The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2119 Survivor Bias

"Master is truly a man of great wisdom!" Prince Fu complimented.

"Haha, it was Ling Daozi who mentioned this to his teacher." Fan Zijue said with a smile.

"Ling Daozi? I wonder which immortal he is?" King Fu asked curiously.

"He is Li Yun's little slave and the person in charge of Shanhai Qixuan."

"Li Yun? Shanhai Qixuan?"

"That's right! My master came to the spirit world this time because he wanted to visit the Shanhai Qixuan in Rongbao City, so that he could meet the immortal army led by you there."

"So that's it! I wonder if the Li Yun that Master mentioned just now is the Yun Zun who appeared in the Antarctic of the spiritual world?" King Fu asked.

"It's him! Didn't he provide you with information about the Zerg? Last time in Rongbao City, Wei Shi had another conversation with Ling Daozi and confirmed this." Fan Zijue said.

"I didn't expect that one of Yun Zun's slaves could understand this truth. It shows that Yun Zun himself is also a very wise man!" King Fu praised.

"You finally discovered this! In fact, Li Yun has been looming around you for a long time, but you have ignored him. However, it is Li Yun's existence that gives you a chance to be reborn. Road! Therefore, the fact that you didn't discover it is more important!" Fan Zijue said as he circled around.


King Fu suddenly realized that Fan Zijue had been talking for a long time, and only now did he reveal what he really wanted to say!

"I wonder what kind of path Li Yun can bring to his disciple?" King Fu asked urgently.

"Of course it is a bright road! A road that disappoints King Shou and Wu Siqi! A road that allows you to return to the Immortal Court with your head held high..." Fan Zijue said.

King Fu's face turned red and his whole body trembled...

"You may not know how the last war between the insect plague and the soul clan ended, but I learned about it from Ling Daozi!"

"The ending? Isn't it just that the Soul Clan fled and the Zerg Clan dispersed?" King Fu asked curiously.

"No! The outcome of that battle was that all the soul clan members and all the Zerg clan were captured by Li Yun!" Fan Zijue said in shock.

"What?! How is this possible?! Aren't there still so many Zerg species?" King Fu said in shock.

"The bugs that appear in the world behind the spiritual world are not the ones from the last war, but the latest batch. Since the bug plague has been lurking here for a long time, even the current batch is not the last batch. There will definitely be new bugs appearing in the future, so eradicating bugs is a long-term task!" Fan Zijue explained.

"Oh my god..." King Fu exclaimed, finally being completely shocked!

"This is not a bad thing for you, on the contrary it is a good thing." Fan Zijue teased.

"But why?" King Fu perked up and asked quickly.

"As long as the Zerg exists, you can hold this fairy army to perform tasks in the spiritual world without having to hand over military power to the fairy court. You can also take this opportunity to ask for human, material and financial resources from the fairy court. Isn't this right for you? Is it a good thing?"

"That's right... Master's words made this young disciple suddenly enlightened!" King Fu suddenly realized and said excitedly.

"Haha, to achieve this small goal, you must also cooperate with Li Yun to complete a task!"

"What mission?" King Fu asked urgently.

"Use the Immortal Army as bait to attract the current group of Zerg to the big triangle area in the back world. Li Yun has laid a dragnet there. After all the Zerg arrive, he will start to catch them all. As for the new ones born in the future. The threat from the Zerg tribe should not be too great. You can safely encircle and suppress the Zerg tribe here. Li Yun has also promised to assist the fairy army in patrolling and suppressing them..."

Fan Zijue told Li Yun's plan in detail, and also took out other information jade slips provided by Ling Daozi for King Fu to see, including the shocking scene of wiping out the Zerg and Soul races in the Antarctic Circle, which made King Fu watch. I was so stunned that I almost collapsed on the ground...

"Okay...ok...ok!" King Fu said through gritted teeth.

In fact, he also understood that he had no way out at the moment. The more than 200,000 immortal troops were no match for the huge Zerg. Only by cooperating with Li Yun could he survive the desperate situation!

For a hero like him, the outcome is the most important. As long as he can achieve his goal, he doesn't care whether the more than 200,000 immortal troops will be taken to the ditch by Li Yun. Anyway, if he is defeated, he will have to Choose a path that has a chance of success!

What's more, with Fan Zijue's recommendation guarantee, and he saw with his own eyes the astonishing scene of Li Yun capturing the Zerg and Soul clan. Such a terrifying Zerg army and hundreds of thousands of Soul clan were all wiped out by Li Yun. As long as he cooperates well, , it is not difficult to recreate this scene!

"My disciple's ability to make such a determination shows that you are someone who plans great things!" Fan Zijue praised.

"Thank you, Master! How can my disciple cooperate with Li Yun?"

