The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 – The Truth In The Secret Letter

A few days later, Antoine came to the “Flower Spring” to deliver a message to Ms. Theodora, saying that all the secret letters had been deciphered and asked them to pick them up at the Copper Carp Hotel. When Antoine entered the brothel for the first time, he was brutally molested by a group of prostitutes. Finally, he ran back to the carriage crying, and the prostitutes roared with laughter. Afterwards, he kept vigilantly huddling in the corner of the carriage, hugging his knees, like an innocent girl who was molested by gangsters, until Enzo and Giuliano got into the carriage, he remained in that state, refusing to talk to them all the way , A person kept saying “Miss Constanzia is right, a brothel is really not a place for serious people to come”, and the eyes of Enzo and Giuliano became very strange.

The carriage finally arrived at the Copper Carp Inn, Antoine was the first to get out of the carriage, and fled upstairs as if flying, with howling ghosts and wolves. Giuliano rolled his eyes.

They found Theodora’s room. The female scholar was sitting alone at the desk, with her forehead resting on one hand and her shoulders slumped. There are still ink stains on it.

When she heard someone entering the door, her shoulders tensed up vigilantly, and she immediately turned around, holding the back of the chair tightly with one hand, as if she was afraid of an enemy attacking. After discovering that it was Giuliano and Enzo who came, she breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her previous depressed look.

“What’s the matter, teacher, you seem to be in a bad mood.”

Theodora picked up the letter paper on the table and arranged it casually. Maybe it was because I was upset, I didn’t manage it neatly after several times.

“I didn’t expect that what was written in the secret letter was actually that kind of content… Maybe I shouldn’t let you read it. You haven’t touched the center of the conspiracy vortex, and it may be too late to withdraw now…”

Enzo grabbed the other end of the letter, but Theodora refused to let go. They confronted each other for a while, and finally the female scholar gave in. Enzo turned around and walked towards Giuliano, while reading the content on the paper, he suddenly laughed.

“The mysterious client is right. Although Boniwell is only the governor of a city, he has ambitions beyond his own status. It is not wrong to charge him so much.”

“What did you write?!”

Giuliano grabbed the rest of the stationery and read it word for word. Just after reading the first letter, he felt that his scalp was numb, as if a chill had penetrated into his bone marrow, making him unable to even make a small sound.

Dear Governor:

Your request is extremely reasonable and I also consider it acceptable. As long as you submit the simplified map of the naval configuration of the city-states of Yod and the timetable for changing the army’s defense as promised, Muchania’s plan to regain Yod will surely succeed. Your loyalty will be rewarded generously, and your faith is worthy of a sincere promise. . Not only will you not lose your current status, but you will be more prosperous and rich than ever.

When the empire was in decline, the cities of Yod elected the Governor Luce to lead the people, known as the “Supreme Governor”, and his status was equivalent to the Lord of the country. However, after Luce’s death, the city-states shared different dreams, and the position of supremacy was vacant. The honor and glory that Luce once had, you now have at your fingertips. When our army knocks on the gate of Yod, if you keep your promise and surrender the city, then I guarantee that you will become the second “supreme governor” of Yod, and the whole Yod will regard you as the Lord at that time, how can you ask yourself? Since Luce, who has had such status and respect? The cooperation between you and me will not only enable me to regain the land of my ancestors, but also bring you endless benefits. As a king, I keep my word.

I wish you well.


Lord of Muchania, servant of the dragon god, descendant of Darion, legal successor of the empire

Giuliano crumpled the letter into a ball.

“Boniwell—! He still has the face to slander my father for treason, so he is the real traitor! He actually sold the military secrets of the Yod city-states in exchange for glory and wealth! That filthy dog!”

He knew why his father had hidden the letters. As Boniwell’s clerk, he accidentally came across secrets that he shouldn’t know, but he couldn’t pretend to be ignorant with his conscience, so he stole these letters and hid them in a place known only to the Sacon family. place, as evidence against Boniwell in the future. When Boniwell discovered that the letter had been stolen, he immediately suspected him, so he killed people with lightning speed, trying to cover up the crime.

