The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 80: Devil Net

   Spent the first night of the second school year...

   Early the next morning, Jon came to the auditorium for breakfast.

   There are many foods on the long tables of the four colleges: bowls of porridge, plates of pickled herring, hills of bread slices, and plates of eggs and bacon.

   Jon sat down at Hufflepuff’s table and found a seat. Next to him was Cedric Diggory.

   "Good morning!" Jon greeted casually, and then picked up a piece of bread.

   "The new second-year curriculum." Cedric smiled and nodded, while handing him a form.

   "Thank you!" Jon hurriedly finished the schedule while reacting a little bit; raised his head, and then he saw the silver badge on Cedric's chest: "Are you the prefect of Hufflepuff?"

   "Yes...I received a letter from Professor Dumbledore during the summer..." Cedric smiled embarrassedly.

   "Congratulations!" Jon said quickly.

   "Thank you!"

   It's not surprising that Cedric Diggory became Hufflepuff's prefect.

   Once, I remember the Goblet of Fire in the original book, and he also introduced Harry to the prefect’s bathroom; secondly, he was one of Hogwarts' rare and excellent students of style and style...

   Jon turned his attention to the newly issued curriculum schedule.

   The second-year course is no different from the first-year course. Under normal circumstances, one missed flight course; although Jon himself is an exception.

   And the first period is herbal medicine class, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students attend together.


   After breakfast, Jon followed Zacharias Smith and Heloise Midgen out of the castle and hurried to the greenhouse.

   Entering the greenhouse, Professor Pomona-Sprout is waiting for them... She still wears her patched hat, mud all over her body.

   "How was your summer vacation?" Professor Sprout asked gently.

   "Awesome, Professor!" Zacharias smiled, "I hardly want to go back to school!"

  Professor Sprout has always been very gentle, and some naughty Hufflepuff students even boldly joked with her.

   "That won't work!" Professor Sprout shook his head: "You still have six years of courses to complete..."

   While they were talking, the Gryffindor students also rushed there, and Jon saw Ginny Weasley and Colin Crevey walking in front of them.

   "Today to the third greenhouse!" Professor Sprout said as the students arrived.

   The students from the two colleges began to talk quietly with interest.

   They only entered the first greenhouse last year. There are only some herbs that are not dangerous, such as mushrooms. The plants in the third greenhouse are more interesting and dangerous.

  Professor Sprout took a big key from his belt and opened the door of the greenhouse.

   Jon immediately smelled a scent of damp soil and fertilizer, and the surrounding air seemed slightly cold and humid.

   "Everyone, come with me, don't touch any plants!" Professor Sprout reminded.

   The students hurried to keep up with the herbal medicine teacher.

   A minute later, they finally stopped in front of a bunch of black, ugly-looking vines.

   "Did anyone tell what this is?" Professor Sprout glanced at the crowd and asked, "I want to go to a herbal medicine class in the school year. I introduced them to everyone!"

   "This is the Devil Net?" Ginny Weasley replied in a low voice.

   "That's right, Miss Weasley!" Professor Sprout nodded in satisfaction: "Then can you tell me what characteristics the Devil Net has?"

   "Moguiwang likes cold and humid, and warmth is its natural enemy, so they are afraid of flames..."

   "Very good, Gryffindor plus five points!" Professor Sprout paused, and continued: "The flame is the biggest natural enemy of the Devil. What else?"

   "The devil's net will restrain the prey around them, and the more the prey breaks free, the tighter their restraints will be!" Jon said.

"That's right." Professor Sprout gave Jon approving eyes: "The devil's net is extremely tough, and it is bound by it, even if it is a magical creature with powerful power such as a dragon or a basilisk, it is difficult. Break free... Hufflepuff also added five points."

   Then, Professor Sprout's gaze shifted to the bunch of ugly vines...

   "Like this!" she yelled.

   Before the words fell, she jumped into the pile of devil nets...

   Jon finally understood why Professor Sprout always has a lot of dirt on him.

   Several girls screamed in fright.

   I saw the black vines quickly spreading, firmly binding the chunky witch who was trapped in it.

"It's like this..." Professor Sprout said with some difficulty. The devil net continued to spread on her body, and almost her whole body was firmly bound: "The more I try to break free... the devil net will be tied. The tighter..."

