The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 73

2 Princess’s circumstances

After greeting him, Roselint – Rosé sat down next to Master Ecliffe in a tense manner. I looked at Kohaku and had an unusual grin for a moment, but soon I squeezed my mouth tight and leaned down.

By the door left open, a boy about fourteen years old stands. From the look of it, maybe a knight apprentice who serves Rosé.

Tonal eyes on bright brown hair. As soon as I met my eyes, I glanced away from my face. Hmm, that’s an attitude reminiscent of someone we just met.

After Rosé’s share of tea was prepared, I chopped it out with a smile.

“Surprised. Something I didn’t know about. About Master Rosé.”

I didn’t know a witch was born in a neighboring royal family.

I haven’t even heard from Brother Sunnig, and I’m not caught up in Kruge’s information network. Naturally, it wasn’t even written in Ambert’s book.

Looks like the kingdom of Ruziaro kept this fact thoroughly hidden.

In retrospect, I wonder if Ecliffe gave me a pass through his brother when something happened about his sister-in-law, the princess.

“Yeah. It’s my father’s decision. My father is so cute about Roselint that he can’t help it. I hid it in this hall because I really wanted to keep it on hand.”

Rosé’s mother is the Third Queen, the most beloved woman of the king. Besides, the child looks just like his mother with Rosé alone.

It’s impossible for His Majesty to drown Rosé.

The problem is that that cute daughter has been born with a combination of nucleus and invasive brain. In other words, we must let the witch disciple by the time she turns six.

But His Majesty the King didn’t want Rosé to be a witch.

“You cannot raise a child with the power of a witch in a royal castle. There is a danger of a runoff, and I hope… don’t be offended, because there were people who feared the power of the witch when it came to the attack on the king’s capital in neighbouring Mistria.”

“Yeah, I can understand that. Thank you for your concern.”

If the second princess turns out to be a witch, there must have been a lot of subordinates who would have told me to kick her out of the castle. So he falsely assumed that he was sick and in need of rest and raised him in the mansion behind the castle to keep him out of sight……

I saw Rosé’s face.

You look pale and your eyes are congested. I look really sick……

Are you nervous about me and Ville, scared to hear about the prophecy, or are you having a sleepless night because of something you don’t like?

Well, fine. You’ll see in time.

“So how does Master Rosé control his magic? Are you holding a witch who will become a master?

You were wondering. If your master lives with you, why don’t you show up on this occasion?

The air in the room froze on my question.

“As Sonia said, my father hired an old witch named Melissa and asked Roselint to pursue her studies. For eight years, Melissa raised Roselint in this hall…”

Master Ecliffe turns his hand on Rosé’s back. Rose then raised her face and said in a trembling voice.

“Melissa adored me like a real aunt…. but by some hand ten days ago…”

They killed me.

Rosé shrugged with a faint voice before covering her face with both hands. As the girl’s whimpering sounded, I asked calmly, hiding my inner resentment.

“Killed? There’s a witch in this hall?

Instead of Rosé, who can no longer speak, Lord Ecliffe taught me.

Early ten days ago in the morning, Melissa collapsed in bloody blood at the entrance to the hall and was found to be out of stock. With my intestines dragged out unmistakably.

Melissa’s tummy will be left with roots of trees. He said it was like he stirred it in his stomach. That’s fantastic.

A crime in the night, nothing stolen or broken. Only Rosé and the apprentice knight boy were in the hall. Neither of us noticed anything.

If they weren’t the killers, it would mean that someone broke into a secret hall in King’s territory and killed a skilled witch.

Sooner or later, the heat drew from the core of my body. You’re making things worse than I thought.

I wanted you to tell me first, but if it was ten days ago, it was after we left Kruge, so maybe I got in the wrong contact.

Master Ecliffe said with a sinking face.

“I’m sorry. I’m going to invite you to a museum like this… but there’s something I’d like you to know Sonia can’t do. Please, could you stay in this hall until Roselint’s birthday?

“Does that mean you want me to supervise magic control while protecting Master Rosé?

The supine junction around the hall was put up by Ruziaro’s magician for when Rosé stormed the magic. Convinced.

“Yeah. When it comes to guarding, don’t worry, we’ll be placing the kingdom’s elite units around the mansion. I won’t let one rat break in.

I hadn’t let Roselint run wild in the last few years when it came to magic control, but I was upset by Melissa’s death and once flashy…… Roselint has been completely unstable since that day and I can’t do my birthday ceremony like this. He said he had to hide it until he was alone… ”

If you let your magic run wild in public, you can’t hide that you’re a witch anymore.

Even though I’m nervous about my social debut, in addition to my predicted mass death, my master was murdered. Rosé is completely mentally cornered.

Lady Ecliffe embarked on herself in disdain.

“I don’t mind surrogating. The reward will always be what Sonia wants. Please. Please be the master of Roselint! Sonia is no longer the only witch I can trust!

“Oh, please…”

Rosé also wiped her tears and drowned her head next to her brother.


I’m a little pathetic about Rosé… but I originally came here to investigate mass deaths, didn’t I?

I can’t stay with her all the time, and honestly, I feel heavy about taking an apprentice. What a princess of a country can handle.

