The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 79: new semester

   Jon can finally say goodbye to the faint musty and straw smell in the carriage.

   He got out of the car with sisters Greengrass.

   The gloomy Draco Malfoy was about to follow him at first, but was stopped by his two close friends: Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Gore.

   During their conversation, Jon heard the words "Potter", "Dementor", "Coma" and so on, and then the Slytherin trio hurriedly left.

   Jon and the others joined the crowd who went up the stairs, passed through the huge oak door, and entered the front hall of Hogwarts.

   The front hall is brightly lit, and a gorgeous marble staircase leads upstairs.

   The door on the right side of the marble staircase was opened, and Professor Minerva McGonagall, wearing an emerald green plaid skirt, strode out.

   Professor McGonagall’s expression is always so serious, his hair is combed into a tight bun, and his sharp eyes wear a pair of square glasses.

   "Miss Greengrass, come here!" She glanced at Astoria, and then waved to her: "Mr. Hart, come here too."

   Jon and Astoria hurriedly walked over.

   "Miss Greengrass, Professor Snape notified me in advance that you had some trouble on the train?"

   "Yes." Astoria nodded: "A dementor, Professor McGonagall..."

   "Just in case, Mr. Hart, you take her to the school hospital!" Professor McGonagall reminded.

   "Okay, Professor!"


   The two left the crowd and came to the school hospital not far from the front hall.

   knocked on the door of the school hospital, and Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse, hurried over.

   "Is it another Dementor?" she asked a little annoyedly.

   "Yes, ma'am!" Astoria whispered.

   "Let the dementor, this dangerous creature, be stationed around the school. I don't know who the teacher thought of the ghost idea..."

"Last year it was a basilisk, this year it is a dementor... I want to know if there should be a few fire dragons next year!" Madam Pomfrey complained weakly: "Hogwarts is a school, not a dangerous magic animal shelter. !"

   "Come with me, dear..." But when she faced Astoria, her tone instantly became gentle.

   "Professor Snape has given her an emerald green potion..." Jon quickly reminded.

"It's a potion of joy, Professor Snape is very good at it!" When Pomfrey mentioned Snape, his face couldn't help showing a look of approval: "Then you only need to eat some chocolate. Need bed rest."

   Several students were already lying on the bed in the school hospital, the most serious of which was still in a coma. Jon also saw Ginny Weasley, who was lying on the hospital bed near the back, with Neville and Luna accompanying her.

   said hello to them, Jon saw Madam Pomfrey walking up in a hurry, she threw a piece of chocolate to Jon.

   There was a noisy alarm clock over the counter, and Madam Pomfrey handed two bottles of emerald joy potion to Luna and the girl next to the unconscious student as quickly as possible.

   "I'll stay with me." She said quickly: "Professor McGonagall asked me to go there... If you have any questions, click the alarm clock over there and I will be back immediately.

   Madam Pomfrey left in a hurry, and she did not return until ten minutes later.

   Astoria has finished eating that piece of chocolate.

   After checking Astoria carefully, she said with some worry: "Generally it should be okay!"

   "Then can we go back to the hall for the opening banquet?" Jon asked quickly.

   "Of course... but if you run into trouble, you have to come back to me in time." Madam Pomfrey nodded.

   The two left the school hospital and returned to the front hall.

   "Sorry, I troubled you!" Astoria whispered.

   "It's okay." Jon smiled and shook his head.


   Back in the auditorium, it has become a sea of ​​jubilation.

   Professor Flitwick is holding a pointed wizard hat, and is screaming the names of young wizards...The sorting ceremony seems to have come to an end.

   Jon and Astoria hurriedly returned to the tables of their respective colleges, and Jon sat between Steven Lucas and Susan Burns.

   "Romida-Wani!" Professor Flitwick shouted in his sharp voice.

   A girl with dark hair, who looked a little timid, ran over quickly.

   "Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat almost touched her head and called out.

   The last two first-year freshmen, Natalie Young and Luke Yvette were divided into Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

   Professor Flitwick took the sorting hat and the three-legged stool and walked out of the auditorium.

   Jon missed most of the sorting ceremony.

Then, Jon saw that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger also ran back from outside the auditorium at Gryffindor’s table... Many people watched them give ~ Welcome! Professor Dumbledore stood up, glanced around and said, "Welcome to start your new school year at Hogwarts!" But before the semester begins, I have a few words to say..."

   The auditorium, which was still a little noisy just now, became quiet instantly.

   "On the train before, you have already gone through a search. You must all know that at present our school is receiving a number of dementors from Azkaban. They are here to perform certain official duties of the Ministry of Magic."

   Professor Dumbledore’s seemingly calm voice, but Jon could hear a faint anger... Obviously, he hated creatures like dementors very much.

"The dementors will be stationed at all entrances and exits of the school!" Professor Dumbledore continued: "So during their stay, no one is allowed to leave the campus. Don't try to fool the guards of Azkaban with your tricks... …"

   "Dementors are not born to know what requests or excuses are, nor are they deceived by any tricks or disguise...Neither can invisibility cloaks!" Professor Dumbledore added at last.

   The whole hall is silent. In fact, no one likes dementors... Anyone who encounters dementors will be more or less affected by them.

Then, as expected, Professor Dumbledore introduced two new teachers at Hogwarts: the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was appointed by Remus Lupin; and due to the retirement of Professor Kettleborn , The new professor of the protection of magical animals is served by Ruber Hagrid.

   Professor Dumbledore’s speech is over...

   Finally, the golden plates and goblets in front of me were suddenly full of food and drinks, and laughter and the clash of knives and forks echoed in the auditorium.

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