The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 72

1 Crisis in neighbouring countries

The Kingdom of Ruziaro is located next to the west of the Kingdom of Mistria.

A great nation with an ancient history among the continents. The climate is mild and habitable all year round. Enclosed by colorful flowers and soft sunshine, King’s capital, Ruin Alin, is so called an earthly paradise.

To that paradise, me and Ville had been invited.

It was a city where flowers planted everywhere could be seen in a building based on white, and just taking a step into it made me feel frantic.

Unlike the king’s capital of Mistria, which has a deep and heavy fog impression, it has a light brightness. Inhale deeply and your chest will be full with the sweet scent of flowers.

The expression of the people walking down the street was full of serenity worthy of the name of paradise.

On the north side of the king’s capital lies the pale, shining white castle – the royal castle of Luziaro.

The dragon car we rode went straight through the castle as we crept through the castle gate and into the woods that spread behind us. And it stops in front of a small building that pops.

“All the way, welcome. I welcome you with all my heart.”

It was the third prince of Ruziaro, Lady Ecliffe Zola Ruzialdin, who welcomed me.

I’m a friend of Brother Sunnig’s and I met him at a party at the Aspinel family. You’re still an intelligent gentleman.

“Thank you for inviting me. Dear Ecliffe,”

When I gave thanks according to the aristocratic manners, the ville who refrained behind me also beckoned like a squire.

In the cage I left with my maid, Kohaku asks me a lot about us. You’re smart, though you’re supposed to be tired on a long journey.

Master Ecliffe laughed a little tired.

“My friend, the Red Witch of Mistria, son of a witchkiller knight, please save my kingdom too”

On a line like a passage in the play, me and Ville looked at each other and gave an indescribable look.

What led us to visit the Kingdom of Luziaro.

In conclusion, Ambert, to avoid the prophecy your father left in his book.

“Roselinto, Second Princess of the Kingdom of Luziaro. Before and after her twelfth birthday, there will be tens of thousands of deaths in all of the Wang capital Luyin Alin.

The cause of death is unknown. Check the hallways of the castle and the roadside of town for predicted footage of people dying in bright blue faces… with a median chance of less than 10%.

spells, or supposedly a magical man-made disaster ‘

There was this kind of writing. You can’t ignore it very much, can you?

In the meantime, I reported it to my brother. The kingdom of Luziaro and the Azrite realm are next door, and it is the home of your friend Ecliffe. It should not be overlooked, either publicly or privately.

My brother, who currently represents the king of Mistria, told Lady Ecliffe secretly about the prediction. Regardless of the full story of the King’s Curse case, the explanation seemed simple because the presence of a foreseeable man named Miss Emelda was known.

But this information is indeterminate. And the median odds are less than 10%.

Miss Emelda has already lost her ability to predict, so no new information will be available in the future.

My brother was carefully considering how to tell me.

It brings credible information to neighbouring countries and becomes an international problem if things go wrong that will shake national politics.

After worrying about the troubles, I told Mr. Ecliffe not as a king, but as advice from a friend.

I heard the story, and Mr. Ecliffe was distressed about how to deal with it.

Even if I trust you about your brother, it’s information from kings in other countries. I can’t easily pepper you, and I can’t ignore you.

In the end, this information was also properly communicated to His Majesty the King of Luziaro.

It’s a terrible thing to lose tens of thousands of lives with a 10% chance. It is not only the people who will be sacrificed, but all the royalty living in the castle could lose their lives.

Nevertheless, His Majesty the King of Ruziaro was in trouble.

If everyone living in the Wang capital evacuates, they will surely be able to evade predictions, but there are nearly 100,000 people in and out of the Wang capital. It’s hard to empty it.

Before and after the Second Princess’s birthday, I don’t even know how long they say it is. If the circulation of the Wang capital stops, even economic losses will be incalculable.

Besides, the twelfth birthday seems special to the royal family of Luziaro. We’re throwing a big party to reveal ourselves… I mean, it’s a glorious day for social debates.

If this doesn’t end safely, they may treat you differently in the future.

I can’t replace my life, but I can’t shame my pretty daughter with uncertain information. The king was troubled.

Knowing the prophecy, the people will be confused. Even riots can happen. Might get into another country. Therefore, it cannot be published.

After months of grinding, His Majesty the King concluded.

All we have to do is find the cause and stop it before it happens!

… so me and Ville were to be sent to the Kingdom of Luziaro to find out why. If it’s about witchcraft or witchcraft, it’s best left to the witch.

Although it takes the form of a request from the other side, I was prepared for this to happen at the time I revealed it to my brother. Even if it wasn’t requested, you would have managed to ask your brother to work it out so you could investigate it on the ground.

It’s too irresponsible to just throw in information and get to know each other.

… I’d like to diminish the guilt of using rose jewels by saving tens of thousands of lives, though I can’t say it very loudly.

Well, if nothing happens, I’ve never been over it.

I heard your brother’s words from Nefra, who had officially decided to be seconded and came to Kruge as a decree.

‘Sonia, don’t ever force yourself. Ask the chief magician of Ruziaro for instructions and contact me. ”

“Vil, I want you to act on Sonia’s safety first. However, the place to pull out the sword is so that you can bend it wherever possible ‘

I knew you wouldn’t send me away fast. Brother Sunnig’s bitter expression is the kind of word that comes to my attention.

I always struggle about witchcraft, and I’m sorry. On the dawn when things converge safely, take a lot of souvenirs to see you.

“I’m going to attend the princess’s birthday party in my name… thank you very much then…”

Nefra said in an unheeded voice. Though my eyes still shine so brightly.

That was a thankful story, to be honest. Just being an Ambert apprentice is militarily enough. I can count on your knowledge. I feel comfortable knowing everything.