But I feel like the ruins underground and the presence of Rosé are going to be linked to mass death. We can’t ignore who killed Melissa.

I looked up to Ville standing behind me. You look so grumpy.

Still, he didn’t make any difference, and Ville nodded back one thing.

Right, Vil. I’m ready.

“Okay. I am immature, but I will do everything I can for Master Rosé”

“! Thanks!

To my relieved brothers and sisters, I did not forget to stab the nail.

That if I fail at anything, I will not hold Mistria or Kruge responsible for it.

Not to hide the information I asked for.

Being sure to attribute us to Mistria once everything has been resolved.

“And I just want to tell His Majesty Sunnig the truth and give him a full report.”

I need to hit the fabric so it doesn’t seal my mouth. If you let your brother know you’re here, it’ll be a restraint.

Master Ecliffe thought a lot and nodded.

“I don’t mind. Your Majesty Sunnig speaks from me. But please don’t say anything else.”

You can contact me if you like. [M] If the friendship between Lord Ecliffe and his brother is real, it will not be deceptive.

I smiled gracefully at Rosé, who had a distracted look on her face. so that there is no anxiety at all.

“So, Master Rosé. For a month, thank you.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you.”

When I exchanged hands with Rosé, Kohak rang worryingly.

Originally a hall for Rosé to hide in, there was only one room.

Sometimes His Majesty the King and the Third Queen come to stay. I’m honored to lend you that room, but I’m a little anxious.


“Kohak, don’t grind your nails around there!

To Ville’s panicked voice, Kohak said, “I know! I just started galloping with the wooden boards I bought on the road. As clever as ever. It’s tough if you scratch the conditioning in this room.

Kohaku seems okay. The problem that remains…… is that there is only one bed.

“What do we do? It’s an extra size for both of us, but it’s not a good idea to sleep together.”


Ville turns away from the bed.

Master Ecliffe knows that we are lovers, so I think he has distracted me from this room, but I can’t mess with you during your important work.

Something I don’t know what is. This time we have to thoroughly penetrate the subordination relationship.

“Do you want to go there if the servant’s room seems empty?

“… No, I sleep on the couch. I’m worried about being away.”

“Right. It doesn’t mean the killer won’t be here again at night, and I’d be relieved if Ville stayed out of sight.”

“What, I’ll watch you without going to sleep?

I shake my head to the side.

“Please do me a favor when you need it, but it’s still okay. ‘Cause I’m gonna put a line on this whole hall, too. Sleep well, too, Ville.”

Sit back on the bed and stretch your back to wipe away the fatigue of your journey.

“Hehe, you remind me of the first time I slept in the same room. What, shall we burn incense again?


Ville shook her head sideways as her bat looked bad.

When you returned from Wang Du to Kruge, Ville was always on guard about me. Oh, I miss it.

Speaking of nostalgic……

“When I asked how Melissa was killed, I remembered Zeoli. You’re about to wipe your father’s ass.”


How to die that there was a root of a tree in your stomach……

I won’t forget, that pain. When Zeoli devoured my stomach with a tree snake.

If this is not a coincidence, it will be a message addressed to me by whoever killed Melissa.

Zeoli’s death was unquestionable, and Raz had lost his mind. Nobody else should have been in Da Nan in Bangheid.

But it just didn’t seem like I noticed.

Nefra said there would be another witch there.

“Celesta…… the user of phantom magic. I can’t believe you missed it. If you’re a father, it’s sweet.”

When Nefra came to the Mansion, he told me.

After killing King Mistria, Ambert swept away the witch of the organization in the courtyard of the castle. Nefra was doing that ex-post processing and realized that the number of witch bodies was a whole lot smaller than she had heard.

Maybe the witch used her own funeral technique, or maybe Ambert killed her somewhere else.

But maybe there was a witch who didn’t die on that spot?

I’m not sure because Nefra doesn’t know the witch face of the organization.

But the witch who seems to be able to escape Ambert is about an expert in phantom magic called Celesta. She could pretend to be dead or steal a human eye and run away. Looks like he’s as strong as Zeoli.

“Enough witches to sneak into king’s territory? That’s troublesome.”

“Well, if you know there’s a witch like that, you can take care of it. But I wonder what Celesta wants. How dare you suggest your existence and provoke me”

There seems to be no doubt that Celesta is the enemy, but I don’t know what that purpose is.

Melissa’s death led me to stay in this hall as Rosé’s master. Is that what you’re after?

“If you’re going to fight, don’t go alone.”

Ville looks worried. I tried to cuddle him by accident but restrained myself and took his martial arts hand.

A squire’s hand to protect me.

“Thanks, Ville. I’m counting on you.”

Ville shook my hand back a lot.

Of course I wouldn’t do anything to make Ville sad. When Celesta shows up, let’s make sure the two of us stop breathing.

I thought if Celesta was alive, I’d have to finish it. Being in the place of a confrontation with Zeoli is known for the secrets of my body. On the contrary, the birth of Ambert may also be grasped.

It’s not convenient. I need you to disappear.

I smile softly. I’m glad to be able to sum up my concerns.

If you noticed, Kohak was getting smaller in the corner of the room.

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