The Legend of Lingpeng

6: Preparation II

Lucy lay back in her bathtub, the lukewarm water barely soothing her skin as thin wisps of steam curled upward. 

[Trace “Standby mode” had shifted to “Passive mode”]

A faint message blinked in front of her eyes: the glow, barely noticeable at first, flickered weakly. Gradually, it brightened—just enough for someone with keen eyes to see. The glow pulsed softly, absorbing mana like a single drop of water falling from a stalactite, sending ripples through a silent pond.

She felt the subtle shift, the one between "Standby" and "Passive mode." It was always strange, this automatic change—her body responding to invisible cues. Hormones, mood swings, the faintest signals, and the fluctuating magicules coursing through her. She doubted she'd ever get used to it.


Feeling the warmth of the water envelop her, Lucy let her thoughts drift to her recent efforts. For two days now, she had stuck to a rigid routine: training her body by running through the streets, sometimes sprinting, other times at a steady jog with and without trace, her muscles burning with each movement. By the time the sun dipped below the horizon, she would return home, aching but satisfied. The bath was her reward—a soothing balm that eased the tension coiled deep within her body, melting away the soreness that had built up from the day’s exertion. It was like her muscles sighed with relief, the fatigue unwinding from her bones.

Afterward, she made herself a simple bowl of noodles and grilled meats, the warm broth filling her stomach, but not quite her appetite. The hunger inside her was never truly satisfied.

At night, she absorbed magicules, a different kind of nourishment and training. This routine had become her creed, a discipline she'd followed since visiting the Talent Re-evaluation Guild, preparing for her next goal—the looming Adapter’s License Exam.

But even after the bath, even with dinner settled in her belly, Lucy’s monsterized instincts clawed at her, restless and demanding. Power. It was always there, like a pulse under her skin, driving her forward, refusing to let her rest. Even in her human form, that hunger lingered, relentless.

Wrapped in a towel, her skin still warm from the bath, Lucy could feel the undercurrent of that need thrumming through her veins. She dried herself off, dressed in her usual shorts and t-shirt, but the familiar comforts didn’t quiet it. That drive was a legacy from her past—a fire that never truly extinguished.

Seating herself cross-legged in the middle of the room, her palms pressed firmly to the ground, Lucy anchored herself. The rug beneath her felt rough against her skin, a small discomfort that kept her grounded in the present. She took a deep breath, trying to focus. But the hunger was there, unyielding and insistent, a constant reminder of what she sought. Power. Growth. Survival. Riches. 

No matter how much she pushed herself, it was never enough. And it wouldn’t be, not until she became what she was destined to be.

Lucy let out a deep breath, feeling the night breeze drift in through the window, cool against her skin, carrying with it the soft caress of moonlight. She knew it was time to absorb the Atmospheric High-Density Mana using the “Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique”. Her eyes shimmered briefly, a flash of anticipation and focus, before fluttering shut. A low, resonant hum surrounded her, as though the very air responded to her presence, vibrating in tune with the glowing aura that enveloped her—pulsing in a shifting gradient of greenish-blue light.

As always, her heartbeat quickened. Her breathing steadied, syncing with the energy flowing around her. Blood surged through her veins, the soft glow flickering along the intricate geometric and traditional tattoos etched into her skin, each line coming alive in time with the rhythm of her pulse.

[“Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique” detected. Syncing with “Traces.”]

[Synchronization in progress.]

[Synchronization complete.]

['Passive mode' has shifted to 'Active mode.']

[Mana absorption rate: 91%.]

[Duration: 20 minutes.]

[Countdown started.]

As the voice echoed in her mind, Lucy marveled at how her [mana absorption rate] had increased over time. The duration to absorb 91% of high-density atmospheric mana had now reached 20 minutes. Training her physique, along with unlocking, expanding, and building her pathways, had its perks. In her past life, it hadn’t been this fast. No—back then, things were much slower. Being human was more useful than she had expected.

