The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2160 King Shou Camp

Qingsong took the lead, and dozens of Miaolin tribesmen followed him and poured into the small space in the middle. Lan Yu saw that only Lan Lei, Lan Liu and Qingyun were left around him, and felt a little embarrassed. He gritted his teeth and said: "I won't join in the fun with them, just go to the third small space!"

He stood up and walked into the third small space, followed by Lan Lei, Lan Liu and Qingyun, and a large jade platform suddenly became vacant in the cabin bridge space.

With a thought, Li Yun sent these jade platforms and the wine, vegetables and fruits on them into a small space so that they could eat and drink while studying. This treatment was really good...

Others still wanted to watch the show of the dragon-horse battle, so naturally they didn't want to go in and think in front of the wall, so they started discussing the upcoming encirclement and suppression operation...

But the Dragon-Horse War is only known to a small group of people like Xingyun No. 1. At this time, what all the forces are paying most attention to is King Shou's 500,000 immortal army!

Their movements attracted the attention of King Fu, Yuan Yi, Wu Siqi, Sheng Emperor, and many other hidden forces. Of course, they were also paying attention to Li Yun's actions, but Li Yun could be described as a dragon who never saw his head. It's hard to find his whereabouts.

Except for Yuan Yi who could occasionally receive letters from Li Yun, it was impossible for others. Even Wu Siqi, who owned the world, could not detect Li Yun who was acting in stealth.

Therefore, no one knows where Li Yun is at this time, and whether he will appear in the demon world and the demon world. Regarding this matter, the one who is most concerned about this matter is King Shou.

Originally, he was so arrogant that he led an army of 500,000 immortals on a mighty expedition. Unexpectedly, before he reached the Immortal Ascension Platform to go to the demon world, he received an urgent letter from Wu Siqi, saying that the insect plague was so terrible that he might not even be able to defeat the 500,000 immortals. Jun was not his opponent, so he still waited for Li Yun to come over and help.

He was doubtful, so he led his immortal army to stop near the Shengxian Platform, waiting for further news from Wu Siqi. However, after a while, he still didn't receive any news, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Because, like King Fu, he had issued a military order when he went on the expedition. Moreover, this time, in order to show that he was more powerful than King Fu, the military order he issued was more stringent and had a time limit. If the insects could not be successfully exterminated within a certain period of time, then You will face the punishment of fairy rules and fairy strips!

At that time, not only will his face be lost, but his position as the crown prince may also be seriously challenged. This makes King Shou unable to sit still, and he is walking around like a fairy ant on a hot pot. Possibly burned to death…

"Why is there no news yet... Why is there no news yet... What on earth is the Holy Master doing..." King Shou paced, mumbling to himself.

"Brother, there's no point in being anxious. It's better to listen to the Holy Master and wait patiently for news from him..." Your King advised.

"But time waits for us! If we continue to delay like this, it will be impossible to complete the task ahead of schedule. Whether it can be completed on time is a question!" King Shou said harshly.

There were five immortal commanders beside them, namely Wu Ling, Qu Tianba, Guan Chong, Fairy Aohua and Fairy Hemerocallis. After hearing King Shou's words, their faces had different expressions.

These five people are all one of the top ten immortal commanders in Xianting, and they are ranked in the top five. The sixth place is Mugui Fairy who follows King Fu, and An Yi ranks eighth. It can be seen that the level of support of Xianting for King Shou this time has been To an incredible point.

With such a strong staffing, if you don't come back with a victory, it will be really hard to see anyone. Therefore, the pressure on King Shou is also increasing at the same time.

Qu Tianba hummed: "Prince, this little insect plague will be captured when we get there, why do you need to worry so much?!"

"That's right! Besides,

Who is that Li Yun? I’ve never even heard of it. Could it be that it burst out of some stone? Fairy Aohua echoed coldly.

King Shou was startled and stopped. The words of these two people aroused a sense of arrogance in his heart. He had never hesitated like this before when he led an army to fight against the Western barbarians. What happened this time?

Saint Master Wu Siqi had never supported him like this before, but didn't he still come back victorious?

It's just that his battle was too difficult, so King Fu took advantage of him and won the barbarian royal flag first, so his contribution was much smaller.

But this time is his real battle of proof. If he takes down the Zerg army, he will directly overwhelm King Fu, stabilize his position as the prince, and cultivate his Qinglong Qi!

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Guan Chong say: "Second brother and fourth sister, this insect plague should not be underestimated. It is many times more severe than the last barbarian rebellion in the West. We should wait a little longer according to the instructions of the Holy Master." Let’s go.”

"If you want to wait, just wait. I'm tired of waiting here!" Qu Tianba said loudly.

Guan Chong was startled, but his expression remained unchanged and he smiled and said: "Second brother, if you understand what happened to King Fu's immortal army in the spiritual world and who Li Yun is, you will have the patience to continue waiting..."

"Oh, is it so?"

