The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 81: Teacher of Defense Against Dark Arts (Part 1)

  The herbal medicine class is over, and most of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's second-year students, humiliated, returned to the hall.

   Most of their bodies are covered with mud, and there are even traces of binding on their arms and legs.

   "What the **** did you do?" When Jon passed by Gryffindor's table, he heard Ron Weasley questioning his sister loudly.

   "Don't worry about it!" Ginny turned around angrily, not looking at him.

   Jon is one of the few students who have not received an "attack" from because of how talented he is, but because he was used to test tubes, droppers and pipettes in his previous life, so his hands would not shake casually.

   So it will not cause the hostility of!

   He successfully moved the three spores of the Devil's Net into the flower pot.

  Professor Sprout was happy, and added five points to Hufflepuff.

   came to the dining table in the hall, Jon took a corned beef sandwich and glanced at the class schedule while gnawing.

   There are two classes in the afternoon, both with Slytherin: Professor Snape's Potions class, and Professor Lupin's Defense against the Dark Arts class.

   Putting down the class schedule, Jon opened the other side of today’s Daily Prophet:

   The title is: Muggles claimed to have seen Sirius Black's trail on the shore of Loch Ness.

   The content is very simple, it is an ordinary girl playing on the shore of Loch Ness, who accidentally saw Blake appear there. She thought Blake was just an ordinary criminal, so she called a report... But when the Auror from the Ministry of Magic arrived, Blake could not be found.

   Jon doesn’t know the exact latitude and longitude of Hogwarts, but it’s definitely on the Scottish Black’s location should not be far from the school.

  Thinking about the spirit of Harry, the godfather, is quite admirable. Swim from Azkaban in the North Sea to Surrey (Private Road) in the southeast of England. After taking a look at Harry, he walked non-stop to Hogwarts in the Scottish Highlands.

   There is no magic wand, no magic, and survived for several months by gnawing mice and picking up trash. This life is also very miserable.


   At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jon appeared in the potions classroom on time.

   Like last school year, he and Astoria sat in the first row in front of a group of Slytherin students.

   Professor Snape taught them in this lesson, a medicine called "swelling potion", which can cause swelling in the parts of the body that touch the potion.

   Although it is difficult for Jon to imagine what the use of this potion is!

   But they still configured it meticulously.

   took out two teaspoons of dried nettle and three puffer fish eyes into a mortar, and then carefully grind them into fine powder; Astoria put a portion of bat spleen into a cauldron and boiled it with water...

   One hour later, the configuration is basically complete; after using the water bath to heat it at low temperature for 30 seconds, a pot of fresh lavender medicine is out.

   Snape glanced at Jon's water bath heating operation curiously, but didn't say anything.

   Jon carefully closed the lid of the cauldron to prevent the potion from spilling out.

   Before get out of class ended, Snape carefully checked their potions... As always, he didn't single out any faults, and didn't give any compliments.


   At 3:50 in the afternoon, Jon, Astoria, and a class of students came to the classroom where Professor Luhu's first Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

  Professor Lupin hasn't got here yet; so they all sat down and took out books, quill pens, and parchment.

   A few minutes later, Remus Lupin walked into the classroom, carrying a dilapidated suitcase, his clothes covered with patches.

   Because of this outfit, some of the Slytherin students couldn't help but become a little stern.

This is the first time Jon has observed the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher up close... Honestly speaking, Lupin is still handsome, if he does not have the thick aging lines on his forehead and his cheeks are shaved off. Those messy beard words.

   But for a "moderate" werewolf struggling with food and clothing, these are undoubtedly extravagant demands.

   After all, he can't even find a job, and he can't support himself.

   Such a wizard who has great strength, is strongly discriminated against by the orthodox wizarding world, and cannot even survive; he has not fallen into the darkness, which is already a very remarkable thing...At least Jon felt that he could not do it.

   "Good afternoon!" Lupin said with a smile: "Please put all the books back in your schoolbag; today is a practical class, you only need a magic wand!"

   In the last few classes of the school year, Professor Dumbledore has taken them to several practical classes.

   So the practical class is still very attractive to them.

   "So!" The professor saw that everyone was ready: "You follow me, okay?"

  Everyone followed Lupin one by one, crossed a corridor, and turned a turn at a fork in the road...

But the first thing they saw was the Pepy Ghost-this trick-or-treating ghost, head down floating in the air, stuffing chewing gum into the eye of the key closest to it .

   Only when Professor Lupin walked less than two feet away from Pippi, did Pippi raise his head and sang:

   "Silly and confused Lupin!"

   "Lupin with patched clothes!"

   "The poor Lupin can't afford to eat!"


   Pippi is always rude and likes to make trouble, but he usually respects the teachers.

   But this time, its behavior seems to be a bit excessive; even as if someone deliberately instructed him to do so!

   Lupin did not have any anger or shame on his face, as if Pippi’s lyrics were not about him.

   "If I were you, Pippy, I would take the gum out of the key's eye." He said calmly, "Otherwise Mr. Filch would not be able to go in and get things."

   However, Pippi did not respond, and continued to sing its ugly and insulting song.

   "Hey!" Lupin sighed and took out his wand.

   "A useful little spell," he turned around and said to the class, "Everyone is optimistic!"

   After speaking, he raised his wand above his head: "Waddiwasi!"

   That little piece of chewing gum came out of the keyhole like a bullet, and it hit Pippi’s face... and ejected the messy ghost a dozen yards away.

   "It's great, Professor Lupin!" Zacharias couldn't help saying.

   "Thank you, Mr. Smith." Lupin smiled and nodded: "Let's move on."

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