“Dear Sonia…… It may be time for you to have some abnormalities in your health. Please love yourself…”

“Yeah, I know.”

The Rose Spirit Water has expired and is starting to return to its normal body. I haven’t felt ill yet, so I haven’t used the jewels.

I told Bubba and the others that I would be leaving Kruge for a long time, and asked Coral and Phantom to leave a message.

“There you go. I’ll take care of everyone.”

“Ugh, Master Sonia, Ville… be careful… eh”

I asked the two of them to take care of Unica and Kohak, to manage the mansion, but they got in a dragon car picking them up from the Kingdom of Luziaro and the black owl inside caught up with them when they reached their first resting point. Take a sentence from Coral.

I don’t know what to do, I can’t see Kohaku!

I didn’t think so. When I fished my luggage, Kohak was confused with a strange face. I had no idea.

I tried to send him home, but Kohak didn’t desperately stick to Ville and try to leave. “I’m going too,” “Don’t leave me,” and “I miss leaving you,” I felt like I could hear my heart, and I abruptly refused to forcibly repatriate…. Me and Bill are vulnerable to this kid, aren’t we?

The messenger from Luziaro told me you wouldn’t mind taking him.

To the black owl: “Found a kohaku. I’ll take you as you go,” he said, tying a sentence and going back inside, preparing a journey schedule for cats in a town on the way. I’m glad to be with you because you’re basically a smart kid, and it’s no exaggeration to say that this is the cutest time for kittens.

But… I’m sorry, Unica. You’re the only one who left a message.

I felt like I heard a “hiccup” moaning in the back of my ear. I will also decide to buy Unica lots of souvenirs.

With this little happiness we arrived safely at the King’s capital of the Kingdom of Luziaro, Luinarin.

One more month until the Second Princess’s birthday.

Behind the royal castle was a rich forest. Occasionally, royalty hunts in a forbidden kingdom.

It seems that a museum nestled in the deepest part of such a forest was built for Roselint, a second princess born frail.

Lovely design but I wonder why. It felt like there were signs of severe suffering. I am also concerned about the enchantment of the magical world around me.

Passed to the reception room, me and Lady Ecliffe sit on the couch opposite each other. There was no sign of the princess, and she said hello later.

Now that Bill’s treating me like a squire, he’s holding me back. That’s right, Kohak wanted me to be in a separate room, but Master Ecliffe, stared at me with his crushed eyes, was happy to allow me to be present.

Master Ecliffe put the kohaku on his knees with him in a cage, stroking and tickling his fluffy body.

I wonder if you’re quite tired. He looks soothed by the adorability of the kitten and is about to ascend.

… Isn’t it unusual for my child (Kohaku) to captivate a prince from another country?

Well, the parent silly idea has to be cleaned up in the corner of your head.

Once again I finished greeting him and took a breath of tea, I just got to the point.

After hearing about the predictions, the magicians of Luziaro are exploring the causes of mass death. They’re going to tell me what happened.

“After months of research, I found something that I thought might be responsible for mass deaths.”

But Master Ecliffe’s expression is dark. I have a feeling you’re going to hear a very nasty story.

“I was wondering if it was because of the ruins in the basement of the king’s capital. Apparently, there’s an amazing mass of magic in the ruins.”

“Ruins…… what is that?

“That’s what I’m not sure. There is an entrance in the basement of the castle, but the door has never been opened for the last three hundred years. There was a description in the old literature of ‘garden where angels sit’, but it doesn’t say what kind of place it is…”

Does that really have anything to do with this case, though it does sound suspicious?

In the wake of my question-mixed gaze, Master Ecliffe nods.

“But I know how to open the door. There was a legend passed down to the royal family from generation to generation, and that seems to be relevant to this case.”

Master Ecliffe stated to sing.

[The door to the angel will be opened by the hands of a child who will inherit the bloodtide of the first king Mergin in colour and host unparalleled magic. Give me your sweet blood. If you do, you won’t be given permanent glory. Angel’s sleep is shallow]

Me and Ville had trouble reacting and solidified.

… Something smells dangerous. A woman in her previous life would have a word with “sickness”.

I coughed up, and I tilted my neck.

“I’m not sure about the second half, but I understand the first half. If anyone resides in the royal family of Luziaro with a strong magic power, he can open the door.”

“Yes. Three hundred years ago the royal family had a famous princess. Perhaps the door was opened by her hand… she said she was a witch”


Witches are very hard to be born with. If the mother is a witch, she inherits mostly only the nucleus or the invasive brain, although it is possible that her daughter will be born a witch. Frana, Coral’s daughter, also has a nucleus, but no invasive brain.

In fact, I don’t know any rare cases of witches in my parents’ and children’s generations other than myself. Well, in my case, it’s not a rare story, because my father is just one demon in the world.

Aside from that, it’s unlikely that a witch from a time that used to be drawn to the back of the mountain would be bound to the royal family, and I don’t hear about the fact that there are many witches in Luziaro’s blood muscles.

You can say that 300 years ago the princess had a miraculous chance of being born.

… I thought miracles are pretty common.

“Brother, I’m sorry I’m late”

The reception room door opened with a fine voice.

Dazzling beautiful silver hair, blue and white skin. And blue eyes in mysterious shades. The hands and feet peeking from the white piece were thin and unreliable to fly away in one breeze.

“I will introduce you. my sister…… second princess roselint il rugiardin. For the first time in 300 years, I’m a witch born into the blood of a royal family.”

A young girl with a frivolous beauty bowed down in a frivolous act.

“Nice to meet you, Sonia Carnelian, son of the Red Rin witch. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am an apprentice who has not yet completed my studies. Please don’t call me Rosé.”

Roselint distorted her little lips and smiled lightly.

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