mo’s bandaged hand and said, “It’s good to be alive. Our family is together, there is no difficult life, Xiao Mo, don’t be too sad.”

Qin Mo felt warm and nodded earnestly: “Um.”

With such a promise in his mouth, how could he not be sad?


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