The Legend of Lingpeng

5. Preparation

After Lucy walked through the well-lit passage toward the second exit, she reached the threshold and was immediately struck by the buzzing energy of a large crowd. The air was thick with anticipation, voices rising and falling like waves.

“Miss Adapter, I’m Loretel Zix from the Maeril Guild. Our guild invests heavily in promising talents.”

“Bunz Guild kindly mentors Second Awakening Adapters and Wizards, ensuring you grow in a supportive environment.”

“Sirin Guild invests significantly in re-awakened Adapters and Wizards, providing the necessary resources to fulfill your dreams…”

Renowned guild recruiters filled the space, their voices cutting through the hum of excitement. They thrust glossy cards and colorful flyers into eager hands, their eyes darting around, searching for someone worth signing. Lucy felt a twinge of irritation as they glanced at her briefly, likely dismissing her based on her C+ potential. She rolled her eyes at the thought. They would regret it later when she shattered her limits and proved her worth.

Navigating through the crowd felt like winding through a bustling creek, the throng branching out around her. She relished her anonymity; it allowed her to escape the relentless pitches of the recruiters. In any case, she considered herself fortunate. It would have been annoying to receive offers she wouldn’t take. With all her stats—except Magicules—at C++ rank, she wasn’t exactly guild material.

Letting out a deep breath, Lucy pulled a letter from her cloak. Jessica Chang had given it to her after calling with her Adapter's kit and recommending her for a vacant slot to take the Adapter's license exam. Working in the Talent Re-evaluation Guild as a Maintainer and Test Conductor, Lucy was surprised when the slot was granted instantly after she agreed to have her registration filled out through the kit.

She also printed the recommendation letter. As Lucy read it, she felt a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. Why had Jessica done this for her just because she asked? Was it pity, or did she have some hidden motive? Lucy suspected that even if Jessica had motives, she wouldn’t reveal them. Still, she had to know. Jessica's answer had been strange when she asked her, her cherry-red lips curving into a slight smile.

“...I’m just curious how far a C+++ potential of a student from  prestigious magical institutes in Elvaris would go.”

With a slightly tight grip, Lucy opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. The bold headline came into view: 

“Adapter’s License Registration Bureau?”

[Sender: Adapter’s License Registration Bureau

Recommendation: Talent Re-evaluation Guild

Purpose: Adapter’s License Exam

Congratulations on your Second Awakening, Lucy Lingpeng.

This recommendation is only given to special registered second-awakened Adapters, nominated by someone of great influence.]

Lucy swallowed hard, a knot forming in her stomach at the mention of “great influence.” Jessica Chang's name loomed large; her instincts had been right. This prestigious nomination felt like both a gift and a heavy weight on her shoulders.

She continued reading, her heart racing.

[To officially work as a full-fledged Adapter, you need to obtain an Adapter Kit. This kit serves as the emblem of a second-awakened Adapter and Wizard. It also contains your Adapter license and is a communication tool. To acquire one, you must register formally at the Adapter’s License Registration Bureau. We conduct exams to assess whether you qualify for this emblem and are fit to operate within Towers and Dungeons.

Location: Middle States, XINE
Date: Second Tuesday of every month.]

The letter was brief yet packed with urgency. With only twelve days left, pressure mounted in her chest. The Adapter’s license exam would challenge her combat skills and survival instincts. If she passed, she would receive the coveted Adapter Kit and a brief training session—her gateway to hunting stronger monsters as a second-awakened Adapter.

Considering her current stats, she felt a twinge of confidence, though doubts flickered in the back of her mind—would she truly measure up?

A smirk tugged at her lips, a mix of determination and excitement igniting within her.

Twelve days? That was plenty of time for Lucy to pass this exam with flying colors.

Lucy left the bustling capital of Elvaris and made her way to the outskirts as the afternoon sun bathed the streets in harsh gold. Her stroll gradually picked up pace, shifting to a jog and then to a run. Though not fast, it was enough to help her regulate her breathing, heartbeat, and blood pulse, as taught at the Academy.

She ran through the park filled with kids and their parents, all enjoying the serenity of the afternoon. The well-maintained riverbank sparkled like liquid silver under the blazing sun, while a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers. The forest nearby was packed with tall trees and lush vegetation, full of life and luster, mingling with old shiros and buildings in the neighborhood.