A faint smile crossed her lips as she considered this, but she quickly pushed the thought away. The world around her seemed to soften, growing quieter with each breath—the distant rustle of leaves stirred by the chilly breeze—faded. The greenish-blue glow of trace flickered softly, dimming and brightening in a slow rhythm, matching the beat of her heart. She felt the pull of energy bubbling through trace into her skin, warm and tingling, like the kiss of sunlight after a cold night, as she slipped further into her focus.

As time passed, the moon drifted across the sky. Hours slipped by while Lucy remained still, drawing mana with unwavering focus. High-density atmospheric mana shimmered around her skin, flowing in waves across her epidermis. Out of 91% of her mana absorbed mana—due to the trace, which also acted as a temporary reservoir, storing it efficiently—only Seventy-five percent of the absorbed mana, misty, faintly glowing energy cascaded steadily, seeping down like water through her Derma and into the energy circuit pores beneath, its flow constant and relentless. It funneled into the intricate web of circuits woven throughout her body, circulating with each breath.

This was a marked improvement from when she first began. Back then, her Mana Absorption rate hovered in the 70s or 80s, with roughly 20% being redirected to the traces as temporary storage. Even during a 10-minute absorption cycle, energy losses—due to heat, repeated circulation, and the repelling of waste—meant only a fraction of that energy made it into her core. 

Now, she could absorb nearly 50%, a notable advancement. The once wild, dense mana had grown fluid, coursing through her like a deep, steady current. With every breath, more of it surged into her core, flowing seamlessly and continuously, unhurried but unstoppable.


Sweat seeped down Lucy’s forehead, back, armpits, and even between her legs. The night air, cool and sharp, kissed her damp skin, making her shiver. Her clothes clung tightly, the fabric heavy and uncomfortable, but the contrast of warmth from her body and the chill in the air was oddly soothing.

She took a deep breath, the earthy scent of damp leaves and distant rain filling her lungs, grounding her in the moment. Who would have thought she’d still be learning to trace mana—something she’d never known in her previous life?

The high-density mana thrummed through her energy circuit, almost like a soft hum vibrating just beneath her skin. Each inhale and exhale synced her body to the flow, the subtle crackling of energy around her merging with the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. With every breath, she felt more in tune, more alive.

[Trace proficiency has increased by 1%.]

[Mana: 24 →26]

[Senses: 20 → 23]

[Trace proficiency has increased by 0.5%.]

[Mana: 26 →27]

[Senses: 23 → 26]

[Trace proficiency has…]




A series of messages flickered in the back of her mind, informing her of her [Mana] increase—by [2], then by [1]. Her Trace proficiency fluctuated—rising, then falling. These abnormalities, though unusual, didn’t alarm her. She chose to ignore them. Her focus was singular, her thoughts fixated on absorbing as much Mana as possible before the countdown reached zero.

Time slipped away like steam from boiling water, and Mana flowed through her body in steady currents, pooling into her core. She was lost in the rhythm of it until the sudden sting of the countdown jolted her back to reality.

[Countdown completed.]

[Synchronization has been reduced.]

['Active mode' has shifted to 'Passive mode.']

[91% of Mana has been absorbed.]

["Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique" has been deactivated with "Traces."]

[Due to the effect of "Traces” your physical stats have improved.]

[Strength has increased by 1.]

[Endurance has increased by 4.]

[Agility has increased by 1.]

As the barrage of notifications flashed before her eyes, Lucy paused, letting out a sigh laced with reluctant acceptance. The cool night air brushed against her skin, causing her drenched clothes to cling uncomfortably to her body. Relief washed over her, like the calm after a storm. The rush of absorbing Mana in active mode had faded. Though hunger and fatigue gnawed at her, they felt like a small price to pay for the surge in her physical stats. She'd been so focused that she hadn’t even noticed the black, hardened residue that had pushed out from her pores.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, armpits, and neck with a towel, the breeze cooling her flushed skin. Stripping off her soaked clothes, she tossed them into the laundry basket meant for magical cleaning. The crisp air felt refreshing as it hit her bare skin, and she wrapped herself in a fresh towel, its soft fabric a welcome contrast to the roughness of her training.

