The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 180: I don't want to fight!

Haru unlocked the door before stepping outside to see the vampire he had met earlier in the day lying on his back within the darkness of the night. He looked up after hearing the door open to see Haru stood there and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of him.

"What is wrong with this god damn house! It just attacked me!" He shouted in outrage after his attack was returned to his body.

"You shouldn't try to break into someone's house then. You only have yourself to blame." Haru laughed at seeing his angered expression. It really was his own fault. If he had just rung the doorbell at the gate them maybe he wouldn't have been injured. 

"Break-in? All I did was knock on the door. I didn't try to break in at all." The vampire replied before getting back up to his feet. 

'So it is that sensitive? I wondered what it would take for the attack to be returned but it will even take a knock as an attack. That could be a problem' Haru thought. If he had visitors and decided to leave the gate open they would have to knock on the door to get him to open up. 

"Then you should have pressed the doorbell. You still trespassed on my property." Haru let him know that he was unwelcome. He also felt confused. Why did he come anyway? Did he want to continue to fight? Or was there something else? Maybe it was all just a distraction for him to let his guard down. But he couldn't know for sure without asking him.

"Why are you even here? What do you want? Did you want to pick up where we left off before? I don't mind plucking a few more teeth." Haru said and then smacked his fist against his palm to threaten him. 

"No, Wait! I need your help. I don't want to fight!" The vampire exclaimed. He didn't look like he had any animosity toward Haru but he still didn't feel comfortable enough to drop his guard completely.

"Speak. What do you want?" Haru asked. He wasn't sure what he could even offer him. And if it was something like exterminating another sect he would pass right away. Unless it was for something really valuable. The beast core turned out to be a dud so he definitely wouldn't work for something that would have no use to him anymore. 

"You said something about vampires before. Not the myth, I mean about the upper realm. My grandfather used to tell me about when I was a kid. I want to know more about it if you don't mind." The vampire said while looking at Haru with a look of longing. He just wanted answers. But for what reason?

Haru why he was here in shanghai and who knew of his existence here. Not everyone would be excepting to a vampire being in their city but Haru had the strength to fight him so it didn't really make a difference what he was. He wouldn't be able to harm him anyway. 

"Sure I can tell you what I know but I want to know a few things about you. Like why are you here and who else knows about you being here?" Haru explained to him and he seemed to think it over for a few seconds before agreeing. 

"I have no issues with that. So are you going to invite me in?" The vampire asked with a slight smile, mocking the old myth that he wouldn't be able to enter his house without being invited in. 

"Invite you into my house? Funny joke. My cousin is sleeping in there and I don't want a leech-like you having any funny ideas. Now follow me." Haru said to him and then began to walk around to the side of the house where a gate led to the back yard. 

They both sat down on chairs on the decking outside of glass doors that led inside the house and then began to talk. 

"So why are you here?" Haru started with his questions. He wanted to know if he would be a danger to anyone so he could take him out before anything happened.

"You're asking right away?" He asked and then looked at Haru, seeing the cold look in his eyes and then looked away quickly before starting his explanation. 

"Okay… Well, my name is Erstin Von Trier. From the family that established a town in Europe with our family name. And I came here to escape them. I come from a long line of vampires with my grandpa being the head of the family. He used to speak of many worlds out in the endless space above ours. He said we used to be treated like royalty where ever we would go. 

But now we are reduced to gutter rats. He picked this world to make his home here because he knew that he would never be found by the people who were pursuing him. That was almost three thousand eight hundred years ago. 

But when he came here it seemed that others had the same plan as him and he found dozens of his kind living here. Since my grandfather was the strongest of all of them they all gathered around him and decided that he would be their leader. 

That was when he met my grandmother who was the daughter of a family who decided to settle down here hundreds of years before he arrived for himself. They fell in love and had thirty-six children with my father being the eldest son so he has always been next in line to inherit my grandfather's position. 

So I escaped from the family to flee from the fight for the throne. Ever since I was young my aunts and uncles have tried to kill me countless times to make my father mad so he would do something unfitting of the successor. 

I have been living in many different places for decades. It is just a coincidence that I ended up here a few years ago and ran into a nice young man who helped me find a place to live. 

The old couple in my house was caught stealing money from him after he had given them that house. So I turned them into my slaves so they can live in eternal torture. Under his instructions of course. It wasn't my idea. 

And as for who knows that I am here? I tried to keep that as few people as possible so I would say only three people in total. 

One is the nice young man that I met all those years ago. His name is Ma Hanying. 

The other is called Zhu Tengfei. 

And the third person told me to never reveal her name to anyone since her family is famous in the capital. I met her because she came to me to kill me but then felt pity when I couldn't even put up a fight against her. She was in fact around your age if not a little younger…" Erstin explained everything before ending on a cliffhanger. 

"My age? And how would you know my age?" Haru asked with suspicion. Did he do a background check within the time that it took for Yun to fall asleep?

"Oh… Well, when you feed off the life energy of people. You can get a good understanding of how old they are and if they have any health conditions just by looking at them. It's nothing too accurate. I just know that you are under twenty years old and have a lot of life energy." Erstin smiled as he looked toward Haru's neck. 

"Then this girl. She was under twenty too? Haru asked.

"No at the time she was under sixteen but that was quite a while ago. Years kind of blend together for me but it shouldn't have been too long ago." He explained and then took his eyes from his neck and looked up to see the same cold look in Haru's eyes. He obviously wasn't entertained with the thought of having a bloodsucker sinking his teeth into him. 

"So a young girl with the strength to beat a vampire that has lived hundreds of years? That is pretty impressive. Was she called Hong Xia?" Haru asked with a growing suspicion that it was the famous young cultivator that he had heard a lot about already. 

Erstin's eyes widened upon hearing that name and his mouth opened slightly as he gasped. He looked at Haru with unspeakable fear and remained silent open being questioned about that particular name. 

"Thought so." Haru laughed breaking the silence. 

"You know her? Did she send you here to finish me off?" Erstin looked worried and put his hands on the armrest of the chair just in case he had to make a quick escape. 

"Nope. I just heard a lot about her that's all. There are lots of stories floating around about her and everyone seems to have a different experience with her. Anyway, you answered my questions. Are you ready to know more about your roots in the upper realm?" Haru asked. 

Erstin responded with just a nod and let Haru go onto explain. 

"Well first of all. Vampires aren't a different species or anything. You were originally a faction of the human clan's cultivators. The ancestor of your faction developed a cultivation technique that would allow him to absorb blood Qi. That is what you call life energy from the bodies of other humans. 

He then wanted to find a way to pass the cultivation technique down to his descendants so he engraved the technique into his blood with his Qi." Haru explained the origins of his people and then went on to tell him about the revolution they had against the human clan and how they were banished from civilization because of it. 

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