Reinforcing a solid foundation was crucial for a student of the Arcane Academy. Running built muscle, regulated blood flow, and improved magical efficiency. It was simple yet highly effective, though not everyone could sustain it without proper control over their breathing and heartbeat.


Without stirring her mana or activating her passive trace mode, sweat began to bead on her forehead. Despite the cool breeze, it trickled down her cheek and along her neck. Her heart pounded, and her lungs burned, yet she remained calm, breathing steadily. As her muscles tensed, she struggled to maintain control.

Under the slightly harsh weather, her face glistened with sweat, as if drenched in rain, while she kept her pace along the shaded forest path. The massive canopy overhead created a cool, dark atmosphere, making the air damp with moisture, and every stump was covered in moss.

Building a sturdy physique with an unshakable foundation was essential for any Adapters and Wizards. Lucy's heart hammered against her ribcage, and her lungs screamed for air as she inhaled and exhaled in ragged breaths, drenched in sweat. She struggled to maintain control, questioning why she ranked only eleventh in the Academy, unlike the geniuses and prodigies. Was this the reason?

With her calves tightening painfully, she pushed herself to keep her breathing steady. Each step grew heavier, sweat trickling down her neck and soaking her armpits. 

But she pressed on.

As she ran deeper into the forest, her body finally hit its limit. Control slipped away; her heartbeat thundered, and her legs felt like iron bars. Still, she refused to stop. The well-maintained forest surrounded her, and as the sun dipped lower, casting a warm, golden hue over the trees, Lucy leaned against the sturdy trunk of a towering oak. The cool evening air rustled through the leaves, soothing her skin as sweat dripped from her face and hands. Her legs trembled from the strain, but she focused on her harsh breathing.

Looking up, she realized how vast the forest was, its thick canopy blocking most of the sky. She had passed through it every weekend but had never truly seen its majesty until now.

She continued running, her heavy feet pushing off the ground like a flying arrow. Though on the verge of collapse, one thought propelled her forward as the breeze brushed her face: “I’m getting stronger to become the richest in the world.” 

Even Alberto within her felt her unwavering resolve. Sweat, once minimal, now poured down her face as Lucy pressed her boots into the ground, fists clenched tight. Blood surged through her veins like lightning, her heartbeat thundering in her ears while her lungs screamed for air, forcing her to gasp with her mouth open. 

Onlookers felt her determination radiating, witnessing her struggle. 

Then, whether from extreme weariness or peak fatigue, her body flipped a switch; Trace activated automatically, her control slipping as exhaustion took hold.

[‘Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique’ influence snakes through your skin.]

The trace around her body hummed softly, glowing with a greenish-blue gradient. Her heartbeat quickened, while energy pulsed through her veins, bringing a steady calm to her breathing. The soft glow flickered along the geometric and traditional patterns of her tattoos, illuminating the intricate designs.

[“Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique” detected. Syncing with “Traces.”]

[Synchronization in progress.]

[Synchronization complete.]

['Passive mode' has shifted to 'Active mode.']

[Mana absorption rate: 85%.]

[Duration: 10 minutes.]

[Countdown started.]

As the countdown voice echoed in her mind, Lucy marveled at the status window’s series of notifications. With every step and breath, magicules seeped through ‘trace’ pushing thick waves of mana from her core into her energy pathways. She expanded each one—she couldn't adjust or expand previously—working methodically.

Her heartbeat stabilized, and her breathing grew steady. Once vigorous, her blood now flowed with a regulated rhythm. She circulated the mana throughout her body, repeating the process several times. By expanding her pathways, she enhanced her ability to absorb high waves of mana without disrupting her existing circulation.

Each method had its purpose: one expanded her pathways for better retention, while the other ensured efficient circulation. Gradually, Lucy sculpted her body into an unparalleled adapter for high waves of mana. As frost escaped her mouth, warmth filled her heart, and the sweat that had dripped from her jaw finally faded away.

Finally, the rest of the pathways have been adjusted and expanded,  she thought. She flowed faint waves of mana through her pathways, inspecting them closely. They felt sturdy and well-formed. This was enough for now, especially with the countdown nearing its end.