Mentally, she summoned the notification window, eager to see the results of her hard work. Her breath caught as the updates filled the screen.

Though she'd anticipated it, the sight still surprised her, quickly followed by a surge of elation.

[Mana: 24 → 35]

[Senses: 26 → 33]

[Trace proficiency: 5% → 9.5%]

A nice surge of proficiency in 'Trace' had increased by 9.5%. It wasn’t much, but it signaled just how hard it was to raise the level of a Rank S ability. She had gained an entire point of [Mana], even though it had started to slow down, just like her [Senses]. Still, it was far more progress than she had expected.

“Nice…” Lucy nodded proudly, a wild thrill rushing through her. Gaining this much in just one night? Amazing.

Maybe it was her familiarity with this path, or maybe the unexpected completion of the "Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique" that had pushed her development faster. Lucy wasn’t sure why her progress had suddenly surged, unlike in the past. But, in the end, it didn’t matter.

The results were undeniable.

As long as she kept growing stronger, that was all that counted. She brushed aside her doubts and focused on her progress. The exhaustion she’d felt earlier had been wiped away by the Breathing Technique, and the sweat that had soaked her skin was gone. A chilly breeze brushed against her, cooling and calming her.

The saying goes, “Metal becomes stronger after being melted and forged.” Right now, she feels indomitable.

Originally, twelve days until the Adapter's license exam, and Lucy wasn’t wasting a single one. She jumped to her feet, adrenaline coursing through her veins. But then, an unpleasant scent broke her focus.

Ugh. The smell.

It was coming from her. A bath was definitely in order. She hurried to the bathroom, her footsteps echoing against the tiled floor, and prepared warm water with a quick spell.

As she sank into the steaming bath,  her body—after ten days of nonstop training—had gone through some serious changes. With a thought, she summoned a full diagnosis, and a fairly long screen flickered to life in front of her eyes, ready to reveal the toll her efforts had taken.

[Name: Lucy Lingpeng.

Level: 2

Race: Human 

Class: None.


Strength: 37

Agility: 39

Endurance: 42

Mana: 35 [Traces]

Senses: 33


He Who Transcends Genders and Time: Your accumulated deeds have bent the rules of origins and Time. Hunt monsters and gain Experience points to increase proficiency. 


[Void eye]: Access to other Servers within Akashic Records to view information on any target, living or nonliving. 

[Trace — Completion: 100% — Condition: Currently in “passive mode”]

Leaning back against the bathtub, satisfaction tugged at Lucy's lips. She admired her refined physique, shaped by efforts, struggle, sweat, blood, and tears—but definitely not piss. Her body had transformed, and her stats surged. Even her “trace” had gained some proficiency. After ten days of pushing her limits, it all felt worthwhile.

Swiping the screen away, Lucy soaked in the moment before stepping out of the tub. She dried herself with a clean towel and stretched her torso and neck, adjusting to the changes in her body.

Type: Seven Formations of Twilight Breathing Technique
Rank: S
Completion: 100%
Proficiency: 5% → 9.5

An automatic mana absorption system, its traces cover every part of the wielder’s body. It functions in three modes: active, passive, and standby. By manipulating the atmosphere, it absorbs mana through breathing.

Condition: Currently in "passive mode."]

Lucy stared in disbelief as Trace's proficiency soared from 5% to 9.5% in just ten days. Roasting deer meat over a griller she had caught earlier, she marveled at her progress. In her past life, achieving such a milestone with ‘trace’ had taken nearly two weeks. Now, it felt like moving from a snail's pace to that of a racing tortoise.

After finishing her meal of savory grilled meat paired with twisted noodles, she stepped outside her cabin. Wrapped in her high-collared black cloak, she wore a long-sleeved shirt tucked neatly into two brown leather belts. Reliable brown boots grounded her, while her 81 cm sword rested snugly in its black sheath at her side, gleaming faintly in the moonlight.

