The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2118 The undiscovered facts are more important

Fan Zijue continued: "Now of course we can't expect Zhutian to help us improve the formation, let alone An Yi and the others to improve the formation protection to a level that can withstand the Zerg poison attacks and divine soul attacks..."

"Then what should we do?!" King Fu asked urgently.

"Don't worry, disciple! Didn't my master always tell you to stay calm and not panic when encountering big problems?"

"Oh Master, can I not be impatient in the current situation? I paid a huge price to get the military power for this expedition. I finally surpassed my eldest brother Shou Wang at this point. If the expedition goes unfavorably, I will be defeated instead. If the Zerg counterattacks, he will definitely laugh at me, and my father will definitely not treat me the same way as before..." King Fu frowned and said.

This matter may not necessarily change the current Immortal Emperor's view of King Fu, because with the wisdom of the Immortal Emperor, he can naturally see that the insect plague in the spiritual world has reached an extremely terrifying level, and the equipment of this Immortal Army is simply not enough to encircle and suppress them. , On the contrary, it is good to be able to escape from their counter-encirclement and suppression.

However, the battle for the crown prince has reached a fever pitch. If King Fu fails in his expedition and loses his troops, it will definitely become the focus of King Shou's attack. This is a very real problem.

What both sides look at is the result, not the process. Just like in the previous two parties' competition for the right to go to the expedition, King Fu won in the end. So how the two parties in the middle operated is no longer important. What is important is that King Fu won. This makes the situation surrounding King Fu win. All the forces were very proud!

If this were not the case, King Shou would not spend a lot of money to bribe Wu Siqi, let him help inspect the battlefield situation, and at the same time guide him in the action plan of the personnel sent to the spirit world!

Even Fan Zijue didn’t know this!

Because Ling Daozi didn't mention this to him, but Li Yun and Xiaoxing actually had this information.

It can be said that after King Fu won the right to go out, this team of King Shou, who was responsible for the destruction of the battlefield, had already set off. Now they have quietly appeared in the world behind the spiritual world, observing the situation and collecting information, in order to be able to Destroy the plan of King Fu's immortal army at the critical moment, causing him to suffer a defeat, or lose his troops and generals, and the gain outweighs the loss...

If King Shou wants to control this man and horse, of course he has to rely on Wu Siqi, the Holy Master of Immortal Court. Only through his monitoring system can he issue instructions as quickly as possible to let this man and horse play its due role!

Much of the information Fan Zijue had at hand was provided by Ling Daozi, and the level of detail far exceeded that of King Fu and the others. Therefore, he certainly had a clearer understanding of this war than King Fu and the others.

But Ling Daozi still had reservations,

No more secrets about Li Yun will be revealed. In addition, since the information is constantly being updated and changed, it is impossible to transmit it to Fan Zijue in a comprehensive and timely manner. Of course, Li Yun will take action as necessary.

Seeing King Fu's worry, Fan Zijue laughed secretly in his heart. It seemed that the previous analysis had worked, and King Fu finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

As a qualified lobbyist, you must not only have considerable status, but also have extremely high wisdom and eloquence, both of which are indispensable.

If you only have eloquence, even if you are eloquent and eloquent, without the corresponding status, you will not be able to convince others, which will greatly weaken your persuasiveness.

On the contrary, if you have the corresponding status but do not have good insight and eloquence, you will not be able to achieve the purpose of persuasion.

Fortunately, Fan Zijue has both. His identity, intelligence and eloquence are both the best choices. With the help of Ling Daozi's information, he can become an extremely competent lobbyist.

"It is indeed a good thing that my disciple has the ambition to compete for the world, but we must not rush into such a big matter! I have been observing and thinking about it over the years, and I can say something about my disciple's struggle with King Shou..." Fanzi Jue said.

King Fu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said anxiously: "Master, please tell me quickly!"

"A person's spirit grows as his strength grows. Just like you didn't have the intention to compete with Prince Shou at the beginning, but since you made great contributions in the last battle against the Western barbarians and gained your own power, , your ambition, or ambition, was born..." Fan Zijue said leisurely.

King Fu blushed slightly when he heard this, but he still nodded in agreement.

"But after all, you are still young and frivolous, and you are not as calm and stable as King Shou. He can go out to fight, or he can sit in the inner court and watch your changes. Your every move is under his supervision, so he can not panic There is no chaos, I can remain calm, and I can even give you such an important opportunity to go on an expedition!"

"Give it to me?! Master is saying..." King Fu was shocked!

I had paid a huge price for this opportunity to go on the expedition. How could King Shou give it to me? ! King Fu was a little confused...

