The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 82

10 Reiki Paintings

After Hailmine left and Master Astral was returned to his official duties, he was able to crack it down with other invitees and have a soothing time.

The Queen had told me beforehand that she had broken her engagement with Prince Rain and that she had not heard much about the second King’s Capital raid.

Although there seemed to be a lot of familiar and distant topics such as when the Mistrian air was changing since Brother Sunnig became king, when the dishes of the Air Arm Chamber of Commerce would be popular, and when Prince Claudie’s engagement would become the next king.

After the tea party, Olivia and I were invited to the salon that only royalty and limited guests could get in.

And his companion was commanded to wait outside the door. I wonder if the royal family would be okay to enter the Chamber of Secrets with almost first-person without protection. Well, that’s about the story you don’t want anyone else to hear.

Inside the large salon is a bookshelf containing expensive artwork, paintings and a vast collection of books. Master Olivia stopped in front of one painting.

“I wanted to show you this. What do you think?

The painting depicted a girl smiling calmly.

The girl is as old as I am. He is wrapped in a watery dress and wears a gold tiara on his head. A noble person, even if he is a princess.

Notably, it is an old painting despite its good state of preservation. I was educated at the Aspinel family and provided for aesthetic eyes, so I can have some eye contact. This was hundreds of years ago.

… and watched the painting calmly, but at a glance I knew what Olivia wanted me to point out.

“This one looks amazingly like Master Yulaia and Master Roselint. Are you from the Royal family of Luziaro?

When Master Yulaia was young, or the way Roselint grew. The girl in the painting had two faces so uncomfortable when she said so. Your hair and eyes look different, but feel the blood connection.

“Yeah. Her name is Planati. This is a picture of the Witch of the Redemption in Luziaro. No other work has ever been more realistic.”

This painting is usually strictly disciplined, and even princes and princesses, including Astral and Ecliffe, have never seen it. And of course, Rosé doesn’t know that she’s Pranatti and Melon.

Olivia smiled bitterly as me and Ville looked at each other.

“That man…… His Majesty the King fell in love with the painting Planati at first sight when he was a child. So when I met Yulaia, I asked her to marry me.”

Since Master Yulaia was not originally an upper class nobleman, the people around him opposed his marriage to His Majesty the King. But eventually, she was to be welcomed into the royal family because of her character and beauty and the shadow of a great savior witch.

“I haven’t had a lot of children between us, and there have been a lot of unfortunate things. But when I finally found out that the Roselint I had been given was a witch, Her Majesty said, ‘Roselint must be Princess Pranati’s rebirth’ with a big shag… I had a hard time forgiving her. And Yulaiah was in trouble.”

Think back to the time with nostalgia and narrow your eyes, Dear Olivia. Its heart is too complicated to guess.

Born again, huh? It’s not a funny word for me to know the existence of a woman in my past life.

“Roselint gets closer and closer to Planati day by day. I had noticed thinly, but I was sure when I heard about the prediction. Roselint is…… I’m sure he’s a special child to the contemporary royal family. You were right to conceal this painting, considering its potential impact on the succession to the throne”

I agree. A living copy to the savior witch Planati, Roselint, the same witch. Something that is likely to give rise to enthusiastic followers from what she looked like the other day when she tried on her dress.

If the Third Queen’s son had a lot of influence, the surroundings might try to use it, regardless of Rose’s or Olivia’s will.

“Why are you giving us this painting?

I wonder if I could reveal such a serious secret to Mistrian humans. I don’t like it. I’m sorry about the mouth being sealed or blackmailed.

“Because I thought it was necessary to protect yourselves. All right? Your Majesty, of course, but Yulaia also cares very much about Roselint. I would do anything to protect her.”

Behind my concerns, Master Olivia stated perseverance.

“It is easy to associate tragedies with the prediction of the disaster of Luziaro, with the legends conveyed by the royal family and from the end of Pranati. You must have noticed that, too, right?

I nod in my heart at the words. Ville has a bitter look, too.

“Roselinto, Second Princess of the Kingdom of Luziaro. Before and after her twelfth birthday, there will be tens of thousands of deaths in all of the Wang capital Luyin Alin.

The cause of death is unknown. Check the hallways of the castle and the roadside of town for predicted footage of people dying in bright blue faces… with a median chance of less than 10%.

spells, or supposedly a magical man-made disaster ‘

[The door to the angel will be opened by the hands of a child who will inherit the bloodtide of the first king Mergin in colour and host unparalleled magic. Give me your sweet blood. If you do, you won’t be given permanent glory. Angel’s sleep is shallow]

And three hundred years ago, Pranati saved his kingdom, starved in the sun, with the magic of rain begging, and left the world at eighteen years of age. Shortly before that, Pranati is in the underground ruins, the garden where the angels sit.

