The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 71: Check 10 words road

   The terrible twelfth birthday is finally over.

   For the next period of time, around No. 86 Eastleigh Road, the wind and waves were calm and everything went well.

   The boring and boring summer vacation, day by day... As before, most of Jon's time is spent on potion configuration and memory spell exploration.

   Until one day in late July, Jon went to Mr. Robert Wilson's hardware store; and then he got a batch of silver bullets that Mr. Wilson had helped him, which he had customized before.

   There are only thirty silver bullets in total, but there will only be one "moderate" werewolf in the school, which is enough.

   With this opportunity, Jon secretly collected some "specimen" of hair.

   He deliberately selected the hair of some foreign tourists, so that while expanding his "deformation database", he can also effectively avoid collisions with the real body.

   Warrior potions and enhancement potions have all been configured, and the configuration process of the compound decoction has entered the final step.

After adding dried African tree snake skin to the cauldron, watching the pot full of potions with pungent black smoke, Jon knew that he had succeeded... and the potion's effect this time was definitely better than before. A lot.

   Carefully put the configured potions into the glass bottles, and Jon divided the glass bottles into two parts and put them into the suitcase.

   The 100 gallons of medicinal materials were used by him for more than a month to finish the wave. Now I am staying at No. 86 Eastleigh Road and I am completely fine.

   Fortunately, on the last day of July, Hogwarts wrote.

   An envelope made of yellow parchment paper with green lettering on it. The letter asked him to still take the Hogwarts Express at King’s Cross Station on September 1, and also listed a list of new books he will use this year.

   "Standard Spells, Level Two", by Miranda Gorsak;

   "The Basics of Defense Against the Dark Arts" by Quentin Trimble;

   "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms-Addendum", by Felida Spoel;

   "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration-Volume Two", by Emeric Swich.

   "The Origins of Quidditch", by Kenneworth-Whasp.

   The textbooks that the second-year students need are much less than those of the first-year... and the last "Quidditch", the handwriting is completely different from the previous one, obviously someone forcibly added it later.

   After receiving the letter from the school, Jon decided not to stay at home anymore.

   Explain the situation with Eric and Judy, and after bidding farewell, Jon picked up his suitcase and boarded the train to London.


   Charing Cross Road is a bustling street in central London.

   is also a bookstore street famous all over the world... The background of the novel "84 Charing Cross Street" written by American female writer Hailian Humph, known as the "Book Lovers' Bible", is here.

   A dirty and small bar, on this clean street, looks a little conspicuous.

   Although people passing by in a hurry don't even look at it, their eyes are only on the surrounding bookstores.

   Less than a hundred yards from this dirty and cramped bar, there is a Hotel Willow Hill on Charing Cross Road. A weird man in a black cloak walked out of it, and then walked to the dirty and small bar.

   The mysterious traveler carrying a suitcase did not stop at the "Broken Cauldron Bar", but avoided the passengers in the bar, and then walked straight into the back patio.

   A few minutes later, the mysterious traveler entered Diagon Alley, and finally entered a mysterious potion shop in Diagon Alley.

"Hello, sir!" As the mysterious traveler took off his hood, revealing soft blond hair and a young face, the female boss of the potion shop hurried over and asked: "May I ask what you need to buy? ?"

   "I need to sell some potions in your place!" The blond young man said in a harsh American accent, looking at the various colorful bottles and cans on the shelf next to him.

   "Are you not British?" the female boss asked with some confusion.

   "Yes, I am from the United States!" The blond young man replied straightforwardly, "My name is Anduin Wrynn."

   "Hello, Mr. Wrynn, this is Julia Spor, the boss here!" The female boss quickly said, "What do you need to buy?"

   "No..." Blond Anduin shook his head: "I want to sell some potions here."

   While talking, he took out a crystal bottle from his pocket and threw it over frivolously.

   Ms. Spor hurriedly caught him, first sniffed, then carefully observed, and finally came to a conclusion: "These are... compound decoctions... seem to be of good quality?"

   "Of course!" Anduin said confidently.

   "The compound decoction is a control product..." Ms. Spoel quickly lowered her voice.

   "That's the stupid law of your British Ministry of Magic... In North America, the allocation and sale of potions enjoy absolute freedom." The blond young man said disdainfully.

   Ms. Spoel is not very clear about American laws, but she is a little moved...

