The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 – Marco

Giuliano smiled coldly: “I don’t want to listen to your sweet words, I just want to kill you now.”

Malcol spread his hands: “Why are you so hostile to me? Have I ever done anything wrong to you?”

“You are an accomplice to the murder of my parents!”

“I’m just obeying Master Fernando’s orders.”

“You killed Fernando!”

“Shouldn’t you be happy? I have avenged you invisibly!”

“You work for Boniwell!”

“This is really a big misunderstanding! I am not Boniwell’s servant, my real master is someone else.”

“The real master?”

Malcol held out his hand, palm up, and motioned for them to sit down. Enzo slammed the door and put on the chain, while Giuliano moved cautiously to the window to prevent Marco from jumping out of the window and escaping. Malcol snorted lightly, not taking their precautions seriously.

“Because of my status, I have some power in Vanessa City. Recently, I noticed that a warehouse in the dock area was stolen… The lost property was the confiscated property deed of the Sacon family. It is not difficult to think of the Sacon family’s only The survivor, that is, you, young master, has escaped the clutches of the pirates wisely and returned to Vanessa.”

“Hmph, you still have the face to mention pirates. You escaped and made us almost be regarded as the real culprits!”

“I just left after finishing what I should do. Your Excellency Barsano is too suspicious, doubting this and that every day, can you blame me?”

“You also chopped off that elf’s…”

Enzo gave Giuliano a fierce look, and the young apprentice closed his mouth wisely. Marco didn’t know that the elf was still alive. He probably thought that his attack was clean enough. So they couldn’t reveal information about Urasha, let alone show that they knew the key to the Black Crane’s Ark. This is an advantage for them.

“Elf? So what? He appeared on the ship without anyone noticing, interfering with my plan, so what if I send him to meet the gods? You have no relationship or reason with him, are you going to act for the heavens?”

“I just can’t bear your disregard for human life!”

“Hahaha, please, young master, you are the silent ones, I am the spy, we are our own masters, who is nobler than the other? Why don’t you ask your handsome companion, is the blood of innocent people on his hands Less than me?”

“I’m not like you.” Enzo’s face was frosty, “I never betrayed my employer, nor did I lie.”

“Life itself is a lie, and it is a great fallacy to try to remain true in a lie. Besides, I have always been loyal to my true master and never thought of betrayal. My former master asked me to Serving Boniwell in a false way, I will do so. Now my master asks me to get rid of the stumbling block of Boniwell, of course I obey. Then the question comes, since we have the same goal, are you two interested in cooperating with me? “

Giuliano winked at Enzo and asked what he meant. Enzo sat down on the sofa opposite Marco, with the sword flat on his lap, ready to be picked up at any time.

“How did you find us?”

“As I said before, I have some power in Vanessa. Recently, I went to the observatory on business and got a lot of interesting news there.” Marco pursed his lips, and the corners of his lips, which were as thin as a blade, curled up slightly. Picking, forming a poisonous smile, “You guys are very interested in astronomy, maybe we can discuss it privately in the future.”

Giuliano’s heart sank. Unexpectedly, the trip to the observatory exposed their whereabouts, too careless! How could those learned researchers be able to discern Malcolm’s sinister intentions? As long as he inquired a little, he would be able to learn of Ms. Theodora’s residence, and it would not be difficult to find them if he stayed at the Copper Carp Inn. In this way, not only he and Enzo are no longer safe, but even Theodora and the others are in invisible danger! God knows if Malcolm will use them to blackmail him!

“If you dare to touch a hair of them…” Giuliano gritted his teeth.

“Don’t worry, I have always respected scholars, let alone such beautiful and intelligent ladies. If you are worried that my existence will threaten the safety of your friends, you can kill me on the spot, but, as I just said , so that you will lose the golden opportunity to assassinate Boniwell.”

“Oh? Since you are so capable, why don’t you do it yourself?”

