The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 37

37 Ville’s Choice

“Thank you for waiting.”

I lost my word when I saw Sonia dressed up.

The dress was bright pink. It suits well in harmony with the red hair decorated with silverware.

The design itself is simple. You won’t need excessive decoration.

The lines from the rich chest to the thin hips are accentuated, with a luminous colour fragrance from the exposed skin. Then there is no shame like a whore, and it is strange that there is such elegance as the lady of a good house.

Is it the power of makeup? Though it doesn’t look very different than usual, it’s a bit glossy and dazzling tonight.

“What do you think?

Adorable lips asked for thoughts. I close my eyes all the time.

“You… are you really willing to turn us down?

It’s too beautiful.

This must also attract a man who just gathered in the hub of interest, like a bug swarming with hua. I’m getting anxious to be able to protect it.

“Hehe, that slack reaction is a praise for being a vil…… well, fine. You won’t be disappointed that you got us all together because of this. You can’t crush your brother’s face.”

As a result of Lord Sunnig’s scattering, the expectations of the men for Sonia are rising. He doesn’t allow Sonia to hold out for imitations that would betray that expectation, or for him to look wild on purpose.

A man should be pleased with the honor of escorting an endless beautiful girl, but I’m more tired of just thinking about getting attention. But I can’t pull it off later. Sonia lay her hands in a good mood when I gave her my hand back.

“Ville, you’re doing better than I imagined. Nice. You look great in your outfit, too.”

“… don’t look too”

The knight’s job is to serve and escort royalty and nobility. He is thoroughly educated in training centers to avoid embarrassment mainly in order to accompany him to official venues such as ceremonies and diplomatic seats. I also learned how to escort women in class. I’ve had a lot of difficulty compared to my combat skills, but they’re getting it right.

Sonia had only been educated by the Queen and behaved with dignity. She says she’s not even an aristocrat, but a witch who lives in a tree sea.

By the way, I was given the rank of nobleman when I graduated from the training center and began serving the castle. Generation only and form only. But when he became Sonia’s squire, he returned to position and returned to the civilian population. Sonia and I both have quite a tortuous life, and it may be a sign of escape from reality to think like other personnel.

I heard a pleasant tone from the hall. They’re calling an orchestra. Half the hall is a dance space, the other half a space for meals and cheers. A number of tables are set at the wall, allowing for covert conversations in adjacent salons.

I was told it was a less formatted home party, but still there are a lot of invitees, and they seem to be just people with status to see who they are and how they behave. There are aspects of Sonia’s pageant, but I hear it’s ostensibly a Lord-sponsored exchange.

Sneaking a deep breath, I stepped into the hall with Sonia.

At that moment, the air changed. I hear an exclamation in my stirring. The young men have been nailed to Sonia’s beauty and others have pierced the gaze of curiosity.

No one has spoken up yet, just rumored to be far-flung. It’s so uncomfortable.

“Since my brother and Eudia got married, I’ve refrained from going out on these occasions. I’ve been a little nervous for a while.”

None of them are credible, even if they say so with plenty of room. Still, I don’t feel bad if I get stuck in my arms like I rely on it. I stretched my spine so I wouldn’t lean over.

So much so that the party began with Lord Sunnig’s greeting.

Even as I am fascinated by the sumptuous cuisine, I am patient tonight. Damn, the meat…

While I was biting my teeth, a young man who just followed the butler and the escort approached me. I look at Sonia’s whole body like it’s worth it.

Funny, confident face. Apparently the second son of an aristocrat from adjacent territory. She wears a sweet mask that looks like she could take, but is exceptionally inferior to Prince Rain. That made me feel a little more comfortable.

After a brief greeting, the young man has praised Sonia for her appearance, pitied her on the matter of breaking her engagement, and proposed with an aristocratic far-fetched oral complaint.

If I had a wife like you, I would be able to find her, I promise her a luxurious life, I could get along with the Mistrian royal family, and so on.

“As a result of this offer, I want to live quietly. We’re not going to get what we want from each other.”

