The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 38

38 Distance between the two, zero

It was depressing before it started, but it was a meaningful party besides my thoughts.

My brother made a facial connection with the prince of the kingdom of Luziaro, and I got new information about the king’s capital.

Most importantly, Ville healed me.

He looks at me with hot eyes. I get desperate to protect myself from the other men. I can’t wait to be happy with that.

If you were dancing like a real lover, you’d be a real lover. It was unscrupulous but well supported with arms and comfortable to keep my body and take steps. I laughed myself that you didn’t seem to think for a moment that I felt like a princess……

Still, I thought Ville would stick a little bit more, but you dropped the information light.

Could it have been hit by the party air?

Or were you in a hurry when you saw the men who wanted me for their wives?

Even though I can’t deal with a man gathered at that party from the end. It’s not a decent idea to marry a woman who broke her engagement with Prince Wang in the first place. In fact, the men I’ve spoken to either want attention or build a connection with my brother. My thoughts were clear.

Even Master Ecliffe, who looked like a gentleman, won’t take my side for free at all times. Maybe there was some kind of deal with your brother. Because neither royalty nor nobility have eyes to lose.

I knew Ville would be the best.

You swore to me that you would devote your whole life. The fact that the word is untrue can be judged by his character that he has seen so far.

I can believe what you said about Ville. I think you’re on my side best thinking about me.

You can forgive him in case he sneaks up on you. Instead, if you can fool me suspicious, I’ll give you my praise, and you might fall back in love…. What’s wrong with me?

The day after the party, the two of us went to the theatre.

The clothes chose a clear water-colored piece. Modest makeup too. I wanted to change the vibe with me yesterday.

I was going to have a date from the start, so I brought the hair decorations that we both chose. Something that can only be attached at times like this. Ville noticed and narrowed her eyes, but when she and I met each other, she rushed off. Looks illuminated.

It was dim in the giant tent, and if I lost my mind, I was going to fall off. Will subtly took my hand and guided me to see if the nervousness was resolved by the difficulty in seeing my face. Reliable.

It was not seats for the wealthy that my brother had prepared for me, but seats for the civilian population. The bench chair with no back is cramped, but the stage is in a good position to watch well, and not hard. This is better if you want to spend time as a normal lover. Brother, I know.

Actors sing and dance to music.

The story is simple. Something about a swordsman who wanted to go through a princess caught by a bandit and fall in love. The battle scene is full of force, and by the way, magic was used to perform and looked promising.

In the scene where the swordsman whispered love to the princess, a snug sigh leaked from the audience. I apprentice the lovers around me and bring them to Ville.

After a while, he held my shoulder in such a way that Ville was afraid. Warm and relieved. I stayed stuck until the end of the act.

“That was a lot of fun.”

“The content of the stage didn’t come to my mind from the middle of nowhere…”

My first date ended with each sentiment.

My nostalgia was a lot moistened thanks to the cost of traveling to Bannheid and selling the materials for my medicine for demonic diseases. I don’t think I’ll have to work as a pharmacist for a while.

But I can’t just play. Zeoli doesn’t seem to have any hopes, but there may be retaliation from the witch’s criminal organization. Prepare medications formulated with witchcraft assuming all possibilities and review witchcraft for combat.

I am also concerned about the trend in the Royal Castle. What did Miss Emelda predict?

I hope it’s none of our business, but I can’t be optimistic. I decided to ask the king’s messenger, Nefra, about this. I have an excuse to write a letter.

“What are you reading?

“Nefra’s Papers”

I placed a bunch of paper exactly on my living room desk, and at first I reluctantly read the paper as I slept on the couch. I’m being asked to give my opinion of the paper, so I have to look at it at the very least. It’s annoying.

But gradually I was attracted to the contents, and at some point I corrected my posture and started taking relevant materials out of the library and reading them.

“Is that so funny?

“Yeah, wow. He, maybe a genius.”

I briefly explained my thesis as I took a break from Ville’s brewed tea.

The contents of Nefra’s paper were suggestions about massive sorcery. The contents are that installing a special magic circle in a place rich in magic river flows will improve the surrounding environment, create sanctuaries from which warcraft do not lean, control the coordinates of spatial magic, and be able to do various things.

Space magic is included in the Witch’s Seven Prohibitions, but Nefra’s theory also presents improvements based on traditional examples of failure. It seemed worth a try, in a groundbreaking way that I can’t think of in witches.

