The King’s Return

Chapter 35 - Retire

Jiang Shuo has seen many patients in the hospital. When I know that I will be in a wheelchair for a few years, or I know that my hands may be discarded, most of them Patients are heartbroken, crying for a few days before slowly accepting reality. Some even get depression, which is very negative when cooperating with doctors.

But this family is particularly strong-Zhou Lan has never cried, and she always has a gentle smile on her face. She is the most temperamental and temperamental woman Jiang Shuo has ever seen. Qin Mo was less than 18 years old, but she just burst into tears when she first knew it, and soon returned to normal, looking particularly calm. Qin Yu pushed his wife in a wheelchair to take a walk in the hospital every day, and brought a laptop to his son. His son’s hands could not be moved, so he helped his son press the mouse and the keyboard. Obviously sick and hospitalized, but the family seemed very relaxed.

Before leaving the hospital, Qin Mo went into Jiangshuo’s office alone and asked him seriously: “Doctor Jiang, my hands have recovered, but my fingers are still stiff. I want to know, how much can I recover? I used to You can play ten grade piano music, will it not work in the future? “

Jiang Shuo said with regret: “The flexibility of the fingers will definitely be affected, and it will be difficult to play the piano. You must be mentally prepared.”

Qin Mo asked, “If I insist on practicing, how about seven or eight hours a day?”

Jiang Shuo said: “You can’t be too desperate. The practice time is too long, but it will put a burden on your fingers. You need to discuss the specific rehabilitation plan with me and don’t mess around.”

Qin Mo was silent for a moment before he bowed his head and said, “Actually, I am an e-sports player. If my hands cannot be restored to the previous level, I will not be able to play anymore.”

Jiang Shuo was surprised: “Is it? That’s … very a pity.”

Qin Mo pretended to smile calmly: “It’s nothing. At least I have sound limbs. Even without playing games, I can find ways to support myself.”

“Well, you’re still young, and it’s best to be optimistic.” Jiang Shuo smiled. “After leaving the hospital, you must regularly review the hospital and adjust the treatment plan according to the degree of recovery, so as not to leave sequelae.”

“I see.” Qin Mo stood up, politely, “Thank you, Dr. Jiang.”

Looking at the back of the teenager, Jiang Shuo suddenly felt a little worried.

In fact, Qin Mo is under 18 years old. Many young people of this age are crying and crying because of plaster casts on their legs, but Qin Mo is particularly strong and sensible. He obediently cooperates with the doctor’s request every day to cooperate with the treatment. Never show a sad side. However, Jiang Shuo could perceive that the teenager’s face was pretending to be relaxed, in fact, his heart was bleeding all the time.


Qin Mo spent more than a month to adjust his mentality. At the beginning of the autumn game, he returned calmly to the team.

——Master just retired, the team of style is in need of him, he can’t leave directly, he must choose a substitute lineup before leaving.

At that time, the captain of the style team was Yan Ruiwen. Yan Ruiwen is a very temperamental person. When Qin Mo returned to the team, he went to him first: “Yan, I want to discuss it with you.”

Yan Ruiwen smiled and said, “Xiao Mo, is it important for you to come to me so late?”

Qin Mo nodded and said seriously: “My hand speed has dropped so badly that I may not be able to play this season. The lineup system has always been dominated by summoners. After the master left, he handed over this heavy task. It came to me, but … I couldn’t take his class, so we must find a player who can replace me as soon as possible. “

Yan Ruiwen was very surprised: “What is the reason for the rapid decline in hand speed? You are under 18 years old, isn’t it when the e-sports players are at their best?”

Qin Mo tapped his finger lightly and said, “We’ll come to pK for a few games, and you’ll know.”

It was late at night, and the other players were all asleep. Qin Mo and Yan Ruiwen came to the training room separately and opened two computers to log in to the game to create a platform. Yan Ruiwen’s occupation is a long-range magician, and Qin Mo is a summoner. When the two were pK, Qin Mo’s winning rate was at least 60%, but that night, Qin Mo was completely abused by Yan Ruiwen-losing ten games in a row.

Yan Ruiwen felt incredible-how could his level drop so much? !! Is his finger almost motionless on the keyboard?

Looking at the young man who was sitting in front of the computer with a pale face but an unusually firm look, Yan Ruiwen realized the seriousness of the problem. He looked back at Qin Mo’s stiff hand and asked, “What’s wrong with your hand?”

Qin Mo said lightly: “My previous stable hand speed was 360, and now it is less than 160. That is to say, I can’t even meet the basic requirements of e-sports players. You also saw that my fingers are stiff, There is almost no way to hit the keyboard. “

Yan Ruiwen felt distressed when he said this calmly: “But you are under eighteen and have a bright future. Your master explained to me when I retired. I am older than you and waited for two years. He also retired, and the third captain of the Sensational Team will be transferred to you. How could it suddenly become like this? “

“…” Qin Mo didn’t know how to answer.