The nearby forest called to her, a significant distance from the ten-story building she considered home. The darkness wrapped around her like a cloak, and the quarter moon hung above, casting silvery light on her path. As she ventured out, she estimated based on the darkness and the position of the quarter moon shining brightly above, it was almost five o'clock. She had decided to leave her residence at this hour to test her physical strength.

Upon entering the chill and profound silence of the forest, only the whisper of the wind, the eerie hooting of demonic owls, and the unsettling pulse of sinister insects broke the starry night. Lucy unsheathed her sword, the blade sliding smoothly from its leather scabbard, gleaming in the soft moonlight.

In the vacant clearing, surrounded by towering trees, Lucy inhaled deeply, releasing the tension coiled within her. She began to stir her Mana, focusing intently as it surged through her. A gentle greenish-blue light–like the flow of water—filled the space, tendrils of Mana weaving gracefully around her.

As she channeled this energy into her sword, it thrummed with power, the Mana curling around the steel blade until it radiated a vibrant greenish-blue glow, illuminating the darkness around her.

[Trace “Passive mode” had shifted to “Standby mode”]

[Mana snaked through “trace”, and coursed through your body.]

[Due to the influence of Mana, all stats indirectly increase by 10%]

Neglecting the persistent notification flashing in her peripheral vision, Lucy swung her sword. The blade sliced through the air with a menacing hiss as it struck the thick trunk of a nearby tree. With her Mana stat at 35 and her Strength stat nearing 40, boosted by a 10% bonus, a deep gash marred the bark, releasing wisps of vapor from the impact. Compared to her early stats after her Second Awakening, these figures were three times higher, making her strike far more devastating.

Taking a deep breath, Lucy partially unsheathed her sword and turned her attention to a massive boulder nearby. She wrapped her arms around it, her muscles taut as she prepared to lift.

“Hyaaah!” she shouted, her voice cutting through the stillness. With every ounce of strength, she gripped the rock, her muscles contracting as Mana surged through her veins, a powerful rhythm pulsing beneath her skin.

The ground trembled beneath her feet. She grunted, straining as the boulder, easily weighing hundreds of kilograms, slowly lifted off the ground. It rose a meter into the air before she released it. With a thunderous crash, the rock slammed back down, shaking the earth and sending small debris flying.

Lucy exhaled deeply, a satisfied smile tugging at her cherry-red lips as she surveyed her progress. The chilly breeze swirled around her, rustling the leaves and adding a sense of vitality to the quiet atmosphere.

“The basics are covered. Time to move to the next stage,” she muttered, flexing her limbs as a chill breeze swept through the clearing. Her body was ready to learn real weapon-manship, far beyond the basic swordsmanship taught at the Academy. It was time to dive into body strengthening, agility techniques, and a few magical barriers for defensive maneuvers. Mastering these skills was crucial if she was to truly wield Trace.

Techniques were the fundamentals; mana—the traces—were the missiles.

Lucy, or rather, Alberto, possessed extensive knowledge of various techniques: weapon-manship, body strengthening, agility—footwork, and magical defences. Many of the skills she had mastered in her past life might damage her current body since the techniques were molded for the "Monsterized Knight Physique and Blood." Yet, adjustments would be necessary for her new vessel.

To fully unlock her potential and utilize the vast knowledge accumulated from her past, Lucy needed to level up through the system. But for now, she focused on mastering these four core techniques before taking the Adapter’s license exam. She'd also need to find a new weapon; the sword she had been using had cracked after channeling high-density atmospheric mana.

Getting another low-grade sword wasn’t an option; it would likely shatter after one heavy use.

That’s when a memory sparked in her mind, something from her past life that now felt invaluable.

"I guess I'll go to the Interspecies Federation for that..." she smiled to herself, fully sheathing her battered sword. The night was almost over, and the first light of dawn painted the horizon. Maybe she could still grab a few hours of beauty sleep before the day began.

[Trace “Standby mode” had shifted to “Passive mode”]

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