   As a compound decoction of controlled products, there are only a handful of pharmacists in the entire British magical world who understand the formula and can successfully configure it; coupled with its cumbersome configuration steps, there are few products on the market.

   "How much can you take out?" she asked softly.

   "Five pints can still be taken out." Anduin Wrynn said with a serious face.

   "80 gallons a pint, how about the price?" Ms. Spoel asked tentatively.

   "It's reasonable!" The blond man didn't seem to be entangled in the price.

   He opened the suitcase, took out dozens of the same crystal bottles as before, and put them on the counter one by one.

   A small bag of gold coins was also handed over by Ms. Spoel.


   Five minutes later, Anduin Wrynn reappeared on the street of Diagon Alley with a bag full of gold coins.

   When he saw many wizards crowding in front of the Quidditch boutique, he also curiously leaned over to take a look at the excitement.

   He saw a broom on a newly erected pier.

   There is another line below:

  "The flying broomstick of the Firebolt represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present. Its handle is refined from ash tree wood. It is streamlined and exquisite. It has been treated with a diamond-like polish and has a hand-engraved registration number.

   Every twig of the broom at the end of this product has been screened to make its streamline perfection, so this product is unparalleled in terms of balance and accuracy.

   Firebolt can accelerate to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds, and its braking device is very attractive.

The pre-sale price of    is 800 gallons. "

   "Is it crazy to buy a broken broom for eight hundred gallons?" The blond young man shook his head helplessly, and then walked away.

He first went to the Lihen Bookstore, and under the surprised gaze of the clerk, he bought a few textbooks needed by junior wizards; then he bought ink and parchment in a nearby shop; finally, he bought it at the leather store. A pair of dragon skin wand sets.

   stuffed everything into the half-empty suitcase, and he went to a shop called "Fantastic Zoo".

   There is not much space inside, every inch of the wall is hung with cages; the shop is smelly and noisy, because the small creatures in the cage are making all kinds of noises.

There are many strange animals in the shop: for example, cats of various colors, a cage of noisy ravens, and a pair of purple toads with huge eyes... There is a large cage on the counter with silky black mice inside. Shaking their long bald tails.

   "I need to buy some mice!" the blond young man shouted.

   The witch in the counter hurried over: "Welcome, dear... you can look at this place. They are Serbian gallon rats. They are very clever. They can help wizards find discarded things, 10 gallons each..."

   While talking, the witch enthusiastically pointed to the big cage full of black mice, and they immediately began to jump again.

   The blond young man murmured softly, "This is too bad, and SPF **** mice are not so expensive..."

   "No no no... just give me some common house mice or garden mice..." he said quickly.

   The passionate expression on the witch's face quickly became cold.

   "No?" Anduin asked.

   "Yes!" the witch said lightly, "4 Nats, how many do you want?"

   ", thirty...give me kangaroo food."

   threw five silver Si Ke to the witch. UU Reading www.uukā carried two large cages of mice and a kangaroo food, and the blond Anduin swaggered out of the shop.


   returned to the Liushan Hotel on Charing Cross Road, the transformation time was almost over.

   Just a few minutes after entering the hotel room, the blond young man's body began to deform rapidly, returning to the appearance of Jon Hart.

   In my previous life, I started in the third grade of elementary school and learned American English for more than ten years... I didn't expect that in this life in London, I could use it to pretend to be an American friend.

   seems to be quite effective?

   Jon sat on the bed. He had decided to stay in this hotel for the rest of the summer vacation.

   Because here, he can use magic at will.

According to the Ministry of Magic’s Law on the Protection of Underage Wizards, underage wizards are forbidden to cast spells outside the school... But there is a loophole in this law. The Ministry of Magic can only detect that someone uses magic in a certain area, but it cannot be sure of which. A person.

   Underage wizards use magic in their homes and can only rely on parental supervision; the same is true for using magic in public places where wizards are infested.

   Therefore, Charing Cross Road is an ordinary street adjacent to Diagon Alley, and wizards will pass by at any time. As a minor wizard, I use magic here and will not be discovered.

   And compared to the crowded cauldron bar, the bar where I am now is obviously much safer.

After all, there will be no wizards around at any time, and there is no need to take the compound decoction all the time. Even if there is a small problem with the magic, it will not be discovered by other wizards immediately... A few more steps.

   Jon organized everything he had brought, and then he was about to enjoy the remaining half of his summer vacation.

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