"You said you spent a huge price. In my opinion, Wu Siqi should support you in the expedition, right? Because in this matter, only his support is the most powerful! But just imagine, Shou Wang After many years of business operation, his financial and material resources are only above yours and cannot be below yours. You can spend a lot of money, but he can afford it more than you!" Fan Zijue analyzed.

"This...disciple did give Wu Siqi a large sum of money..." King Fu muttered.

"According to my teacher's understanding, Wu Siqi is not a simple person, and his ambition is not small. Now that he holds the position of Immortal Court Saint Master, it can be said that he is inferior to one person and superior to hundreds of millions of people. But with such status and financial resources, he If I'm not satisfied, how can I value your financial bribe?" Fan Zijue continued.

"Master is saying...he is ambitious?!" King Fu said in shock.

"He must have ambitions! But what his ambitions are, we can't figure out now. His relationship with your father seems to be very harmonious on the surface, but no one knows what kind of agenda he has in his heart. ...In short, this person supported your expedition not because you bribed him with a sum of money, but because he also wanted you to expedition, so he took advantage of the situation!" Fan Zijue judged.

"It's actually like this..." King Fu was a little uneasy.

"Wu Siqi's monitoring in Xianting can get more information about the Zerg. Maybe he is already very aware of the seriousness of this insect plague and understands that this is a hot potato, and it may be a trap for anyone to go on an expedition..."

"Oh my God, did my disciple really jump into the pit?" King Fu's expression changed drastically, and he stood up!

Fan Zijue waved his hand and said: "Don't worry! So far, you have indeed jumped into the pit, but whether you can jump out of the pit again depends on your performance!"

"I...I...I..." King Fu was speechless, his heart beating violently...

Looking at his expression, Fan Zijue couldn't help but sigh: "There may be the shadow of Prince Shou behind this matter, because he could have spent a larger sum of money to get Wu Siqi to support his expedition, but maybe Wu Siqi Let him understand that this matter is not as simple as picking flowers, so King Shou's plan is completely opposite to yours. Instead, he encourages Wu Siqi to support your expedition..."

"Brother...Shou Wang...Wu Siqi..." Fu Wang gritted his teeth and said fiercely, his face a bit ferocious.

"They are waiting to see your jokes now, so in order to save yourself, for future development, and to avoid losing everything, you have to cheer up and finish the game well!" Fan Zijue encouraged. road.

"Master, you have to help my disciple! By the way, didn't you just say there is a way? What is it? My disciple must do it according to your method!" King Fu suddenly remembered this matter and said quickly.

Fan Zijue secretly laughed in his heart. After talking so much just now, what he was waiting for was King Fu's words, so he said: "Well, it sounds like there is no perfect way for anyone to do it. In fact, you have already been reminded of this road. It's just that You haven’t reacted yet…”

"Already warned? How come my disciple didn't notice it?!" King Fu was stunned.

"Haha, just because you haven't discovered it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and often things that haven't been discovered are more important facts!" Fan Zijue said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"This... undiscovered thing is more important? I don't know how to explain this?" King Fu thought.

"That's a good question! I didn't really understand this principle before, but I heard it mentioned recently. After thinking about it carefully, I found that it has profound meaning!" Fan Zijue said.

"I wonder what the profound meaning is?"

"For example, if you go to investigate how the people in a remote mountain village are doing, you give them some ordinary steamed buns and vegetable soup. After they finish eating, they will sigh and say that this is the most delicious food in the world, but..."

"but what?"

"Of course this is not true! Because we all know that there are many foods that are more delicious than ordinary steamed buns and vegetable soup. However, because those people have not been exposed to other foods, they believe that those ordinary steamed buns and vegetable soup are the only ones in the world. The most delicious. And…”

"what else?"

"A big ship sank at sea, and a man was saved by luck. People asked him why he survived. He said that he couldn't remember, but he kept chanting in his heart that the Immortal Emperor protected him, so people concluded that it was because of the Immortal Emperor. The emperor's radiance shone on him, allowing him to survive the shipwreck at sea, but..."

"but what?"

"Of course this is not true! The Immortal Emperor was very busy in the Immortal Court, how could he have time to save him? This man survived only because he hung on a floating board and was pushed back to the shore with the waves. It is the real fact that all the people on the same boat with him died. In other words, those people may have chanted the Immortal Emperor's blessing like this person, but the Immortal Emperor did not bless them. Therefore, in a critical moment, they can save themselves. It’s a floating board, not the Immortal Emperor who is far away in the Immortal Courtyard!” Fan Zijue said.

"It makes sense!" King Fu was enlightened and said thoughtfully.

"Of these two things, the unseen good food and more people dying are the real facts, but such facts are often ignored by people intentionally or unintentionally..."

. m.

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