The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 164: You're dead.

Han passed Haru on the left and walked back to the elevator before pressing the button to open the doors. A bell chimed out just before the doors opened and they both entered. The elevator went down to the ground level where Haru had come from but the inside of the entrance hall was silent.

Everyone who had been stood in there before had gone. They had all made their way to the banquet hall on the second floor were sounds of music and people chattering emerged from as they walked in the opposite direction. 

"Where are we going?" Haru asked. Han had started to lead him further away from the entrance yet the chattering and music seemed to be getting louder. 

"To the second entrance. The one with the grand staircase and fancy looking decorations is just for regular people. We have a backstage area where I will usually come from since it is right next to the meeting room." Han explained as the walked down the corridor and then got into another elevator. 

But this one only went up one floor before it stopped outside the meeting room. 

"Do you mind going ahead? I have to talk to a few friends for a while. And then I will come in and announce you as the new owner. So make yourself at home." Han said and then looked back at Haru.

"Sure, go ahead. I saw on the invitation that you had some professional chef cooking food. I will just go and get a head start on that while I wait. But where am I going exactly?" Haru asked. As far as he could see there were only two doors in this corridor. One was a double door that they were stood in front of and the other was a single door a few metres away from where they were stood. 

It might have seemed like an obvious answer but it was better to be sure that the other door led to the right room before he made his way in there. 

"My bad. This is your first time here. It's just through that door over there." Han pointed to the only other door on the corridor and then started to walk into the room in front of him. As the door cracked open a huge cloud of smoke came out as the smell of tobacco drifted into the empty corridor. 

"I won't belong." Han coughed before saying to Haru as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

Haru slightly chuckled. It brought him back to his days in the army for a moment. Everyone around him would smoke cigarettes constantly to calm their nerves in war. Although he never smoked himself he did enjoy the smell. He then walked along the corridor and through the single wooden door. 

As he entered the room he became speechless. The room was magnificent. The ceiling climbed high into the sky, giving the appearance that it was larger than it actually was but that surprisingly didn't take away from the size of the room itself. 

It was about fifty metres in length and nearly thirty-five in width and packed full of tables and chair which were spread throughout the whole length of the banquet hall. But despite the tables and chairs, there was still enough room for an open space for people to talk and line up for the buffet that was being held at the front. 

The wallpaper also added more of an illusion to the room being bigger than it actually was with long pale blue and white stripes and golden swirls in the shapes of flowers going up to the ceiling. 

The room as large as it was, would also give it a good chance for the lighting to be uneven but they had even thought about that with cuddles hung from every wall and three huge chandeliers in a line linear line towards the stage that looked down upon the seating area. Creating the most beautiful, brightest and most populated room Haru had ever been in. 

It was almost overwhelming but his emotions quickly changed when he spotted the food table at the front of the room. Without a second thought, he walked over there as fast as he could and collected a plate from the start of the line and then waited patiently for it to be his turn to be called up to take some food.

As he approached the chef he smiled politely after seeing that Haru was nearly drooling while looking at the pile of fried chicken that was being kept warm by the heat lamp hanging over them. 

"What can I get for you, sir?" The chef asked with the same smile. 

Haru didn't pay much attention to the chef though. He was too busy looking at the food splayed out in front of him. There was even a full tray of dipping sauces that he could choose from and his mouth watered at the thought of it. 

"Is there a limit to how much I can have?" Haru asked the chef with a sinister grin. The chef could see what he was planning as well. 

"No sir. You can take however much you want to." The chef smiled back and then picked up some plastic prongs so he could put the food on to the plate for him. 

"Then in that case. I will have some chicken please." Haru said and looked down at the pile of chicken under the lamp and watched as the chef put strips of fried chicken onto his plate one by one.

"Just tell me when to stop." The chef didn't seem to mind that Haru wanted it all. In fact, he seemed happy that his food looked so delicious that he wanted to take it all. 

The chef just kept on putting more and more onto the plate until the metal tray they were sat on began to show from underneath the remaining chicken.

"Stop. I want to leave enough for other people. But I will be back if there are any left by the time I finish." Haru picked up the plate and then took it to the sauce tray and began to pour barbecue sauce over the whole thing until the chicken on his plate looked like a volcano that had just erupted. 

He felt the eyes of many people in the cue staring at him as he made his way to an empty seat with his plate of chicken and then began to eat them with a fork that was laid out on the table where he had sat down at. 

The place where he had chosen to sit down was directly next to one of the many balconies in the room and as he tucked into his chicken he felt a cold hand on his shoulder come from behind him. 

"Haru? What are you doing here?" A deep rugged voice asked. Haru then turned around with his hand guarding his food to see that Andrew was stood there with a glass of wine in his other hand. 

"Uncle Andrew? I was invited to. And the food sounded like it would be good so I wanted to try it." Haru said, remembering that he had made it a point that Haru would call him uncle. Andrew then looked down at Haru's hands that were guarding the food on his plate. 

"No kidding. You took a lot of… Wait… Is that all chicken?" Andrew seemed surprised by the amount of food on Haru's plate and the fact that it was all chicken made him worry. The chicken was all cooked by one of the best chefs in the country and would probably be worth hundreds of yuan per strip. But Haru's plate was piled up like a mountain. 

"It looks like you are eating like a king tonight. Just don't make yourself sick or drink too much okay?" Andrew ruffled Haru's hair and then walked back out onto the balcony where a short old man met him by the door.

"Mr Hao, How are you doing? It's been a while." The old man said and then they both walked far enough away that Haru could no longer hear them. 

"WHAT! There is none left!? The only reason I came to this stupid thing is so I could taste Mr Wilson's legendary fried chicken once again!" The sound of a young man shouting made the room silent. Haru looked up to see a man who looked to be around the same age as he stood at the tray of empty chicken that he had just cleared out.

"Where did it all go!? Last time I walked past I saw it!" He shouted once more and then looked around the room before seeing Haru sat in the far corner with a strip of chicken hanging out of his mouth. 

"You! You're dead!" The man turned and then pointed at Haru with his index finger. A few of the people in the room turned to see the commotion before turning back away. 

"Oh, It's Lord Leung's son. You better not get involved." One of the people in the crowd said which averted their attention. Away from him. 

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