“Sure, you have an unpleasant imagination”

Perhaps Pranati now holds “eternal glory” as the Witch of the Redemption because he opened the door to angels and gave his sweet blood.

For example, “sweet blood” = “own life” is likely.

To save the kingdom’s crisis, Pranati dedicated his own life to angels and was given as much power as he could use the magic of rain begging.

A lot of questions can be resolved if you think about it that way. Impossible.

I’m not very convinced, but we have all the ingredients for once, right?

“Olivia, or Yulaia, is afraid that Roselint will enter the ruins in order to solve the calamity that will befall her with prediction.”

Will Rosé give her own life to prevent this prediction, the scourge of the death of the people of the Wang capital?

… three hundred years old. That’s a nasty story.

Master Olivia stared at Planati’s painting with her sad eyes.

“Roselint is such a heart-warming child that even I’ve never spoken much about it. If I knew that many people would be saved at my sacrifice, I think I would choose the same path as Planati…. but Your Majesty and Yulaiah will never forgive you”

Even Rosé wouldn’t want to die, but she’s not a character to stick to her own life and abandon a lot of people. I could imagine smiling sadly, and you did.

Such a spirit of self-sacrifice could be beautiful. But I still don’t like it.

I glance at Ville and bite off my melancholy.

“His Majesty is on the run to prepare the people for evacuation from the King’s Capital, just in case. I do not choose to sacrifice Roselint, nor to see and kill the people. We also have a plan to postpone Roselint’s birthday ceremony.”

“Whether the prediction will come true is not yet…”

“Yeah. I’m fully aware of that, but there’s no way I’m taking any action. … there is no guarantee that the people will be evacuated from the King’s capital or that the ceremony will be rescheduled. I don’t think I can solve this in such a simple way.”

Master Olivia exhaled a heavy sigh and told him.

“Yulaia’s been doing a lot wrong lately. I know you’re having a lot of hard work about Roselint, but you’re restless nonetheless. Neither has the murderer of the witch Melissa been caught. Be vigilant just in case. I have my eyes open, too, but there will be places that are out of sight.”

I also added in a small voice about Halemine. Olivia’s expression looks just like Ecliffe’s and I can’t wait to hear it.

Nevertheless, I wonder if it made sense to restrain Master Yulaia that Olivia invited us to today’s Tea Party. Me and Ville asked the nobles to remember their faces as guests entertained by the First Queen.

I don’t want to think that Master Yulaire would do something to us, but, well, I’m not going to break my guard against anyone.

It’s possible that Celesta is turning into someone else.

Olivia showed me through the salon because of a paragraph in the story. I honestly enjoyed it, though Ville had a face that didn’t float because he heard heavy stories. If it weren’t for this opportunity, you wouldn’t have a chance to admire the works of art from other countries.

I was in such an easygoing mood, I took a breath in front of a certain painting.

“What’s wrong?

It was an old painting in the room.

In a faded frame, one young man is reading a book in the shade of a tree. The eyes that dwell on the colour of tiredness are black, and the soft hair glows golden in the wake of the wood leakage.

I felt a strong sense of visibility on the side of that young man, and I stood up unexpectedly.

“… Oh, he’s Reiki Ambles. He is a genius dubbed the brainchild of the first king, Mergin. Mergin put an end to tribal strife with excellent martial arts, but he said the politicians were a tease, and he relied on Ambles.”

Noticing the painting I was staring into, Master Olivia leaked a grin.

“This is an unknown work by the author, and I’m not sure how similar it is to Ambles. But according to the literature, he was the bearer of luscious beauty that fascinated all who saw him? If you’re going to nail a maiden’s eyes through the ages, this picture could be real.”

“Oh, Sonia? Are you okay?”

Ville peered worryingly into my face from behind.

“Hehe, it’s okay, Vil. Not my type.”

I don’t know.

The lines in this painting are ambiguous and do not seem to portray the model as such. Side to side alone, I’m not sure.

But the moment I saw it, my whole body screamed.

“… I’m just surprised I feel a little like someone I know. Hey, don’t Ville think so?

“I know you? Who are you talking about?

Ville stared at the painting and tilted her neck. There’s no point in not noticing. Ville only knows what his children look like.

“You’re an unknown age, a liar who always carried a big book with him.”

To an outspoken tip, Ville opened her eyes.

Resuscitation in the back of the brain is the memory of a baby peeking in past sight and the voice of a boy before a voice change.

“I grew up like a real brother, but I have no blood ties to Cross. We were built artificially for the ambition of the black glossy witch Slayzia… and they restored it from cells picked up from some king’s tomb. Maybe he’s the owner of noble blood. ‘

I stroked my poppy skin and I laughed small.

Neither me nor Bill seems to have anything to do with Ruziaro, right?

I really don’t like it.

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