“Heh… that’s really awesome if you admit it. That magician.”

Ville’s voice was slightly lower. I continue the conversation pretending not to notice.

“But I think it’s hard to make this research practical. Just a magician won’t have enough magic to build a spell at all, and something that requires the full cooperation of the state. I can’t even verify it as it is now. So Nefra is buying the king’s messenger to get out and get his eyes on him.”

Did you show me your thesis to ask for the help of the witches?

I could give you a hand if you weren’t around… it’s going to be a little hard right now. But I can offer some advice on improving the magic circle.

As I wrote down all the rituals on the paper, I felt a serious gaze. He looked like Ville didn’t seem funny on the couch across the street.

“Ville, have you finished all your chores today?

“Oh…… nothing in particular to do”

I was stubborn.

Right. You’d be bored if your squire’s job was done and your body was empty, but the lover you live with wouldn’t mind. Besides, I can’t believe you’re obsessed with other guys’ papers… did you get jealous?

I have decided to take care of Ville. I don’t want to be a person who doesn’t feed the fish I catch. Reflect just a little.

“Should I go on a long ride with Unica tomorrow when it’s sunny? I’ll make you Bill’s favorite lunch, so will you go buy it out?

“Ah, oh. Okay.”

He seemed to feel a little upward, and Ville went out immediately. Whether you floated on a date with me or were attracted to lunch is subtle.

“Welcome back”

“I’m home,” Ville muttered in a small voice as she welcomed her home with no push. You gave me a hug back, so my mood seems to have completely healed.

Simple. But that’s your charm, Ville.

The next day was clear weather with no clouds. I ran Unica and came to the meadows.

I’ve been flustered lately and I couldn’t care less about Unica. Run it all you want and brush it. I love your husband, he just waves his tail, so it’s rewarding.

Unica began eating in the stretch and meadow. Me and Ville also decided to eat lunch in the shade of a hill tree.

It was the same when I collected the ingredients before, but when I finished eating it, I would get sleepy. I closed my eyes with Ville’s thighs as pillows. Ville caressed my head gently. It wasn’t too much, but it felt good.

In retrospect, it’s probably the first time I’ve felt so at peace with someone. You’re completely off guard.

“Isn’t Sonia bored with me?

Such a voice came down. When I opened my eyes, Ville looked indescribably pitiful.

“I… am a boring man. I’ve been working out my body, waving my sword, that’s all I’ve ever done. I can’t have funny stories that will entertain you. Are you glad I’m such a man?

I got up and poked Bill in the cheek looking anxious.

“I don’t expect a witty, light talk from Ville. Ville is my healing. I’m so relieved to be with you.”

“Is that a pleasure? As a man.”

“I hope you’re happy. All I can show you is this defenseless look, Ville. Be more confident. I’m with Ville, and now I’m happiest.”

When I hugged him around his neck and sweetened him, Ville took a deep breath and then turned his arm around.

“That’s okay? I’m probably going to have a hard crush on you. The…… could be jealous and heavy. As a squire, I’m disqualified.”

Bill has never been properly given back his thoughts by anyone else before. I guess I’ve never been rewarded. That’s why I won’t let you go when I get it.

“We, originally unusual things. You could be different from the average subordinate or lover, right? Besides, it’s better than a light man.”

When I smiled, Ville relaxed her cheeks as she was relieved too.

If we had stared at each other at close range, a strange force would have worked, layering our lips at some point. I don’t know which one it came from. Something we were surprised at each other.

“… you look like this”

When I glanced at my lips with my fingers, Ville was tilting her neck.

“Was that your first time?

“Isn’t that obvious? I was the fiancée of the prince of this country until a little while ago. There wasn’t a man with a hand…. If it’s true, I should be able to finish it with my first night on that wedding day -”

“Ah! You don’t have to tell me! I don’t want to hear it!

I don’t know if it was a shade or an eclampsia, but Ville embraced it with her bare power. Silly power. It’s painful. But I don’t hate it.

Then I layered my skin deeper less than a few days later.

At first I felt a little scared, but soon it didn’t matter. Unusual, or because for the first time, Ville whispered words of love to me.

Above all, I was happy with the pompous and leaky words “I’m glad I’m alive” and “I’m glad I was born”.

You sound like you were shivering “I wish I hadn’t been born” one night.

I agree.

Good thing I twisted my destiny. I’m glad I didn’t give up this happiness to anyone.

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