The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 72: Memory Simulation and Patronus Mantra

   Jon Hart quickly adjusted to the new life he started on Charing Cross Street.

It is no longer necessary to hide the wand in the innermost part of the suitcase. On the first day, he tried to use several different kinds of magic... The result was not surprising. The staff of the Department of Magic forbidding misuse did not write to him, let alone The Auror came to the door.

   Every day during the day, he would close the doors and windows of the room, draw the curtains, and put a "DNDST" sign (donotdisturb, do not disturb) on the door.

   Generally, at dusk, he would drink the compound decoction, hide the "magic supplies" in the backpack with a large internal space that he bought more than a month ago, and then ask the waiter to come in and tidy up the room.

   Sometimes in the morning, he would go to the Broken Cauldron Bar for breakfast in the form of "Anduin-Wryen".

   At the gate of the Broke Cauldron, there is a news clip from the Daily Prophet posted:

   The Ministry of Magic confirmed today that Black is still at large.

   is considered to be the most notorious of the prisoners in Azkaban Castle, Sirius Black, who is still not arrested.

   "We are working hard to capture Black again," Minister of Magic Connelly Fudge said this morning: "We ask the magical world to remain calm."

   Some members of the International Federation of Wizards have criticized that Fudge should not notify the Muggle Prime Minister of the fact that Connelly Black is at large.

   Below this news, there is a line of words written crookedly:

   "The Auror Command has offered Sirius Black a reward for 3000 gallons."

   3000 gallons is not a small number, it almost made Jon a little heartened...

   While having breakfast at the Broken Cauldron Bar, Jon would be there quietly, observing other wizards:

For example, there is a little witch from the country who came here to spend a whole day shopping; a few fat witches argued fiercely about an article in "Transfiguration Today"; a sly fairy , A funny-looking dwarf, even once, Jon saw a ghost with a broken left arm in his right hand, drifting by quietly.

  I can meet a lot of acquaintances.

For example, Hannah Abbott, every morning she will appear at the broken cauldron bar to clean up on time; once, Jon also saw the tall, clumsy-looking Slater named Madeleine Yaxley Girl Lin, she seems to be with her mother. Her mother was reprimanded while being pulled into Diagon Alley; of course there was Harry Potter. One night in early August, he was brought in by Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. I went to the Broke Cauldron Bar and stayed here in August.

   Of course, there is no doubt that none of these "acquaintances" would recognize Jon. They all thought Jon was just an American wizard who had traveled to London.

Of course, in addition to inquiring about the news and purchasing the necessary things, Jon will also try to reduce the number of trips to Broken Cauldron Bar or Diagon Alley... After all, Broken Cauldron Bar is not as crowded as Hogwarts, and the magical world is also capable. There are so many, in case a powerful wizard shows him through, it will be bad.


   For most of August, Jon shrinks in the hotel on Charing Cross Road, holding mice to practice magic.

   Every evening, he would put several dying mice to death by cervical dislocation, then put them in a plastic bag and throw them into the trash can. And every other week or so, he would go to Diagon Alley again to buy a new batch of mice.

   The witch in the "Wonderful Zoo" shop is a little tired of him.

   "Do you Americans have the habit of eating a few mice every day before going to bed?" She said a bit sourly.

   "Yes, you actually know it!" Jon nodded with a serious face: "We all remove the head and tail, and then eat it raw. It tastes like chicken and is crunchy when chewed!"

   Seeing the witch's vomiting expression, Jon walked away with a smile.

   It took more than half a month. Jon previewed most of the contents of the third grade; and reviewed the disarming curse, petrification curse and eye disease curse...

Whether dealing with werewolves or giant dogs, the last two spells are quite useful; and with his practice during this period of time, even if he encounters a mouse that only runs away, he can guarantee that his spell can accurately hit (although it is only just in case).

  The problem is still the same as before...Even if 10,000 methods have been tried to release the "Patron saint curse", there is no change at the tip of the wand.

   He even took out the memory of eating milk.

   "Is he destined to miss the patron saint in this life?" Sometimes, he almost thought pessimistically.

   In this case, he has only one solution left, the one that he thought of a long time ago.

   Since there is no real happy memory, then I can only make a memory!

   The white paper that Guidro Lockhart left for himself fully described how to forge a memory and delete a memory.