Of course, he didn’t want to be like this. He also knew that when Master left, Yan Ruiwen had told him to be the third captain of the style. The Master deserved him very much, and he has always been trained as the successor of the team. But now that things have happened, he can only face it a little bit harder, and can’t always cry with a sad face, saying that I had a car accident and my hand can no longer play the game …

He didn’t want to see the sympathy and compassion for him, and he didn’t need sympathy at all.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Qin Mo looked back to Yan Ruiwen seriously: “Yan, I tell you this, I want to find a strategy as soon as possible. Next season will start soon, replacing my summoner player It must be cultivated as soon as possible. “

Yan Ruiwen was very embarrassed: “When your master was still in the team, because you were young and in the peak state, he always wanted you to take his class. Therefore, the training camp did not train a summoner, but a magician. Many. You suddenly want to find a player who can replace you. Where do you go for a while? “

Qin Mo said: “If you don’t have one right now, find a few talented newcomers to train again.”

“You can only do this …” Yan Ruiwen asked for a moment, and asked in confusion, “how could your hand suddenly become like this?”

“My finger was slightly injured.” Qin Mo said lightly, begging, “Yan, can you keep a secret for me? Please, keep it for me.”

“… Okay.” Yan Ruiwen, a senior who watched Qin Mo grow up, couldn’t bear his condition. The young man was very proud of his bones, and didn’t want to let too many people know about it. Facing his pleading eyes, Yan Ruiwen had promised to help him keep secrets.


The regular season began, the style team lost five games in a row, Qin Mo has been sitting in the audience to watch the game, but sent a newcomer to the field, this arrangement has been questioned by many reporters.

“Qin Vice Team, what does it mean that you have been sitting in the audience this season? Is it because the mentality has not been adjusted?” “Qin Vice Team, do you have any explanation for the mistakes that occurred in the previous game? “” You have lost so many games in a row, do you plan to continue watching? “The reporters asked questions one after another, and some Weibo private messages even commented:” Trash, do n’t get out of the league, Not even half of your master. “” Don’t be ashamed of the style, you are still the deputy captain? Is the deputy captain sitting in the audience? “” You look at others Xiao Han, then look at yourself, and follow him And said that you are not ashamed of Gemini? “

Until that moment, Qin Mo realized deeply that the competitive field was actually cruel and ruthless.

——When you hold the championship trophy, countless people boast that you are a rare genius.

——When you can’t perform well in the arena, those who have boasted about you once say that you are garbage.

Qin Mo’s heart also became colder from then on.

He suddenly discovered that the auras of his body, the countless glories he had won, were actually nothing great.

Those ridiculous words were numb after watching too much. Qin Mo stopped logging on Weibo and no longer paid attention to the forum. He didn’t explain why he didn’t play-because his hands haven’t recovered, if he comes on, he will lose even worse and shame.

What he wants to do most is to select a group of talented players before leaving to make the team’s future not so difficult.

At this time, the main treatment of the family to prepare for retirement, is undoubtedly worse for the style.

After secretly discussing with Qin Mo, Yan Ruiwen decided to speed up the process of selecting new people. Yan Ruiwen was responsible for arranging the tactics. Qin Mo supervised the training of the new people in the training camp every day. He brought Zhou Xuewei as a treatment substitute and followed up in the training camp to discover Qiu Zongping, Zhao Xingchen, Lin Yi, Yuan Xi, etc. Excellent player.

Among these newcomers, Zhou Xuewei is smart and calm, Zhao Xingchen is very good at sneak attacks, Lin Ye is good at long-distance kites, Qiu Zongping is the most stable, and Yuan Xi’s playing rules are very aggressive.

After changing the newcomer to the bench, Qin Mo finally relieved.

Fengsi’s performance in the regular season is very poor, and it has been determined that he cannot enter the playoffs. Therefore, in the last few games, under the suggestion of Yan Ruiwen, Qin Mo also appeared to try. It was already a few months after the accident, and his fingers recovered to be able to tap the keyboard, but the flexibility was not as good as before, so there was a disconnect with the newcomers and it attracted a group of journalists.

Yan Rui’s text wanted to get angry at reporters, but Qin Mo stopped it with his eyes.

In the background, Qin Mo said earnestly: “Yan, you promised to help me keep secrets, let me calm down and leave. I don’t want to see those people pity me.”

Yan Ruiwen was very distressed, but there was no way to take the stubborn Qin Mo. In the end, he could only hug the strong boy gently.