"This is the latest information I just got from the Xianji Department, and I just wanted to show it to everyone!"

Guan Chong turned over his hand and found a few more jade slips, giving one piece to each person.

When everyone saw it, it was indeed the jade slip of information from the Immortal Machinery Department. The date was not long ago, and they quickly sensed it...

I saw everyone's faces changing slightly while reading, but in the end they became a little ugly...

The king couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that Lao Wu would achieve a great victory with the help of Li Yun!!!"

This victory is a wonderful victory for most people in the spiritual world and the immortal world, but for the half-million-person immortal army in front of them, it is like a huge mountain. It made them feel chills running down their spines...

King Shou and others finally understood why the last message sent by Wu Siqi did not mention King Fu's victory, but simply asked them to wait for news about Li Yun. Presumably the Holy Master did not want them to bear too much pressure. .

Moreover, the additional information from the Holy Master has not come again. There may be some other unknown reasons. What these reasons are is very suspicious!

However, some clues can be guessed from the information provided by the Xianji Department. Guan Chong was able to guess this with his wisdom and vision.

Just listen to him say: "Prince, the Holy Master may be studying how Li Yun wiped out the Zerg army. Once he studies it, new supplementary information will be sent. By then, even if there is no information about Li Yun, We can also imitate Li Yun’s method of killing insects to deal with the insect army in the demon world and the demon world!”

"It makes sense! It seems that the Holy Master must have felt that the few tips he provided me last time were still flawed. After seeing the scene of Li Yun helping King Fu to wipe out the Zerg army, he is studying the essence..." King Shou praised.

"Prince, this method must be quite secretive, because the information of the Immortal Machinery Department has not been revealed. It is probably related to King Fu's blockade! But haven't we already sent Tuku and others to lurk in the spirit world? There are hundreds of people hanging around. Among the Fu Wang Immortal Army, why haven't they sent the message yet?" Guan Chong asked curiously.

"Tuku? Humph, these losers! They seem to have disappeared. How unreasonable?!" King Shou suddenly realized and couldn't help but cursed!

It's a coincidence that just after King Shou finished cursing, he saw a flash of light. When King Shou saw it, it was the message from Tuku. He quickly picked it up and took a closer look, and his expression changed continuously...

"Prince, how is the situation?" Fairy Hemerocallis asked in a sweet voice.

"This... they were almost attacked by the Zerg. Fortunately, they escaped under Li Yun's guidance and hid in a small space provided by Li Yun. They also witnessed the encirclement and suppression battle with their own eyes!" King Shou said.

"Wo..." Everyone cheered up and there was an uproar!

"How did this Li Yun wipe out the Zerg?!" Fairy Aohua no longer showed contempt, but asked urgently.

Because after listening to what Guan Chong and Shou Wang said just now, she finally realized that Li Yun was really a powerful person. She would naturally be in awe of powerful people, which was extremely normal in the Xuanling world.

"They...didn't see clearly either!"

"But why?!"

"Because the whole process was carried out invisibly, they only saw the Zerg being gradually wiped out, but the specific reasons could not be seen clearly. Even Lao Wu's subordinates did not know it. It is estimated that this secret is only in the hands of a few people..." King Shou sighed.

"What? They are so cunning?!"

Wu Ling, Qu Tianba, Aohua, Hemerocallis and others all felt a little uneasy. Unexpectedly, Li Yun and King Fu had already considered the issue of not leaking secrets when they wiped out the Zerg army, which made them look at each other with admiration...

"That's right! This Lao Wu..." King Shou snorted, and his expression became a little ferocious.

In his opinion, the old Five Lucky Kings must have a fight with him!

Did he already know that he would also lead troops on an expedition? Impossible, this secret only happened recently, and wasn't Lao Wu constantly running into obstacles in the spiritual world at that time?

King Shou thought about it, thought about it, and thought it was impossible. The reason why Lao Wu hid the method of killing insects must be because he had already taken precautions against himself and wanted to keep these secrets in his heart.

Therefore, if the Holy Master cannot develop Li Yun's method of killing insects, he may have to do it on his own!

He immediately said: "Dear uncles and aunts, the Holy Master must be studying the secret of insect suppression now, but he is not as clear as Tuku saw it at the scene. Although Tuku cannot see the secret of insect suppression, he can't see the secret of insect suppression. In your eyes, is there nothing you can do? My nephew is a little unconvinced..."

King Shou's words were quite stimulating and aroused a surge of arrogance in the hearts of Wu Ling and the other five people. Wu Ling said: "Prince, don't worry, we will study and suppress the attack immediately based on the information provided by Tuku." With the Insect Method, I believe it won’t take long for us to come to a conclusion and then we can go on an expedition!”

"Okay! My nephew, please leave it to your uncles and aunts!" King Shou was secretly happy and said quickly.

Soon, the five marshals, King Shou, and King Gui began to study this issue, and they argued fiercely with each other...


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