   Jon's face became serious. He was worried that Professor Sprout would play off. You must know that Devil Nets are not ordinary herbs. They are very dangerous and can even kill!

   He has put his right hand into his pocket and grabbed the handle of the wand... just in case.

   A vine of the devil's net has tied Professor Sprout's neck, making her unable to make any sound.

   Then a cloud of flames suddenly appeared, wrapped around the black vines... The black vines began to shrink a little bit, and Professor Sprout climbed out of it calmly, and then passed through the flames.

   Jon couldn't help but breathe...

It seems that I have been worrying too much. No matter what, the professor is also the dean of Hufflepuff, and the wizard of the same level with Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, and dealing with these dangerous herbs for so many years, how can it be impossible to deal with it? Such a small thing.

"So, if you encounter a devil net attack in the wild, don't panic... relax your body and then summon a fire!" Professor Sprout said gently: "Fire curse, I want to be in the first grade. Professor Flitwick should have taught you at that time."

   Then, Professor Sprout turned around. The flames she had just summoned silently without a rod were still burning fiercely.

   Jon noticed that those devil nets that had been retracted to their original state were still being spurred by the flames to become smaller...

  Professor Sprout still did not take back the blaze, and the blaze was still burning one or two yards above the devil's net.

   Soon, the large devil net just now seemed to disappear completely; more than twenty dark green, table tennis **** appeared on the ground out of thin air.

   "Does anyone know what this is?" Professor Sprout asked with a smile.

   This time, the whole greenhouse is silent...

   Even Jon frowned. The dark green **** in front of him almost touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"I don't think you guys know..." Professor Sprout withdrew the flames, and carefully picked up a dark green ball on the ground: "Even if it's Mr. Felida Spoel's " There is no description of it in "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms"..."

"I call them the spores of the Devil's Net. They were discovered by an accident in October last year." Professor Sprout explained: "The Devil's Net is continuously stimulated with flame or strong light, but it is not directly burned. Burn them and they will eventually become spores."

   "Zacharias, come here!" Professor Sprout suddenly ordered.

   "Huh?" Zacharias-Smith walked over with some curiosity.

  Professor Sprout handed it the spores of the devil's net in his hand, and Zacharias took it dumbly...

   Just after holding it, the spores began to swell and grow violently, wrapping Zacharias's arms around...Poor Zacharias screamed in fright.

   Fortunately, Professor Sprout summoned a group of flames in time and rescued Zacharias' arm.

   The devil's net loosened, and Zacharias jumped out more than a dozen yards at the fastest speed, still muttering: "It's terrible!"

  The other Hufflepuff students couldn't help but laugh.

"That's right." Professor Sprout suppressed a smile: "The spores of the Devil Net, after being stimulated to a certain extent, will also have the same effect as the Devil Net, quickly trapping their prey... So ~ www. If we try to transfer the spores of Devil's Net, we must be more careful."

   "Is anyone willing to try to transfer the spores of Devil Net?"

   Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students looked at each other.

   "I'm coming!" Jon volunteered.

   "Okay, Jon... come by my side." Professor Sprout said quickly.

   Jon walked to Professor Sprout's body, bent down, and stared at the spore of a devil's net in front of him.

   "The action should be very gentle, the spores of the Devil Net are very hypocritical, as long as the action is a little rougher, they may attack you!" Professor Sprout said in his ear.

   Jon nodded, then very carefully, pinched the sides of a spore with two fingers, and finally placed it lightly on his palm.

   "Very good!" Professor Sprout continued to remind: "Keep it as stable as possible and send it to the flower pot on your right!"

   Jon took small steps and moved a little bit... more than ten seconds later, he carefully put the spores into the flowerpot.

   "Very exciting!" Professor Sprout first began to applaud: "I think I can add ten to Hufflepuff...Who else would like to try it?"

   "I'm coming!" Ginny Weasley volunteered.

Ginny also succeeded in getting a spore of the Devil's Net into her hand, but unfortunately, there was a small problem when moving... The spores entangled Ginny's whole body at a very fast speed. Fortunately, Sprout The professor rescued her in time.

   "It's okay, girl!" she asked with concern.

   Ginny nodded in shame.

   "You just moved too fast, you should..." Professor Sprout continued to explain.

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