The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 83

11 Box of genes

My father, Ambert, was a clone person, to put it in the way of previous life.

There was a man on whom he was founded, and that might be the ambles involved in the founding of Luziaro.

I just checked with Olivia, and she says Ambles is buried in the King’s Tomb in Ruziaro. I don’t know if anyone took the body, or if it was the first king’s plan, but it’s possible that Slayzia stole it more than he slept in the king’s grave.

In fact, about fifty years ago, it seems that someone had broken into the King’s tomb. You didn’t seem so problematic because the treasure was safe.

You wouldn’t expect the witch Slayzia to have collected cell pieces of the dead and used them to study artificial life.

“I’m still not sure what artificial life is… Ambert and Ambles are the same person?

Ville leaned her neck and looked worried at me.

I broke up with Master Olivia and on my way back to the Forest Hall, me and Ville decided to do a sort of recognition in the shade of an unpopular tree. Don’t let Rose and Tiga ask you in case.

“It’s not the same person. Because flesh is exactly the same thing, but personality and memory are something else.”

Um, it’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t know “So no.” I’m not familiar with it either, but for now Ambert and Ambles just have the same genetic information, and there’s no mental connection between them in person. I was only made to understand that.

“Are you all right? The…”

Ville’s complexion is always a little cloudy when we talk about Ambert. Sounds like you’re making me worry a lot.

If you hug me thoughtfully and throw up even one of the weak sounds, I’m sure both Bill and I can do it neatly, but that’s not the case now.

It was a little crazy. When was that, even though I was taking Ville’s weak voice?

“All of a sudden I was surprised, but it’s okay. I’m just saying I figured out your father’s roots.”

It’s an honor to inherit genetic information about a great man who worked nine hundred years ago, but that’s all. I don’t care about myself at this time. I intend to keep my mind organized.

To tell you the truth, Ville was heartless or soggy. Sounds like you wanted to comfort me. Slightly spread arms tell the story.

“More than that, Ville. I care about you.”

“My father… you mean Cross”

If Ambert is Ambless, Cross could also be a human clone like sleeping in the King’s Tomb of Ruziaro. Of course, it may be based on cells stolen from another grave…

“What do we do? Maybe Ville’s pulling Royal Luziaro’s blood.”

“I don’t care what they say. In case you did, nothing. I think we should make sure they never find out.”

I grin and nod bitterly at the light ville reaction.

Even if you were drawing royal blood, you didn’t grow up as a royal. Whatever the King’s Hidden Child is, it’s actually a child of a clone made of stolen cells. It’s too stupid to name a royal for this. In other words, if you expose it, it will be very difficult.

“Definitely keep our roots to yourself…. We need to be careful. Don’t let Ville open the door to” The Garden of Angels “”

If Cross is the royal clone of Luziaro, then Ville fulfils the condition of “the one who inherits the blood of the first king in colour and dwells in unparalleled magic”. If you accidentally open the door, you’ll be suspicious of Ville’s identity.

… Plus, it’s possible that Ville will be replaced by Rosé. That is, it could be a feather offering sweet blood to the crisis in the Kingdom of Luziaro.

Ville also perceived it and gave an indescribable look.

“I’m not going to be sacrificed. I just… I also want to avoid Princess Roselint losing her life. It is not good for a child to die. Whatever birth you are, you will be free to live.”

I think I’d like to do something about Rosé, too.

But there’s nothing I might be able to do.

When I saw Ambles’ paintings, I had two concerns.

One is that Ville may be drawing the blood of the Royal Ruziaro.

“Exactly. You’re aware of Ville, too, right?

“Exactly what. Don’t doubt it.”

The other is Rosé’s existential meaning.

‘Cause she looks just like her old hero again.

What if Rose is like us…… no, if she is the same as Ambert or Cross or Miss Emelda.

Suppose it was a clone of the savior witch Planati.

“Princess Roselint was born about twelve years ago. Both Slayzia and Jebella are dead. If so, is it Ambert?

“I don’t know. Your father’s book didn’t say that.”

Like Miss Emelda, Ambert made Rosé.

That’s not a zero chance, but if it was, you’d be finishing it before you died. Because I hated witches twice as much, I’m not the kind of person who would leave the world with the evil roots surrounding witches. Well, I can’t be sure because I’m missing Celesta, but if you think about it, I don’t have a motive to produce Rosé.

“If you’re not Ambert, who is?”

“Aren’t you the survivor of Slayzia’s apprentice? Or do you think, like Slayzia, there was a witch who succeeded in creating artificial life? Either way, the suspect is limited. Besides, I’m pretty sure we have a collaborator.”

Master Yulaia’s beautiful face blurs the back of his brain.

As the Third Queen’s girlfriend would have been thoroughly identified by the kingdom, it is unlikely that she is a clone of Planati. But it can’t be that you don’t know the secret of Rosé’s birth.

“Are you going to question the Third Queen?

“When it comes down to it, yeah. It’s a very delicate issue, and you can’t make a scene without certainty.”

Ville nodded with a sinking look.

I was also restless with the back of my chest.

It’s so depressing to think about what Master Yulaia is raising Planati clones for as a daughter.

I saw it a few days ago, how close Rosé and Master Yulaia are. I don’t want to think that’s a lie. I thought I was lonely then. I’m not like an idiot.

I’m not sure of one thing yet.

I hope all the reasoning so far has been a delusion between me and Ville……

When I returned to the hall, just, a mild footsteps sounded, and Kohak greeted me enthusiastically. He comes and goes busily at me and Bill’s feet, shakes his tail patterned and rubs his head against his legs.

“Nyah! Ha-ha-ha!

“Hehe, I’m home. I wonder what’s wrong? So excited.”

“You missed me, didn’t you?

“You’re just leaving a message. Let’s have a tea party next time, too.”

I knew cats were good. Just watching makes my rough heart heal. Tiga came with a troublesome look as me and Ville stroked and dusted Kohaku.

“He’s been softening and making me sick.”


Kohaku rarely said, “Shh!” and intimidated Tiga. I wonder what happened. Leave it to Ville to forgive me, and I sigh.

“If you’re free, I want you to play.”

“Ha, no. It’s a pain in the ass.”

“By the way, what about Rosé?

Rosé wouldn’t have to ask me to take down Kohaku.

Tiga brutally scratched her head in a frustrating manner.

“I’ve been pulling you into my room ever since you guys went out. Leave me alone, say something.”

“… yes. Shall we go and see how it goes?”

When I asked her about the room, Rose looked honest.

“I’m home now, Rose. Were things any different while you were away?

“Welcome back… no, especially…”

“True? You look pale, though?

“It’s nothing. I’m just a little tired of reading.”

Then Rose repeated “Nothing” and “It’s perfectly fine” as she panicked. I don’t even seem to care that we went to Olivia’s tea party.

I decided to put aside a little time that I wouldn’t be able to force myself to ask questions. He told me naturally if I was really in trouble, he seemed to believe unconsciously about Rosé. Because she’s a very good girl.

… maybe that was wrong.

A few days later, Rose and Tiga disappeared from the hall.

Neither we nor the magicians guarding the hall noticed, and they were neglected.

What was left in Rosé’s room was a plain letter marked “I’ll do my part” and a white box I’d never seen.

If you notice, Rose’s birthday ceremony was approaching ten days later.

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