“Calm down.” Enzo pulled out the letter from his hand, “Boniwell must also be afraid of the crime being exposed, otherwise he wouldn’t do it so badly. I’m surprised that Muchania is actually preparing for war. Although they have always called the Empire But I thought it was just talking about the pursuit of psychological superiority. Unexpectedly, Clement actually planned to attack the city-states of Yoder.” He laughed, “Mukania is an inland country with no sea access. Strategically speaking, it is necessary to occupy the Yod region with its deep water port in order to control the southern coastline and trade routes of Fagus.”

“Then we have to get rid of Boniwell as soon as possible! We can’t let Yoder be invaded by other countries!”

“I thought of a ‘friend’ that might help.”

Enzo smiled secretly, pulled Giuliano behind him, and looked directly at Ms. Theodora: “Just pretend you didn’t hear anything.”

“I would rather I didn’t hear anything, and didn’t know anything.” Theodora wrung his hands, “But I already know, how can I pretend to be ignorant? How can I just watch you get involved in conspiracy and war? “

“We’ve been in the center of the storm since the beginning.”

Theodora took a deep breath remorsefully: “Is there no other way…”

“I hope Boniwell’s death can put an end to everything. Maybe without him as a helper, Clement’s marching plan will be blocked, and peace will be restored in the Jord region. You’d better take Miss Constantia as soon as possible Going back to Akertown, the university is safer than anywhere else.”

After speaking, Enzo took all the letters and dragged Giuliano out of the room. On the way down they met Constanzia. She asked in surprise: “When did you two come? Are you here to see Antoine?”

“Yes, he seems to be stimulated, and he is crying alone.”

Then Constanzia ran to Antoine in a frenzy, and forgot about them.

They got into the carriage, Giuliano still restless. After finally finding out the reason why his family members were murdered, there was a raging fire in his chest, burning his heart, making him unable to rest for a moment.

“Who is the ‘friend’ you mentioned just now?” Giuliano lowered his voice so as not to be heard by the coachman.

“It’s the general who is competing for the consulship of Zanodia. He probably can’t wait to make some achievements to stabilize his position. As long as he makes good use of this opportunity, it will not be difficult to stop Clement, or at least It can also add some resistance to his plan.”

“Cooperate with him? He doesn’t hesitate to plant and frame others for his own status. He is the same as Boniwell!”

“Su Weita has indeed done bad things, but he has also done a lot of good things. People in high positions like them, few people are clean. We are just using each other with him.”

Giuliano snorted. The longing for Boniwell’s death was like thousands of ants gnawing at his heart. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails pierced his skin, and blood flowed to his wrist without realizing it. Enzo broke away from his hand and held it tightly.

“Don’t worry. Don’t worry. Think about it, the mysterious client from Muchania also wants Bonniewell’s life, which shows that Muchania’s internal affairs are not united and monolithic.”

“I know… there may be a more complicated conspiracy behind this. We…” Giuliano bit his lip, “Let’s focus on Boniwell first.”

Enzo patted his head encouragingly.

When the carriage arrived at the “Flower Spring”, Enzuo paid the fare and rewarded a few copper coins, and sent the coachman away. In broad daylight, no one came to the brothel, but Jia Ou was waiting at the door, and when he saw them, he rushed up to meet them.

“Your Excellency Enzo, you have a guest.”

The assassin raised his eyebrows. “Who?”

“It’s a gentleman with a very familiar face. The villain invited him to sit in the reception room for a while.”

“Go, go meet him.”

Jia Ou bowed his waist and led them into the reception room.

As soon as he entered the door, Giuliano froze, his mouth opened stupidly, as if he had been stuffed with an alchemy lamp. Enzo couldn’t help drawing out his sword, pointing at the “guest”, and protecting Giuliano with his other hand, pushing him back.

“Are you looking for death?” He asked coldly.

Their guest—Marco, who had been Fernando Infonçon’s servant and later betrayed him, killed him, and escaped—sat comfortably on the sofa, holding a cup of hot tea, steaming from the cup, The scent of sweet tea filled the room.

“Put down your sword, Your Excellency, I am not hostile, I am here to seek cooperation.”

“I was worried about how to find you, but you came to my door by yourself, saving me a lot of trouble.”

Malcolm calmly took a sip of hot tea, then put down the teacup, raised Erlang’s legs, and put his palms together on his lap.

“Of course you can kill me, but killing me is equivalent to missing a great opportunity to assassinate Boniwell, respected Your Excellency the Reticent,” he lowered his eyes slightly, “and the young master of the Sacon family.”

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