But how long had it been? How long had she been running?

Her bones creaked no more; her muscles finished stretching and contracting. With her veins unclogged, blood and mana surged to every corner of her body. Eventually, the pulsing waves of mana in her veins ceased. Sensation returned to her heavy legs, and the restlessness and exhaustion vanished. Not only were her pathways sturdier, but their quality had improved as well.

[Countdown completed.]

[Synchronization has been reduced.]

['Active mode' has shifted to 'Passive mode.']

[85% of Mana has been absorbed.]

["Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique" has been deactivated with "Traces."]

[Due to the effect of "Traces” your physical stats have improved.]

[Strength has increased by 2.]

[Endurance has increased by 3.]

[Agility has increased by 3.]

As the onslaught of system notifications flashed before her eyes, Lucy halted, gasping for air. Her chest heaved as she filled her lungs with the cool, crisp evening air, relief washing over her like a balm. The notifications encouraged her: “Keep going; you’re not done yet.”

With renewed determination, Lucy pressed on, weaving through the forest toward the streets where her ten-story building loomed. She took brief pauses to catch her breath before ascending the stairs to her cabin on the middle floor. With a decisive shove, she slammed the door shut behind her.

From dawn to dusk, Lucy followed a disciplined routine. Each morning, she admired her tattoos in the mirror, the intricate patterns a testament to her journey. Then she plunged into her workout: one hundred push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and jumping jacks. Sweat beaded on her skin, each drops soothing her as the exertion banished lingering thoughts. Afterward, she took a warm bath, carefully combed her hair, and tied it into a perfect ponytail. Breakfast fueled both body and mind, a necessary ritual.

Dressed swiftly in a high-collared black cloak, a long-sleeved shirt, and two brown leather belts, she secured her sword in its black sheath at her side. Sturdy brown boots completed her outfit. Fully prepared, she knew there was no time to waste. To pass the Adapter’s license exam and earn her kit, relentless training was essential. She pushed herself beyond exhaustion, her muscles screaming with every effort.

The well-maintained forest welcomed her, tall trees and lush vegetation thriving in harmony. The outskirts neighborhood, with its shiros and aging buildings, gave way to a shimmering riverbank, the water glinting like liquid silver under the sun. A gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers as she passed through a park, where children played and parents relaxed, savoring moments away from the bustling capital. She focused on maintaining control over her traces, pushing herself until she felt ready to collapse.

Through sheer will, Lucy transcended exhaustion, sweat, and pain. Trace activated, its wonder surging through her with each breath. Her tattoos—geometric and traditional patterns—radiated a faint greenish-blue light, their edges tinted with dark lavender. With each moment of training, her control and more fluidity between switched modes over Trace sharpened, enhancing her Atmospheric High-Density Mana Absorption.

As dusk fell, she walked slowly back to her cabin, finally allowing herself to rest. The sky darkened, lit only by the soft glow of well-aligned streetlights made of magical beads, casting long shadows on the empty streets. Her muscles protested as she jogged up the stairs, slamming the door behind her. Instead of collapsing into bed, fatigue wrapped around her like a heavy cloak as she prepared a meal. Her stomach growled, demanding attention.

Lucy made noodles, pouring hot water into the bowl and watching the ingredients mingle, steam rising in delicate tendrils. With a few twists of her fork, the meal was ready, rich aromas enveloping her. She took a sluggish bite; the noodles slid easily into her mouth. The taste was divine, though the heat and spice had her gulping water between bites. Sweat dripped down her face, but she didn’t stop until the bowl was empty. After drinking more water, she prepared a bath.

Steam curled into the air from the wooden tub as she sank into the warm water, its heat soothing her aching muscles. Her mind raced even as the warmth relaxed her. Gasping for air, she smiled through her fatigue.

“This is just the beginning,” she whispered, conviction resonating within her.

The next morning, despite the Trace flickering faintly and passively absorbing mana, her body ached as if she had been hit by a truck. Each movement sent jolts of discomfort through her muscles, but satisfaction brimmed in her heart.

Four days remained—four days to prepare for the Adapter’s License Exam. At that time, she wasn’t just going to pass; she was determined to dominate.

This Chapter came late than expected. I hope you won't mind...

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