The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 179: Perfect Recollection.

Wind gathered into a whirlwind as he struck the wall but his leg was brought to a slow stop as the barrier reduced the power he had used. Green light filled the sky once again before a flash of light shot out toward Haru. 

The light moved much faster than he could follow with his eyes so he ended up blindsided as it curved to the right side of his body and hit him in the ribs before he could even realise what happened. 

"Oh what the…" He managed to say to himself before he felt the great pressure hit against his ribs, forcing his body up into the air before swiftly falling to the hard concrete below him. He lay on his back as he tried to gather the will power to get up and try again but he couldn't

Being beaten up by a wall was a bitter pill to swallow even for Haru. But at least now he knew that his house would be protected from most attacks on his current power level. He didn't see a reason to test it any further. What good would it do if he destroyed the array before he had the chance to even use it against an attacker?

A few minutes passed of Haru lying on the floor before the front door opened up. Yun stepped outside to look for Haru and almost missed him as she swept the driveway with her eyes. But she noticed him lay down on his back.

"Haru… Are you okay?" She asked hesitantly. She wasn't quite sure if he was breathing from this far away so her mind went to the worst possible outcome in just a split second. 

Haru popped his head up and then followed with his back to sit upright. 

"Yep, I'm fine." He said before getting to his feet and patting the dirt and debris from his clothes he looked up at the wall he had just kicked. There wasn't even the slightest scratch. 

'It seems sturdy enough' He thought before walking over to Yun.

"What happened? I heard a bang…" Yun asked when she saw him clutching his ribs as he walked. 

"Oh, Nothing. I just fell that's all. I lost my footing…" Haru played it off as if nothing happened. But Yun knew better than to trust his stupid excuses. She just sighed in response. 

"Well dinner is ready now. I couldn't find you inside so I figured you would be out here." She let him know and then both walked inside before sitting down to eat. After finishing their food a few hours passed and Yun headed into one of the spare rooms to sleep while Haru sat down in the living room. 

He wanted to make sure that his new vampire friend would behave himself. If not then he would have to pull a few more teeth. The reason he did it in the first place was just as a warning but he was also interested to see if it would work in making pills stronger like he had been told. 

So as he sat on guard he decided to try to make a few pills. He had learned how to control Kun's power so he didn't have to go outside in fear of burning the house down so he stayed put on the couch and pulled out all the materials he needed. 

One one-hundred-year-old ginseng, A branch from an oak tree that was possessed by an icy wisp and charred moss. These were the three ingredients that were needed to make a soul refining pill. 

Although he had been learning how to refine pills for almost as long as he had been cultivating. He hadn't improved much. Pill levels were split into seven different grades. With seven being the lowest quality and one being the highest quality. 

Haru had been learning for a few years yet he could still only refine grade six pills. It was hard for him to cultivate and refine pills since his cultivation would improve so quickly he didn't have time to keep up with his refining skills. 

He combined the materials in the palm of his hand and then began to use the phoenix flame to heat them to their desired temperature. He found since he was from a world where they could accurately measure the heat of things with instruments like a thermometer it was easier to make sure that the pill succeeded. 

So he taught himself to accurately determine the heat of something by touch. Since he didn't run the risk of burning himself he could touch the fire at will and would be able to fine-tune the heat on the go. It was something he came up with on his own and was praised by Lao for it. 

He had almost a one hundred per cent success rate because of this little trick and that was exactly what he planned to do with the materials he gathered in his palm. 

The ginseng had to be at a lower heat than the rest so he found it perfect to heat it to one hundred and twenty-eight degrees Celsius to defuse the water that was trapped inside and make it into steam. As for the moss and the oak branch they both had to be incinerated to the point where they became a fine powder so he held the heat on those two at six hundred and ninety degrees exactly. 

After he had tined them both into a fine powder he used the phoenix flame to carry the ginseng underneath the powdered mixture to let the steam from the water trapped within to fuse with the powder before quickly lowering the heat to ninety degrees to keep them warm enough while he heated the vampires tooth. 

He figured since it was a tooth it would need a high temperature to incinerate it but to his surprise as soon as the phoenix flame touched the tooth it began to dissolve into a liquid. He quickly moved the concoction he had just created underneath the tooth so he could let the liquid drip down into the damp powder. 

"I wasn't expecting it to turn into a liquid… No, I will have to let them dry out for a little longer." Haru said to himself as the last bit of the tooth mixed in with the other materials. He then formed four small pills out of the now soaked powder and held them into a circular shape within his palm while still blasting them with heat baking them into shape.

About fifteen minutes passed until the moisture was all absorbed and the pills were now finished. He opened his palm to see what he had just created and was taken back by the sight of the pills. Previously he could only create grade six pills but in his hand, there were three grade five pills resting on the crease of his fingers. 

He looked at the last remaining pill and felt a little discouraged as he saw the black discolouration on the surface. 'A failure huh?' He thought before taking a closer look to see that the small black pill had little red lines that swirled around it like veins. 

"Pill veins! Yes! That's amazing. I didn't fail after all! But what grade is this?" He asked himself as he looked at the pill. He couldn't tell since the highest grade of pill he had made before was only grade five. This one seemed so unfamiliar until a thought came to his head as he remembered when Li Jun showed him how to refine pills. 

"This is a grade three pill… How did I!? This has to be the power of adding a vampires tooth." Haru came to the conclusion since that was the only thing he had changed in his recipe. He kept the heats and materials exactly the same as what he was used to yet he managed to make a grade three pill by pure chance. 

When he started cultivating he took many soul refining pills and they helped him with things like memory and perception. But they soon lost their effect since his soul outgrew their effects. But he couldn't wait to see what would happen with this pill so he placed it on his tongue before swallowing. 

The pill was small enough to travel down his throat without any resistance at all but as soon as it entered his stomach. He felt his heart tighten as the pill begin to break down within his stomach, He felt like his head was expanding as the soul power began to fill his soul ocean and clashed against the Qi within his dantian. 

It was unlike anything he had felt before and suddenly all the knowledge he had stored in his brain had become clearer. It felt like it had now all travelled to the front of his brain and he was free to pick out memories and knowledge at will. 

This was by far the most overwhelming thing he had experienced since his bloodline awakening. But it didn't hurt at all. He now felt like all of the martial art skills he had been taught would now respond with his body perfectly. 

'This is what they call perfect recollection isn't it?' Haru remembered reading about rare cases of people being able to remember things with efficiency like looking at a photograph. It was called perfect recollection but was also known as a photographic memory.

As he sat in the living room going through his memories like an archive. A loud noise came from outside as the gates to his house were knocked wide open. A few seconds went by and Haru smiled lightly as a faint glow of green light reflected off the tv screen and the sound of a man screaming out in pain came from the driveway.

"I love that array!" Haru smiled before standing up and walking over to the front door. 

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