Sonia continued to gently refuse with a graceful smile, but the youth stubbornly devoured. I must have wandered many women before with this fortitude.

In time, “If you want a quiet life, let’s leave the management of the villa to you. You don’t have to go out in public,” he said. I’ll surround you as a mistress, I can take that as a meaning.

I made a big deal out of being an invitee to the lord, but it just got to my head.

“Why don’t you stay away from Sonia any longer”

When I stepped forward to shelter Sonia, the young man looked at me for the first time. The eye light contains mockery.

You’re a squire, aren’t you? Stay back. ”

“Say no. If you want Sonia, let him take me down.”

Sonia snuck up on my words. You won’t be able to see it from your opponent hiding behind my back, but it’s often funny in this situation. I’m desperate.

“Defeat…? You want me to fight a duel?

“Oh. You can’t leave her to a man weaker than me”

What I said in my face frightened the other guy.

“Right. I prefer a strong lord.”

A word of Sonia’s support made the youth look even more difficult. Apparently, he doesn’t remember Wu. But if they propose a duel as a way to settle disputes over women, they should have to take it as aristocratic boys.

“I don’t mind setting up a surrogate”

When the young man looked back at my words, the butler and his escort shook their heads sideways. You seem to know my background. I had a lot of impotence during my journey with the Emeldas, so maybe the martial arts are spreading unwillingly.

The youth reluctantly pulled back, “I didn’t seem to have had any luck tonight,” he said.

I stroke my chest down.

I am very inferior to nobility in appearance, in character, in property, in any of them, but I am not willing to lose to anyone on this occasion if it is simple strength.

Draw into your area of expertise and disperse the crowded man. It’s my final maneuver.

Then I got rid of the man who calls me out the same way. After a while, the inability to get Sonia without defeating me penetrated the scene and the suitor stopped showing up.

“You’re weak. I know I’m gonna lose, but don’t you have a man to try?”

Sonia laughed bitterly when I was secretly drunk on the victory.

“That’s right. They just want my looks, my topicality, my relationship with my brother. You wouldn’t risk your life to whisper love.”

That’s not true, I couldn’t say.

The men who did come by seemed to think only of using Sonia. Desperately preaching profits, he was trying to fish with gold and power. I don’t feel purely in love at all.

“… I’m not”

The accidental leaked whine seemed to have been cancelled by the party’s whining and not reached Sonia’s ear. I was in the complicated mood of leaving a sense of remorse even though I was horrified.

Next to the young men, the women spoke up. Sonia had been questioned about breaking her engagement with Prince Rain. Some old familiar ladies seem to blossom into conversation with seemingly pleasure. A lot of questions were thrown at me too, but I couldn’t answer them well. I don’t like socializing.

“Sonia, Ville, come here”

Thanks to Lord Sunnig, I managed to escape the enclosure coverage of the women. They have someone they want to introduce.

When I entered the private room, one man smiled frankly and waited. He was about the same age as Lord Sunnig, a man with soft air.

“My friend, Lady Ecliffe. The third prince of the kingdom of Luziaro… but he relinquishes his right to inherit the throne, and he’s rolling all over the place.”

“Sunnig, what are you saying? I work for my country as a diplomat.”

I took a breather at the advent of the Prince of the Neighbourhood.

The Kingdom of Ruziaro is an old country of history and relations with Mistria should have been good. Lord Sunnig said he and Mr. Ecliffe were willing to engage in a trade compromise.

I asked Lord Sunnig that friends from neighbouring countries also wanted to propose to Sonia, but no way……

“Sonia, this is the first time you’ve exchanged words. I was in that cathedral that day, and it didn’t come true to say hello. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you up close.”

He said he had been invited to that wedding venue. I remembered a mistake a few months ago, and it drew a lot of blood from my face.

Sonia, on the other hand, put her hand on her cheek to be ashamed. It would be an act anyway.

“We apologize for the inconvenience in that verse. Embarrassing……”

“No, don’t worry about it. You showed me something I rarely saw, and it was worth the trip. Just remembering what you looked like then will still make your whole body feel paralyzed. It was really beautiful. Of course, it’s nice tonight.”