   However, this is very risky. You must know that using the "forgetting curse" on yourself can be dangerous if you are not paying attention.

   But the deletion of small memories can be said to be the simplest part of the "Forgetting Curse".

The key is no other way. He has tried almost any existing memory. In the case of all failures, he can only adopt this risky method... and just add a memory, nothing will happen. Question, just delete it.

   The good news is that during this period of time, he tried "Obliviate" on dozens of mice, and almost no spells got out of control or failed. The use of this spell is already quite proficient.

   But the mouse will not give itself enough feedback...

   So I must try further.


   This afternoon, Jon drank a small bottle of compound decoction as usual, and became an American image of "Anduin-Wryen".

   The hotel waiter, as usual, arrived on time.

   "Good afternoon, Mr. Wrynn!" she greeted.

   "Hello, madam!" Jon said as he stepped back to the door and made way for her and her cart.

   "Sorry!" He muttered silently in his heart, and while waiting for the waiter to help him clean up the sheets, he quietly raised his wand.

   "Obliviate!" He muttered softly.

   A tiny silver thread appeared on the top of the bamboo wand, and then connected to the waitress's brain... but the other party had no response.

   "Did you succeed?" After the silver wire disappeared, Jon retracted his wand and walked over.

   He took out an old watch (the one used before Christmas last year) from his pocket, and then said, "Madam almost forgot. I promised you yesterday that I would give this to you."

   "Yes!" The waitress suddenly realized: "I remember, Mr. Wrynn... You told me yesterday afternoon that you bought a watch last year and you want to give me the old watch."

   She happily took over the mechanical watch from Jon.

   Jon breathed a sigh of relief... There is no problem with the spell, the attempt was successful!

   When the waiter came to clean the room yesterday afternoon, he barely said anything to her; for the memory just now, he just used the forgetting spell to force him into the other's mind.

   In the next two days, Jon tried several memory spells on ordinary people again.

   What he added are all insignificant memories, such as:

   "I met a piebald cat with eye rims like glasses this morning."

   "Yesterday at noon, I saw a fierce **** dog chasing a mouse."

   "And last night, I almost ran into the nose of an old man with half-moon glasses and a white beard."


   After many successful attempts on people, Jon felt that the memory spell could be used on himself.

On the last night of mid-August, Jon ate several pieces of chocolate to replenish his stamina; he drank another sip of "Warrior Potion" (it can make the wizard's spellcasting easier in a short time, but there will be Side effects of weakness).

  After thinking about it for a while, after confirming that all the risks have been eliminated... he pointed his wand at his head, took a deep breath, and said softly:


   He simulated the memory used when the original Harry Potter successfully released the patron saint.

"His name is Harry Potter, a kid who is abused by his uncle and aunt every day and bullied by his cousin... But one day, someone actually told him that he is a wizard, a wizard who is very famous in the magic world. He can leave the Dursleys and go to school at Hogwarts..."

  The memory simulation is very without any problems.

   Next, Jon raised his wand again and pointed it at the open space of the room:

   "Expectopatronum (Expectopatronum)!"

   Strands of silver filaments emerged from the top of the wand one after another, and gathered into a mass of gas...but that's all, a cloud of turbid silver aura hovered in front of Jon.

   "Successful attempt!" Jon shouted excitedly.

   Although he did not summon the real patron saint (even if the status is not clear), this silver aura can at best be able to intimidate the dementors... but this is his first successful attempt after all!

   You must know that more than half a year has passed since the beginning of practicing the Guardian Mantra.

   After eating a few pieces of chocolate, Jon patiently began to analyze the reason why his "Patron saint curse" was so weak:

   On the one hand, after all, I have my parents and no sisters and have a room, so I can’t empathize with the real Harry Potter.

   On the other hand, this memory is completely incompatible with the other memories in my mind. Although "happy", it lacks authenticity.

   There is no have to know the place of your hands and feet, but your own memory.

   What if it’s too real, leading to falsehoods, which affects oneself?

   Therefore, it must have a certain degree of resolution.


   After resting for a few minutes, Jon decided to continue.

   Next, he needs to simulate a truly "happy" memory and summon a more complete patron saint!

   Jon took a deep breath again, then pointed his wand at his head:


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