The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 165: Give them to me.

The young man walked over with a look of hatred on his face. His whole attitude and demeanour screamed that he was a spoiled rich kid but there was an overpowering sense of Qi coming from his body despite the fact he wasn't a cultivator. It was like he was constantly around strong cultivators and some of their abundant Qi rubbed off on him. 

'So that is why he decided to cause trouble here. He thinks just because he knows a few strong people that gives him the right to act like the world owes him a favour.' Haru thought as he ate more of the chicken strips in front of him. 

"How dare you! Do you know how much those chicken strips meant to me?!" The young man shouted just as he finally arrived at Haru's table.

Haru couldn't help but laugh. He didn't mean to but seeing how much he was overreacting to something like that made it even funnier to him so in response he picked up another piece of chicken with his fork and shovelled it into his mouth. 

"Mhmm… They taste amazing. I can see why you're upset. Too bad it's first come first serve." Haru smirked as he mocked the young man who was also drooling over the food in front of him.

"Give them to me." The man said as he looked down at the plate with still over twenty strips of chicken on. He licked his lips slightly before reaching out toward the plate with both of his hands. 


Haru slapped his hands up into the air as he tried to take his food. But he didn't really pay enough attention to how much power he was using and the young man stumbled back and fell over. 

"Y-You! I will kill you!" He shouted after rolling onto his back and sitting back up to look at Haru who shovelled more food into his mouth to mock the young man sat on the floor.

After hearing the young man's condescending attitude after just being put in his place Haru felt the same murderous frustration coat his body in a dark aura. He was sick of dealing with spoilt kids and arrogant old men to the point where he knew he would have to do something to make a name for himself pretty soon or it would continue to happen. 

He had been in shanghai for less than a week and already knew this would continue to happen unless he did something so he stood up from his seat and walked over to the young man who had now stood up. 

"Oh? Are you going to apologise? I'm afraid it's too late for that. You just struck me. Even my father has never hit me before. No matter what you do now you will die. Unless… You lick my shoes and call me boss from now on. I suppose I could let you…" The young man began to come up with an idea to make Haru his servant since he couldn't read the atmosphere.


Haru slapped him another time. This time across his face and with the intent to injure him. The young man flew three metres to the left before crashing into a set of table and chairs. The sound of them being knocked down like bowling pins drew the attention of everyone in the room now. 

"Hey stop!" A security guard dressed in all black shouted from one of the entrances to the room with his hand down by his side while clutching the grip of his pistol.

"Haru? What are you doing?" Andrew ran back into the room from the balcony and asked with a look of horror on his face as he recognised the young man lying on the ground. 

"Something I should have done a long time ago," Haru muttered to himself without properly responding to his uncle before walking over to the young man who was now lying on his back and clutching his ribs. 

"Do you really have a death wish!? Just wait until my father…" He didn't get a chance to finish the sentence before Haru stomped down on his leg producing a crushing sound as the bones in his thigh shattered from the pressure. 

A few screams from women in the room cried out as many of the spectators looked away after seeing the young man's leg bent a ninety-degree angle. But that was soon followed by the screaming of the young man as fragments of bone stuck into the muscle in his leg. 

"It's really unfortunate that you caught me on a day where I'm in a bad mood. If it was any other day I might have offered to share with you. But you're unlucky today." Haru said to him before taking another step and stomping on his left shoulder. 

A pop followed by a crunch sounded out this time as the shoulder dislocated before being crushed under Haru's foot. 

"You had better stop before you go too far." The old man who Andrew had previously spoken with, approached while releasing Qi into the air to try to suppress Haru. But unknowingly to him Haru was also a cultivator and was many times stronger than him.

So as soon as the Qi emerged from the old man's body Haru held up his hand and slashed down sending a Small shadow blade zooming toward the old man. Before the old man could even react a piece of the colour from his shirt fell to the floor and a small cut opened up on his neck.

"You're a cultivator!?" The old man shouted in shock before taking a few steps back.

"Yes, And you're a piece of shit. You tried to use your power to suppress a teenager just because you are a bit stronger than the rest of the population." Haru said in reply to the old man's outburst.

"I don't care if you are a cultivator! No one disrespects me like this! I was trying to save you from the consequences of your actions but you had to go and do something like that!" The old man shouted before charging toward Haru with his fist next to his head, preparing to punch him. 

The speed at which he moved was much faster than was perceivable by most of the people in the room but to Haru, it was like he was moving in slow motion and just as the old man got within proximity to attack. Haru lifted his leg and kicked the man in the centre of his chest.

A large boom reverberated through the room as his foot made contact with the old man and he was launched through the air back outside through the doors to the balcony and then over the guard rail, falling into the ten-metre drop from the balcony to the paved floor in the garden below.

"Haru! Don't go too far. You don't know what you are doing! The owner of this place isn't the type of person to forgive someone causing trouble at his business." Andrew warned Haru with a dumbfounded look on his face. He had known him for a few days at most and was now seeing his nephew in a possible life-threatening situation.

He didn't know what to do. He had promised Krista that he would look after her son but against the crimson spiders, Andrews influence would mean nothing. The only thing he could do now is try to get Haru to leave without causing any more trouble. 

But Haru didn't listen to his warning. He walked back over to the young man who was lying on the ground. 

"No, Stay away! It's fine you can have all the chicken! I'm not even hungry anymore!" The young man shouted before retreating back across the floor. Before suddenly stopping and then holding up a steak knife that had been knocked to the floor when he flew into the table. 

"Please! I'm sorry!" The young man shouted out as tears began to roll down his face. The pain didn't seem to bother him as much as the fear he was feeling as he looked up at Haru who was casting a shadow over him like the grim reaper lurking over someone who was close to death. 

"Sir, This is your last warning! I will shoot!" The security guard shouted as he walked closer to Haru while holding his gun towards him. But the warning was nothing to worry about. 

The spectators all began to scream and shout before running in different directions and dropping to the ground. 

"Haru! Just stop! This isn't a game!" Andrew shouted before stepping out in front of the guard who was aiming the gun at Haru.

"Sir stop!" The security guard panicked when seeing the stature of Andrew when he stepped out to block his sight. 


The gunshot rang out within the room with a deafening echo finding its way into everyone's ears. Andrew's vision went dark before he looked down to check himself for wounds. But he couldn't find any on his body at all. He then looked up to see Haru stood in front of him with his arm outstretched. 

As he looked closer at Haru he noticed that he was holding something between his fingers. And on an even closer inspection, Andrew realised that he was holding a bullet. The bullet that was just fired was caught by his nephew. A few of the spectators began to stand up, confused about what had just happened when suddenly the door to the room opened up. 

"What's going on!?" Han shouted as he came through the doors followed by ten other cultivators who were all at least at the manifestation stage. 

"Shit we're done for… Haru. You need to get out of here as fast as you can I will hold them off." Andrew whispered to Haru and then got into a defensive stance. 

"My son! Who dares to injure my son like this!?" One of the men by Han's side shouted before using a movement technique to travel the distance between them.

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