Master Ecliffe sighed and looked at me and Sonia alternately.

“The air between you two, which was sharp and pointy on that spot, sounds like a lie. I’m smiling. Let’s just say I’m clean. But this is also on the edge of something. Please be friends with me.”

I don’t know what you’re thinking with a smile. Smile.

I left my judgment to Sonia.

“Yes, of course.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Then we had a conversation without other love for a while. It’s an educated conversation that doesn’t bother me. Master Ecliffe waved me an easy topic to answer and soothed the place up. Sonia looks like she’s having fun, and I feel like she’s in danger.

Along the way Lord Sunnig went to the other guests and only us and Master Ecliffe were left in the room. As a royal, I’m too defenseless not to have one nearby.

Master Ecliffe opened his mouth.

“… Actually, I, if it’s true, was going to see King Mistria at the castle in Wangdu by now. But the sudden sight was cancelled. It didn’t seem so peaceful.”

I am allowed to stay in Azrit territory because I am not bored to go home as it is, Mr. Ekleef smiled bitterly.

“Well, that’s what happened? Was something wrong?

Sonia’s eyes narrow softly. It’s a cold eye that measures the other person’s thoughts.

“I heard a rumor. Anything, that prince’s lover said he made a prediction. I don’t even know the details. What kind of noise do you make this time?”

Emelda gave you a prediction?

I heard you’re in a bad position because you can’t predict, but I’m very unhappy. If the king’s plans are enough to be changed, I guess it’s not a very good prediction.

Sonia is just hammering with a grin on her mouth.

“Maybe it doesn’t matter to you two anymore. But if you have any problems, rely on me and the Kingdom of Luziaro. Sunnig asked me to talk to you about you.”

“Thank you for your words.”

After breaking up with Master Ecliffe, Sonia said she wanted to dance a song. I should have decided in a prior meeting to stop because it would just be boring……

“No? I want to make it a memory for tonight.”

Ku…… I can’t say no if you ask me to. I exhaled small and offered my hand.

It was a relaxed waltz, so it should be in shape somehow. The other pair look like they enjoy a sweet conversation with each other on their cheeks.

You can’t imitate me, but you should just pretend. Ask Sonia’s ear.

“What was Master Ecliffe’s purpose?

Sonia smiled as she understood.

“Maybe it was more of a brother’s purpose. You made a facial connection between me and Lord Ecliffe. for times of need.”

“… you mean the danger is imminent?

Looks like something happened at the Imperial Castle.

Our invitation to this party did not appear to have been Mrs. Eudia’s rampage, but Lord Sunnig’s ploy. In a situation where we don’t know where the king’s secret detective is, let a lot of men get into it, so that we can introduce Master Ecliffe naturally.

“But it doesn’t matter what happens in the capital anymore. Isn’t that right?

I clog the words.

Maybe something happened to the prince or Emelda. I am worried. But I was more important to Sonia whether or not a disaster would befall her.

It seemed really horrible how I changed. But I have no choice. I want to dedicate my loyalty and affection to just one person.

I stared back at the red eyes in front of me and I answered clearly. Now be sure to pass it on.

“… I’m not going anywhere. I won’t let anyone use you anymore. Whatever happens, it’s okay. I will protect you.”

The voice trembled, and there was strength in my hand to shake.

Sonia closed her eyes to bite off my words and chuckled fluffily.

“Thanks. Glad to hear it. But you really shouldn’t have a duel, right? If Ville gets hurt, it doesn’t mean anything.”

When I tilted my neck without knowing what the words meant, Sonia looked up to me to try.

“Hey, Ville. Tomorrow’s play will accompany you as a squire? Or…”

I whispered and answered, deluding the crazy steps as a It must be red to the ear.

“I’ll escort you properly tomorrow. As a lover.”

After the dance, the men’s gaze hurt. He also looks tired of being shown off.

The next day, I got a ticket as promised and the two of us watched the play.

Sonia’s hair retained gold flowers and butterfly hair decorations. Wonder and look cuter than yesterday.

That day, me and Sonia spent the day as real lovers.

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