“Boniwell is not a fool. He has recently sensed something, and he is wary of me a lot. I can’t find a chance to attack, so I can only ask for help.”

“Vanessa has so many reticents, can’t you just find a few?”

“That’s why I’m here to look for you.” Marco took it for granted.

Enzo rested his thumb on the blade: “I have wanted to ask for a long time, how do you know that I am the Reticent?”

Marco chuckled: “When you were picked up by the pirates, they searched you, and I saw your holy emblem at that time.”

“Maybe I’m just an ordinary believer.”

“Ordinary believers have the ability to help this young master escape from the net and protect him?” Marco shook his head, “I’m not Fernando, and I’m not stupid.”

“What opportunity does Mr. Clever Spy offer us?”

Marco got up, with his hands behind his back, and walked to the window with a relaxed expression and a leisurely posture, but Giuliano was sweating nervously. He finally realized the gap between himself and the master. Even if Marco’s ease is fake, his acting skills are a hundred times better than Giuliano’s.

“Winter is here, I like winter, especially this season, and the annual carnival will come soon. Since the two are locals of Vanessa, they must know the customs of the carnival: everyone must wear luxurious clothes Outlandish costumes, fancy masks, and celebrations. There will be a grand parade in the city. Many tourists visit Vanessa in this season just to participate in the carnival. At the same time, the Governor’s Palace will also hold a banquet. Entertaining the city’s dignitaries and guests. The Governor will be there and give a speech. That’s what I call a great opportunity.”

“Carnival banquet? It’s easy to say, and the guards will be heavily guarded at that time. Without an invitation letter, we won’t even be able to get in.”

“Yes, yes, it is true for ordinary people. But I also said that I have some power. As Governor Boniwell’s ‘confidant’, I can invite my friends to dinner. Such an invitation letter The security of the banquet is indeed tight, but there is always an opportunity. The two assassins have rich experience, and they will surely find a breakthrough. Boniwell always has two bodyguards who are inseparable, and follow him at every step. Behind him. The bodyguard is a problem, but it’s probably a piece of cake for the reticent. The key is how to escape after killing Boniwell. It’s easy to kill, but hard to escape. So I choose Carnival, everyone that day They are all wearing masks, and it is impossible to tell who is who from the outside, so it helps you hide.”

“So what if everyone wears masks? The guards swarmed up, but they still couldn’t escape.”

The spy laughed again. “Did you know that besides the Deran River that flows through the city in Vanessa, there are many underground rivers underground?”

“What does the dark river have to do with assassination?”

“I have found out that there happens to be an underground river flowing under the carnival banquet hall. It only takes a little gunpowder to blow up a gap leading to the ground.”

“Where does that dark river lead to?”

“I don’t know. Maybe to the Deran River, maybe to the sea, maybe… to hell.”

“It’s still an old question, Mr. Spy, since you’re so well prepared, why don’t you do it yourself?”

“I can’t carry out the assassination by myself while making logistical preparations, so I need help.”

“Oh, so send us to die, you just need to watch from the side?”

“If I don’t come to you, you will still go to die, and you still lack many favorable conditions.”

Enzo glanced at Giuliano: “We have to think about it.”

“Of course, I understand that this is an important decision for you, and it’s okay to think about it, but don’t think about it for too long, time waits for no one.”

Marco pursed his lips and walked towards the door. Enzo said again: “How should we contact you after we have considered it?”

“I will visit again in three days, just tell me your decision then.”

He bowed mockingly, took off the chain on the door, opened the door and walked out. Giuliano hesitated to stop him, but finally gave up.

After Marco was sent away by Jiaou, Giuliano turned to Enzo: “What do you think? Do you want to promise him?”

“I think his proposal is good, but he cannot be trusted personally.”

“I think so too…I’m afraid that he will cheat us then.”

Enzo rubbed his chin and smiled secretly: “It’s okay, we can also treat him in the same way. You can go to Petro to borrow a pigeon later, be careful not to be followed, and then …”

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