The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2159 3 small spaces for topics

The requirements for interstellar colonization are actually very demanding. In addition to having a large spaceship and a large amount of consumable materials, you must also have a strong body to survive in the harsh interstellar vacuum environment; your lifespan must also be longer to adapt to the interstellar environment. A long journey; it is best for life to evolve hermaphrodite characteristics to ensure the reproduction of offspring and to ensure that life can travel in relays; strong force to ensure that it can protect itself when encountering foreign enemies, so as not to be harvested as leeks. …

If these conditions are not met, the most you can do is travel in the small world of Xuanling World. You can go to the demon world, demon world and soul world, but it is probably impossible to go any further.

People like the Zhenyang tribe are close to the late stage of the third-level civilization, so they have the ability to travel between other small worlds in this solar system. This is one of the reasons why they stand out among this group.

But it would be impossible for them to leave this solar system and go to other more distant solar systems or galaxies, so they can only be regarded as racial life forms of a third-level civilization.

However, Li Yun is different. With this Xingyun No. 1, he has the power to colonize. Even people in the cabin bridge space can see this even if they have no vision!

While everyone was enjoying such high-speed excitement, they were also extremely envious of Li Yun. He could really go wherever he wanted, relaxed and comfortable, and could come and go as he pleased...

At this moment, the seed of interstellar travel hidden in everyone's heart has quietly sprouted and begun to grow!

Many people have made up their minds to rely on Xingyun No. 1 no matter what, and hold on to Li Yun's lap, so that they will have the opportunity to travel to the stars and see more distant and beautiful things...

Of course, this is because they don't know yet that there is a super interstellar fortress like Xingyun No. 3. Once they know it, I'm afraid they will never be able to do without Li Yun again!

An interstellar fortress can be said to be a small moving planet. Its capabilities are beyond their imagination. At that time, no matter how powerful some of them are, they can only become part of the power of this fortress. They will be prosperous and suffer losses. damage!

Xingyun No. 1 shuttled through the sky like a sharp arrow, flying an extremely far distance without using any means of leaping...

Suddenly, everyone in the cabin felt that their tense bodies relaxed, the color on their faces slowly recovered, and they were finally able to breathe heavily.

However, there are still many people who are still in a comatose state, mainly people with low cultivation levels. They cannot fully adapt to such high speeds. A sudden flight like this is too stressful for them, and they can only pass out...

Li Yun scanned his consciousness slightly,

I felt a little relieved that they were all fine.

As for the soul army in the ship world, because their soul power is relatively high and they often fly and fight at high speeds, they have already adapted to such high-speed flight, so they are all fine. This is the power of the soul army!

The Soul Army should be born as beings belonging to the fourth-level civilization, because they are best able to adapt to high-speed flight, and this is the most basic point for interstellar colonization.

From this point of view, the various miracles that the Soul Army has achieved since their debut are actually nothing, because they are only showing their power in the third-level civilized world, and they are still far away from their main stage!

"Wow..." A burst of exclamations suddenly erupted from the cabin bridge!

It turned out that Xingyun No. 1 suddenly turned into nothingness in the starry sky, leaving everyone hanging in the starry sky without any cover. Not only could they bathe in the starlight, but when they turned around, they could see the spiritual world they had just left!

Oh... no one can imagine such a sexy operation!

I saw that the spiritual world in front of me was like a huge blue planet, with cyclones turning and flying on it, and large tracts of land, undulating like waves...

There are huge white ice caps at the two poles, and the vast aurora can be seen clearly even here, which is amazing!

"So beautiful!!!" Fairy Mengxia screamed, her pretty face as excited as a ripe peach.

“It’s so beautiful…”

At this time, everyone could not find better words to describe the spiritual world, and everyone looked a little crazy.

There were also those who had just woken up from a coma, but they were so frightened that they screamed. They didn't know where they were, why were they suddenly hanging in the sky?

It feels like being suddenly lifted over a cliff, like a nightmare...

These people were mainly members of the Miaolin tribe and people with lower cultivation levels in the Universiade Palace. After being told, they realized that they were in the starry sky, and the beautiful blue planet in front of them was the spiritual world they had stayed in before. I couldn't help but be so shocked that I opened my mouth wide and couldn't say a word!

"Okay, this state consumes too much energy and cannot last long. We have to continue flying!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Xingyun 1 gradually returned to normal and began flying...

However, everyone's shock seemed to have just begun. Everyone was extremely curious about the virtual function of Xingyun No. 1. They didn't know how it was done, so they asked Li Yun one after another.