That season’s style did not make it to the playoffs, but everyone’s mental state was good, and the team members’ mood was not sluggish. In addition, Zhou Xuewei won the best newcomer award, at least giving everyone some psychological comfort.

After the season, Yan Ruiwen took the initiative to invite all players to sing at KtV. Everyone was very happy. Yan Ruiwen drank too much. Qin Mo had to say something to everyone. Qin Mo had to pick up the microphone and seriously said: “This season The results are really bad, but everyone must remember-the style team, has always been the first-class strong league in the professional league, even if you lose the game, you can not lose confidence. “His eyes slowly swept through the young group Face to face, word by word, “During the World Series, players who have not been selected for the national team can just rest for a month, then pick up your biggest fighting spirit and continue working hard next season!”

The deputy team has always been so serious these days. Everyone is used to it. Some people take the lead to applaud. KtV Ri is suddenly upset.

Qin Mo looked at the energetic newcomers, smiled slightly, put down the microphone, turned around and sat down in the corner.

He will soon leave the scene, and he is very reluctant.

The only thing that reassured him was that the team in style was not ruined in his hands. He spent the past six months, enduring the pain in his hand, while sneaking to the hospital for treatment, he quickly selected new people. This season is the toughest time, but Qin Mo believes that when Zhou Xuewei and Zhao Xingchen become mature, the performance will certainly be better and they will be among the first-class strong teams again.

He failed Master’s cultivation for many years, but … he did his best.


Before the start of the world competition, Qin Mo suddenly announced his retirement, left the club, and cancelled all his information in the professional league.

Zhou Xuewei learned the truth from Zhou Lan and cried out of breath. Qin Mo patted her shoulder gently and comforted: “Don’t cry, I’ve been playing outside all these years, very I rarely have time with my parents. My mother can’t walk now, so I can spend more time with her … “

Zhou Xuewei said with red eyes: “But, are you willing?”

Qin Mo’s heart stung for a while, and the girl saw through the deepest weakness in his heart at a glance.

He was reluctant.

He was reluctant to look at the club, nor to those players who brought them together.

But in the end, the only thing he could do was to give up.

Qin Mo turned to the scene of the press conference. There were many reporters at the scene. The photographer kept pressing the shutter to take his photos. The spotlight was particularly dazzling. The reporters’ problems were more acute than others. Some said that he had a poor psychological quality and could not stand the failure before retiring. It is also said that his departure is irresponsible, and I am sorry for his cultivation …

Qin Mo always remembers Master ’s words: “Speak less, do more.” He also knows that “the more you describe and the darker, the more difficult it is to explain.”

He did what he should do, so he could leave very calmly.

Faced with the bombardment of reporters, the teenager under the age of 18 bent down and bowed deeply towards everyone: “I’m sorry, I let you down.”

Then he straightened his back and walked out of the conference site-he didn’t want to explain more because he had a clear conscience.

The only thing I didn’t expect was that Xiao Han would suddenly fly to Shanghai and ask him what was going on.

“I’ll wait for you to come back!” Xiao Han’s voice seemed to echo in the corridor. “When we see you again someday, you can beat me!”

“It’s not going to be that day.” Qin Mo quickly fled through the long corridor as if escaping, because he was worried that Xiao Han would see the tears in his eyes.

He thought sadly: Xiao Han, maybe I can’t beat you in my life.

I once said that I want to go to the World Series with you, that I want to take another trophy and take another photo …

But I broke my word. Really sorry.

Qin Mo took a photo of him with Xiao Han holding the world championship, carefully put it in a wallet, and then dragged the suitcase and left the scenery club.

There was a light rain that night, Qin Mo raised his head, and the “Fengse E-sports Club” hung on the second floor was wet by the rain, probably the rain blurred the line of sight, and this line of characters gradually became indistinct.

He still remembers that when he first came to the club when he was fifteen years old, looking at this big line, he was full of expectations for the future. He thought, at least for five or six years in this club-he never Unexpectedly, his career will be so short.

I’m leaving now and looking back at the club’s signboard, he finds that he is actually lucky. At the age of fifteen, he became an e-sports player, recognized a very good master, and won the Best Newcomer Award when he debuted. In these years, he followed the style team and won trophies many times. He has played against world-class e-sports players. He has held pictures of world championship trophies, and his e-sports career has been very exciting in recent years.

-He never regrets coming here.

Qin Mo smiled slightly, turned around and left the style club, and completely lost news in the e-sports circle.

Until the “only step rivers and lakes” game with a new operating mode open beta, the telecommunications area Xijiangyue server, finally appeared a Nirvana rebirth swordsman-ink marks.

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