"Don't worry! According to Li Yun's information, he has sent people to set up formations in the Greater Triangle area, and he still has some things to deal with. The Zerg are still scattered, and it is estimated that it will take some time to gather. During this time, we can be free The goal of the operation is to accelerate the gathering process by attacking the Zerg. When the time is right, we will lead a large number of Zerg to the destination. At that time, Li Yun will take action, and we can withdraw..." Fan Zijue said.

"Well... I didn't expect that Li Yun was so powerful that he could deal with such a terrifying Zerg army. It's really incredible to my disciple!" Prince Fu exclaimed.

"If this matter were placed before the Fairy Links chess match, my teacher would not believe it. However, after that chess match, my teacher could see that Li Yun's power was extremely strong, and even my teacher was far behind. …”

"Is that so? Could it be that his chess skills are better than those of Master?" Prince Fu said in surprise.

"That should be the case! Although I have never played against him, by listening to his explanation, I can find that his understanding of chess has surpassed that of Wei and Wei Jiang, and..."

"And what?"

"My teacher found that his explanation was flawless and flawless, and he accounted for almost all the changes in every move... This kind of chess way is the avenue of chess, and it is the highest state that everyone wants to pursue but can never pursue. Unexpectedly, Li Yun actually Dare to choose such a high road to walk on..."

"Wow... The Great Way of Chess?! Can this be successful?!" King Fu was shocked.

"I don't know! However, at least his current chess power has surpassed that of Wei Shi and Wei Jiang. If this is not considered a success, then we are all losers..." Fan Zijue sighed.

"Oh my god..."

King Fu was extremely shocked when he heard this, and his confidence in cooperating with Li Yun doubled. His whole state suddenly rose to an extremely high level.

"The cooperation is still top secret and should not be disclosed to the outside world. After all, only part of this immortal army is your direct lineage, and the rest is the army of the Immortal Court. It is inevitable that there will be close associates of King Shou among them. Therefore, before taking action, You must not let anyone pass this information to the Zerg, otherwise this plan will be ruined!" Fan Zijue warned.

"Master is right!"

King Fu gasped, Fan Zijue was such a farsighted person, he even thought of this for him!

It's not that he hasn't noticed this problem, but it only exists faintly somewhere in his heart. After the recent difficulties, due to the complexity of the situation, his mind is a little confused. How can he still think of this?

Without Fan Zijue's reminder, he would have leaked this information as soon as he got excited and spoke quickly. But if someone from King Shou knew about it, it would be really easy to leak it to the Zerg.

It can be seen that even if a person is extremely wise and has all the plans, under some special circumstances, there will be situations where "a wise man will make a mistake after thinking a lot." At this time, it would be very helpful if someone can remind him. good.

King Fu now feels that he was so wise to take Fan Zijue as his disciple!

Fan Zijue looks like a rough man on the outside, but in fact he is a famous wise man in the immortal world. As the core disciple of the Qinglong clan, King Fu is an extremely important link to study under a wise man, which plays a role in his growth. great!

This actually corresponds to the meaning of his name, which is that he is a blessed person.

The two immediately started discussing the details of cooperation with Li Yun...

This scene naturally fell under Xiaoxing's surveillance. He smiled and said: "Fan Zijue really fulfilled his mission and took down King Fu so easily!"

"We have indeed found the right person! With Fan Zijue's status and wisdom, there is indeed no one more suitable to play the role of lobbyist than him. It can be said that we are also very lucky!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"He actually learned and applied the principle of 'survivor bias' that Xiaonu mentioned. No wonder he can become one of the great chess masters in the fairy world." Xiaoxing teased.

"Why did you ask Ling Daozi to explain this truth to him in the first place?" Li Yunqi asked.

The principle of survivor bias mentioned by Xiaoxing refers to what Fan Zijue said to King Fu earlier, that the fact that there is no existence is more important. This principle generally means that in order to understand the truth of a thing, one must understand its Comprehensive and objective data and facts, as the saying goes, listening to both will lead to understanding, but listening to partial information will lead to confusion. If you only understand a part of the facts and evidence of a matter, it will be difficult to reveal the truth, which will confuse the audience and give people a wrong understanding.

For Xiaoxing, he has absolute authority in this regard, because the truth of many things was finally confirmed through his extremely comprehensive understanding. If he is second in data collection and organization, no one else Dare to say number one, including Li Yun.

Many people often only have a superficial understanding of events, but do not delve deeply into the real reasons behind them. Therefore, they often make wrong judgments about the causes of events. This can be said to be the basic difference between ordinary people and wise men. One of them.

"The little slave told him this because they have never really seen the battle between the Zerg and the Soul Clan. What the Immortal Army sees after arriving in the spirit world will cause a wrong understanding of their preparations, and of course it will also affect King Fu. Are they determined to cooperate with us? Therefore, for them, the battle they have never seen before is the most important fact, just like the people who died in the shipwreck..."

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