In particular, the few members of the Zhenyang tribe who loved thinking had a spirit of questioning the bottom of the casserole. They asked Li Yun for a moment, and then simply said: "Seniors, the requirements for Feizhou virtualization are extremely high. This kind of ability is currently It is difficult to do in the Xuanling world. If you are interested, you can study it as a research topic, maybe you can gain a lot!"

"You mean...make it the third research topic?!" Fairy Wanzhu blinked.

"That's right! The first topic is the way of blending, the second topic is how to transform a mysterious warrior into a soul warrior, and the third topic is how to transform a flying boat into a void." Li Yun concluded.

Fairy Wanzhu, Xin Yang, Guo Huan and Fairy Zhaojing were stunned when they heard this. You know, they haven't even researched the first topic yet. Unexpectedly, there are two more problems now. They didn't feel that there were not enough problems before. , but now I feel a little nervous. If I continue like this, I am afraid that what lies in front of people like me will not be hills, but towering peaks and dangerous ridges!

"How is it? Are you scared?" Li Yun teased.

"Afraid? Huh, sister, there is no word "fear" in my dictionary. If you have any problems, just come over here!" Fairy Wanzhu gritted her silver teeth and said fiercely.

"Okay! Sister is great! Once you solve these three problems, I will definitely have more problems for you!"

"You?! seems like I can't do it if I don't try my best, sister!" Fairy Wanzhu said loudly.

"Then I will disturb the thinking and research of several seniors... However, regarding these three topics, I have prepared three small spaces for the seniors. Everything in them is information related to the issues. Maybe you can find the topics from them. The answer..." Li Yun pointed at the three small spaces that appeared in the cabin bridge space and said.

"Wow... Xiao Yun, sister, I love you so much!" Fairy Wanzhu screamed, then suddenly stopped and covered her mouth.

"Haha, haha, hahahahaha..." Everyone in the boat was laughing so hard that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

Fairy Wanzhu quickly ducked into the first small space, out of sight but out of sight!

Xin Yang, Guo Huan and Mirror Fairy also followed in. It seemed that if the method of blending was not discovered, they would not plan to leave the small space again.

Sheyang looked at their actions and nodded slightly. This is what the True Yang tribe should be like. If you don't think about it, you are not a True Yang tribe member. This awareness is deeply rooted in the hearts of every True Yang tribe member.

A ray of his spiritual consciousness also entered. For him, the method of blending was also extremely profound, and he needed to work hard with Fairy Wanzhu and the others to understand it.

Then, he transformed into two rays of consciousness and walked into the second and third spaces respectively. In this way, he only had one body of consciousness left outside. This processing was quite efficient, which made him feel proud of himself. Incessantly.

"The old guy is very greedy. Do you think our problem is really easy to solve?" Xiaoxing teased.

"The efficiency can indeed be higher, and it will be helpful to a certain extent, because these three topics involve many subjects, and some of them are related to each other. If we can draw parallels, there may be inspiration that will be more helpful in solving problems." Li Luck said.

"Although this is the truth, his thinking ability as a spiritual body is limited. Together they may be able to figure out a problem faster, but it is difficult to say if they are separated..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, that makes sense. In short, I don't think much of them..." Li Yun laughed secretly.

"That is, when they come out, maybe our beards will grow very long..."

The Zhenyang clan members took on three subjects to study, which made everyone in the cabin stunned. Unexpectedly, they did not even look at the magical and magnificent starry sky environment, but preferred to get into a small space to study some subjects. Could it be that this pair of cultivators Very helpful? It doesn't look like it...

However, they all know that these are the three Tao. If they really study them thoroughly, they can obtain the corresponding Tao power, and entering the Tao has a strong attraction for everyone.

Although the starry sky environment is good, it cannot help them enter the Tao. Therefore, some people are eager to try.

Especially the Miaolin people, who followed Lan Yu, Lan Lei and others out until now, have only felt that they have gained a lot at Xingyun No. 1. Now that they see that there are three obvious ways to go here, they feel that they should not miss such a good opportunity.

The plump Qingsong asked: "Master Yun, I wonder if we can also go in and have a look?"

"No problem! These three small spaces are open to all of you. If there are more people walking on the same road, you may be able to figure it out faster if you communicate with each other!" Li Yun encouraged.

"Great! Which small space does Yun Zun think I should go to?" Qingsong asked again.

"The middle one, because the method of blending and the method of flying boat virtualization are more difficult, and the method of how to transform a profound warrior into a soul warrior is relatively closer to your situation."

"Okay! Then I'll go to the middle one!" Qingsong said happily.

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